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Policy Procedure Manual

13 August 2022 00 Title

Date Rev. Description Approved

Prepared by:



LOGO Date 13 August 2022

Rev. No. 00


Rev. No. Date Chapter No. Page No. Amendment Detail Reasons for Amendment

LOGO Date 13 August 2022

Rev. No. 00


Chapter Title Page No.

1. Statement of Purpose......................................................................................................6
Mission Statement.............................................................................................................................6
Philosophy, Purpose, and Objectives of the Home.............................................................................6
Young People with Challenging Behaviors..........................................................................................6
Name and Address of Responsible Body............................................................................................6
Details of Children to be Accommodated at the Home......................................................................6
Admission Criteria..............................................................................................................................7
Emergency Placements......................................................................................................................7
Organizational Structure of the Home...............................................................................................7
Deployment, Supervision, Training, and Development of Staff..........................................................7
Staff Experience and Qualifications....................................................................................................7
Facilities at the Home.........................................................................................................................7
Health Care.........................................................................................................................................7
Fire Precautions & Associated Emergency Procedures......................................................................7
Arrangements for Religious Observance............................................................................................7
Equal Opportunities and Anti-discrimination Practice........................................................................7
Working in Partnership with Parents and Families.............................................................................7
Visitors to the Home...........................................................................................................................8
Care and Control/Behavior Management..........................................................................................8
Procedure for Dealing with Children Missing from Care....................................................................8
Concerns and Complaints...................................................................................................................9
Child Protection and Bullying.............................................................................................................9
Consultation with Young People/Wishes and Feelings.......................................................................9
Leaving Care.......................................................................................................................................9

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2. Children’s Guide............................................................................................................10
Welcome to Safe Home - Shaping Lives!..........................................................................................10
What We Can Do for You..................................................................................................................10
What Are the Rules of the Home?....................................................................................................10
Your Own Bedroom Space................................................................................................................10
How Are You Feeling?.......................................................................................................................10
Your Keyworker................................................................................................................................10
If You Run Away (Unauthorized Absences)......................................................................................11
Discipline & Behavior.......................................................................................................................11
Fire 11
3. Introduction..................................................................................................................13
Purpose of the Manual.....................................................................................................................13
Scope and Application......................................................................................................................13
4. Registered Home Policies and Procedures.....................................................................14
Important Telephone Contacts.........................................................................................................14
Semi-Independent Provision - Key Principles...................................................................................14
Other Central HR Policies and Procedures.......................................................................................14
5. Admission and Moving on Procedures...........................................................................15
Administration of Young Person's Admission...................................................................................15
Admission Procedures......................................................................................................................15
Application and Documentation.......................................................................................................15
Pre-Admission Visit...........................................................................................................................15
Admission Decision...........................................................................................................................15
Administration of Young Person's Admission...................................................................................15
Individual Care Plan..........................................................................................................................16
Administration of Young Person Moving On....................................................................................16
Support and Preparation..................................................................................................................16

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6. Behavior Management Policy........................................................................................16

7. 20
8. Safeguarding Policy and Complaints procedure.............................................................20
9. Equalities Police............................................................................................................20
10. Location Risk Assessment..............................................................................................20


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1. Statement of Purpose
Safe Home is an emergency and out of hours’ home in the UK which accepts young people between the
ages of 10-18 who are vulnerable and at high risk of contextual safeguarding concerns, including
experiences of CSE and grooming. Our aim is to provide therapeutic intensive one-to-one intervention,
ensuring the safety of the young people in our care while promoting their well-being and development.
Mission Statement
Our Model aims to safeguard, build confidence and enhance the resilience of all young people we
Instilling the tools within them to excel in their adult life. Our three-pronged approach supports
and guides young people to self-actualize their goals and dreams. We teach, coach and mentor

young women and men to visualize what they're able to achieve. Our three-pronged approach
consists of Empowerment, Confidence and Self-Actualization. By empowering young people to
be the best that they can be, we help to shape and mould the women and men they become.
We focus on enhancing their resilience which helps them to cope, exceed and excel in there
adult life. We provide and create a range of tools, and tailor support and guidance to embed the
self-actualisation of the young people we engage, goals and dreams. This is achieved by
coaching and mentoring young women and men to visualise what they're able to achieve.
At Safe Home the safety of our residents is paramount. Considering this, we
take safety pertaining to Covid-19 very seriously and all our properties are subject to regular
cleaning and sanitisation especially in communal and high traffic areas.
Our staff have been trained extensively in keeping the resident's living space and their
workspace corvid safe.
Upon entry to our premise’s residents are provided with a welcome pack, moreover, the properties
are regularly checked due to the high turnover of young people to ensure all amnesties are in
working order and that any issues are swiftly resolved, and any repairs are managed as a priority.
Philosophy, Purpose, and Objectives of the Home
Safe Home is committed to safeguarding and enhancing the resilience of all young people we engage. Our
mission is to instill tools that will enable young people to excel in their adult life, empowering them to be
the best that they can be. We focus on enhancing their resilience, which helps them to cope, exceed, and
excel in their lives.
Young People with Challenging Behaviors
Safe Home is designed to support young people with challenging behaviors, including potential gang
activity and grooming, sexual exploitation, and drug pushing. We provide holistic emergency support that
ensures young people, especially young women, are safe and can achieve their best outcomes.
Name and Address of Responsible Body
Safe Home is run by a team of experienced professionals ranging from police, social workers, and
counsellors. Our home is based in East London and easily accessible.
Details of Children to be Accommodated at the Home


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Safe Home provides short-term accommodation for up to 7 weeks maximum for young people who need
emergency housing, which can include transition to a new accommodation or are deemed high risk and
unable to match at contextual Children's homes due to the risk and vulnerabilities to other young people.
Admission Criteria
We assess the needs of each young person to ensure that the placement and package of support is suitable
for the young person and the services involved. We work with services to support the young person into
post-18 accommodation.
We accept referrals from local authorities, social services, and other relevant services.
Emergency Placements
We provide emergency placements to young people who are at high risk of harm.
Organizational Structure of the Home
Safe Home is fully staffed 24 hours per day, and our accommodation is based across inner and outer
London. We carry out risk assessments and assess the needs of each young person to ensure that the
placement and package of support is suitable for the young person and the services involved.
Deployment, Supervision, Training, and Development of Staff
We ensure that our staff are trained extensively in keeping the resident's living space and their workspace
Covid safe.
Staff Experience and Qualifications
Our team comprises professionals from various backgrounds, including police, social workers, and
counsellors. We ensure that our staff have the relevant qualifications and experience required to provide
effective support to young people with challenging behaviors.
Facilities at the Home
Our 4-bedroom home is fully furnished and decorated to a high standard, providing a comfortable and safe
environment for young people in our care.
We provide a range of activities to engage young people and promote their well-being and development.
Health Care
We provide comprehensive health care support to young people, including access to medical professionals
and counselling services.
Fire Precautions & Associated Emergency Procedures
We have robust fire safety procedures in place to ensure the safety of all young people in our care.
Arrangements for Religious Observance
We respect the cultural and religious beliefs of all young people in our care and make arrangements for
religious observance.
Equal Opportunities and Anti-discrimination Practice
We are committed to promoting equal opportunities and anti-discrimination practice, ensuring that all
young people in our care are treated with dignity and respect.


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Working in Partnership with Parents and Families

At Safe Home, we recognize the importance of working in partnership with parents and families to provide
the best care for young people. We understand that families play a vital role in the lives of young people,
and their involvement in the care planning and decision-making process is crucial. Therefore, we actively
encourage parents and families to participate in the care planning process, attend reviews, and stay in
regular contact with us.
We believe in maintaining an open and transparent communication channel with parents and families to
ensure that they are informed about their child's progress and any significant events that may occur. We
understand that building a trusting relationship with parents and families is essential to providing quality
care for young people.
Visitors to the Home
Visitors are an essential part of a young person's life, and we encourage young people to maintain contact
with their friends and family members. However, to ensure the safety and security of all young people in
our care, we have a strict visitors' policy.
All visitors to the home must be authorized by the young person's social worker, and their details must be
recorded in the visitors' book. Visitors must sign in and out of the home, and their identity will be verified
by staff members. We will not allow any visitors to stay overnight without prior authorization from the
responsible body.
Care and Control/Behavior Management
At Safe Home, we believe in promoting positive behaviour among young people in our care. Our staff
members are trained to use positive behaviour management strategies that encourage young people to
make positive choices and take responsibility for their actions.
We understand that young people in our care may display challenging behaviour, and we have procedures
in place to manage such behaviour safely and appropriately. Our staff members are trained in de-
escalation techniques and will use physical restraint only as a last resort to ensure the safety of young
people and staff members.
At Safe Home, we recognize that physical restraint is a sensitive issue and that it must be used only in
exceptional circumstances. Our staff members are trained in the safe use of restraint techniques and will
use physical restraint only as a last resort when all other alternatives have been exhausted.
We understand that the use of restraint can be distressing for young people and will ensure that restraint
is used in the least restrictive way possible. We will review any incidents of restraint and provide a full
debriefing to the young person and their social worker.
At Safe Home, we use a range of sanctions to promote positive behaviour among young people in our care.
Sanctions are used to discourage negative behaviour and encourage young people to make positive
choices. We ensure that all sanctions are age-appropriate and proportionate to the behaviour displayed.
We will discuss any sanctions with the young person and their social worker and ensure that they
understand the reasons behind the sanctions. We will also review any sanctions regularly and ensure that
they are having a positive impact on the young person's behaviour.
Procedure for Dealing with Children Missing from Care
At Safe Home, we understand the risks associated with young people going missing from care. We have


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procedures in place to manage any incidents of young people going missing from our care, and we will
work closely with the police and other agencies to ensure their safe return.
We will review any incidents of young people going missing and identify any underlying issues that may
have contributed to the incident. We will also ensure that appropriate measures are put in place to reduce
the risk of further incidents.
Concerns and Complaints
At Safe Home, we welcome feedback from young people, parents, and families, and we have a robust
complaints procedure in place. We understand that concerns and complaints can be stressful for all parties
involved and will ensure that all concerns and complaints are dealt with sensitively and promptly.
Child Protection and Bullying
At Safe Home, we understand the importance of child protection and bullying prevention. Our staff is
trained to recognize and report any signs of bullying or abuse. We also have a rigorous risk assessment
process in place to assess the needs of each young person to ensure the placement and support package is
suitable for them. We work with services to support the young person into post-18 accommodation.
We believe education is crucial in empowering young people to be the best that they can be. Our staff
works with the young people to identify their educational goals and create an individualized plan to
achieve them. We also have a thorough understanding of young people who are deemed 'Looked After'
and need thorough Pathway Plans, Statutory Reviews, and ensure attendances and reports for all essential
We carry out regular reviews to ensure the young people's needs are being met, and we are providing the
best support possible. Our staff works closely with the young people to identify any issues and address
them promptly. We also work with the young people's families and other services involved to ensure they
are receiving the best care and support.
Consultation with Young People/Wishes and Feelings
At Safe Home, we understand the importance of consulting young people and considering their wishes and
feelings. We provide a safe space for young people to express themselves and be heard. Our staff works
with the young people to ensure they are fully involved in the decision-making process and their opinions
are valued.
Leaving Care
We work with the young people to support them into post-18 accommodation. Our staff helps the young
people to identify suitable accommodation and works with services to ensure they have access to the
necessary support. We also provide ongoing support to the young people to ensure they are fully equipped
to live independently.
Our directors at Safe Home all live within multicultural diverse areas of London and have worked within
numerous diverse Local Authorities. We celebrate diversity and ensure that all young people, regardless of
their background, feel valued and respected.
At Safe Home - Shaping Lives, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for young


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people who are vulnerable and at high risk of contextual safeguarding concerns. Our staff is trained to
provide the best care possible, and we work closely with services to ensure young people receive the best
support. We aim to instill the tools within young people to excel in their adult life and achieve their goals
and dreams.
2. Children’s Guide
Welcome to Safe Home - Shaping Lives!
Dear Children,
Welcome to our brand-new Young Children Health Care Center in London! We are thrilled to have you
here and want to ensure that your time with us is filled with happiness, growth, and a sense of belonging.
Our dedicated team is here to provide you with a safe and nurturing environment where you can thrive.

