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jangan dipercaya... percayalah hny kepada tuhan yme

blefaritis --> GRANULATED EYELIDS -->

memburuk di pagi hari saat bangun tidur
gejala --> gatel, merah, iritasi, edema palpebra, mata merah, berair, panas, terasa berpasir mengganjal, silau
lengket/berminyak, debris krusta bikin palpebra
nempel, spt ada pasir, silau, nrocos/kering
staph blepharitis --> collarette (rings of flakes di garis palpebra
bulmat rusak atau rontok, kornea diskolorisasi

seboroik --> ada sisik di bulu mata, gatal

Infectious blepharitis is characterized
by hyperemia, edema, and In seborrheic blepharitis, there is less inflammation and
telangiectasia of the anterior lid telangiectasia than staphylococcal blepharitis
margin, with scaling and collarettes
visible at the base of the lash follicle.

hemianopia altitudinal --
> defect/loss setengah
lappand --> atas atau

Retinal is a vitamin A
derivative produced from
dietary beta-carotene.
Inactive, retinal exists in
the 11-cis-retinal
conformation. Upon
exposure to light, retinal
is isomerized to all-trans-
retinal leading to a series
of changes in
conformation to the form
metarhodopsin II (Meta
II). cahaya --> rhodopsin jadi
bathorhodopsin --> .... --> meta

miopia --> axial length

memanjang, bayangan
jatuh di depan retina
• skotoma sentral --> blind spot di tengah mata warna
abu, hitam atau blurry
• bisa karena degenerasi makular, kerusakan sel
fotoreseptor akibat neovaskularisasi
• etio --> stroke, traumatic brain injury, peny pada
retina koroid n opticus

neuropati optik
iskemik anterior

hypopion anterior

putih abu



putih kekuningan

main tx --> surgery

hemorrhage results from
bleeding of the
conjunctival or episcleral
blood vessels and
subsequently leaks into
the subconjunctival
Pre-chiasmatic lesions to
the optic nerve may be of
traumatic, congenital,
tumoral (meningioma,
glioma), inflammatory or
vascular origins.

dermoid cyst


Intumescent cataract definition and meaning states

that it is the older stage of cataract that progresses
when the lens becomes swollen from the effect of
degenerated lens protein, and this may lead to
secondary angle closure (acute) glaucoma and
maybe vision impairment.

Glaukoma fakomorfik merupakan glaukoma sekunder

sudut tertutup yang disebabkan oleh perubahan bentuk
lensa. Glaukoma sudut tertutup dapat terjadi secara
akut, subakut, ataupun kronik oleh karena katarak
matur atau intumesen.
trantas dots --> vernal keratokonjungtivitis

• trantas dots --> vernal keratokonjungtivitis

• Vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) is a chronic
allergic conjunctivitis that is most often seen in
• First-line pharmacologic therapy for VKC is topical
treatment. Mast cell stabilizers are a mainstay for
prophylaxis. In milder cases, antihistamines may be
of benefit, but more severe cases may require
cuma kalo corticosteroid treatment
konjungtivitis alergi
simple n ringan

Horizontal strabismus is termed esotropia (inward

turn of the eye) or exotropia (outward turn of the
eye). Vertical strabismus is termed hypotropia
(downward turn of the eye) or hypertropia
(upward turn of the eye).

Vertical strabismus is usually caused by

weakness or restriction of one of the
eight extraocular muscles involved in
vertical eye positioning
• Treatment of a hyphema involves encouraging the
blood to clear, treating any elevation in intraocular
pressure, and trying to prevent additional bleeding
• Hyphema treatment begins with elevating the head of
the bed to at least 30 degrees.

• This allows a direct two-way communication

between the veins of the face, sinuses, nasal
cavity, orbit, pterygoid plexus, and cavernous
• The cerebritis, in this context, was likely an
extension from either the orbital apex or
frontal sinusitis. Infection can easily be
spread via the valveless venous drainage to
the cavernous sinus and dural venous
plexus respectively and then on to the
cerebral tissues.


• pseudoesotropia --> This condition most

commonly occurs in infants when a flat nasal

bridge and prominent epicanthal folds tend
to obscure the nasal portion of the sclera.
• Epikantus adalah keadaan di mana terdapat
lipatan vertikal pada kulit pangkal hidung
yang menyebabkan selaput putih pada mata
bagian dekat hidung tidak terlihat jelas.
• Epicanthus Inversus: Skin fold arising from
the medial lower eyelid and ascending to the
upper eyelid
• esotropia --> etiologinya Brain disorders such
as cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, and brain
There are many causes of optic atrophy. The
most common is poor blood flow. This is called
ischemic optic neuropathy. The problem most
often affects older adults

• While some patients with CT evidence of increased ICP have undergone

LP without herniation, CT findings of increased ICP place patients at a
dramatically increased risk for herniation if an LP is performed.
Therefore, LP should be avoided when any signs of increased ICP are
seen on CT.
• Complications of LPs are well documented and include local discomfort,
post-dural puncture headache, severe anxiety and discomfort, and more
rarely cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) infection, localised haematoma and
• A transtentorial herniation is the movement of brain tissue from one
intracranial compartment to another. This includes uncal, central, and
upward herniation. These are life-threatening and time-critical
pathologies that may be reversible with emergent surgical
intervention and medical management.
jaka sembung bawa golok

• Cold compresses and artificial tears may help

to alleviate symptoms in mild cases or as
adjunctive therapy to pharmacologic
• First-line pharmacologic therapy for VKC is
topical treatment. Mast cell stabilizers are a
mainstay for prophylaxis.
• In milder cases, antihistamines may be of
benefit, but more severe cases may require
corticosteroid treatment.
• Climatotherapy ( home air-conditioning or
relocation to a cooler environment)

• At 3 months old, your baby's eyes should work together to focus

and track objects. If you do not notice this happening, talk with
your pediatrician.
• The first six years of life is considered the “vulnerable period”
because it is a time when the child’s development is most
vulnerable to the effects of the various threats to their eye health
and vision.

