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(BS CybS)
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SY 2020-2021 QR-AAD-002 July, 2020

Basic Program Information

Name of Institution Region
Head of Institution Head of College
Program Name CHED Program Status
Program Head Contact Number
E-mail Address 1 E-mail Address 2
Institutional Mission, Vision Statement

AMA Education System shall provide a holistic, relevant, quality and globally recognized IT-based education in all levels and disciplines with the
objective of producing professional and leaders responsive to the needs of Science and the International Community cognizant of the welfare and
benefits of its men and women thereby realizing their potential as productive members of the society for the honor and glory of God almighty.


AMAES will be the leader and dominant provider of relevant globally recognized information technology-based education and related services in the
global market, helping the graduates to live happily, fulfilled, professional and personal lives.

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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AMAES Institutional Learning Outcomes (AMAES-ILOs)

Upon successful completion of any academic degree program at AMAES, graduates must be able to:

AMAES-ILO 1.0 Apply skills in critical thinking, logic, problem solving and decision-making in their respective disciplines;
AMAES-ILO 2.0 Communicate and collaborate effectively to varied audiences;
AMAES-ILO 3.0 Demonstrate an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
AMAES-ILO 4.0 Manifest the AMAES core values: integrity, competence, courtesy, team work and professionalism; and
AMAES-ILO 5.0 Recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
AMAES-ILO 6.0 Generally demonstrate the 21st Century skills and transversal competencies at a higher-order-ability in every life and professional
situations for the advancement of mankind and society.

Program Description
The Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security (BS CybS) degree is equivalent to Level 6 of the Philippine Qualifications Framework. The program
focuses on real-life account of online and cybersecurity measures which centers on the concepts of the standard and best practices of the
cybersecurity field. It will equip students with quality skills in problem solving and design in order to come up with appropriate solutions in
cybersecurity concerns. The program also gives perspectives in the applicable control principles in the construction of cybersecurity solutions and
recommendations notwithstanding the acquisition of knowledge and expertise in the fundamental concepts of operating systems, software and
hardware, networks and cloud computing; in relation to the administration of security operations in Windows and Linux System.

The graduates may pursue careers in any of the following career options:
• IT professional
• Cybersecurity Expert
• Data Analyst
• Computer Network Defense Expert
• Digital Forensics Expert

Program Educational Objectives

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Program Educational Objectives

AMAES’s BS Cybersecurity program aims to produce globally competitive graduates who will be professionally competent, morally upright, and
socially responsible contributors to national development.

Specifically, in three to five years after graduation, the BS Cybersecurity alumni shall:

1. Practice as Cybersecurity professional for the advancement of society; and

2. Provide exceptional service to contribute in the betterment of the country.

Program Outcomes/Student Outcomes for the Bachelor of Cyber Security (BA CybS)

For the Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity (BS CybS), adopted the following program outcomes:

Program Outcomes

Express expertise in the knowledge of fundamental concepts in operating systems, software, data management, networks and cloud
PO2 Apply skills in the ability to administered secured operations of different Operating systems utilizing security automation techniques
PO3 Design and execute research inquiries using appropriate quantitative and qualitative ,methods guided by theories or conceptual
PO4 Demonstrate written, visual and oral presentation skills to produce and present analytical reports
PO5 Demonstrate the ethical standards and challenges in the cybersecurity and Information Technology field
PO6 Apply best practices in cybersecurity management in addressing concerns and solutions to the professional process

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Performance Indicators for Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity (BS CybS)

Graduate attributes can be assessed through program outcomes/student outcomes using performance indicators.

Graduate Outcomes Performance Indicator

Compare, contrast and classify the major • Articulate and deploy major concepts in the discipline
concepts in the discipline • Create a comparative diagram of the existing knowledge in the discipline

Recognize and define the distinctiveness of • Compare new knowledge with prior knowledge to determine the distinctiveness of the discipline, its
the discipline, its subfields, theories and subfields, theories and methods
methods • Summarize the ideas that make the discipline, its subfields, theories and methods unique.
Design and execute research inquiries using
• Constructs and implements effectively-designed research strategies.
appropriate quantitative and qualitative
,methods guided by theories or conceptual • Retrieve information online or in person using a variety of methods guided by theories or
conceptual frameworks
Demonstrate written, visual and oral
• Follow standards in presenting analytical reports.
presentation skills to produce and present
• Use appropriate and effective medium in presenting analytical reports.
analytical reports
Critique, judge and respond to current issues • Express an intelligent argument on a current issue or problem based on a substantive
and problems based on a substantive understanding of the historical and contemporary developments in the national and global contexts.
understanding of the historical and • Participate in class debate to express a logical reasoning to a current issues and problems based
contemporary developments in the national on a substantive understanding of the historical and contemporary developments in the national
and global contexts and global contexts
• Synthesizes existing ideas to construct own predisposition towards ethical political involvement and
Develop a predisposition towards ethical
practice in various forms and on different levels of engagement
political involvement and practice in various
• Recommend policy that reflects a predisposition towards ethical political involvement and practice
forms and on different levels of engagement
in various forms and on different levels of engagement

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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SY 2020-2021 QR-AAD-002 July, 2020