What We Can Do for You

At Safe Home, we are committed to taking care of your well-being and ensuring that you receive the best
possible care. Our experienced staff is trained to meet your individual needs, providing you with
personalized attention and support. Whether it's your physical health, emotional well-being, or
educational development, we are here to help you reach your full potential.

What Are the Rules of the Home?

To ensure a harmonious living environment, we have a set of rules that everyone must follow. These rules
are designed to promote respect, safety, and cooperation among all residents. Our staff will guide you
through these rules and explain them to you in a clear and understandable way.

Your Own Bedroom Space

We believe in the importance of having a personal space that feels like your own. Each of you will have
your own bedroom, where you can decorate and make it a comfortable and welcoming place for yourself.
It's a space where you can relax, reflect, and have some privacy.

How Are You Feeling?

Your feelings and emotions matter to us. We understand that everyone experiences different emotions,
and it's essential to express them. We encourage you to share how you're feeling with our staff, who are
here to listen, understand, and support you. Your well-being is our priority.
Your Keyworker
To ensure individualized care, you will be assigned a keyworker who will work closely with you. Your
keyworker will be there to listen, support, and advocate for you. They will be your main point of contact
and will help you navigate your time at Safe Home.

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying. We want to create a safe and inclusive environment
where everyone feels respected and valued. If you ever experience or witness bullying, please inform a
staff member immediately. We are here to protect and support you.
Equal Opportunities: We believe in equal opportunities for everyone. Regardless of your background,


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ethnicity, gender, or abilities, you will be treated with fairness and respect. We celebrate diversity and
encourage everyone to embrace their unique qualities and talents.

If you have any concerns or complaints, we want to hear from you. Our doors are always open for open
and honest communication. We value your feedback and will take it seriously to continuously improve our
If You Run Away (Unauthorized Absences)
Running away from Safe Home is dangerous and can put you at risk. We strongly discourage unauthorised
absences, as our priority is your safety and well-being. If you are feeling unhappy or have any concerns,
please talk to our staff, who are here to help.

Discipline & Behavior

We believe in positive discipline that encourages personal growth and responsibility. We do not use
prohibited sanctions or punishment to discipline you. Instead, we focus on guidance, understanding, and
helping you develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Fire safety is crucial to us. We have implemented strict fire safety measures, including regular fire drills
and the presence of fire extinguishers throughout the facility. Our staff is trained to handle emergencies
and will ensure your safety in the event of a fire.

Your friends and family are important to us. We welcome approved visitors who have been authorized by
your parents or guardians. All visitors must sign in and out and follow our safety protocols to ensure the
well-being of everyone in the center.
Keeping track of your progress and well-being is essential to providing you with the best care possible.
Our staff maintains a daily logbook called a "daily log" where they record important information about
you. This helps us keep track of your health, activities, and any special needs or requests you may have.
Rest assured that these records are kept confidential and are only accessible to authorized personnel.

We understand the importance of nutritious and delicious meals in promoting your growth and well-
being. Our multicultural staff team takes pride in providing a variety of cuisines to cater to diverse tastes
and preferences. We ensure that our meals are balanced, healthy, and prepared with care.

While you are living at Safe Home, we will engage you in a wide range of fun and enriching activities.
These activities are designed to promote your physical, emotional, and social development. From arts and
crafts to sports, music, and educational outings, there's something for everyone to enjoy and explore their


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In-House Activities Include:
 Creative arts and crafts projects
 Outdoor games and sports activities
 Music and dance sessions
 Storytelling and reading clubs
 Science experiments and educational workshops
 Movie nights and group discussions
 We believe that through these activities, you will not only have a great time but also learn new skills,
build friendships, and discover your passions.
 At Safe Home - Shaping Lives, we are dedicated to providing you with a warm and nurturing
environment where you can grow, learn, and thrive. Our team is committed to your well-being and
happiness. If you have any questions, concerns, or need support, please don't hesitate to reach out to
our caring staff. Together, we will create a safe and joyful home for you.

Once again, welcome to Safe Home - Shaping Lives! We are excited to embark on this journey with you
and look forward to creating wonderful memories together.
Best regards,
Safe Home - Shaping Lives


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3. Introduction
Purpose of the Manual
The purpose of this Policy Procedure Manual is to establish clear guidelines, standards, and procedures for
the operations and activities of Safe Home - Shaping Lives, a Children's Healthcare Center. The manual
serves as a comprehensive resource to ensure the consistent implementation of policies and procedures
across the organization. It aims to promote the safety, well-being, and optimal care of the young people
under the center's supervision.
Scope and Application
This manual applies to all staff members, volunteers, and stakeholders involved in the operations of Safe
Home - Shaping Lives. It provides guidance and instructions for carrying out various tasks and
responsibilities related to the care, support, and management of young people in the facility. The policies
and procedures outlined in this manual are binding and must be adhered to at all times to maintain a safe
and nurturing environment for the young people.
To facilitate clear communication and understanding throughout the manual, the following key terms and
definitions are provided:
Young People
Refers to the individuals under the care and supervision of Safe Home - Shaping Lives, typically children
and adolescents.

Semi-Independent Provision
Denotes the specific arrangements and principles governing the support and care of young people
transitioning to independent living within the center.

HR Policies and Procedures

Encompasses the central human resources policies and procedures that apply to staff members and
volunteers, covering areas such as recruitment, training, conduct, and safeguarding.

Placement Plan
A detailed and individualized plan outlining the specific needs, goals, and support requirements for each
young person in the center's care.

The measures and procedures implemented to protect the young people from harm, abuse, neglect, and

Risk Assessment
The process of identifying and evaluating potential risks or hazards that may pose a threat to the well-
being or safety of the young people.


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Abbreviation for Control of Substances Hazardous to Health, which refers to regulations and procedures
for the safe handling and storage of hazardous substances.

Abbreviation for Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, which outlines
the requirements for reporting accidents, incidents, and certain diseases in the workplace.
By establishing clear definitions, the manual ensures that everyone involved understands the terminology
used throughout the document and can effectively implement the policies and procedures outlined.

4. Registered Home Policies and Procedures

Important Telephone Contacts
The safety and well-being of the young people in Safe Home - Shaping Lives are of utmost importance. In
this section, a comprehensive list of important telephone contacts will be provided. This includes
emergency services such as police, fire department, and medical services, as well as key contacts within
the organization such as the designated safeguarding officer, on-call staff, and management personnel.
These contacts should be readily accessible to all staff members and prominently displayed in the facility
for quick reference during emergencies or critical situations.
Semi-Independent Provision - Key Principles
Safe Home - Shaping Lives recognizes the importance of supporting young people in their transition to
independent living. This section will outline the key principles and guidelines that govern the semi-
independent provision within the facility. It will cover areas such as eligibility criteria, assessment and
support planning, life skills development, education and employment support, financial management, and
promoting independence. The policies and procedures in this section aim to provide a structured and
supportive environment for young people as they prepare for life beyond the facility.
The foreword section provides an introductory message from the management or governing body of Safe
Home - Shaping Lives. It may include a statement of the organization's mission, values, and commitment to
providing quality care and support to young people. The foreword also serves as an opportunity to express
gratitude to the staff, volunteers, and stakeholders for their dedication and contributions to the well-being
of the young people in the facility.
Other Central HR Policies and Procedures
Safe Home - Shaping Lives operates within a larger organizational framework that includes various central
human resources (HR) policies and procedures. This section will outline the key HR policies and procedures
that are relevant to the operation of the Safe Home - Shaping Lives. It may include policies on recruitment
and selection, staff training and development, code of conduct, performance management, grievance
procedures, and disciplinary measures. These policies ensure that the staff members and volunteers
adhere to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and accountability in their roles within the
By addressing these sections, the Safe Home - Shaping Lives Policies and Procedures manual provides a
solid foundation for the efficient and effective operation of Safe Home - Shaping Lives, ensuring the safety,


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well-being, and positive development of the young people under its care.

5. Admission and Moving on Procedures

Administration of Young Person's Admission
Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for children in our child
care home, following the regulations set by Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and
Skills). This policy outlines the procedures for admitting young persons into our facility and facilitating their
smooth transition when moving on from our care.
Admission Procedures
Referral and Initial Assessment
Referrals for admission to Safe Home - Shaping Lives may come from local authorities, social workers,
parents/legal guardians, or other relevant professionals.
Upon receiving a referral, an initial assessment will be conducted to determine the suitability of our facility to
meet the needs of the young person.
The assessment will consider factors such as age, gender, special needs, cultural background, and any specific
requirements of the young person.
Application and Documentation
If the initial assessment indicates that Safe Home - Shaping Lives can provide appropriate care, an application
form will be provided to the parent/legal guardian or relevant authority.
The application form will require relevant personal information, medical history, emergency contacts, and any
other necessary details.
Additionally, all relevant legal and consent forms, including consent for medical treatment and sharing of
information, will be provided and must be completed before admission.
Pre-Admission Visit
A pre-admission visit will be arranged to allow the young person and their parent/legal guardian to familiarize
themselves with Safe Home - Shaping Lives.
During the visit, information about our facility, staff, routines, and policies will be provided.
The young person and their parent/legal guardian will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss any
concerns they may have.
Admission Decision
The final admission decision will be made based on the assessment, application, and pre-admission visit.
The decision will consider the best interests of the young person, the availability of appropriate resources and
staff, and the compatibility with existing residents.
The decision will be communicated to the parent/legal guardian or relevant authority in a timely manner.
Administration of Young Person's Admission
Welcome and Settling In
On the day of admission, a designated staff member will warmly welcome the young person and their
parent/legal guardian.
The staff member will provide a tour of the facility, introduce the young person to other residents and staff,


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and show them their assigned living space.

A settling-in period will be provided to help the young person adjust to their new surroundings.
During this period, staff will provide additional support, reassurance, and information to ensure a smooth
Individual Care Plan
Within the first week of admission, an individual care plan will be developed for each young person.
The care plan will be created in consultation with the young person, their parent/legal guardian, relevant
professionals, and staff members.
The plan will outline the young person's specific needs, goals, support requirements, and any necessary
adaptations to the facility or routines.
Administration of Young Person Moving On
Transition Planning
When a young person is ready to move on from Safe Home - Shaping Lives, a transition plan will be developed.
The plan will be created collaboratively, involving the young person, their parent/legal guardian, relevant
professionals, and staff members.
The transition plan will consider the young person's educational, vocational, housing, and support needs in
preparation for their move.
Support and Preparation
Safe Home - Shaping Lives will provide the necessary support and guidance to prepare the young person for
their transition.
This may include helping them with applications for further education, training, or employment opportunities.
6. Behavior Management Policy
Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for children in our care.
Our Behavior Management Policy aims to promote positive behavior, encourage social and emotional
development, and create a harmonious atmosphere where children can thrive. This policy aligns with the
regulatory requirements set forth by Ofsted.
 To create a positive and inclusive environment that fosters respectful behavior among children, staff, and
 To promote self-discipline, self-regulation, and the development of appropriate social skills in children.
 To ensure that behavior management strategies are fair, consistent, and age-appropriate.
 To prevent and address challenging behavior promptly and effectively.
 To collaborate with parents/guardians in managing behavior and addressing any concerns.
 To provide ongoing training and support to staff members on behavior management techniques.
Positive Behavior Promotion:
 Encourage and model positive behavior by using positive reinforcement, praise, and recognition.
 Set clear expectations for behavior and communicate them to children, parents, and staff.
 Implement age-appropriate activities that promote self-esteem, empathy, and emotional intelligence.
 Provide a range of stimulating and engaging activities to minimize boredom and reduce the likelihood of
challenging behavior.


