h23 Theatre Essay 2

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English 603-102-MQ Contemporary Theatre

Essay #2 assignment Length: 1000+ words

Take-home paper Due May 21st, 2023
 40% content
 30% organization
 30% expression (grammar, etc)
Technical points:
 Papers must be typed, and submitted online, through Turnitin.com
 Proper paragraphing and sentence structure is expected
 Quotes should be followed with the proper textual citation – in brackets,
author and scene OR page number. Ex: “Moments snap together […] forging a
chain of shackles” (Shaffer, 22).
 Essays are expected to include an introduction, as well as a conclusion.
 Essays require a clear thesis statement backed up throughout the essay by
references to the text and direct textual evidence.
 You must refer to the original text as your major point of reference.
 Go beyond summary – talk about the other elements of staging we’ve
 You are not permitted to use other online sources without prior approval.
 Papers 10% under the minimum will be penalized.

Suggested Topics: Develop a thesis in response to one of the below

1) According to 7 Stories, do we need to have a life’s purpose? What are the risks
and benefits? Where does purpose even come from?
2) How does 7 Stories use absurdity and exaggeration to make its point? What is
the point?
3) What does 7 Stories suggest about human connection and the need to
actually see and communicate with each other?
4) What is the meaning of Richard’s favourite comic book, in The Humans? How
is this a central symbol in the text – and how does it speak to a central theme
in the play?
5) What is the meaning of the title, The Humans? What is the play suggesting
about being human? Be sure to focus on specific examples from the text – and
to not talk too broadly about life.
6) What is The Humans suggesting about our relationship to our past?
7) Compare and contrast one of these two plays with any one other play we’ve
studied this semester, as they relate to a similar or shared theme. Suggested
topics would include themes related to finding purpose in life, forgiveness
and mercy, compassion vs. blind self-interest, toxic/problematic
relationships, or the source and solution to human suffering. So many other
topics are possible – if you’re up for this challenge. Be sure you’re not just
listing a topic – compare a thematic approach to this topic.

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