Code Title PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6
Introduction to Cyber Security (Certified Secured
CYBS 6268 Computer User) L L O P O L
CYBS 6269 Software and System Security L O O P L L
Data and Communication Security (Attack Vectors
CYBS 6270 and Countermeasures) L L O P L L
Information and Assurance Security 3 (International
CYBS 6273 Cybersecurity Operations, Policies, and Standards) L L O P L O
Information Assurance and Security 4
(Cybersecurity Management in the National
CYBS 6374 Context) L L O P O L
Component Security (Security Controls and
CYBS 6271 Assessment) L L O P L O
CYBS 6398 Cyber Security Capstone Project 1 L L O P L O
Information Assurance and Security 5 (Cyber
CYBS 6375 Forensics. Security Audit and Assessment) L L L P O O
CYBS 6272 Human and Societal Security L L L L P O
CYBS 6300 Cyber Security In-House Internship L O P P P P
CYBS 6400 Cyber Security Capstone Project 2 L O P P P P
CYBS 6397 Cyber Security Practicum (386 Hours) L O P P P P
CYBS 6401 Review for Cybersecurity Exam L O O O P P

L – Facilitate LEARNING of the competencies
P – Allow the students to PRACTICE competencies
O – Provide OPPORTUNITY for development

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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SY 2020-2021 QR-AAD-002 July, 2020

First Trimester
GE 6100 Understanding the Self 3 0 3
GE 6103 Living in the IT Era 3 0 3
GE 6106 Purposive Communication 1 3 0 3
GE 6114 Mathematics in the Modern World 3 0 3
GE 6107 Ethics 3 0 3
PHYED 6101 Physical Fitness 2 0 (2)
15 (2)
Second Trimester
GE 6102 The Contemporary World 3 0 3
GE 6115 Art Appreciation 3 0 3
GE 6116 Science, Technology & Society 3 0 3
GE 6104 Gender and Society 3 0 3
GE 6101 Readings in Philippine History 3 0 3
PHYED 6102 Rhytmic Activities 2 0 (2) PHYED 6101
15 (2)
Third Trimester
GE 6108 Philippine Popular Culture 3 0 3
GE 6300 Life and Work of Rizal 3 0 3
ENGL 6100 Purposive Communication 2 3 0 3 GE 6106
MATH 6100 Calculus 1 3 0 3
ITE 6301 Technopreneurship 3 0 3
PHYED 6103 Individual/Dual Sports 2 0 (2) PHYED 6102
15 (2)

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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First Trimester
ITE 6101 Computing Fundamentals 2 1 3
ITE 6102 Computer Programming 1 2 1 3
COMP 6101 Current Trends and Issues 2 1 3 MATH 6100
NSCI 6100 Calculus-Based Physics 1 3 1 4
CS 6100 Discrete Mathematics 3 0 3
ITE 6202 Social and Professional Issues 3 0 3
NSTP 6101 National Service Training Program 1 3 0 (3)
PHYED 6200 Team Sports 2 0 (2) PHYED 6103
19 (5)
Second Trimester
IT 6201 Data Communications and Networking 1 2 1 3 ITE 6101
Introduction to Cyber Security
CYBS 6268 3 0 3 ITE 6101
(Certified Secure Computer User)
ITE 6104 Computer Programming 2 2 1 3 ITE 6102
CYBS 6267 Emerging Threats in Cyber Security 3 0 3 ITE 6101`
NSCI 6101 Calculus-based Physics 2 3 1 4 NSCI 6100
MATH 3200 Data Analysis 3 0 3
NSTP 6102 National Service Training Program 2 3 0 (3) NSTP 6101
19 (3)
Third Trimester
IT 6200 Introduction to Human Computer Interaction 2 1 3 ITE 6104
IT 6223 Data Communications and Networking 2 2 1 3 IT 6201
ITE 6201 Data Structures and Algorithms 2 1 3 ITE 6104
Information Assurance and Security 1 (Ethical Hacking
IT 6205 3 1 4 IT 6201
Concepts and Methodology)
CYBS 6269 Software and System Security 3 1 4 IT 6201

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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First Trimester
CS 6203 Object-oriented Programming 2 1 3 ITE 6104
ITE 6200 Application Development and Emerging Technology 2 1 3 ITE 6104
ITE 6202 Introduction to Information Management 2 1 3 ITE 6104
IT 6282 Platform Technologies 1 2 1 3 ITE 6104
Information Assurance and Security 2
IT 6206 3 1 4 IT 6205
(Web Attacks and Defense)
Second Trimester
IT 6208 System Integration and Architecture 1 2 1 3 ITE 6202
IT 6283 Platform Technologies 2 2 1 3
Integrative Programming and Technologies 1
IT 6286 2 1 3
(Concepts and Implementation of N-Tier Architecture)
IT 6284 Cloud Computing and Security 2 1 3 ITE 6104
Data and Communication Security IT 6206
CYBS 6270 3 1 4
(Attack Vectors and Countermeasures)
Information Assurance and Security 3 IT 6206
CYBS 6273 (International Cybersecurity Operations, Policies, and 3 1 4
Third Trimester
IT 6209 System Integration and Architecture 2 2 1 3 IT 6208
IT 6304 Integrative Programming and Techniques 2 2 1 3 ITE 6286
Information Assurance and Security 4 IT 6273
CYBS 6374 3 1 4
(Cyber Security Management in the National Context)
Component Security CYBS 6273
CYBS 6271 3 1 4
(Security Controls and Assessment)
ITE 6100
IT 6210 Quantitative Methods with Modeling and Simulation 3 1 4
CYBS 6398 Cyber Security Capstone Project 1 3 0 3 3rd Year Standing

