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watch this video in preparation for our first L10 meeting tomorrow.

May I nominate Princess to run the meeting to keep track of time and I can run the

Before our meet please go through our L10 working file and add what you can: 

1. Scorecard: what you think we should be tracking per week and who should be
accountable for this. I've added some but feel free to edit/change. 

2. Rock Review: Please go here and add everything you think has to be accomplished

between now and Feb 19 on the first slide. Nothing Business as usual. 

3. Issue List: Please add what issues need to be resolved for this week. Once we
come to meet, we can then add them to our todo list.

Let me know if you have any questions. @Mitzi Amurao  this will be via video call so
please make sure you will not be disturbed. 

Basic retail manager skills

should be a given
The rewards come when your crew exceeds your expectations, for example,
adding on to every sale, driving average check, and increasing the average
number of items in a sale. 

These are the things that should get the sales manager a bonus.

Any potential raises should be achieved by raising sales. Period. If you or

your manager don't have all these retail manager skills, hire to fill any

All managers hold the key to leading employees in the business's direction,
but this is especially true in a retail business. That's because management
wears many hats.
These seven retail manager
skills are essential for any
Whether you’re promoting from within or hiring externally, look for the right
skills to ensure your candidate is equipped for the job. While your best
candidate may have gaps or weaknesses, they should be willing to learn how
to be a successful retail manager and grow with your feedback. 

Retail management skills can be trained, but it’s ideal for your manager to
have a compatible personality type and extensive sales experience to draw
from. Here are the essential skills a manager should bring to a retail store.

1. Multi-tasking
Good managers must be able to oversee all the employees, keeping their
abilities and weaknesses in mind while prioritizing multiple projects. I call this
being up the blimp, looking at the action on the field rather than being in the

That's the most effective way to develop and use their problem-solving skills.
The best managers multi-task and balance these priorities without losing

2. Decision-making
An effective manager can evaluate and decide which are crucial to the
success of your store. Retail often means actions must be acted upon quickly,
but making the right decision rapidly without mistakes means evaluating
information to weed through what is important and what isn't.

You don't want a manager who looks at a situation over and over without
making a decision - right or wrong. Keep one, and you'll lose sleep, profits,
and many sales opportunities.
3. Leadership
The best managers know how to get the most out of their team by using their
people management, listening, and problem-solving skills to encourage their
associates and sustain employee engagement.

That means using judicious, constructive criticism instead of belittling them. It

means respecting others instead of "my way or the highway." It means leading
by example instead of doing as I say. These leadership skills inspire
employees to give their best.

4. Motivation
This goes hand-in-hand with leadership. To be effective as a team leader, you
must learn how to motivate retail employees. Even though I'm a
motivational speaker, my motivation to do well is internal. 

Successful retail managers can nurture that along with clear performance
expectations. Setting goals will keep managers focused on the long-term
success of your company.

5. Organizational skills
A manager must be able to look for areas in which the rules or procedures of
the company can be improved. Millennial employees are very good at seeing
these things when they first start, so be open to their problem-solving skills.

Streamlining procedures, hiring the best associates, training them correctly,

and cutting costs are several ways a good leader demonstrates these skills.

6. Effective communication
Only a small percentage of communication is the spoken word. Body
language, facial expressions, and tone of voice all combine with words to
convey a message.

The best managers have developed the ability to communicate the points they
are trying to make and truly listen to those around them. True communication
skill means having the smartphone off and eyes looking at the person as they
strive to hear rather than speak.

7. Making the first sale of the day

When your employees see them actively selling that first customer, it makes it
much harder for those associates to stand behind your counter and
groan, "No one's buying". 

Maybe that means waiting on several customers out on the sales floor until
they make that happen. Still, the example to your team is better than any
caffeinated drink, breaking news, or social media notification.

And this is on top of the most basic abilities to be on time every day, stay late
when needed without grousing, and pitch in when it is busy without having to
be asked.

And these skills give them the ability to create and sustain customer
experience excellence in their store.

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