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II. Management during the Operation Period

The most important resource that an enterprise must have is people.

Their existence is the main sustenance of the firm’s life. They help a firm make

a revolutionary contribution to the society through the continuous and hands-

on guidance of a leader. The team’s sound and adaptable management will not

only help in the determination of the enterprise’s societal contribution but will

also determine its span of existence.

Team management refers to the techniques, activities, and tools used

in enhancing the organization and coordination of a group of individuals

towards a common and collective desire- success. In this section, the

enterprise’s management will be introduced. The enterprise’s proponents and

management are proud Business Administration in General course majors from

the University of San Jose- Recoletos.

Organizational Structure

The organizational chart is a comprehensive illustration of the

enterprise’s management positions in terms of the degree of responsibilities.

Through the proper definition of authority, the effective management and

development of the team will be viable. The Securezza Enterprise’s

management ensures that authority is clearly oriented to the whole enterprise

so that the people in the enterprise will have the idea of the company holistic


Figure 3 shows Securezza Enterprise’s Organizational Chart.


Ms. Chastine D. Amparo

Owner/ Manager

LMAC Bags Tailoring


Ms. Reenah Lynne C. Ricafrente Mr. Christian Jay B. Quisagan

Sales Person Sales Person

Figure 3

The Securezza Enterprise

Organizational Chart

Job Title and Description

A job description is a written, formal document that spells out the details of

the responsibilities and tasks associated with a given position. The following are

duties and responsibilities of each member in the organization.

General Manager- Ms. Chastine D. Amparo

 Ensures the efficient and effective operations and management of the

business on a daily basis.

 Provides motivation and guidance to the employees.

 Ensures the viability of the business not only in terms of their product

benefactors but also in the community it occupies and affects in its

business operations.


 Maintains the transparency, reliability, and precision of the enterprise’s

books of accounts.

 Presents the monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports.

 Foresees and prepares the enterprise from the financial trends that it

may encounter.

Sales Persons- Ms. Reenah Lynne C. Ricafrente and Mr. Christian Jay B.


 Works for the effective and efficient operations of the business.

 Ensures the viability of the business on a daily basis through the

performance of their assigned tasks.

 Checks the quality of the product after its production.


 Helps in the packaging of the products after its production.

 Delivers the product to its display location and to online buyers through

the set meet ups.

 Hands over the products personally to the customers.

Subcontractor- LMAC Bags Tailoring

 Transforms the raw materials to its final physique.

 Controls and improves the quality of the product.

Business Description or Company Profile

The name of the enterprise is “Securezza Enterprise.” The enterprise’s

name came from the Italian translation of the word “security.” It is a sole

proprietorship under the ownership and management of Ms. Chastine D. Amparo.

It is engaged in manufacturing and distributing affordable and in disguise-form

products which will secure one’s personal belongings. Its slogan is: “The Protection

that Keeps You Going.” The enterprise’s production is contracted with LMAC Bags

Tailoring located at 5-1 El Filibusterismo Street, Cebu City. The display area is

located along the Natalio Bacalso Avenue, Basak, Cebu City. Its transactions are

made through personal and online selling. Its primary target market is the high

school students because according to their survey, they are prone victims of theft.

Vision Statement

The Securezza Enterprise envisions being a sought after, security-oriented

enterprise for their embodiment of simplicity, convenience and affordability in their

products without compromising its quality as they address the needs for security

and comfort of the people nationwide.

Mission Statement

To produce a simple, handy, good quality, yet an affordable product that

can be used in various ways in order to provide security in disguise and undeniable

comfort to its user.

Work Schedule

The enterprise will operate for 8 hours a day from Monday to Friday. It will

start from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The staffs are required

to come on time to perform their respective duties.

Management Policies and Regulations

To promote harmony and sound business, it is important that major policies

and regulations must first be established before starting normal business

operations. This will help assure the management that the business undertaking

must carry out effectively and efficiently.

These are the policies and regulations set for the proposed business


 The company expects each employee to maintain proper decorum.

Employees are expected to conduct themselves on the job in a manner

that contributes to operating effectiveness, productivity, safety and

harmonious work environment.

 The duty must be performed in good faith and a brief reporting of the

work done for the entire day must be given to the head office.

 Proper registers must be maintained for easy tracking and record


 No employee shall be under the influence of or using alcoholic

beverages during the work hours. Any employee arriving to work under

the influence of alcohol or illegal substance will not permit to work.

 The staff must strictly observe discipline and honestly performs their job.

 The staff is expected to report on duty punctually and regularly in

compliance with the working schedule of the business.

 Employees who will be late or absent from work must inform their

Supervisor at least two (2) hours prior to normal starting time.

 Employees who work late or on overtime must ensure that all lights, air-

conditions and equipment’s are shut off when they leave the work place.

 Dress code is to be followed strictly. Employees must wear their

uniforms at locations where uniforms are required. You are expected to

look neat and presentable while on the job.



The Securezza Enterprise is sole proprietorship in form and is owned by

Ms. Chastine D. Amparo. As the sole proprietor, she personally operates and

receives the income from the business. Despite the fact that the business’ ideation

was done with her proponents, she still has the legal authority to manage the

enterprise’s operations. The proponents have chosen this form of business

because of some advantages. It is owned and managed by a proprietor who has

the unlimited liability for its operations.

Sole-Proprietorship offers the following advantages:

 Lower cost of registration with government agencies and licenses

 Minimal capital requirement than other forms of business

 Minimal regulation and monitoring requirements

 Proprietor is the authority of the business

 Easy process in starting up, changing its form and winding up

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