• At birth, your baby's eyes have the visual acuity of 20/400, but
their rapidly developing vision will reach the adult level of 20/20
by the time they are 3-5 years old. That rapid growth is why their
first months are so important.

• SLE --> panuveitis, neuritis optik,

• Scleritis is much more painful, may be sight skleritis, subconjunctival bleeding
threatening and requires urgent assessment by

an ophthalmologist. The pain is so severe that
it can wake the patient from sleep • Episcleritis usually presents with mild, if any,
• In anterior scleritis there is redness due to irritation and redness due to injection of
injection of the deeper episceral vessels the superficial blood vessels. Since only the
(which do not blanch on the phenylephrine superficial blood vessels are affected, a drop
test) of phenylephrine (e.g. 2.5%) will cause
• Posterior scleritis does not cause a red eye visible blanching of the vessels, so confirming
(unless it extends anteriorly) but may cause the diagnosis. Episcleritis is usually self-
visual problems, with blurring, change in limiting.
refraction and double vision

• Basophils are found in the epithelium and may indicate that one
form of a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction is occurring.
• For many years, VKC was considered a classic type I
hypersensitivity reaction (soley IgE-mediated) with an
immunopathogenetic mechanism similar to seasonal allergic

• The outer nuclear layer contains the

cell bodies of the photoreceptor cells.

• kompli op katarak -->

posterior capsule ruptue,
cystoid macular edema,
endophthalmitis, retinal
detachment, lens dislocation
• A corneal erosion or abrasion occurs when
there is loss of the corneal epithelium, the
cornea’s outer layer. These can occur if your
cornea is scraped or injured, often leading
to eye pain or other symptoms. • skleritis --> 26% to 36% of patients have an

• The most common symptom of a corneal associated systemic disorder that is
erosion or abrasion is pain, often like there is responsible for the pathological process and
something in your eye. You also may development of episcleritis
experience Detecting an erosion or abrasion • The most common complaints of patients with
requires the use of fluorescein dye, which keratitis include redness, pain, and

highlights the injured tissue during an eye irritation in the eye. The patients may also
exam. If present, underlying corneal disease present with photophobia, visual decline, or
also can be diagnosed during an eye exam. cosmetic blemish.
• vigorous rubbing of the eye. • pmx penunjang keratitis --> Regurgitation on
• Detecting an erosion or abrasion requires the pressure over the lacrimal sac area
use of fluorescein dye, which highlights the (ROPLAS), gram koh
injured tissue during an eye exam. If present,
underlying corneal disease also can be
diagnosed during an eye exam.

• sudut terbuka --> mata tidak merah

• sudut tertutup --> mata merah

kontraindikasi u sudut tertutup :

• adrenergic --> fenilefrin, epinefrin,
salbutamol, albuterol, amfetamin
• antikolinergik --> tropicamide, atropin,
siklopentolat, toxin botulinum
• kolinergik --> pilocarpin (weak)
• cimetidine, ranitidine
• antihistamin --> prometazin

• . A snowflake cataract in particular is a rare
type of cataract that is connected to diabetes.
• While snowflake cataracts are rare, many
instances of this condition have been
associated with uncontrolled juvenile diabetes

• yellow spot macula --> macula degeneration

• Macular degeneration (yellow spot disease) is
the disease of the macula, which is
responsible for the sharp central and being
colored vision of the eye.

neuritis bulbar:
• Blurred or dimmed vision
• A blind spot at or near the center of vision
• Color "wash-out" so that colors are less rich
• Pain with eye movement
• Tenderness of the eye to touch or pressure
• Complete blindness in the affected eye
• herpes zoster ophthalmicus --> Symptoms
include pain and tingling of the forehead,
blisters on the forehead and nose, eye ache
and redness, light sensitivity, and eyelid
• herpes simpleks biasanya pd anak2

• Cotton wool spots are opaque fluffy white

patches on the retina of the eye that are
considered an abnormal finding during a
funduscopic exam (also called an
ophthalmoscopic exam). Cotton wool spots
are typically a sign of another disease state,
most common of which is diabetic
• NPDR --> mikroaneurisma, cotton wool,
venous breading, microvaskular abnormalitas,
dot and blot hemorrhage
• PDR --> neovaskularisasi, vitreous
hemorrhage, retinal detachment traction,

• air aki --> asam

• Initial treatment of any chemical burn should
begin immediately at the time and place of the
injury. The affected eye(s) should be
irrigated copiously with any available
fluoresens --> ada erosi kornea noncaustic fluid at the injury site and
throughout transport to the hospital.
Irrigation should continue at the hospital until
the pH of the ocular surface has
normalized to a range of between 7.0 and
7.2. Some evidence has shown a benefit when
a borate buffer (Cederroth Eye Wash) is used
for irrigation, compared with saline or tap
• thyroid eye diseases/graves

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