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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First Trimester
Information Assurance and Security 5
CYBS 6375 3 1 4
(Cyber Forensic, Security Audit and Assessment)
CYBS 6272 Human and Societal Security 3 1 4 IT 6304
IT 6285 Advanced Information Management 2 1 3

Second Trimester



CYBS 6300 Cyber Security In-House Internship 0 3 3

CYBS 6400 Cyber Security Capstone Project 2 0 3 3 CYBS 6398

Third Trimester



CYBS 6397 Cyber Security Practicum (386 Hours) 9 0 9 4TH Year Standing

CYBS 6401 Review for Cybersecurity Exam 1 0 1 CEH Integrations


Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Understanding the Self 3 GE 6100 Understanding the Self 3
Readings in Philippine History 3 GE 6101 Readings in Philippine History 3
The Contemporary World 3 GE 6102 The Contemporary World 3
Mathematics in Modern World 3 GE 6114 Mathematics in Modern World 3
Purposive Communication 3 GE 6106 Purposive Communication 3
Art Appreciation 3 GE 6115 Art Appreciation 3
Science, Technology and Society 3 GE 6116 Science, Technology and Society 3
Ethics 3 GE 6107 Ethics 3
Life and Works of Rizal 3 GE 6300 Life and Works of Rizal 3
GE 6108 Philippine Popular Culture 3
GE 6103 Living in the IT Era 3
GE 6104 Gender and Society 3

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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NO CMO as per date CYBS 6268 Introduction to Cyber Security 3
CYBS 6267 Emerging Threats in Cyber Security 3
IT 6205 Information Assurance and Security 4
CYBS 6269 Software and System Security 4
IT 6206 Information Assurance and Security 2 4
IT 6284 Cloud Computing and Security 3
CYBS 6270 Data and Communication Security 2 4
CYBS 6273 Information Assurance and Security 3 4
CYBS 6374 Information Assurance and Security 4 4
CYBS 6271 Component Security 4
CYBS 6398 Cyber Security Capstone Project 1 3
CYBS 6375 Information Assurance and Security 5 4
CYBS 6272 Human and Societal Security 5 4
CYBS 6300 Cyber Security In-House Internship 4
CYBS 6285 Cyber Security Capstone Project 2 3
CYBS 6401 Review for Cybersecurity Exam 1
CYBS 6397 Cyber Security Practicum 9

NO CMO as per date ENGL 6100 Purposive Communication 2 3
MATH 6100 Calculus 1 3
ITE 6301 Technopreneurship 3
ITE 6102 Computer Programming 1 3
NSCI 6100 Calculus-Based Physics 1 4
CS 6100 Discrete Mathematics 3
ITE 6202 Social and Professional Issues 3
IT 6201 Data Communications and Networking 1 3
ITE 6104 Computer Programming 2 4
NSCI 6101 Calculus-based Physics 2 4
MATH 6200 Data Analysis 3
IT 6200 Introduction to Human Computer Interaction 3
IT 6223 Data Communications and Networking 2 3

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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SY 2020-2021 QR-AAD-002 July, 2020

ITE 6201 Data Structures and Algorithms 3

CS 6203 Object-oriented Programming 3
ITE 6200 Application Development and Emerging Technology 3
ITE 6202 Introduction to Information Management 3
IT 6282 Platform Technologies 1 3
IT 6208 System Integration and Architecture 1 3
IT 6283 Platform Technologies 2 3
IT 6286 Integrative Programming and Techniques 2 3
IT 6209 System Integration and Architecture 2 3
IT 6210 Quantitative Methods with Modeling and Simulation 3
IT 6285 Advanced Information Management 3

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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COMP 6101 Current Trends and Issues in IS 3
ITE 6101 Computing Fundamentals 3
Physical Education (8) Physical Education (8)
NSTP (6) NSTP (6)
Euthenics (2)

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Course Title Understanding the Self Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE 6100 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course is intended to enable the process of exploration and thereby help students arrive at an
understanding of the concepts of personality, self and identity. The course covers topics on the
introduction of major theories of personality – its nature, development and dynamics as well as those
forces and factors that lead to the formation of a self and identity; and the provision of experiential
learning so as to ground these theories and perspectives in students’ concerns and issues relating to
their personal self and identity.
Self-discovery exercises and activities, reflection papers and personal journals will be used as the
focal point of lectures and class discussions, thereby providing the foundation and structure for all
course learnings. Other learning tools such as personality tests and measures will also be used.

