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SESSION: 2023 – 24
Class V
Holiday Homework (Integrated)

“it might be stormy now, but rain doesn’t last forever”
Summer Vacation is presumably the best season for all of you. It's the ideal opportunity for heaps of dessert,
time to remain at home and make some great memories with your friends and family. But dear kids, there is
much more you can do to make your vacation more fascinating , full and brimming with fun along with doing
everything that attracts you. Here is a "Summer Activity Treasure Box" only for you. It will without a doubt
shape you for a superior and fruitful anticipated year.


While your parents and we want you to have fun during summer break, we also want to you be thinkers
and doers. The following guidelines will help you to be both, while enjoying your freedom at the same
1. Learning doesn’t stop when schools close : Instead of spending time playing video games or on
facebook or watching TV, find other ways of entertaining yourself – learn a musical instrument like
guitar or keyboard, learn a hobby like origami or magic tricks, read novels, learn cooking, etc.
2. For every hour of electronics, you give one hour of play time: We are aware that it is very hot
during summer break .Play indoor games and keep yourself fit and healthy.
3. If you are bored, help out at home: You will get easily bored during the summer. Try helping your
parents in house chores. For example, Try cleaning your room and reordering it completely.
4. Reading is a must: Reading nurtures your soul. It not only enhances the knowledge acquired
but also develops the vocabulary, language skills and improves spellings. Some suggested books
you can pick up for reading are:
 The Blue Umbrella (Stories by Ruskin Bond)
 Our Nana was a nutcase(Ranjit Lal)
 Brown like dosas, samosas & sticky chikki (Rebecca Manari)
5. There is no sleeping all day and staying up all night: While it is common that you have
unstructured time during the summer, make sure you do not stay up all night and sleep during
the day. It is unhealthy and it will be hard for you to read just to regular school schedule at the
end of the vacation.
6. Make sure you make time for your parents: Watch a movie, play some indoor games and spend
more time with your family.



Art Integrated Learning
THEME Arts integration is an approach to teaching that integrates the fine and performing
arts as primary pathways to learning. Arts integration differs from traditional
education by its inclusion of both the arts discipline and a traditional subject as part
of learning.
The goal of arts integration is to increase knowledge of a general subject area while
OBJECTIVE fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of the fine arts and performing

Subject wise

Topic- Ch-1 Chuskit Goes to School
Objective – To enhance reading & writing skills, critical thinking, values of
ENGLISH empathy and compassion
Subject and Art integrated – English + GK + Visual Art
1. Research and write a paragraph about any one paralympic game. (150 words)
2. Draw and label a game court of the same and write about any two personalities
who have performed exceptionally well in that game. (80 words)
(Note: Paste pictures of the same.)
 On Time Submission – 2.5 Marks
 Content – 2.5 Marks
 Presentation – 2.5 Marks

 Mechanics: spelling, grammar, punctuation – 2.5 Marks

Topic – pSau

Objective – pSauAaoM ko mah%%va kao batanaa.
ihndI Subject and Art integrated –³ Subjects involved- Hindi and Sci.)
Project- 1. iknhIM paÐca palatU AaOr paÐca jaMgalaI pSauAaoM ko ica~ e4 SaIT pr banaakr yaa
icapkakr p`%yaok pSau ko baaro maoM ]nako rhna¹sahna ÊKana¹pana ÊbanaavaT tqaa ]nako
svaBaava ko baaro maoM dsa¹dsa pMi@tyaaÐ ilaiKe va ]sao AcCa¹saa sajaa[e.
2 ªivaSva pSau idvasaª kba manaayaa jaata hO tqaa ivaSva kI kao[- dao ivalauPt haotI pSauAaoM
kI p`jaaityaaoM ko ica~ icapkakr ]nako baaro maoM va hma ]nhoM kOsao bacaa sakto hOM¸ ek
AnaucCod e4 SaIT pr ilaiKe.
 p`stuitkrNa 2.5 Marks
 ivaYaya saamaga`I 2.5 Marks
 saRjana xamata 2.5 Marks
 samayainaYza 2.5 Marks

Topic- Factors and Multiples

Objective – Student will be able to differentiate between and LCM and HCF.
MATHS Subject and Art integrated – Maths + Science + Visual art.
Project –Make a model of HCF and LCM, take any two numbers and find the HCF
and LCM of the numbers.
Links for reference :-

 Presentation- 2.5 Marks
 Content- 2.5 Marks
 Neatness-2.5 Marks
 On time submission-2.5 Marks
SOCIAL Topic – Knowing my Country
STUDIES Objective – The topic is related to the chapter Major Landforms. Students will be
able to understand the culture of different parts of the country.
Subject and Art integrated – + Language and performing art.
Project- Pick any one state from the Deccan Plateau of India and try to learn some
dance steps of that particular state (either classical or folk dance) with the help of
YouTube. Write your experience of learning a new dance form in not more than 200
words. Also you can your picture while learning this new dance form.
This homework will be written in a paragraph form that will incorporate English
subject as well.
 On Time Submission – 2.5 Marks
 Content – 2.5 Marks
 Accuracy – 2.5 Marks
 Presentation – 2.5 Marks

Topic – SAVE EARTH: Effective Reuse of plastic- Innovative ways to reuse
SCIENCE Objective – To be able to reuse the discarded plastic materials present at home.
This hands-on project will enhance the creativity of the students in an effective
Subject and Art integrated – Science + Visual art
Project – Just like us, our waste also deserves a second chance and upcycling has
led to the emergence of an artistic movement, that is currently inspiring many
artists around the world to make something exclusive with its critical message
regarding environmental pollution.
Use trash material available at home. Below given pictures are just for your
references. You are free to use your creativity and make anything useful like
shopping bag, scenery, flowers etc

 Presentation-2
 Content- 2
 Neatness-2
 Accuracy- 2
 On time submission- 2


Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat: (Delhi-lakshadweep Islands and Andaman and Nicobar Islands)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands “Mini India”
The spirit of mutual understanding amidst a shared history has enabled a special unity in diversity, which
stands out as a tall flame of nationhood that needs to be nourished and cherished into the future.
The objective of this project is to -
1. Make the students aware of the vast and diverse culture heritage of our country.
2. Make them easily understand the varied cultures of India.
3. Establish cultural exchanges between people of different regions, as a means to further human
bonding and a common approach to nation-building.
4. Imbibe the Indian ethos through the integration of Indian art and culture in the teaching and
learning process at every level.
5. Strengthen the linkages between education and culture.

Andaman and Nicobar -"Emerald, Blue and You". Let’s explore this Indian Coral Island

The Andamanese and Nicobarese can be split into two broad tribal groups mainly based on their place
of origin.The Andaman Islands are home to four ‘Negrito’ tribes were as – the Great Andamanese,
Onge, Jarawa, and Sentinelese.Whereas the Nicobar Islands are home to two ‘Mongoloid’ tribes – the
Shompen and Nicobarese.
To create an awareness among the students about the different types of tribes found in Andaman and
Nicobar islands, the students of Grade V will collect information about different types of tribes found in the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands and their lifestyle and places of origin. This will enhance their knowledge
about this state.
1. Make a colourful project file
2. Draw/paste pictures
3. Make a cover page- Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat: The Andaman and Nicobar Islands
4. Content should be handwritten
5. Paste pictures of different type of tribes found in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Write few line about
their lifestyle and the places where they are found .
6. Mandatory heads to be covered in the project file - Geographical location, climate, places of
Interest and life in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
1. Content
2. Concept clarity
3. Handwriting
4. Submission on time
5. Overall Presentation

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