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Diapositiva de análisis de proyecto 2




Diapositiva de análisis de proyecto 3
The vaquita (Phocoena sinus) is an endemic species of Mexico, inhabits the northern Gulf of California and is
considered Endangered (P) on the list of species at risk category in NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. .


The vaquita porpoise de análisis
(Phocoena dewhichproyecto
sinus) is a species about not much was historically 4
known. Its
first description, made in the first half of the 20th century, was based on the discovery of three skulls
found near San Felipe, Baja California. Some years later the entire skeleton was described when
entire stranded specimens were collected, but it was not until 1958 when it was formallyTareas

It is currently one of the most endangered species. It faces a decline in its population due to
different causes such as bycatch, increased fishing activity and limited population growth rate.

Being an endemic species (exclusive species in the region) and emblematic, important efforts are
made for its protection and conservation. Programaciones

Objetivos de

Diapositiva de
Currently, this species is in danger análisis
of extinction de
and according proyecto
to recent 5
reports there are only thirty individuals left, so it
is estimated that by 2021 the species could be extinct.27 This is due to the fact that the vaquita is trapped in illegal
gillnets, used to capture the totoaba fish; species in danger of extinction and with high value in the Asian market, due to
the fact that there are myths regarding its properties.

Studies have been carried out in the Gulf of Santa Clara, one of the three points where vaquitas live, these studies
indicate that gillnets cause around thirty-nine vaquita deaths per year. Which represents 17% of the total population
within this gulf.28

Even so, if the use of gillnets is prohibited in the vaquita refuge areas, which contain 50% of the vaquita's habitat, the
population will continue to decline, suggesting that a complete ban on the use of gillnets gill nets could be the solution
to preserve the vaquita.29

Other possible threats are habitat disturbance and contamination. The vaquita's habitat is small and the food supply in
the marine environment is affected by the quality and level of nutrients. The damming of the Colorado River has
reduced the flow of fresh water into the gulf, which is dangerous for the vaquita.14 In addition, the use of chlorinated
pesticides could have a detrimental effect. Despite these potential problems, most recovered vaquita carcasses show no
signs of thinning or environmental stressors, implying that the population decline is largely due to bycatch.

Diapositiva de análisis de proyecto 6

This porpoise is endemic to the northern end of the Gulf of California or Sea of ​Cortez. Vaquitas live in shallow
lakes along the shoreline, so deep that their backs protrude above the surface of the water. Most of the time, the
vaquita has been seen between 11-50 m depth at about 11-25 km from the coast, on silt and clay bottoms, rarely
seen beyond 30 km from the coast. Vaquitas tend to choose habitats with turbid waters, because they have a
high nutrient content. These nutrients help attract small fish, squid, and crustaceans for food. They are capable
of withstanding the high temperatures of the Gulf of California.
Diapositiva de análisis de proyecto 7
It is a public policy instrument of the federal government that arises from the global priority need to preserve the
vaquita. Its objective is to promote the protection and conservation of the species and its habitat. It is also a
response to the great pressure from environmental groups including: Mexican Center for Environmental Law
(CEMDA), Defenders of Wildlife, Greenpeace and the International Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita
Marina (CIRVA).34

To achieve its objectives, PACE-vaquita is committed to the technological and productive reconversion of the
Upper Gulf of California region. Likewise, it intends to implement shrimp fishing with a low environmental impact,
to allow the recovery of the vaquita population.35 These actions were taken due to the relationship found
between the old fishing gear and the incidental capture of vaquita.

The support of this program is carried out in the area of ​the Upper Gulf of California and Colorado River Delta
Biosphere Reserve. According to official data, the exercised budget was $37,246,468.00. 0.2% of the actions
carried out were focused on productive reconversion projects, 10.4% on technological reconversion, 12.7% on
responsible shrimp fishing activities, 8.4% on suspension of shrimp fishing with line seines and 68.3% in
biodiversity conservation activities. To receive support, it was necessary to have a valid permit issued by

Finally, it has been documented that the presence of PACE improved the regulation of fishing activity in the
Upper Gulf of California region.

Diapositiva de análisis de proyecto 8

Why They're Important- Vaquitas serve as an important food source for large predators in the shark family
and feed on smaller species in the food chain, such as fish, squid, and crustaceans, thus helping to sustain
those species. populations under control.

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