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The main aim of this project is to study to standardize

laboratories to industrial standard, thereby giving exposure to industrial
housekeeping standards and to promote maintenance, record keeping,
documentation, etc. To set up self maintenance cell within departments to
ensure optimal usage of infrastructure facilities.
Pg no.
1. Introductions

2. 5S Standardization .
3. Maintenance Work Done .
3.1. Lab Equipment Maintenance .
3.2. Class room Maintenance
3.2.1. Details Collected
3.3.2. Faults and Remedies .
3.3. List Submission .
4. Conclusion .

The minor project focuses on 5S standardization and its implementation

in the lab to make it a safer and easier work environment and
maintenance in the campus. The maintenance around the campus is the
key topic and is divided into two parts lab maintenance and classroom
maintenance. Lab maintenance focus on 5S in the lab and its
implementation and installation of plug points, light points, and a three
phase system. Classroom maintenance focus on not just the classroom
but the entire campus and is comprised of tabulating the faulty
appliances, repair and summary on it
Date :14/02/23


5's is a workplace organization method that use list of five

japanese words Seivi, Seiton, seiso, seikets and shit suke. These have
been translated as"sort"set in order, shine,standardize and sustain. The
list describes how to organise a work space for efficieny and
effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used maintaining the
area items, and sustaining the new organizational system the decision
making process usually comes from a dialogue about standardisation,
which builds understanding. Among employees of how they should do
the work

1. Sort-seri

The first step of 5's sort, involves going through all the tools.
furniture,materials, equipment etc. in a work area to determine what
needs to be present and what can be removed. A work place might be
better of without.items or items used in frequently These things can get
in the way or take-up space.

2. Sett in order - Seitor

During this phase, everyone should determine what

arrangements are Most logical. That will require thinking through tasks,
the frequency of those tasks. the paths people take through the space etc.

3. Shine-Seiso

It's one of the easiest things to overlook, especially when work

get's busy. The shine stage of 5's-focuses on cleaning up the work area,
which means sweeping, mopping, dusting, wipping . Down surfaces,
putting tools and materials away etc.

4. Standardize-Seiketsa

standardize makes 5's different from the typical spring-

cleaning project. Standardlige systemerlizes everything that just
happened and turns one time efforts into habits, standarelize assigns
regular tasks, creads shedules and posts instructions so these activities
become routines. It makes standard operating procedures for 5's So that
orderlines doesn't fall by the way side

5. Sustain-Shitsuke
Sustain refers to the process of keeping 5's running smoothly,
but also of keeping everyone in the organisation

involved Eg-managers need to participate as do employees out on the

manufacturing floor, in the ware house or in the office, sustain is about
making 5's not just an event short term poject. when 5's is sustained
overtime, that's when businesses will start to notice continuous positive


Estimation of power plug wiring.

Length of the conduit =250+170+150+



20% of Conduit connection=1845×20÷100





Total wire =22.14×3

SLNo Materials Quantity Total
1 Cu.wire 1/1.4mm 66.42m 2000
2 Conduit (20mm) 18.45m 840
3 RCCB (63A,300mA) 1nos 4500
4 Power plug 3nos 900
5 Wall plug 3 set 70
6 4 pole DB 1nos 300
7 Insulation tap 4nos 60
8 Junction box (3 way) 3nos 90
9 One way switch 1nos 20
10 Tubelight 2nos 200
11 Clamps 1 set 120
12 Screws - 100
13 Switch box (1way) 1nos 12
Total 9212

3.1. Lab Equipment Maintenance

* Tools listing
* Meters arranged (voltmeter, ammeter,wattmeter)

* Shelf placing
* Safety precaution,lab keep shine this kind of
importance related chart is placed inside wall of lab

3.2. Class room Maintenance

Class/Area Faultyitem's Possiblefault Quantity
1 Stair case Tube Notube,there 2
is no frame
2 Electronicslab Fan Not working 2
Tube 6
Regulator 1

3 EEE 4 Fan Capacitor 1

Tube 2
4 ECE 1 Fan Regulator 1
5 Front Tube Not working 1
6 CHE 1 Fan Regulator 1
7 BME 2 Fan Capacitor 1
8 Parking Tube 4
9 Office Tube Not working 1
speed low
Fan 1
10 EEE 1 Switch 1
11 CHE 4 Fan Speed low 1
12 ECE 4 Tube Choke is not 1
in tube
13 BME 4 Fan Capacitor 1
Tube 3
Regulator 1
14 Computer lab Tube 8
Fan 5
Capacitor 1
Regulator 3
AC 3
15 New block Switch 7
Tube 2

3.2.1. Load Details Collected

Details collected 09/03/23 and prepare a estimation of faulty

electrical components from each class room and notified how
many lights and fans are not working
3.2. List Submission

The materials as per the list given to the principal were brough
on 27/3/23
After that we started changing process in each
classroom as per the fault we had identified earlier Even after
changing, we noticed that some were still not working, that is
even after changing the capacitor of a ceiling fan situated in the
Thus we removed it from the ceiling and dismantle it to
conclude that it had a faulty beaning so we informed that to the
guide and tried to solving the fault.

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