Course Title Readings in Philippine History Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE 6101 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course aims to expose students to different facets of Philippine history through the lens of
eyewitnesses. Rather than rely on secondary material such as textbooks, which is the usual approach
in teaching Philippine history, different types of primary sources will be used – written (qualitative and
quantitative), oral, visual, audio-visual, digital – covering various aspects of Philippine life (political,
economic, social, cultural). Students are expected to analyze the selected readings contextually and in
terms of content (stated and implied). The end goal is to enable students to understand and
appreciate our rich past by deriving insights from those who were actually present at the time of the
Contextual analysis considers the following: (i) the historical context of the source (time and place it
was written and the situation at the time); (ii) the author’s background, intent (to the extent discernible),
and authority on the subject; and (iii) the source’s relevance and meaning today.
Content analysis, on the other hand, applies appropriate techniques depending on the type of source
(written, oral, visual). In the process students will be asked, for example, to identify the author’s main

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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SY 2020-2021 QR-AAD-002 July, 2020

argument or thesis, compare points of view, identify bias, and evaluate the author’s claims based on
the evidence presented or other available evidence at the time. The course will guide the student
through their reading and analysis of the texts and require them to write reaction essays of varied
length and present their ideas in other ways (debate format, powerpoint presentation, letter to the
author of the source, etc.). The instructor may arrange the readings chronologically or thematically,
and start with the present (more familiar) and go back to the earlier periods or vice-versa.

Course Title The Contemporary World Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE 6102 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course aims to introduce students to the state of the world today and the new global order. The
phenomenon of globalization is examined from a variety of perspectives as well as its effects on
traditional cultures and communities, nations and political institutions, and local, national and regional
Students will be asked to identify the challenges posed by globalization and consider responses to
these challenges as demonstrated by experiences on the ground. For this purpose, students will
produce case studies of communities (in the Philippines and other countries) experiencing the impact
of globalization and their respective responses to issues that arise. There are global civil societies
engaged in advocacies relating to climate and environmental protection, for example, human
trafficking across borders, and the application of advances in science and technology to serve some of
the world’s poorest communities, and so on. There are, too, communities that have managed, in
varying degrees of success, to deal with the effects, good and bad, of globalization.
The course will focus on contemporary global conditions from a Filipino perspective primarily and also
as a member of the global community. Through a combination of readings, class discussions, writing
and group presentations, the students are expected to formulate an understanding of globalization that
is theoretically informed and rooted in the experiences of communities and nations.

Course Title Mathematics in the Modern World Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE 6114 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course begins with an introduction to the nature of mathematics as an exploration of patterns (in
nature and the environment) and as an application of inductive and deductive reasoning. By exploring

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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these topics students are encouraged to go beyond the typical understanding of mathematics as
merely a bunch of formulas, but as a source of aesthetics in patterns of nature, for example, and a rich
language in itself (and of science) governed by logic and reasoning.
The course then proceeds to survey ways in which mathematics provides a tool for understanding and
dealing with various aspects of present day living, such as managing personal finances, making social
choices, appreciating geometric designs, understanding codes used in data transmission and security,
and dividing limited resources fairly. These aspects will provide opportunities for actually doing
mathematics in a broad range of exercises that bring out the various dimensions of mathematics as a
way of knowing and test the students’ understanding and capacity.

Course Title Purposive Communication Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE 6106 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The five skills of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing) are studied and
simulated in advanced academic settings, such as conversing intelligently on a subject of import,
reporting on group work and/or assignments, writing and delivering a formal speech, writing minutes of
meetings and similar documents, preparing a research or technical paper, and making an audio-visual
or web-based presentation. In the process, the criteria for effective communication are discussed and
used as the basis of peer evaluation of communication exercises in the class as well as for judging
communication techniques used by public officials, educators, industry leaders, churches, and private
individuals. The purpose of these combined activities is to enable students to practice strategies of
communication with a clear purpose and audience in mind, guided by the criteria of effective
communication and appropriate language.

Course Title Art Appreciation Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE 6115 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course aims to provide students the opportunity to observe, participate in, or otherwise experience
works of art in order to appreciate their role and purpose in life. Students will be exposed to various
works of art, ranging from the classical art forms to modern art installations, performance art, indie
films, enhanced e-books, and multimedia aesthetics. These works of art will be examined from an
aesthetic point of view and also as reflections or critiques of the societies that produced them. The

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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course will thus build upon and hone the skill of understanding, critical appreciation, and expression of
one’s views.

Course Title Science, Technology and Society Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE 6116 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course is designed to enable students to appreciate, in broad terms, the societal impact of
developments in science and technology at the global and national level. This includes a review of the
history of science and technology globally – from the prehistoric era all the way to today’s advances in
sciences and technology – and similarly in the Philippines, including science policy. The historical
survey, which is grounded on an understanding of basic science concepts, will examine how these
developments have affected the course of human society: politically, economically, and socially
(including culturally).
The second part of the course focuses on current issues arising from the application of science and
technology, how such applications relate to ethical and political decisions in both the public and private
sector, and their effects (positive and negative) on society and life in general.
The course entails a variety of readings, group discussions, and research, culminating in a
presentation of findings regarding a particular issue.

Course Title Ethics Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE 6107 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course introduces students to the ethical dimension of human existence at various levels –
personal, societal, environmental, and cultural. The course seeks to answer questions such as, what
is ethics?. How is it framed and practiced?, and what is the value to society and the person?. The first
part lays the groundwork – the meaning of ethics – and leads students through the analysis of human
experience, linking it to elements of the ethical dimension. Part one of the course culminates in the
students’ ability to translate human experiences into ethical cases.
The second part of the course takes students through the various classical ethical frameworks –
utilitarianism, deontological ethics, virtue ethics, and natural ethics – providing them with the tools by
which to articulate and analyze the ethical cases they constructed. These frameworks also embed

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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sets of values that students’ ability to express their constructed ethical cases in the language and form
of particular ethical frameworks.
The last part guides students through the analysis and evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of
the various ethical frameworks and their value to human life and society. The end goal is for students
to be able to make informed decisions on their constructed ethical cases.
The course will require considerable reading, discussion and writing, as students learn about ethical
frameworks, raise questions, reflect comment upon, and evaluate the frameworks and ethical cases
they construct in class.