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 Foster a sense of belonging and community through group activities, circle time, and teamwork.

Consistent Approach:
 Establish a consistent approach to behavior management across all staff members.
 Ensure that all staff members understand and adhere to the agreed-upon behavior management
strategies. Regularly communicate and reinforce the policies and procedures related to behavior
 Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of any incidents, observations, or interventions related to
behavior management.
Positive Role Modeling:
 Staff members will act as positive role models for children, demonstrating respect, empathy, and
appropriate behavior.
 Staff will engage in effective communication techniques, actively listening to children and addressing their
 Encourage open and respectful dialogue between children, staff, and parents to promote a supportive
Challenging Behavior Intervention:
 Address challenging behavior promptly, emphasizing prevention and early intervention.
 Implement strategies such as redirection, positive reinforcement, and visual cues to manage challenging
 Utilize calm and non-confrontational approaches to defuse potential conflicts and de-escalate situations.
 Apply appropriate consequences or time-outs when necessary, ensuring they are proportionate to the
behavior and age-appropriate.
 Document and communicate any incidents to parents/guardians, ensuring their involvement in addressing
and resolving behavior concerns.
Collaboration with Parents/Guardians:
 Maintain open lines of communication with parents/guardians regarding their child's behavior.
 Share information on behavior management strategies, expectations, and any incidents promptly and
 Seek parental input and collaborate on developing consistent approaches to behavior management
between home and the childcare facility.
 Provide parents/guardians with resources, guidance, and support in managing behavior at home.
Staff Training and Support:
 Provide regular training and professional development opportunities to staff members on behavior
management techniques, child development, and identifying early signs of challenging behavior.
 Foster a culture of ongoing learning and reflection, encouraging staff to share experiences and best
practices. Offer support, guidance, and supervision to staff members dealing with challenging behavior
 Review and update the behavior management policy periodically to incorporate any new insights,
research, or regulatory changes.
Review and Monitoring:
This policy will be reviewed annually or as necessary to ensure it remains relevant and effective


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Health Care Policy

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of
children in our care. Our Health Care Policy outlines the procedures and guidelines that will be followed to
maintain a healthy environment, provide appropriate medical care, and promote the overall well-being of
children. This policy aligns with the regulatory requirements set forth by Ofsted.


1. To maintain a clean and hygienic environment that minimizes the risk of illness and infection.
2. To promote healthy habits and practices among children, staff, and visitors.
3. To ensure appropriate medical care and support is provided in case of illness or emergencies.
4. To establish effective communication channels with parents/guardians regarding health-related
5. To provide staff members with training and resources necessary to implement and uphold the
health care procedures.


1. Health and Hygiene Practices: a. Maintain cleanliness and hygiene standards by implementing
regular cleaning and sanitizing routines. b. Promote and educate children about good personal
hygiene practices, including handwashing, dental care, and proper nutrition. c. Ensure that there are
adequate handwashing facilities available, including soap, water, and disposable towels. d.
Encourage staff members to model and reinforce healthy habits and practices.
2. Illness Prevention and Management: a. Establish protocols for monitoring and identifying
symptoms of illness in children and staff members. b. Maintain up-to-date records of
immunizations and health information for each child in our care. c. Implement procedures for
exclusion and reintegration of children who are ill, following guidelines from local health
authorities. d. Notify parents/guardians promptly if their child shows signs of illness or has been
exposed to contagious diseases. e. Provide a designated area for children who become ill while in
our care, with appropriate supervision and comfort.
3. Medication Administration: a. Obtain written consent from parents/guardians for administering
prescribed medications, including proper dosage instructions. b. Maintain a record of medications
administered, including date, time, dosage, and any side effects or reactions. c. Ensure medications
are stored securely, out of children's reach, and properly labeled with the child's name and
instructions. d. Train staff members on safe and accurate medication administration techniques,
including the handling and storage of medication.
4. First Aid and Emergency Procedures: a. Designate trained staff members responsible for
administering first aid and responding to emergencies. b. Maintain fully stocked first aid kits in
easily accessible locations throughout the facility. c. Conduct regular drills and training sessions to
ensure staff members are familiar with emergency procedures, including evacuation plans. d.


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Develop and communicate emergency contact lists, including contact information for
parents/guardians, emergency services, and medical professionals.
5. Health Communication and Parental Involvement: a. Establish effective communication channels
with parents/guardians to exchange information regarding their child's health, medical conditions,
and allergies. b. Request and update emergency contact information for each child, ensuring it
remains current and easily accessible. c. Notify parents/guardians promptly of any incidents,
accidents, injuries, or illnesses that occur while their child is in our care. d. Seek parental input and
collaborate on health-related matters, including individual care plans or accommodations for
children with specific medical needs.
6. Staff Training and Resources: a. Provide staff members with appropriate training on health and
safety practices, including first aid, CPR, and emergency response. b. Offer regular professional
development opportunities to ensure staff members stay updated on current health care practices
and regulations. c. Maintain a library of resources and references related to health care, hygiene,
and child well-being for staff members

Education Policy

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is dedicated to providing a high-quality

educational program that fosters the holistic development and learning of children in our
care. Our Education Policy outlines the procedures and guidelines that will be followed to
create a stimulating and inclusive learning environment, promote age-appropriate curriculum,
and ensure effective teaching practices. This policy aligns with the regulatory requirements set
forth by Ofsted.


1. To provide a comprehensive and developmentally appropriate curriculum that

supports children's cognitive, physical, social, and emotional growth.
2. To create a positive and inclusive learning environment that nurtures children's
curiosity, creativity, and love for learning.
3. To implement effective teaching strategies and practices that cater to individual
learning needs and styles.
4. To engage parents/guardians in their child's education and maintain open lines of
communication regarding their progress and achievements.
5. To provide ongoing professional development and support to staff members to
enhance their teaching skills and knowledge.



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1. Curriculum Design and Implementation: a. Develop a curriculum framework that

reflects the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requirements and promotes learning
across all areas of development. b. Plan and implement a balanced and varied program
that includes both child-initiated and adult-led activities. c. Provide a range of learning
opportunities, including indoor and outdoor experiences, to stimulate children's
exploration, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. d. Incorporate cross-curricular
activities and themes that encourage creativity, imagination, and connections across
different subject areas. e. Regularly review and evaluate the curriculum to ensure it
remains relevant, engaging, and aligned with children's interests and needs.
2. Learning Environment: a. Create an inviting and well-organized learning environment
that reflects children's interests and supports their independent exploration and
discovery. b. Provide a variety of age-appropriate learning materials, resources, and
manipulatives that promote hands-on learning experiences. c. Designate spaces for
different learning areas, such as reading corners, art centers, and sensory play areas, to
encourage children's active engagement and participation. d. Ensure the learning
environment promotes inclusivity, cultural diversity, and respect for individual
3. Individualized Learning: a. Assess and identify each child's unique strengths, interests,
and learning needs through observations, assessments, and parent/guardian input. b.
Develop and implement individualized learning plans or accommodations, when
necessary, to support children with additional learning needs. c. Differentiate
instruction and learning experiences to cater to individual learning styles, abilities, and
preferences. d. Provide opportunities for children to set goals, make choices, and take
ownership of their learning.
4. Assessment and Progress Monitoring: a. Use a variety of assessment methods,
including observations, checklists, and portfolios, to gather evidence of children's
learning and development. b. Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of children's
progress, achievements, and areas for improvement. c. Regularly share assessment
information with parents/guardians, providing opportunities for parent-teacher
conferences and progress discussions. d. Use assessment data to inform future
planning, set learning goals, and adapt teaching strategies to meet individual and
group needs.
Parent/Guardian Involvement: a. Foster a collaborative partnership with parents/guardians,
recognizing their role as a child's first and most influential educators. b. Communicate
regularly with parents/guardians through newsletters, meetings, and digital platforms to
share information, curriculum updates, and upcoming events. c. Provide opportunities for
parental involvement in classroom activities, field trips, and special events. d. Seek and value


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parental input regarding their child's interests, cultural background, and individual needs to
ensure a holistic approach to education.

6. Professional Development and Support: a. Provide ongoing professional development

opportunities for staff members to enhance their knowledge and skills in early childhood
education. b. Encourage staff members to engage in reflective practice and participate in relevant
training, workshops, and conferences. c. Support staff members in staying updated with current
research, best practices, and educational trends in early years education. d. Foster a culture of
collaboration and sharing among staff members, providing opportunities for peer mentoring and
7. Continuous Improvement: a. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the educational program,
including curriculum, teaching practices, and learning outcomes. b. Seek feedback from staff
members, parents/guardians, and children to identify areas for improvement and implement
necessary changes. c. Conduct regular self-assessment and external evaluations to ensure
compliance with Ofsted regulations and standards. d. Utilize assessment data and feedback to set
goals, develop action plans, and continuously enhance the quality of education provided.
8. Safety and Well-being: a. Ensure that the learning environment and materials are safe, age-
appropriate, and regularly inspected for hazards. b. Promote positive relationships and a nurturing
atmosphere that supports children's social and emotional well-being. c. Implement strategies to
address and prevent bullying, discrimination, and inappropriate behavior. d. Provide opportunities
for children to develop self-regulation skills, conflict resolution strategies, and empathy towards
9. Record-Keeping and Documentation: a. Maintain accurate and confidential records of children's
attendance, progress, assessments, and any significant incidents or concerns. b. Comply with data
protection regulations and confidentiality policies when handling and storing sensitive information.
c. Regularly review and update documentation, including policies, procedures, and educational
resources, to reflect current practices and regulatory requirements.
10. Compliance with Ofsted Regulations: a. Ensure full compliance with the regulatory requirements
and standards set by Ofsted for early years education. b. Stay informed about any updates or
changes to Ofsted regulations and adjust policies and practices accordingly. c. Prepare for and
cooperate with Ofsted inspections, providing necessary documentation, evidence, and access to the

Review and Monitoring: This policy will be reviewed annually or as necessary to ensure it remains relevant
and effective, reflecting changes in educational practices, research, and regulatory requirements.

Permitted Disciplinary Measures (Sanctions)

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to maintaining a safe and
nurturing environment for all children in our care. This policy outlines the permitted
disciplinary measures, also known as sanctions, that may be implemented when necessary to
promote positive behavior and ensure the well-being of the children. All disciplinary measures


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will be implemented in accordance with the regulations and guidelines set forth by Ofsted
(Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines on the permitted
disciplinary measures that may be used by Safe Home - Shaping Lives. These measures
aim to promote appropriate behavior, encourage self-discipline, and maintain a safe
and respectful environment for all children and staff members.
2. Principles: a. Discipline measures should be proportionate to the child's age,
development, and the severity of the behavior. b. Discipline should always focus on
teaching appropriate behavior rather than punishment. c. Measures should be applied
consistently and fairly, taking into account individual circumstances and needs. d. The
welfare and well-being of the child must be the primary consideration at all times. e.
Discipline measures will be communicated clearly to children, parents/guardians, and
staff members.
3. Permitted Disciplinary Measures: The following disciplinary measures may be used
when necessary, as permitted by Ofsted regulations:

a. Verbal Warning: A verbal warning will be issued to a child to address inappropriate

behavior. The staff member will explain the behavior that needs improvement and discuss the
consequences of continued misbehavior.

b. Time-out: A time-out may be used as a temporary separation from the activity or group to
allow the child to calm down and reflect on their behavior. Time-outs will be brief and age-
appropriate, ensuring the child's safety and well-being.

c. Loss of Privileges: In situations where a child's behavior warrants consequences, specific

privileges or activities may be temporarily revoked. This measure will be proportionate to the
behavior, and the child will be informed of the reason for the loss of privileges.

d. Redirection: Staff members may redirect a child's behavior by guiding them towards
alternative activities or behaviors that are more appropriate and constructive.

e. Restitution: In cases involving damage or harm caused by a child's behavior, the child may
be required to take responsibility and make restitution. This may involve helping to repair the
damage or engaging in an activity to restore the harm caused.


