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Bxam-Eletrochemistry FormA Name. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question, 1) The more the value of Peg, the greater the driving force for reduction |A) exothermic B) extensive C) negative D) positive E) endothermic 2) Consider an electrochemical cell based on the reaction: 2H (aq) # Sn (9) + Sr2# (aq) + Hp (g) Which of the following actions would change the measured cell potential? A) lowering the pH in the cathode compartment B) ineteasing the pH1 in the cathode compartment C) increasing the [Sn2'] in the anode compartment 1D) increasing the pressure of hydrogen gas in the cathode compartment B) Any of the above will change the measure cell potential, 3) One ofthe differences between a voltaic cell and an electrolytic cells that in an electrolytic cel A) An electric current is produced by a chemical reaction B) Electrons flow towards the anode ©) A non-spontancous reaction is forced to occur 1D) Oxygen gesis produced at the cathode 5) A spontancous reaction produces an electrical current 4) ‘The purpose of the salt bridge in an electrochemical cel i to ‘A) provide a means for electrons to travel from the cathode to the anode. B) provide a source of ions to react at the anode and cathode. ©) provide oxygen to facilitate oxidation at the anode. D) providea means for electrons to travel from the anode to the cathode. E) maintain electrical neutrality inthe half-cells via migration of ions. 5) Which ofthe following species can not function as an oxidizing agent 2 A)CRO B)MnOj ONO3 bs Hr Table 20.2 Half-reaction EW) CBF (aq) + 3° > Crs) | 074 Fe2" (aq) + 2e- > Fe(s) | -0.440 Fe3+ (aq) + em = PRN) | 0.771 Sn4+ (aq) + 2e- + Sn2+(aq) | +0.154 6) The standard cell potential (E"cell) for the voltaic cell based on the reaction below is_ Sn2+ (aq) + 2Fe3* (aq) -» 2Fe2* (aq) + Sn** (aq) A) 40.46 B) -0.46 +138 D)-+121 B) +0617 7) Which ofthe following reactions will occur spontaneously as written? A) 3Ee (6) + 2Cr3* (aq) > 2Cr (6) + 3Fe2* (aq) B) Sn#+ (aq) + Fe2+ (aq) > Sn2* (aq) + Fe (s) ©) 3Fe2* (ag) + Fe (s) + 2Fe3* (aq) D)3Sn4¥ (aq) + 2Cr(s) + 2Cr3# (aq) + 38n2* (aq) B) Sn#* (aq) + Fe3+ (aq) Sn2* (aq) + Fe2* faq) 8) The standard cell potential (Ege) for the reaction below is +0,63 V, The cell potential for this reaction is V when { Zn2*] = 1.0M and [Pb2+] = 2.0 x 10-4 M, Pb2 (ag) + Zn (s) > Zn2*(aq) + Ps) Ay ost B)074 Coss p)052 £)063 9) What isthe coefficient of the permanganate ion when the following equation is balanced? MnOg- + Br + Mn2+ + Bry (acidiesolution) a3 BI o2 Ds Ba 10) Which of the following reactions is a redox reaction? (@) KxC0g + BaClz + BaCrOg + 2KCL (b) Pby2* + 2B > PbBe ©) Cu +S + Cus A) (a) only B) (b) only C){e)only D) (a) and (c) #)(b) and (c) 11) How many seconds are required to produce 1.0 g of silver metal by the electrolysis of a AgNO3 solution using a ‘current of 30) amps? A)32x103 B)30 oe D)37 x 10-5 F)27 x 104 Table 20 Half Reaction EW. F2 (g) + 2e7 ~ 2F> (aq) +287 Cy (g) + 2e> + 2CI- faq) +1359 Brg (1) + 2e~ -+ 2Br> (aq) 11.065 02 (g) + aH (aq) + de~ + 2HQO() 41.23 Ag +e > Ag®) 10.799 Fe3+ (aq) +e > Fe2+ (aq) 40771 1266) + 26° + Gag) +0/536 Cutt + 2e- + Cus) 40.34 2Ht + 2e- + Hp (g) 0 Pb + 2e- + Pb(s) 0.126 Nit + 2e- + Ni(s) meas +e lie 23.05 12) Which of the halogens in Table 20.1 is the strongest oxidizing agent? A)FQ Bk OB D) Ch E) Alll ofthe halogens have equal strength as oxidizing, agents. 13) is rectuced in the following reaction: C1g072-+ 669032 + UH -» 2:34 + 384062 + 7HQO A)Ht BY S203" )S4062- pcrs+ B) Crg072- 14) The half-reaction occurring at the anode in the balanced reaction shown belo SMnO4" (aq) + 24H1* (aq) + Fe (5) + 3Mn2+ (aq) + Ske3+ (aq) + 1ZHZOW. A) Fe(s) > Fe2*(aq) + 26 B)MnOg- (aq) + 8H (aq) + Se -» Mn2* faq) + 420 () ©) 2MnOg" (aq) + 12H (aq) + 66" + 2Mn2* (aq) + 3830 () D) Fe (s) > Re3*(ag) + 3° E) Fe2* (aq) ~» Bed* (aq) + e- 15) The standard cell potential (E°ce1}) of the reaction below is +0.126 V. The value of AG" for the reaction is, —____)/ mol, Pb(s) + 2H* (aq) + Pb2* (aq) + Hp (g) A) 24 B) +24 O-2 D) +12 ¥)-50 Answer Key Testname: ELECTRO CHEMFORM A2012.TST MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question, yo 2)E ac DE SE OE nD 8)D 9c 10) C 1)B 12) A 13) B 14) D 15) A Pree Response Electrochem-2010 @ cr. ‘ | —cu LOM Cr(NO,), 10M Cu(NO;); A; Which metal is the cathode? B- What additional component is necessary to make the cell operate? C= What function does the component in (B) serve? D- How does the potential of this cell change if the concentration of Cr(NO,)s is changed to 3.00-molar at 25°C? Explain. 2- In an electrolytic cell, a current of 0.250 ampere is passed through a solution of a chloride of iron, producing Fey and Cli. (a) Write the equation for the half-reaction that occurs at the anode. (b) When the cell operates for 2.00 hours, 0.521 gram of iron is deposited at one electrode. Determine the formula of the chloride of iron in the original solution. (©). Write the balanced equation for the overall reaction that occurs in the cell (@)_ How many liters of Cle), measured at 25°C and 750 mm Hg, are produced when the cell operates as described in part (b) ? (©) Calculate the current that would produce chlorine gas from the solution at a rate of 3.00 grams per hour.

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