Course Title Life and Works of Jose Rizal Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE415 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
This course provides critical analysis of Dr. Jose Rizal’s life and ideas and includes discussion on the
moral, intellectual, and political legacies of Dr. Jose Rizal, including examination of his life, and
analysis of his notable works. Students will be able to understand how the life and works of Dr. Jose
Rizal can serve as a paradigm for the modern Filipino youth.

Course Title Philippine Popular Culture Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE 6108 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course explores the details, events, identity, and ethics of Philippine popular culture and its forms;
this course covers the procedure, act, and performance in the varied media formats. It engages
students in looking at popular culture in a critical lens and analyzing the different pop culture

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Course Title Art Appreciation Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE 6115 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course aims to provide students the opportunity to observe, participate in, or otherwise experience
works of art in order to appreciate their role and purpose in life. Students will be exposed to various
works of art, ranging from the classical art forms to modern art installations, performance art, indie
films, enhanced e-books, and multimedia aesthetics. These works of art will be examined from an
aesthetic point of view and also as reflections or critiques of the societies that produced them. The
course will thus build upon and hone the skill of understanding, critical appreciation, and expression of
one’s views.

Course Title Living in the IT Era Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE 6103 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
This course deals with the social change and technological change by digital means contexts that
shape and are shaped by them (CMO No.20, series of 2013). Information and Communication
Technology is not only essential building block of a society, but currently driving behind social
evolution. Digitalization comes with certain characteristics that can trigger political revolutions; create
unprecedented richness as well as new dimensions of poverty; redefine our understanding of
friendships, culture and entertainment; transform education, health care and business; and lead to
both visions of future scenarios of global democracy and informational dictatorship. While doing this, a
global perspective will be essential, as is the fact that not everybody has equal access to the digital
age. Digital technology is the most powerful and also the most tangible tool we currently have
available to exploit the ensuing opportunities for social change. This course tackles the big picture of
the digital age and we are not afraid of asking the big questions that arise from the incredibly complex
dynamic of ongoing digitalization.

Course Title Gender and Society Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code GE 6104 Lecture Unit(s) 3

Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

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Course Description
The course covers the varied empirical and theoretical perspectives in gender studies in relation to
how gender, ethnicity, class, religion, ability, and sexuality interplay with societal institutions and the
development of society, with a focus on how this interplay creates and shapes gender bodies,
subjects, identities, understanding, and appreciation.


Course Title Introduction to Cyber Security Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code CYBS 6268 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite ITE 6101 Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
This course is designed as an introduction to assist students in developing in-depth understanding of
modern information and system protection technology and methods. It purposely leans on the
outcome for students to acquire passion, appreciation, and skills for cyber security.

Course Title Emerging Threats in Cyber Security Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code CYBS 6267 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite ITE 6101 Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
This course covers cyber security issues, problems, and concerns and the processes and counter
measures to address cyber security threats. It will also develop skills for students to use to act upon
security threats and best practices to defend cyber usage in a variety of domains ranging from
enterprise to the government and military. The course will also discuss effective counter measures to
internet threats and issues with respect to the most recent technologies, including wired and wiereless
networks, physical computer system, and social networks.

Course Title Information Assurance and Security 1 Credit Unit(s) 4

Course Code IT 6205 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite IT 6201 Laboratory Unit(s) 1

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Course Description
The course exposes the students to the basic structure of cyberspace and to a risk-based
approach to cyber Security. The first phase explores the origins and general shape of
cyberspace and introduces the concept of cyber Security. The second phase addresses the
basics of information security risk analysis methodology and explores a threat-based
approach to assessment. The third phase explores the operation and architecture of the
global Internet and its governance. While phase four introduces network technology and
information technology standards in order to explore the basics of network design and
operations, the last phase introduces the basics of security architecture based on threat, risk
and vulnerability analysis. The course also introduces basic cyber risk analysis methodology
and management used to develop systems architecture and strategies aimed at mitigating
such risks.

Course Title Software and System Security Credit Unit(s) 4

Course Code CYBS 6269 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite IT 6201 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
This course covers the application of techniques that process, assess, and evaluate to mitigate and
protect software systems from cyber attacks, online threats, and vulnerabilities. The students will be
equipped with techniques to ensure that software systems continue to function and will be safe from
attacks. It also includes discussion of the development of secure software which involves security
consideration at every stage of the life cycle of the system.

Course Title Information Assurance and Security 2 Credit Unit(s) 4

Course Code IT 6206 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite IT 6205 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
The course provides a general grounding in the range of vulnerability issues inherent to the
components of cyberspace. It addresses the supply chain / vendors’ rubric, highlighting security issues
from the production floor through sub-contractors, shipment, warehousing and maintenance controls.
It also explores the vulnerabilities associated with unauthorized access and privileged systems
access. It allows discussions on the risks associated with BYOD (“Bring Your Own Devise”) policies,

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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“cloud” computing and other mobility.