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f. Withdrawal of Participation: If a child's behavior poses a risk to their own or others' safety, it
may be necessary to temporarily remove the child from an activity or group until they can
demonstrate improved behavior.

g. Parent/Guardian Involvement: When appropriate, parents/guardians will be notified and

involved in addressing the child's behavior. Their input and collaboration will be sought to
ensure consistency between home and the childcare setting.

4. Recording and Reporting: a. All incidents involving disciplinary measures will be

recorded accurately and objectively in the child's individual record, including the
behavior, the implemented measure, and any outcomes or follow-up actions taken.

b. If a disciplinary measure is used repeatedly or for a prolonged period, the management

team will review the situation and, if necessary, develop a specific behavior management plan
in collaboration with relevant professionals and the child's parents/guardians.

c. Serious incidents that involve the use of disciplinary measures will be reported to the
designated safeguarding officer, in compliance with relevant child protection procedures and

5. Training and Support: Safe Home - Shaping Lives will provide regular training and
support to all staff members regarding appropriate behavior management techniques,
positive discipline, and the implementation of permitted disciplinary measures. This
training will ensure that staff members are equipped with the necessary

Restrictive Physical Intervention Policy

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to providing a safe and caring
environment for all children in our care. This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for
the use of restrictive physical intervention, also known as physical restraint, when necessary to
ensure the immediate safety of children and others in accordance with the regulations and
guidelines set forth by Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and
Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for the appropriate and
responsible use of restrictive physical intervention to manage challenging behaviors
and prevent harm to children, staff, or others in the child care home.


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2. Principles: a. Restrictive physical intervention will only be used as a last resort when
there is an immediate risk of harm to the child, other children, staff, or others present.
b. The decision to use restrictive physical intervention will be made based on a careful
assessment of the situation and in compliance with legal requirements and Ofsted
guidelines. c. Restrictive physical intervention will only be used by trained staff
members who have received appropriate training and are competent in the techniques
and procedures.
3. Procedures: a. Risk Assessment: i. A comprehensive risk assessment will be conducted
to identify potential risks and triggers that may lead to challenging behaviors requiring
physical intervention. ii. The risk assessment will include strategies for prevention, de-
escalation, and alternative interventions to minimize the need for physical intervention.

b. Training: i. All staff members involved in the care of children will receive regular training in
de-escalation techniques, positive behavior management, and the use of restrictive physical
intervention. ii. Training will cover the legal framework, the principles of least restrictive
practice, ethical considerations, and techniques for minimizing the risk of harm during
physical intervention.

c. Consent and Communication: i. Written consent from parents/guardians will be obtained at

the time of enrollment, acknowledging that restrictive physical intervention may be used
when necessary to ensure the immediate safety of the child. ii. Clear and open communication
channels will be maintained with parents/guardians to inform them of any incidents involving
restrictive physical intervention and to seek their input and collaboration.

d. Documentation: i. Any incident involving the use of restrictive physical intervention will be
documented accurately and objectively, including the reason, the techniques used, the
duration, and any injuries sustained. ii. The incident report will be shared with
parents/guardians and kept as part of the child's individual record, in compliance with data
protection regulations.

e. Debriefing and Review: i. Following any incident involving restrictive physical intervention, a
debriefing session will be held with the staff members involved to discuss the incident, review
the techniques used, and identify areas for improvement. ii. The management team will
conduct a thorough review of the incident to assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of
the intervention, identify any patterns or underlying causes, and implement preventive
measures to minimize future incidents.


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f. Monitoring and Oversight: i. The management team will regularly monitor the use of
restrictive physical intervention, reviewing incident reports, and conducting spot checks to
ensure compliance with this policy and Ofsted regulations. ii. Any concerns or complaints
regarding the use of restrictive physical intervention will be promptly investigated and
addressed by the designated safeguarding officer.

4. Reporting: a. Incidents involving restrictive physical intervention will be reported to

Ofsted in accordance with their reporting guidelines. b. The management team will
maintain accurate records of all incidents and submit the necessary reports to
regulatory authorities as required.
5. Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in
managing challenging behaviors and promoting the safety and well-being of the
children in our care.

Recording of Files Pertaining

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is dedicated to maintaining accurate and
comprehensive records pertaining to the children in our care, their families, and the
operations of the child care home. This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for the
recording and management of files in accordance with the regulations and guidelines set
forth by Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) in the United

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to ensure the consistent and secure recording,
storage, and management of files pertaining to children, families, and the child care
home. This policy aims to safeguard sensitive information, facilitate effective
communication, and support compliance with regulatory requirements.
2. Procedures: a. File Creation and Maintenance: i. A separate file will be created for each
child enrolled in Safe Home - Shaping Lives. This file will include personal and contact
information, enrollment forms, consent documents, medical records, incident reports,
and any relevant assessments or evaluations. ii. Family files will be maintained to
record communication, parental consent, and other relevant information regarding the
child's family, emergency contacts, and authorized pick-up persons. iii. An
administrative file will be maintained to document licensing, staff records, policies,
procedures, staff training records, and any other administrative documents.


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b. Confidentiality and Data Protection: i. All files will be treated with the utmost confidentiality
and stored securely to prevent unauthorized access. Access to files will be limited to
authorized staff members. ii. Personal and sensitive information will be handled in compliance
with data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
and relevant national legislation. iii. Parents/guardians will be informed of the confidentiality
measures in place and their rights regarding access to and disclosure of information.

c. Documentation and Recording: i. All files will be accurately and promptly recorded,
ensuring the information is legible, dated, and signed by the appropriate staff members. ii.
Documentation will include but not be limited to enrollment forms, consent forms,
assessments, observations, incident reports, accident records, and communication logs. iii.
Information related to child development, milestones, achievements, and any specific needs
or interventions will be recorded as appropriate to support individualized care.

d. Retention and Disposal: i. Files will be retained for the duration specified by Ofsted
regulations and any applicable legal requirements. ii. Upon the child's departure from Safe
Home - Shaping Lives or the closure of the child care home, files will be securely stored for
the required retention period and then properly disposed of to maintain confidentiality and
data protection.

e. Access and Sharing of Information: i. Access to files will be limited to authorized staff
members who require the information for the purpose of providing care, ensuring the child's
safety, and supporting effective communication. ii. Information may be shared with external
professionals, agencies, or regulatory authorities when necessary and in compliance with data
protection regulations and parental consent.

f. Record Keeping Review: i. Regular audits of the file management system will be conducted
to ensure compliance with this policy, Ofsted regulations, and data protection requirements.
ii. The management team will review and update file management procedures as necessary to
reflect changes in regulations and best practices.

3. Training and Staff Awareness: a. All staff members will receive training on file
management procedures, including confidentiality, data protection, record keeping,
and compliance with Ofsted regulations. b. New staff members will receive orientation
and training on file management practices as part of their onboarding process. c.
Ongoing staff training and awareness programs will be provided to promote
adherence to the policy and enhance the understanding of file management


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4. Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices

Care and Placement Planning

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to providing high-quality care and support to
children in our facility. This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for care and placement planning,
ensuring that each child's unique needs, well-being, and development are effectively addressed in
compliance with the regulations and guidelines set forth by Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education,
Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a systematic and child-centered approach to care
and placement planning, ensuring that each child receives appropriate care, support, and guidance
during their stay at Safe Home - Shaping Lives.
2. Procedures: a. Assessment and Planning: i. Upon enrollment, a comprehensive assessment will be
conducted to gather information about the child's background, development, health, and any
specific needs or challenges. ii. The assessment will involve collaboration with the child's
parents/guardians, relevant professionals, and agencies involved in the child's care to ensure a
holistic understanding of the child's circumstances and support requirements. iii. Based on the
assessment findings, an individualized care and placement plan will be developed to address the
child's physical, emotional, social, educational, and developmental needs.

b. Placement Matching: i. When assigning a child to a specific placement within Safe Home - Shaping Lives,
efforts will be made to match the child's needs, preferences, and any specific requirements with the
available resources, staff expertise, and the overall environment of the home. ii. Consideration will be given
to factors such as the child's age, gender, cultural background, any known preferences or sensitivities, and
the compatibility with other children already placed in the home.

c. Continuity of Care: i. To promote stability and continuity for the child, efforts will be made to maintain
consistency in the child's primary caregiver, key staff members, and significant relationships. ii. Changes in
placement or staffing will be minimized whenever possible, and transition plans will be developed and
implemented to ensure a smooth adjustment for the child.

d. Individual Care Planning: i. Individual care plans will be developed for each child, outlining specific goals,
strategies, and interventions to address their unique needs. ii. The care plans will encompass areas such as
health and well-being, education, social development, emotional support, and any additional services or
interventions required. iii. Care plans will be reviewed and updated regularly, involving input from relevant
professionals, parents/guardians, and the child themselves as appropriate.

e. Multidisciplinary Collaboration: i. Collaboration and coordination will be fostered among professionals

and agencies involved in the child's care, including social workers, educators, healthcare professionals,
therapists, and any other relevant individuals or organizations. ii. Regular communication and sharing of


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information will take place to ensure a holistic approach to the child's care, address any emerging needs or
concerns, and promote effective intervention strategies.

f. Monitoring and Review: i. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to assess the
effectiveness of the care and placement plan and to measure progress toward achieving the identified
goals. ii. Regular reviews involving the child, parents/guardians, relevant professionals, and staff members
will be held to discuss the child's development, address any concerns, and make adjustments to the care
plan as needed. iii. Reviews will comply with Ofsted regulations and requirements for reporting and

g. Transitions and Discharge: i. When the child's placement at Safe Home - Shaping Lives comes to an end,
a transition plan will be developed and implemented to ensure a smooth transition to their next placement
or reunification with their family. ii. The transition plan will include considerations for ongoing support,
continuity of care, necessary documentation transfer, and collaboration with receiving agencies.

Countering Bullying

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to providing a safe and inclusive
environment for all children in our care. This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for
countering bullying behaviors, promoting positive relationships, and fostering a culture of
respect and kindness in accordance with the regulations and guidelines set forth by Ofsted
(Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for preventing and
responding to bullying incidents, ensuring the well-being and safety of all children
within Safe Home - Shaping Lives.
2. Procedures: a. Prevention Measures: i. The management team will implement proactive
measures to promote a positive and inclusive environment that discourages bullying
behaviors. This includes educating staff, children, and parents/guardians about
bullying, its impact, and strategies to prevent it. ii. The child care home will establish
clear expectations for behavior, emphasizing respect, empathy, and kindness through
written policies, codes of conduct, and age-appropriate discussions.

b. Staff Training: i. All staff members will receive training on identifying and addressing
bullying behaviors, including how to differentiate between typical conflicts and bullying
incidents. ii. Staff training will also focus on proactive strategies for fostering positive
relationships, conflict resolution, and promoting empathy and understanding among children.

c. Reporting and Response: i. Staff members will encourage children to report any incidents of
bullying they witness or experience, providing multiple channels for reporting such as


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anonymous reporting boxes, designated staff members, or trusted peers. ii. All reports of
bullying will be taken seriously and responded to promptly and appropriately. Staff members
will document and investigate each report thoroughly, maintaining confidentiality throughout
the process. iii. The child's parents/guardians will be informed of any reported incidents and
the steps taken to address the situation.

d. Support and Intervention: i. The child care home will provide appropriate support and
intervention to children involved in bullying incidents, both as victims and as perpetrators. ii.
Victims will be offered emotional support, reassurance, and strategies to build resilience.
Perpetrators will receive education and interventions focused on understanding the impact of
their actions, empathy building, and developing alternative conflict resolution skills. iii.
Collaboration with external professionals, such as counselors or therapists, may be sought to
provide specialized support when necessary.

e. Disciplinary Measures: i. Disciplinary measures will be implemented when necessary,

considering the severity and frequency of the bullying behavior. Such measures will comply
with the child care home's behavior management policy and adhere to relevant laws and
regulations. ii. Disciplinary actions will aim to educate, rehabilitate, and promote the child's
understanding of the consequences of their actions, rather than solely focusing on punitive

f. Awareness and Education: i. Regular awareness campaigns and educational activities will be
conducted within Safe Home - Shaping Lives to raise awareness about bullying, promote
empathy, and teach children appropriate ways to resolve conflicts. ii. Parents/guardians will
be involved in educational initiatives, receiving information and resources to support
conversations about bullying and its prevention at home.

g. Monitoring and Review: i. The management team will monitor and evaluate the
effectiveness of anti-bullying measures and intervention strategies regularly. ii. Incident
reports, feedback from children, parents/guardians, and staff members will be used to identify
trends, assess the impact of implemented measures, and make necessary adjustments to the
policy and procedures.

3. Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in
countering bullying and promoting a safe and inclusive environment.

Log Books and Statutory Recording



Rev. No. 00

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to maintaining accurate and
comprehensive log books and statutory records to ensure the safety, well-being, and effective
management of our child care home. This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for
the consistent recording and management of log books and statutory records in accordance
with the regulations and guidelines set forth by Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education,
Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a standardized approach to

recording and maintaining log books and statutory records, ensuring compliance with
legal requirements and providing a valuable source of information for effective
operation and oversight of Safe Home - Shaping Lives.
2. Procedures: a. Log Books: i. A central log book will be maintained to record significant
events, incidents, accidents, and any notable occurrences within the child care home. ii.
The log book will be kept in a secure and easily accessible location, ensuring
confidentiality and authorized access for staff members. iii. Entries in the log book will
be made in a clear, legible, and timely manner, providing accurate information about
the event, date, time, persons involved, actions taken, and any follow-up required. iv.
The log book will be reviewed regularly by the management team to identify patterns,
address concerns, and inform decision-making.

b. Statutory Recording: i. Statutory records will be maintained as required by Ofsted

regulations and other relevant legislation. These records may include, but are not limited to:

 Children's personal information and emergency contact details.

 Staff records, including qualifications, background checks, and training records.
 Safeguarding and child protection records.
 Health and medical records, including immunizations and allergies.
 Incident and accident reports.
 Fire safety and evacuation records.
 Risk assessments and risk management records.
 Complaints and feedback records.
 Equipment maintenance and inspection records.
 Documentation related to policies, procedures, and staff communications.

ii. Statutory records will be securely stored, ensuring confidentiality and compliance with data
protection regulations. iii. Records will be updated regularly, reflecting any changes, incidents,
or relevant information. It is important to maintain accurate, dated, and signed records. iv.
Retention periods for statutory records will be followed as required by Ofsted regulations and


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relevant legislation. Records will be securely stored for the specified duration and disposed of
appropriately when no longer required.

c. Review and Audit: i. The management team will conduct regular reviews and audits of log
books and statutory records to ensure their accuracy, completeness, and compliance with
regulations. ii. The review process will include verifying the quality of recording, identifying
any gaps or inconsistencies, and addressing any issues promptly. iii. External audits and
inspections conducted by Ofsted or other regulatory bodies will be facilitated, providing
access to log books and statutory records upon request.

d. Training and Staff Awareness: i. All staff members will receive training on the importance of
accurate and timely recording, as well as the specific requirements for maintaining log books
and statutory records. ii. Training will cover confidentiality, data protection, record-keeping
guidelines, and familiarity with relevant forms and templates. iii. Ongoing staff training and
awareness programs will be provided to promote adherence to the policy and enhance the
understanding of log book and statutory recording responsibilities.

3. Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in log
book and statutory recording in a child care home setting.


Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives recognizes the importance of maintaining
confidentiality in order to protect the privacy, dignity, and rights of children, families, and
staff. This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for ensuring the confidentiality of
sensitive information in compliance with the regulations and guidelines set forth by Ofsted
(Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for safeguarding

confidential information, promoting trust, and maintaining the privacy of individuals
within Safe Home - Shaping Lives.
2. Procedures: a. Data Protection and Information Handling: i. All staff members will
receive training on data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act (DPA), to ensure compliance with the
legal requirements for handling personal information. ii. Personal information will be
collected, stored, and processed in accordance with the principles of data protection,
including consent, accuracy, security, and limited access.


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b. Confidentiality Agreement: i. Upon employment, all staff members will be required to sign a
confidentiality agreement, acknowledging their responsibility to maintain the confidentiality
of sensitive information encountered during their employment. ii. The confidentiality
agreement will emphasize the importance of not disclosing or discussing confidential
information outside of the child care home, unless required by law or with explicit consent
from the individual involved.

c. Access to Confidential Information: i. Access to confidential information will be strictly

limited to authorized individuals who require the information to perform their job duties. ii.
Staff members will only access and share confidential information on a need-to-know basis
and in a secure manner, such as through password-protected systems or locked storage

d. Confidentiality of Personal Records: i. Personal records of children, families, and staff,

including medical information, contact details, and any other sensitive data, will be stored
securely and kept confidential. ii. Access to personal records will be restricted to authorized
staff members, and appropriate measures will be in place to prevent unauthorized access,
loss, or disclosure.

e. Sharing Information: i. Sharing of confidential information will be done in accordance with

legal requirements and professional guidelines, including obtaining informed consent from
individuals involved, unless there are safeguarding or legal concerns that require immediate
action. ii. Staff members will ensure that any sharing of information is done on a need-to-
know basis and that the recipient is also aware of their responsibilities regarding

f. Communication with Parents/Guardians: i. Clear communication with parents/guardians will

be established regarding the confidentiality of their child's information. ii. Parents/guardians
will be informed about the types of information that may be shared, the purpose of sharing,
and their rights to access and update their child's records.

g. Breach of Confidentiality: i. Any breach of confidentiality, whether intentional or

unintentional, will be taken seriously and addressed promptly. ii. Staff members who breach
confidentiality may be subject to disciplinary action, which may include verbal/written
warnings, retraining, suspension, or termination, depending on the severity and repetition of
the breach.


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h. Record Retention and Disposal: i. Confidential records will be retained in accordance with
legal requirements and best practices for record retention. ii. When records are no longer
required, they will be disposed of securely to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure.

3. Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in
maintaining confidentiality within a child care home setting.

Administration of Finance

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to maintaining transparent,

efficient, and accountable financial practices. This policy outlines the procedures and
guidelines for the administration of finance within the child care home, ensuring compliance
with the regulations and guidelines set forth by Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education,
Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for the responsible
administration of finances, including budgeting, record-keeping, and financial
reporting, to support the effective operation and financial stability of Safe Home -
Shaping Lives.
2. Procedures: a. Financial Responsibilities: i. The management team will designate a
qualified staff member to be responsible for the administration of finances, ensuring
they possess the necessary skills and knowledge. ii. The designated staff member will
oversee financial operations, including budgeting, invoicing, payments, and financial

b. Budgeting: i. An annual budget will be prepared, outlining projected income and

expenditure for Safe Home - Shaping Lives. ii. The budget will consider all relevant factors,
including staffing costs, facility maintenance, resources, training, and other operational
expenses. iii. The budget will be reviewed and approved by the management team, ensuring it
aligns with the goals and objectives of the child care home.

c. Financial Records: i. Accurate and comprehensive financial records will be maintained,

documenting all financial transactions and activities of Safe Home - Shaping Lives. ii. Financial
records will include income statements, invoices, receipts, payment records, bank statements,
and any other relevant documentation. iii. All financial records will be stored securely and be
easily accessible for auditing purposes.


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d. Payment and Invoicing: i. Payments to suppliers, contractors, and service providers will be
made promptly and accurately, following the approved procedures and terms of payment. ii.
Invoices received from suppliers will be reviewed, verified, and processed in a timely manner.
iii. All payments and invoicing will be recorded and reconciled with financial records.

e. Financial Reporting: i. Regular financial reports will be prepared and shared with the
management team to provide an overview of the financial status of Safe Home - Shaping
Lives. ii. Financial reports will include income and expenditure statements, balance sheets, and
any other necessary reports as required by Ofsted or other regulatory bodies. iii. Financial
reports will be accurate, reliable, and transparent, enabling effective decision-making and
ensuring compliance with financial regulations.

f. Internal Controls: i. Internal controls will be established and maintained to safeguard the
financial resources of Safe Home - Shaping Lives, mitigate the risk of fraud or
misappropriation, and ensure compliance with financial policies and procedures. ii. Internal
controls may include segregation of duties, authorization and approval procedures, regular
internal audits, and ongoing monitoring of financial activities.

g. Auditing and Compliance: i. Regular internal audits will be conducted to assess the
effectiveness of financial controls, verify the accuracy of financial records, and identify areas
for improvement. ii. External audits, as required by Ofsted or other regulatory bodies, will be
facilitated, providing access to financial records and cooperating fully with auditors.

h. Training and Professional Development: i. The designated staff member responsible for
finance administration will receive appropriate training and professional development
opportunities to enhance their financial management skills and stay updated on relevant
regulations and best practices.

3. Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in the
administration of finance within a child care home setting.

Repairs and Maintenance

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to providing a safe, well-
maintained, and comfortable environment for children, families, and staff. This policy outlines
the procedures and guidelines for repairs and maintenance within the child care home,


Rev. No. 00

ensuring compliance with the regulations and guidelines set forth by Ofsted (Office for
Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for the prompt,
efficient, and effective management of repairs and maintenance to ensure the safety,
functionality, and cleanliness of the facilities at Safe Home - Shaping Lives.
2. Procedures: a. Reporting of Repairs and Maintenance Issues: i. All staff members will be
responsible for promptly reporting any repairs or maintenance issues they identify
within the child care home. ii. A designated staff member, such as the facilities
manager or a specified contact person, will be responsible for receiving and
documenting the reports.

b. Assessment and Prioritization: i. Reported repairs and maintenance issues will be assessed
promptly by the designated staff member to determine their severity and urgency. ii. A
prioritization system will be established to address repairs and maintenance based on the
level of risk, potential impact on health and safety, and impact on the functioning of the child
care home.

c. Action and Resolution: i. Repairs and maintenance issues will be addressed in a timely
manner by qualified and authorized personnel. ii. Depending on the nature and complexity of
the issue, internal staff or external contractors may be engaged to carry out the necessary
repairs or maintenance. iii. All repairs and maintenance work will be completed in compliance
with relevant regulations, industry standards, and health and safety requirements.

d. Communication and Updates: i. Staff members will be informed about the progress and
completion of repairs and maintenance work relevant to their areas of responsibility. ii.
Regular updates will be provided to the management team regarding ongoing repairs,
maintenance activities, and any significant issues or delays.

e. Preventive Maintenance: i. A preventive maintenance program will be established to

minimize the occurrence of repairs and ensure the ongoing functionality of the child care
home. ii. Scheduled inspections, servicing, and maintenance activities will be carried out to
identify and address potential issues before they escalate.

f. Documentation and Record-Keeping: i. Detailed records of all repairs, maintenance work,

and associated expenses will be maintained. ii. Documentation will include work orders,
invoices, inspection reports, maintenance schedules, and any other relevant records. iii.


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Records will be stored securely and made available for review during audits or inspections by
Ofsted or other regulatory bodies.

g. Health and Safety Considerations: i. Repairs and maintenance work will be carried out in a
manner that prioritizes health and safety. ii. Appropriate precautions will be taken to protect
children, families, and staff during repair or maintenance activities, including the use of
warning signs, barriers, or temporary relocation if necessary.

h. Review and Evaluation: i. The effectiveness of the repairs and maintenance procedures will
be regularly reviewed and evaluated to identify opportunities for improvement and ensure
compliance with regulations. ii. Feedback from staff, families, and external inspections will be
considered to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the repairs and maintenance

3. Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in repairs
and maintenance within a child care home setting.

