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Observation record – BTEC Higher Nationals

Student name: Phan Nguyen Thao Nhi (Charlene)

BTEC (RQF), Higher National Diploma in Business (Business
Unit number & title: Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project (MSBP)
Description of activity undertaken
You are required to Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on mean-
ingful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis.

This is to be presented in the form of presentation with speaker notes. The recommended word limit for
presentation is 1,000 to 1,500 words, including speaker notes, although you will not be penalised for
exceeding the total word limit.

Your presentation is to be presented to the stakeholders of Business project and presented in 10 minutes
followed by 5 minutes Q&A session.
Assessment & grading criteria

Criteria Comments
Present findings and data using appropriate tools and Clearly mentioned RO and RQ for the
techniques. project and established the link between
Communicate appropriate recommendations as a them.
result of findings and data analysis to draw valid and Gantt Chart: Good in allocating resources
meaningful conclusions. against each activity.
Evaluate the selection of appropriate tools and tech- WBS: You should allocate the expected cost
niques & justify recommendations against each deliverables/task.
RM: Quantitative, deductive, survey, cross-
Critically evaluate and reflect on the project out-
section, and convenience sampling.
comes, the decision-making process and
Data Analysis: Several analyses are
changes or developments of the initial project
insightful (mode of recruitment)
management plan to support justification of recom-
mendations and learning during the project. Research Reflection: Personal reflection and
Presentation Style & Visual Aids: (e.g., layout; several aspects are well presented. Good
appropriate amount of information; effective use of effort.
graphics; speaker notes; conforms to conventions in
grammar and spelling, communication skill, Q&A) Overall, it is found to be good presentation
and visual aids.
How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria
LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful.
conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis
Thao Nhi
Student signature: Date: 30 June 2021

Ananta Kar
Assessor signature: Date: 30 June 2021

Assessor name: Mr. Ananta Kar

Observation record – BTEC Higher Nationals

Version 1.0
October 2016

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