Course Title Cloud Computing and Security Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code IT 6284 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite IT6104 Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
This course focuses on concepts of cloud, fundamental building blocks like Resource Consolidation,
Hypervisor, VM etc. It gives students the insight into how to build clouds. This course also covers the
security concerns associated with cloud computing.

Course Title Data and Communication Security Credit Unit(s) 4

Course Code CYBS 6270 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite IT 6206 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
The course aims to develop a comprehensive perspective of the process of data communication
achieved in networks, it is a preliminary of security issues related to data communication in networks
and an understanding of the process of analysis of network applications.

Course Title Information Assurance and Security 3 Credit Unit(s) 4

Course Code CYBS 6273 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite IT 6206 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
This course is the continuation of Information Assurance and Security 2. It covers the preliminaries of
network security, computer network vulnerabilities, security threats, attack tools and security breaches,
security in wireless networks, application and web security, and access control and cryptography.

Course Title Information Assurance and Security 4 Credit Unit(s) 4

Course Code CYBS 6374 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite IT 6273 Laboratory Unit(s) 1

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Course Description
This course is the continuation of Information Assurance and Security 3. It covers an in-depth
discussion of computer network security and the application of skills to counter act threats and issues
in networks, computer systems, and social networks.

Course Title Component Security Credit Unit(s) 4

Course Code CYBS 6271 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite CYBS 6273 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
This course covers component of a security system and information security; from Triad security
models and its three components of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. It will cover the
preliminaries of critical infrastructure, cloud security, Internet of things, network security, and cyber
security and the application of processes to countermeasures in security attacks.

Course Title Cyber Security Capstone Project 1 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code CYBS 6398 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite 3rd Year Standing Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
This course tackles different aspects of research from conception up to the research writing and
publications. Specifically, the course will introduce the following areas: formulation of the title,
problems identification, related literatures, conceptual framework, methodologies and different
techniques in presenting the results and analysis. Its main objective is to complement the theories in
cyber security and to provide an in depth, hands-on experience in all aspects of software
development, infrastructure design, implementation and related areas in information technology.
Students will work individually or in team not more than four members in a team based on the
complexity of the proposed projects as per the requirement of industry or any other
organization/institution. At the end of this course, students will present Chapter 1-3 as part of the
completion to the Cyber Security Capstone Project Panel.

Course Title Information Assurance and Security 5 Credit Unit(s) 4

Course Code CYBS 6375 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite Laboratory Unit(s) 1

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Course Description
This course is the continuation of Information and Security 4. It provides application of the skills and
learnings attained from the 4 Information and Security courses that covers professional cyber security
processes and countermeasures to cyber security threats.

Course Title Human and Societal Security Credit Unit(s) 4

Course Code CYBS 6272 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite IT 6304 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
This course covers the application of cyber security and how it affects human; personal and collective
and society; from local groups., companies, networks, military, and the government.

Course Title Cyber Security In-House Internship Credit Unit(s) 4

Course Code CYBS 6300 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
The students will have to apply the skills and learnings in cyber security by performing activities inside
the school rather than doing it in an outside linked organization. By the end of the course, student will
have to finish the prescribed number of hours to fulfill the requirements of the course.

Course Title Cyber Security Capstone Project 2 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code CYBS 6285 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite CYBS 6398 Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course is a culminating course which is the continuation of Cyber Security Capstone Project 1
where the implementation and testing plans will be accomplished. The deliverables will include
Chapter 4 and Chapter 5- user manual of the project and summarized paper for publication according
to the recommended format. As the end of this course, students will present their result as part of the
completion to Cyber Security Capstone Project panel.

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Course Title Review for Cybersecurity Exam Credit Unit(s) 1

Course Code CYBS 6401 Lecture Unit(s) 1
Pre-requisite CEH Integrations Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
This course provides an intensive review of cyber security theories and ideas for the preparation of
cyber security exam.

Course Title Cyber Security Practicum (386 Hours) Credit Unit(s) 9

Course Code CYBS 6397 Lecture Unit(s) 0
Pre-requisite 4th Year Standing Laboratory Unit(s) 9
Course Description
The practicum course is designed to expose students to their professional role by completing 386
Hours in the field. This course provides on-the-job learning experience giving students the opportunity
to apply their technical and professional skills to the work environment in organizations related to their
field of expertise. After the end of this course, students will submit a daily activity report supported by
necessary documents according to the requirements as part of completion of the course.


Course Title Purposive Communication 2 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code ENGL 6100 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite GE 6106 Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The five skills of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing) are studied and
simulated in advanced academic settings, such as conversing intelligently on a subject of import,
reporting on group work and/or assignments, writing and delivering a formal speech, writing
minutes of meetings and similar documents, preparing a research or technical paper, and making
an audio-visual or web-based presentation. In the process, the criteria for effective
communication are discussed and used as the basis of peer evaluation of communication exercises
in the class as well as for judging communication techniques used by public officials, educators,

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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industry leaders, churches, and private individuals. The purpose of these combined activities is to
enable students to practice strategies of communication with a clear purpose and audience in
mind, guided by the criteria of effective communication and appropriate language.