Fire and Emergency Procedures

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to providing a safe and secure
environment for children, families, and staff. This policy outlines the procedures and
guidelines for fire and emergency preparedness and response within the child care home,
ensuring compliance with the regulations and guidelines set forth by Ofsted (Office for
Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for preventing,

preparing for, and responding to fire incidents and other emergencies to ensure the
safety and well-being of all individuals within Safe Home - Shaping Lives.
2. Procedures: a. Risk Assessment: i. A comprehensive fire risk assessment will be
conducted in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and
other applicable regulations. ii. The risk assessment will identify potential fire hazards,
assess the level of risk, and establish appropriate control measures to mitigate the
identified risks.

b. Fire Prevention: i. Fire prevention measures will be implemented, including regular

maintenance of electrical systems, heating systems, and fire safety equipment such as fire
extinguishers and smoke detectors. ii. Staff members will receive training on fire prevention,


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including the proper storage and handling of flammable materials, the importance of keeping
fire exits clear, and the prohibition of smoking within the premises.

c. Emergency Evacuation Plan: i. An emergency evacuation plan will be developed, clearly

outlining evacuation procedures in the event of a fire or other emergency. ii. The evacuation
plan will include designated assembly points outside the building and procedures for
accounting for all individuals, including children, staff, and visitors, during an evacuation.

d. Fire Drills and Training: i. Regular fire drills will be conducted to familiarize staff, children,
and visitors with the evacuation procedures and to assess the effectiveness of the emergency
evacuation plan. ii. Staff members will receive training on fire safety, including fire prevention,
evacuation procedures, the use of fire extinguishers (if appropriate), and the responsibilities
assigned to them during an emergency.

e. Fire Safety Equipment: i. Adequate and appropriate fire safety equipment will be provided
throughout the child care home. ii. Fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, fire alarms,
emergency lighting, and other necessary equipment will be regularly inspected, maintained,
and tested in accordance with regulations.

f. Communication and Emergency Contact: i. Clear communication protocols will be

established to ensure effective communication during an emergency, including a chain of
command and designated individuals responsible for contacting emergency services. ii.
Emergency contact information for staff, parents/guardians, and emergency services will be
readily available and easily accessible.

g. Special Considerations: i. Special considerations will be taken into account for children with
specific needs or disabilities to ensure their safe evacuation during an emergency. ii.
Individual emergency plans will be developed in collaboration with parents/guardians to
address specific requirements and support the safety and well-being of children with special

h. Review and Evaluation: i. The fire and emergency procedures will be reviewed regularly to
assess their effectiveness, identify areas for improvement, and ensure compliance with
regulations. ii. Feedback from fire drills, inspections, and staff members will be considered in
the ongoing evaluation and improvement of the fire and emergency procedures.


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3. Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in fire
and emergency procedures within a child care home setting.

Countering Risks Associated with Size

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to providing a safe and secure
environment for children, families, and staff. This policy outlines the procedures and
guidelines for countering risks associated with the size of the child care home, ensuring
compliance with the regulations and guidelines set forth by Ofsted (Office for Standards in
Education, Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish measures to mitigate and address
risks associated with the size of Safe Home - Shaping Lives, ensuring the effective
supervision, care, and well-being of children, as well as promoting a positive and
supportive environment.
2. Procedures: a. Staff-to-Child Ratio: i. The child care home will maintain an appropriate
staff-to-child ratio as required by Ofsted regulations. The ratio will consider the age,
needs, and developmental stage of the children. ii. The staff-to-child ratio will be
consistently maintained and adhered to during all operational hours, including regular
activities, mealtimes, outdoor play, and field trips.

b. Staffing Qualifications and Training: i. All staff members will possess the necessary
qualifications, skills, and training to ensure the safety and well-being of the children in
accordance with Ofsted requirements. ii. Ongoing professional development and training
opportunities will be provided to staff members to enhance their knowledge and skills in
managing risks associated with the size of the child care home.

c. Supervision and Monitoring: i. Adequate supervision will be provided to ensure the safety
and security of children at all times, both indoors and outdoors. ii. Staff members will closely
monitor children's activities and interactions to identify and address any potential risks

d. Effective Communication: i. Clear communication channels will be established among staff

members to ensure effective coordination, particularly in situations where children are
distributed across different areas or rooms within the child care home. ii. Regular staff
meetings, briefings, and communication tools will be utilized to share important information,
concerns, and updates related to the size and operation of the child care home.


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e. Child Protection and Safeguarding: i. Robust child protection and safeguarding policies and
procedures will be in place to identify and respond to any concerns or risks related to the size
of the child care home. ii. Staff members will receive training on child protection and
safeguarding practices to ensure they can effectively counter risks associated with the size of
the child care home.

f. Health and Safety Measures: i. Health and safety measures will be implemented to minimize
risks associated with the size of the child care home, such as ensuring clear pathways,
maintaining unobstructed emergency exits, and conducting regular safety checks of the
premises. ii. Risk assessments will be conducted to identify and mitigate any hazards or
potential risks arising from the size and layout of the child care home.

g. Continuous Improvement: i. Regular reviews and evaluations of the child care home's
operations will be conducted to identify areas for improvement in countering risks associated
with its size. ii. Feedback from staff, parents/guardians, and external inspections will be
considered to enhance the effectiveness of the measures in place and ensure ongoing
compliance with regulations.

3. Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in
countering risks associated with the size of a child care home.

Health and Safety Policy

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy
environment for children, families, and staff. This policy establishes the procedures and
guidelines for maintaining health and safety standards within the child care home, ensuring
compliance with the regulations and guidelines set forth by Ofsted (Office for Standards in
Education, Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to create a comprehensive framework for

promoting and maintaining health and safety practices, minimizing risks, and
safeguarding the well-being of all individuals within Safe Home - Shaping Lives.
2. Procedures: a. Responsibilities: i. All staff members are responsible for adhering to
health and safety procedures and guidelines. ii. Designated staff members will have
specific responsibilities for overseeing health and safety, including risk assessments,
maintaining records, conducting training, and implementing control measures.


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b. Risk Assessment: i. A thorough risk assessment will be conducted regularly to identify

potential hazards and assess the level of risk associated with activities, premises, and
equipment. ii. Control measures will be implemented to minimize risks, and risk assessments
will be reviewed and updated as necessary.

c. Health and Safety Measures: i. Adequate measures will be implemented to maintain a safe
and healthy environment, including regular maintenance of premises, equipment, and
facilities. ii. All equipment and furniture will be safe, suitable for use, and regularly inspected
for potential hazards.

d. Staff Training and Competence: i. Staff members will receive appropriate health and safety
training to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out
their roles effectively. ii. Training will cover areas such as emergency procedures, risk
management, first aid, manual handling, and the safe use of equipment.

e. Emergency Procedures: i. Clear and effective emergency procedures will be in place to

address potential incidents, such as fire, accidents, medical emergencies, and evacuation. ii.
Emergency drills will be conducted regularly to familiarize staff and children with the
procedures and assess their effectiveness.

f. Reporting and Recording: i. All accidents, incidents, and near-misses will be promptly
reported to the designated staff member responsible for health and safety. ii. Accurate
records of all incidents will be maintained, including the date, time, nature of the incident,
individuals involved, actions taken, and any follow-up measures.

g. Communication and Consultation: i. Clear communication channels will be established to

ensure effective communication of health and safety information to staff, parents/guardians,
and visitors. ii. Staff members will be encouraged to actively participate in health and safety
consultations, providing input, suggestions, and feedback to continuously improve health and
safety practices.

h. Review and Continuous Improvement: i. Regular reviews and evaluations of the health and
safety practices will be conducted to identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance
with regulations. ii. Feedback from staff, parents/guardians, and external inspections will be
considered to enhance the effectiveness of the measures in place.


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3. Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in health
and safety within a child care home setting.


Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is dedicated to safeguarding and promoting the
welfare of children in its care. This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for ensuring
the safety, protection, and well-being of children, in accordance with the regulations and
guidelines set forth by Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and
Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a comprehensive framework for

safeguarding children and promoting their welfare within Safe Home - Shaping Lives.
This policy aims to prevent abuse, protect children from harm, and provide a safe and
nurturing environment for their development.
2. Procedures: a. Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): i. A Designated Safeguarding Lead
will be appointed within Safe Home - Shaping Lives, who will have overall responsibility
for safeguarding and child protection. ii. The DSL will receive appropriate training and
support to fulfill their role effectively.

b. Child Protection and Safeguarding Training: i. All staff members, volunteers, and regular
visitors will receive training on child protection and safeguarding practices. ii. Training will
cover recognizing signs of abuse, responding to concerns, reporting procedures, and
understanding the local safeguarding arrangements.

c. Safer Recruitment: i. Robust recruitment procedures will be in place to ensure that all
individuals working with children are suitable and safe. ii. This includes conducting
background checks, verifying qualifications, and obtaining references.

d. Creating a Culture of Vigilance: i. All staff members will be encouraged to maintain a

culture of vigilance by actively looking for signs of abuse, neglect, or concerns regarding the
well-being of children. ii. Any concerns raised by staff members will be taken seriously and
addressed promptly.

e. Responding to Concerns: i. Any concerns or suspicions of abuse or neglect will be reported

to the DSL or the appropriate senior staff member immediately. ii. The DSL will follow the


Rev. No. 00

established child protection procedures, including recording and reporting concerns to the
local authorities as required.

f. Confidentiality and Information Sharing: i. Confidentiality will be maintained in line with

legal requirements and professional guidelines. ii. Information sharing will only be done on a
need-to-know basis and in compliance with data protection regulations.

g. Risk Assessment and Management: i. Regular risk assessments will be conducted to identify
and mitigate risks to children's safety and well-being within the child care home. ii. Control
measures will be implemented to minimize risks and ensure a safe environment for children.

h. Record Keeping: i. Accurate and up-to-date records will be maintained for each child,
including relevant personal information, emergency contact details, and any safeguarding
concerns or incidents. ii. Records will be securely stored and accessible only to authorized

i. Partnership with Parents/Guardians: i. Safe Home - Shaping Lives recognizes the importance
of working in partnership with parents/guardians to safeguard children's well-being. ii.
Effective communication channels will be established, and parents/guardians will be
encouraged to share relevant information and concerns regarding their child's welfare.

j. Staff Code of Conduct: i. A staff code of conduct will be established, outlining expected
behaviors, boundaries, and professional conduct when working with children. ii. Staff
members will receive training on the code of conduct and will be required to adhere to its

3. Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in
safeguarding children. Any updates or amendments to the policy will be
communicated to all staff members, and appropriate training will be provided as

Staffing Policy a. Staff Selection and Vetting b. Barring, Criminal Offences, and Staff Suitability c. Induction
and Training d. Staff Conduct e. Individual Support and Maintaining Boundaries with Young People and
Young People f. Allegations and Suspicions of Abuse - Reporting Concerns g. Concerns Regarding
Employees or Volunteers h. Receiving a Disclosure i. Use of Camera, Recording Equipment, and Mobile
Phones j. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) k. Responsibilities Summary

a. Staff Selection and Vetting:



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1. Safe Home - Shaping Lives will ensure that a thorough selection process is followed
when recruiting new staff members.
2. The selection process will include application screening, interviews, reference checks,
and verification of qualifications and relevant experience.
3. All staff members will be subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check in
accordance with legal requirements.
4. The recruitment process will be conducted in line with equal opportunities and anti-
discrimination legislation.

b. Barring, Criminal Offences, and Staff Suitability:

1. Safe Home - Shaping Lives will comply with the statutory obligations regarding the
barred list checks and the notification of criminal offences regulations.
2. Staff members will be required to disclose any criminal convictions, cautions, or other
relevant information as part of their vetting process.
3. Any staff member found to be on the barred list or with a relevant criminal history will
be disqualified from working with children.

c. Induction and Training:

1. All new staff members will undergo a comprehensive induction process, which includes
familiarization with policies, procedures, and the child care home's ethos.
2. Staff members will receive training on child protection, safeguarding, health and safety,
first aid, and any other relevant areas identified during the risk assessment process.
3. Regular training and professional development opportunities will be provided to
ensure staff members' skills and knowledge are up to date.

d. Staff Conduct:

1. Staff members are expected to maintain professional conduct and behavior at all times
while working at Safe Home - Shaping Lives.
2. Staff members must adhere to the staff code of conduct, respecting the rights, privacy,
and dignity of children, families, and colleagues.
3. Any breach of conduct or behavior that raises concerns will be taken seriously and
addressed following the appropriate disciplinary procedures.

e. Individual Support and Maintaining Boundaries with Young People:



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1. Staff members will receive guidance and training on maintaining appropriate

boundaries with young people to prevent any potential harm or abuse.
2. Support and supervision will be provided to staff members to ensure their emotional
well-being and to address any issues that may arise in their interactions with young

f. Allegations and Suspicions of Abuse - Reporting Concerns:

1. All staff members are obligated to report any allegations, suspicions, or concerns
regarding the welfare or safety of a child immediately to the designated Safeguarding
2. Reports will be made following the established child protection procedures and in
accordance with statutory guidelines.

g. Concerns Regarding Employees or Volunteers:

1. Safe Home - Shaping Lives will respond promptly and appropriately to any concerns
raised regarding the behavior, conduct, or suitability of employees or volunteers.
2. All concerns will be thoroughly investigated, following the designated procedures and
in line with statutory requirements.
3. Any necessary action, such as disciplinary measures or referral to the appropriate
authorities, will be taken based on the outcome of the investigation.

h. Receiving a Disclosure:

1. Staff members receiving a disclosure from a child about abuse or any safeguarding
concern should respond calmly, sensitively, and supportively.
2. Staff members must follow the established child protection procedures for reporting
and recording the disclosure, ensuring the child's safety and well-being.

i. Use of Camera, Recording Equipment, and Mobile Phones:

1. The use of camera, recording equipment, and personal mobile phones for capturing
images or videos of children in the child care home is strictly prohibited unless
authorized for specific purposes, such as record-keeping or educational activities.
2. Staff members must adhere to the organization's policies on the use of such
equipment, ensuring the privacy and safety of children.


Rev. No. 00

j. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS):

Safe Home - Shaping Lives will

implement the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) in accordance with legal
requirements and best practices. 2. Staff members will receive training on recognizing
situations where a child's liberty may be restricted and understanding the necessary
procedures for obtaining authorization if required.

3. Any restrictions on a child's liberty will be regularly reviewed and monitored to ensure
they are necessary, proportionate, and in the best interest of the child.

k. Responsibilities Summary:

1. All staff members have a responsibility to uphold the policies and procedures outlined
in this Staffing Policy.
2. The designated Safeguarding Lead is responsible for overseeing safeguarding practices
and providing support and guidance to staff members.
3. Managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that staff members receive
appropriate induction, training, and supervision.
4. Any concerns, allegations, or suspicions of abuse must be reported to the designated
Safeguarding Lead or the appropriate senior staff member.
5. All staff members must maintain professional conduct, respect boundaries, and
prioritize the well-being and safety of children in their care.

Note: This policy is intended to be read in conjunction with other relevant policies, such as the
Safeguarding Policy and the Health and Safety Policy, to ensure a comprehensive approach to
staff management and child protection within Safe Home - Shaping Lives.

3. Review: This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in
staffing and safeguarding. Any updates or amendments to the policy will be
communicated to all staff members, and appropriate training will be provided as

Appendix A - Behaviour Management Guidelines



Rev. No. 00

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to promoting positive behavior
and providing a safe and supportive environment for children in its care. This appendix
provides guidelines for staff members on effective behavior management strategies, in
accordance with the regulations and guidelines set forth by Ofsted (Office for Standards in
Education, Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Positive Behavior Management: a. Staff members will use positive reinforcement and
praise to encourage and acknowledge desired behaviors. b. Clear expectations and
boundaries will be communicated to children, ensuring they understand the rules and
consequences. c. Staff members will actively promote and model positive behaviors,
attitudes, and problem-solving skills.
2. Proactive Strategies: a. Staff members will create a structured and stimulating
environment that supports positive behavior. b. Clear and consistent routines will be
established to provide predictability and a sense of security for children. c. Individual
needs and preferences will be considered when planning activities, ensuring
engagement and reducing challenging behaviors.
3. De-escalation Techniques: a. Staff members will be trained in de-escalation techniques
to effectively manage challenging behaviors and defuse potential conflicts. b. Calm and
non-confrontational approaches will be used, focusing on listening, understanding,
and providing support to the child. c. Time-out or separation strategies will only be
used as a last resort and in line with the child's best interests.
4. Positive Reinforcement and Rewards: a. Staff members will use a range of positive
reinforcement strategies, such as verbal praise, stickers, certificates, or small rewards, to
motivate and reinforce desired behaviors. b. Rewards will be age-appropriate,
meaningful, and used consistently to encourage positive behavior.
5. Consequences and Limits: a. Staff members will establish clear consequences for
inappropriate behaviors, ensuring they are fair, consistent, and proportionate to the
behavior. b. Consequences will be communicated in a respectful manner, focusing on
the behavior rather than the child. c. Staff members will provide explanations and
guidance on how to rectify the behavior and make better choices in the future.
6. Recording and Reporting: a. Incidents of challenging behavior will be accurately
recorded, including the date, time, individuals involved, and a description of the
incident. b. Significant incidents or patterns of challenging behavior will be reported to
the designated Safeguarding Lead, following the established reporting procedures.
7. Support and Intervention: a. Staff members will work collaboratively with
parents/guardians to develop behavior support plans for children with persistent or
challenging behaviors. b. Referral to external agencies, such as educational


Rev. No. 00

psychologists or behavior specialists, will be made when necessary to provide

additional support and interventions.
8. Training and Continuous Professional Development: a. Staff members will receive
regular training and professional development opportunities on behavior management
techniques, understanding child development, and trauma-informed practices. b. Staff
members will stay updated on the latest research and best practices in behavior
management to enhance their skills and knowledge.
9. Review: This appendix will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in
behavior management. Any updates or amendments to the guidelines will be
communicated to all staff members, and appropriate training will be provided as

Appendix B - Types and Indicators of Abuse

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to safeguarding the welfare and
promoting the well-being of the children in its care. This appendix provides guidance on
recognizing and responding to different types of abuse, as outlined by Ofsted (Office for
Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Types of Abuse: a. Physical Abuse:

 Physical abuse involves deliberate physical harm or injury caused to a child. It
may include hitting, shaking, burning, biting, or any other form of physical

b. Emotional Abuse:

 Emotional abuse refers to actions or behaviors that undermine a child's emotional

well-being. It may involve constant criticism, humiliation, or the use of threats and

c. Sexual Abuse:

 Sexual abuse involves any form of sexual activity imposed on a child. It includes but is
not limited to sexual assault, rape, indecent exposure, or involving a child in

d. Neglect:


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 Neglect occurs when a child's basic needs, such as food, shelter, clothing, medical care,
or supervision, are consistently not met, resulting in harm or potential harm to the
child's health or development.

e. Bullying:

 Bullying refers to repeated and intentional aggressive behavior that may be physical,
verbal, or psychological, causing distress and harm to the child involved.
2. Indicators of Abuse: The following are indicators that may raise concerns about a
child's well-being. These indicators should be viewed in the context of the child's
behavior and circumstances, and professional judgment should be exercised when
assessing them: a. Unexplained or suspicious injuries, bruises, or marks on a child's
body. b. Frequent or unexplained absences from the child care home or school. c.
Sudden changes in behavior, mood, or attitude, such as withdrawal, aggression, or
excessive fear. d. Inappropriate sexual knowledge or behavior, especially beyond the
child's age and development. e. Poor personal hygiene or unattended medical or
dental needs. f. Consistent hunger, malnutrition, or inappropriate clothing for the
weather. g. Overly compliant or submissive behavior, displaying a fear of parents or
caregivers. h. Disclosure by the child of abuse or mistreatment, either directly or
indirectly. i. Witnessing abusive behavior between adults in the child's environment. j.
Lack of social relationships or isolation from peers.
3. Responding to Suspected Abuse: a. Any staff member who suspects or receives
disclosure of abuse must act immediately in the best interest of the child. b. Maintain
confidentiality but never promise to keep secrets. Reassure the child that they did the
right thing by sharing their concerns. c. Record all relevant details, including dates,
times, locations, and what was said or observed. d. Report the concerns to the
designated Safeguarding Lead or the appropriate senior staff member, following the
established reporting procedures. e. Cooperate fully with any investigation or inquiries
by relevant authorities, providing all necessary information and support.
4. Training and Awareness: a. Staff members will receive comprehensive training on
recognizing and responding to different types of abuse, including the indicators and
appropriate procedures to follow. b. Training will be regularly reviewed and updated to
ensure staff members are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills. c.
Awareness sessions and resources will be provided to educate children and
parents/guardians on safeguarding and promoting their understanding of abuse and
appropriate reporting mechanisms.
5. Review: This appendix will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in


Rev. No. 00

safeguarding. Any updates or amendments to the guidelines will be communicated to

all staff members, and appropriate training will be provided

Appendix D - The Prevent Strategy

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to promoting the safety and well-
being of children in its care and plays an active role in safeguarding them from the risks of
radicalization and extremism. This appendix outlines the procedures and guidelines for
implementing the Prevent Strategy, as required by Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education,
Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Understanding Prevent: a. Prevent is a government strategy that aims to identify and

address the factors that may lead to radicalization and extremism, particularly among
vulnerable individuals, including children. b. The Prevent Strategy aims to safeguard
individuals from being drawn into terrorism, prevent radicalization, and promote
positive British values.
2. Awareness and Training: a. Staff members will receive training and guidance on the
indicators of radicalization and extremism, understanding the factors that may make
children vulnerable, and the necessary steps to take in line with the Prevent Strategy. b.
Training will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure staff members stay informed
about emerging trends and best practices.
3. Promoting British Values: a. Safe Home - Shaping Lives will actively promote and
embed British values, such as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual
respect, within its practices and activities. b. Staff members will foster an environment
where children feel valued and encouraged to develop a sense of belonging and
4. Identifying and Reporting Concerns: a. All staff members are responsible for being
vigilant and identifying signs of vulnerability or potential radicalization. b. If staff
members have any concerns about a child, they should report them immediately to the
designated Safeguarding Lead or the appropriate senior staff member, following the
established reporting procedures.
5. Record-Keeping: a. Incidents or concerns related to the Prevent Strategy will be
accurately recorded, including the date, time, individuals involved, and a description of
the incident or concern. b. Records will be securely stored in accordance with data
protection regulations and made available to relevant authorities if required.
6. Referral and Support: a. If there is a significant concern about a child's vulnerability to
radicalization or extremism, the designated Safeguarding Lead will make a referral to
the local authority's Channel Panel or other appropriate agencies. b. Safe Home -


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Shaping Lives will cooperate fully with any investigation or inquiries by relevant
authorities and provide all necessary information and support.
7. Confidentiality and Information Sharing: a. Staff members must follow the
confidentiality procedures outlined in the Confidentiality Policy and adhere to data
protection regulations when sharing information regarding concerns related to the
Prevent Strategy. b. Information should only be shared on a need-to-know basis and
with the appropriate authorities.
8. External Support and Partnerships: a. Safe Home - Shaping Lives will maintain strong
partnerships with external agencies, such as local authorities, the police, and the local
Prevent coordinator, to ensure effective implementation of the Prevent Strategy. b.
Staff members will collaborate with external professionals, seeking advice and
guidance when necessary.
9. Review: This appendix will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in
implementing the Prevent Strategy. Any updates or amendments to the procedures
will be communicated to all staff members, and appropriate training will be provided
as needed.