Course Title Calculus 1 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code PSCI 6102 Lecture Unit(s) 3

Pre-requisite Laboratory Unit(s) 0

Course Description
The course covers the discussion on functions and limits, differentiation of algebraic functions,
applications of derivatives, differentiation of transcendental functions, the differential definition and

Course Title Technopreneurship Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code ITE 6301 Lecture Unit(s) 3

Pre-requisites Laboratory Unit(s) 0

Course Description
The course is designed to train students develop their entrepreneurial skills by requiring them to
prepare a business plan using technology for new venture, existing business, or new and innovative

Course Title Calculus-Based Physics 1 Credit Unit(s) 4

Course Code NSCI 6100 Lecture Unit(s) 3

Pre-requisites Laboratory Unit(s) 1

Course Description
The course will enable the students to solve problems, using calculus methods when applicable, for the
major concepts in physics to include: measurement; vector concepts; laws of motion, force, energy;
principles of mechanics and statistics; linear momentum; gravitation; oscillators; rotation; and
vibrations. The students will develop the ability to interpret and apply the experimental laws and
fundamental principles of physics to describe the behavior of the physical world. In the laboratory
program, the students will develop the ability to appraise, use, and interpret data.

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Course Title Discrete Mathematics Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code CS 6100 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisites Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course introduces the basic topics and techniques of discrete mathematics that are the
backbones of computer science, information technology, and computer engineering. Topics include
logic, set theory, functions, and basic graph theory.

Course Title Social and Professional Issues Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code IT 6202 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisites Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course aims to provide an in-depth understanding and analysis of the importance of ethics as it
applies to the use of Information Technology. Topics include professional ethics in computing,
computer and internet crime, privacy, intellectual property and ethics of IT organizations.

Course Title Data Communications and Networking 1 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code IT 6201 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisites ITE 6101 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
The course covers the fundamentals of configuring and implementing Local Area Networks (LAN).
Students will learn how to design, configure, troubleshoot, and implement LAN using routers for small
to medium size business.

Course Title Computer Programming 2 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code ITE 6104 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisites ITE 6102 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
The course is a continuation of Computer Programming 1. The emphasis is to train the students to
design, implement, and debug programs intended to solve computing problems using basic data
structures and standard libraries.

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Course Title Calculus-based Physics 2 Credit Unit(s) 4

Course Code NSCI 6101 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisites NSCI 6100 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
This course is a continuation of Calculus-based Physics 1. It covers various topics that include: Fluids;
thermal expansion, thermal stress; heat transfer; calorimetry; waves; electrostatistics; electricity;
magnetism; optics; image formation by plane and curved mirrors; and image formation by thin lenses.
In the laboratory part of this subject student will develop their ability to use laboratory equipment, collect
data, interpret the result and present the result.

Course Title Data Analysis Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code MATH 6200 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
This course reviews and expands upon core topics in probability and statistics through the study and
practice of data analysis. Topics include numerical and graphical summaries of data, hypothesis
testing, confidence intervals, counts and tables, analysis of variance, regression, principal
components, and cluster analysis. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to think
critically about data and apply standard statistical inference procedures to draw conclusions from such
analyses. TY

Course Title Introduction to Human Computer Interaction Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code IT 6200 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisite ITE 6104 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
The course provides and introduction to the principles and techniques of human-computer interaction
(HCL). It includes foundations of HCL, human-centered software evaluation and development,
graphical user interface (GUI), and HCL aspects of multimedia systems and collaboration and

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Course Title Data Communications and Networking 2 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code IT 6223 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisite IT 6201 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
The course introduces the fundamentals of configuring switches and deployment of Local Area
Network (LAN) environment and security. The course extends its coverage top configuration and
implementation of Wide Area Networks (WAN). Students will learn how to design, configure,
troubleshoot, and implement WAN using routers for medium to large size business organizations.

Course Title Data Structure and Algorithms Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code ITE 6201 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisite ITE 6104 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
The course covers the data representation and algorithms to solve computing problems efficiently
(with respect to space requirements and time complexity of algorithm). Specifically, the course covers
discussion on stacks, queues, trees, graphs, maps, and sets. Thorough discussion of sorting and
searching algorithms and hashing is also covered.

Course Title Object-oriented Programming Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code CS 6203 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisites ITE 6104 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
The course provides the students with the fundamental understanding of object-oriented programming
using Java. It introduces the different concepts that are commonly associated with object

Application Development and Emerging

Course Title Credit Unit(s) 3
Course Code ITE 6200 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisites ITE 6104 Laboratory Unit(s) 1

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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Course Description
The course allows the development of applications using web, mobile, and emerging technologies with
emphasis on requirements management, interface design, usability, testing, and deployment-including
ethical and legal considerations.

Course Title Introduction to Information Management Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code ITE 6202 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisites ITE 6104 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the general concepts of information management, how information
management is created, acquired, organized, stored, distributed, and used as means of promoting
efficient and effective information access, processing, and use by people and organizations. It also
covers information resource management and overview of Database Management System.

Course Title Platform Technologies 1 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code IT 6282 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisites ITE 6104 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
The course provides the understanding of hardware and software technologies background of
information technology. Hardware topics include CPU and computer system architecture, memories,
registers, addressing modes, busses, instruction sets and a variety of input/output devices. Software
topics include operating system modules, process management, memory and file system

Course Title System Integration and Architecture 1 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code IT 6208 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisites ITE 6202 Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
This course focuses on the integration of information systems in organizations, the process by which
different computing systems and software applications are linked together physically or functionally. It
examines the strategies and methods for blending a set of interdependent systems into a functioning

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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or unified whole, thereby enabling two or more applications to interact and exchange data seamlessly.
The course will explore tools and techniques for systems integration as well as proven management
practices for integration projects.