Appendix E - LADO Workflow

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to safeguarding children in its care
and has a clear procedure in place for handling allegations against staff members or
volunteers. This appendix outlines the workflow for managing such allegations in accordance
with the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) procedures as prescribed by Ofsted
(Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) in the United Kingdom.

1. Definition of the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO): The LADO is a designated
officer within the local authority responsible for coordinating and managing
allegations against staff members or volunteers who work with children.
2. Reporting Allegations: a. Any member of staff or volunteer who becomes aware of an
allegation against another staff member or volunteer must immediately report it to the
designated Safeguarding Lead. b. The designated Safeguarding Lead will promptly
report the allegation to the local authority's LADO, providing all relevant information.
3. Cooperation and Confidentiality: a. Staff members and volunteers involved in the
allegation must fully cooperate with the investigation and any subsequent inquiries
conducted by the LADO or other appropriate authorities. b. Confidentiality must be
maintained throughout the process to protect the individuals involved and to ensure
compliance with data protection regulations.


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4. Initial Response: a. Upon receiving an allegation, the LADO will conduct an initial
assessment to determine the level of risk and the appropriate course of action. b. The
LADO may consult with relevant agencies, including the police and social services, to
gather additional information and make informed decisions.
5. Risk Assessment and Decision-Making: a. The LADO will conduct a thorough risk
assessment, considering the nature and seriousness of the allegation, the potential
impact on the child, and any immediate safeguarding measures that may be required.
b. Based on the risk assessment, the LADO will determine the appropriate course of
action, which may include suspension, temporary relocation, or other protective
6. Investigation: a. The LADO will oversee and coordinate any necessary investigations
into the allegation, ensuring it is carried out in a fair, impartial, and timely manner. b.
The LADO will keep relevant parties informed about the progress of the investigation
and provide support and guidance as required.
7. Outcome and Record-Keeping: a. Following the investigation, the LADO will determine
whether the allegation is substantiated, unsubstantiated, or requires further action. b.
The LADO will maintain accurate records of the allegation, investigation, and any
actions taken, ensuring they are securely stored and in compliance with data
protection regulations.
8. Communication: a. The LADO will communicate the outcome of the investigation to
relevant parties, including the designated Safeguarding Lead, senior management, and
the individual against whom the allegation was made, while respecting the
confidentiality and privacy of all parties involved.
9. Review and Learning: a. Safe Home - Shaping Lives will conduct an internal review of
the allegation and the handling of the case to identify any areas for improvement and
implement necessary changes. b. Staff members and volunteers will receive
appropriate support, training, and guidance to ensure they are aware of their
responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and managing allegations.
10. Review: This appendix will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in
managing allegations. Any updates or amendments to the workflow will be
communicated to all staff members, and appropriate training will be provided as

Appendix F - Reporting Workflow

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives is committed to maintaining a safe and
supportive environment for children in its care. This appendix outlines the procedure for


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reporting incidents, concerns, and accidents to ensure effective communication, appropriate

actions, and compliance with Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services
and Skills) regulations.

1. Incident, Concern, and Accident Reporting: a. All staff members and volunteers are
responsible for promptly reporting any incidents, concerns, or accidents they witness,
become aware of, or are involved in during their duties. b. Incidents, concerns, and
accidents include but are not limited to injuries, behavioral issues, safeguarding
concerns, health-related incidents, and any other significant events that may affect the
well-being of children or staff members.
2. Immediate Response: a. In the event of an emergency or urgent situation requiring
immediate attention, staff members should prioritize the well-being and safety of all
individuals involved. b. If necessary, staff members should provide first aid, call
emergency services, or take any other appropriate actions to mitigate risks and ensure
the immediate safety and well-being of children and staff members.
3. Reporting to the Designated Safeguarding Lead: a. All incidents, concerns, and
accidents should be reported to the designated Safeguarding Lead or, in their absence,
to the appropriate senior staff member. b. Staff members should provide a clear and
concise account of the incident, concern, or accident, including relevant details such as
the date, time, location, individuals involved, and any relevant background information.
4. Recording and Documentation: a. The designated Safeguarding Lead or senior staff
member receiving the report will accurately record the incident, concern, or accident
using the designated reporting form or system. b. The report should include all
relevant details and observations, any actions taken, and any subsequent
developments or follow-up actions.
5. Notification and Communication: a. The designated Safeguarding Lead or senior staff
member will assess the severity and nature of the incident, concern, or accident and
determine the appropriate individuals and authorities to notify. b. Notification may
include parents/guardians, external agencies (such as the local authority, Ofsted, or
relevant health services), and other staff members as necessary, while ensuring
confidentiality and data protection regulations are adhered to.
6. Investigation and Follow-up: a. The designated Safeguarding Lead or senior staff
member will initiate an investigation or take appropriate actions based on the severity
and nature of the incident, concern, or accident. b. The investigation may involve
gathering additional information, speaking with witnesses, consulting external
agencies, and implementing necessary measures to address the issue and prevent


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7. Review and Learning: a. Safe Home - Shaping Lives will conduct regular reviews of
reported incidents, concerns, and accidents to identify any patterns, trends, or areas for
improvement. b. Staff members will receive appropriate support, guidance, and
training to enhance their knowledge and skills in incident reporting, risk management,
and promoting a safe environment for children.
8. Review: This appendix will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure its
effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices in
incident reporting. Any updates or amendments to the workflow will be communicated
to all staff members, and appropriate training will be provided as needed.

Appendix G - Key Safeguarding Contacts and Information

Policy Statement: Safe Home - Shaping Lives recognizes the importance of having access to
accurate and up-to-date safeguarding information and contacts. This appendix provides a list
of key safeguarding contacts and information to ensure effective communication, prompt
action, and compliance with Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and
Skills) regulations.

1. Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): a. The Designated Safeguarding Lead is

responsible for coordinating and overseeing safeguarding procedures within Safe
Home - Shaping Lives. b. The DSL serves as the main point of contact for staff
members, volunteers, parents/guardians, external agencies, and relevant authorities
regarding safeguarding concerns.

Name: [Name of Designated Safeguarding Lead] Contact Details: [Phone number and email

2. Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: a. The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

supports the DSL in their responsibilities and acts as a backup in their absence. b. The
Deputy DSL is knowledgeable about safeguarding procedures and can be contacted in
case of emergencies or when the DSL is unavailable.

Name: [Name of Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead] Contact Details: [Phone number and
email address]

3. Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO): a. The Local Authority Designated Officer is
responsible for coordinating and managing allegations against staff members or


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volunteers who work with children. b. The LADO should be contacted in case of
allegations or concerns regarding the conduct of staff members or volunteers.

Name: [Name of Local Authority Designated Officer] Contact Details: [Phone number and
email address]

4. Local Authority Children's Services: a. The Local Authority Children's Services

department provides support and intervention for children in need or at risk of harm.
b. The department should be contacted in case of significant safeguarding concerns or
for advice and guidance regarding child protection issues.

Name: [Name of Local Authority Children's Services] Contact Details: [Phone number and
email address]

5. Local Police: a. The local police authority plays a crucial role in safeguarding and child
protection matters, particularly in cases of immediate danger or criminal activities. b.
The police should be contacted in case of emergencies, criminal incidents, or if there is
an immediate risk to the safety or well-being of children.

Name: [Name of Local Police Authority] Contact Details: [Emergency phone number]

6. Local Health Services: a. Local health services, including healthcare professionals, play a
vital role in supporting the well-being and safety of children. b. Contact information for
relevant health services, such as hospitals, clinics, and mental health services, should be
readily available for consultation or referral purposes.

Name: [Name of Local Health Service] Contact Details: [Phone number and email address]

7. Ofsted: a. Ofsted is the regulatory body responsible for inspecting and regulating
childcare settings to ensure compliance with safeguarding and quality standards. b.
Ofsted should be contacted for reporting serious incidents, concerns about the welfare
of children, or for updates and queries regarding regulatory requirements.

Name: Ofsted Contact Details: [Phone number and website]

8. Safeguarding Policies and Procedures: a. A copy of the Safe Home - Shaping Lives'
comprehensive safeguarding policies and procedures should be readily available to
staff members, volunteers, parents/guardians, and relevant authorities. b. The policies


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and procedures provide guidance on safeguarding practices, reporting mechanisms,

and roles and responsibilities.

Access: [Specify the location where the policies and procedures are stored]

9. Additional Contacts and Resources (continued): a. It is important to maintain an

updated list of local support services, helplines, and resources that can provide
additional support and guidance in safeguarding matters. b. This may include
organizations specializing in child protection, mental health services, helplines for
children and families, and other relevant agencies. c. The list should include contact
details, operating hours, and any specific instructions or protocols for accessing these
10. Communication and Training: a. All staff members, volunteers, and relevant
stakeholders should be made aware of the key safeguarding contacts and information
outlined in this policy. b. Regular communication should be maintained to ensure
everyone has access to up-to-date information and any changes to contact details or
procedures are promptly communicated. c. Safeguarding training should be provided
to staff members and volunteers to enhance their knowledge and understanding of
safeguarding practices and procedures, including the appropriate use of key
safeguarding contacts.
11. Review: This appendix will be reviewed annually by the management team to ensure
the accuracy of contact details and the relevance of included resources. Any updates or
changes will be communicated to staff members, volunteers, and relevant
stakeholders, and appropriate training will be provided as needed.
Arrangements for Regulating and Vetting Visitors
HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis B, and Serious Infections
Safer Recruitment Practices Policy
Support of Young People Who Have Been Abused
Rostering/Shift Handovers
Sleeping-In, Bed-Time, and Night Supervision
Physical Contact Between Staff and Young People
Spending One-to-One Time Alone with Young People
Care Practices Towards Young People of the Opposite Sex
Needs of Young People from Minority Ethnic Groups
Practices in the Home to Combat Racism
Information Communication Technology (ICT) Acceptable Usage Policy a. Internet and Email Conditions of
Use b. Clear Desk and Clear Screen Policy c. Working Off-Site d. Viruses e. Telephony (Voice) Equipment
Conditions of Use f.
Actions upon Termination of Contract
Delegated Authority, Notifications, and On-Call Procedure a. On-Call Procedure for This Home


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Dealing with Aggression and Violence
Dealing with Sexuality and Personal Relationships
Working with Parents/Carers
Medication Storage and Administration Policy a. Introduction and Relevant Other Guidance b. Training and
Competence of Staff to Administer Medication c. Signing In/Out of Medication d. Medication Audits e.
Changes to Medication f. Storage of Medication g. Consent and Capacity h. Encouraging Young People to
Take Medication i. Self-Administration of Medicines j. Administration k. Record Keeping l. Errors in
Administration and/or Recording m. Disposal of Medication n. This Home Consent and Agreement for
Medication Administration o. Medication List (Example)
First Aid Policy
Complaints Procedure
Smoking Policy and Alcohol Policy
Drugs and Substance Abuse Policy
Gifts Policy
Whistle-Blowing by Staff
Transport Policy
Running Away or Missing from Home or Care (RMFHC)
Equality and Diversity Policy a. Methods
This Home Data Protection Policy
Young People's Rights Policy
E-Safety Policy a. Context b. Aims c. Supporting our Residents to Use Technology Safely d. Responsibilities
of All Staff and Residents
Code of Conduct (Staff)
Schedule of Matters Reserved for Approval by the Board of Directors
Modern Slavery Act 2015 Statement
Business Ethics Policy
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Prevention of Fraud
Supplier Privacy Notice Policy
GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation Policy
8. Safeguarding Policy and Complaints procedure
9. Equalities Police
10.Location Risk Assessment

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