Course Title Platform Technologies 2 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code IT 6283 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisites Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
This course is a continuation of Platform Technologies 1. The course provides in-depth understanding
of hardware and software technologies background of information technology. Hardware topics include
CPU and computer system architecture, memories, registers, addressing modes, busses, instruction
sets and a variety of input/output devices. Software topics include operating system modules, process
management, memory and file system management. In addition, the application of how these
processes and ideas in the professional setting will still be discussed; which will be in turn an output of
the course.

Course Title Integrative Programming and Technologies 1 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code IT 6286 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisite Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
The course examines the integration system and application across global businesses; explores
programming interfaces, data mapping and exchange, scripting, and programming languages to
support the configuration, maintenance, integration, and security of systems.

Course Title System Integration and Architecture 2 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code IT 6209 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisites IT 6208 Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course is the continuation of System Integration and Architecture 2. This course focuses on the in-
depth integration of information systems in organizations, and the application of the process by which
different computing systems and software applications are linked together physically or functionally. It
examines the strategies and methods for blending a set of interdependent systems into a functioning

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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SY 2020-2021 QR-AAD-002 July, 2020

or unified whole, thereby enabling two or more applications to interact and exchange data seamlessly.
The course will explore tools and techniques for systems integration as well as proven management
practices for integration projects.

Course Title Integrative Programming and Techniques 2 Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code IT 6304 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisites IT 6286 Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
The course is the continuation of Integrative Programming and Techniques 1. The course examines
the application of the integration system and application across global businesses; explores
programming interfaces, data mapping and exchange, scripting, and programming languages to
support the configuration, maintenance, integration, and security of systems.

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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SY 2020-2021 QR-AAD-002 July, 2020

Quantitative Methods with Modeling and

Course Title Credit Unit(s) 3
Course Code IT 6210 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisites ITE 6100 Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
This course covers the details and processes of using quantitative method research using modeling
and simulation. Students will use simulation before an existing system is altered and a new system is
built. It will also give perspective on how to reduce the hances of failure to meet specifications, to
eliminate unforeseen bottlenecks, to prevent under or over-utilization of resources, and to optimize
system performance.

Course Title Advanced Information Management Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code IT 6285 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisites Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
This course will cover an advanced study of Information Management related theories, ideas, and
processes. This includes advanced study of file processing, management of databases and database
management systems within organizations, institutions, logical models, query, optimization, recovery,
integrity, concurrency, security, distributed databases and client-server architecture, database
machines, knowledge-based and text-based systems, data mining and warehousing.

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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SY 2020-2021 QR-AAD-002 July, 2020


Course Title Current Trends and Issues in IS Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code COMP 6102 Lecture Unit(s) 3
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
This course offers discussion of the current trends and developments in information systems. The
course explores the motivation and design issues behind recently emerged innovations and its impact
in society.

Course Title Computing Fundamentals Credit Unit(s) 3

Course Code ITE 6101 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisite Laboratory Unit(s) 1
Course Description
The course provides an overview of the computing industry and computing profession, including
research and applications in different fields; an appreciation of computing in different fields such as
Biology, Sociology, Environment and Gaming; an understanding of ACM requirements; an appreciation
of the history of computing; and knowledge of the key components of computer systems (organization
and architecture), malware, computer security, internet and internet protocols, HTML 4/5 and CSS.

Course Title Physical Fitness Credit Unit(s) (2)

Course Code PHYED 6101 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
Instruction in general physical fitness wellness (mind, body, and health) is introduced. Emphasis is
placed on cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and muscular endurance. Weight training
conditioning and Intramural sports participation will also be encouraged.

Course Title Rhythmic Activities Credit Unit(s) (2)

Course Code PHYED 6102 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisite PHYED 6101 Laboratory Unit(s) 0

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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SY 2020-2021 QR-AAD-002 July, 2020

Course Description
The course covers the area in skill development and leadership techniques in rhythmic activities where
emphasis is placed on social, folk and creative dance activities.

Course Title Individual and Dual Sports Credit Unit(s) (2)

Course Code PHYED 6103 Lecture Unit(s) 2
Pre-requisite PHYED 6102 Laboratory Unit(s) 0
Course Description
This course provides students with basic knowledge and skills in a variety of individual and dual
sports. Emphasis is also given to strategies for organizing, teaching and assessing student progress in
each sport. Students are exposed to rules, strategies, instructional techniques and techniques for
evaluating performance, organization and skill development in individual and dual sports.

Course Title Team Sports Credit Unit(s) (2)

Course Code PHYED 6200 Lecture Unit(s) 2

Pre-requisite PHYED 6103 Laboratory Unit(s) 0

Course Description
This course will provide learning experiences that will lead to the development of basic skills in team
sports. In addition to skill acquisition, the course will focus on how to plan and implement the four
stages of skill development in games through the use of extending, refining, and application tasks. An
emphasis will be placed on the use of the game stages and movement framework as a guide for
designing a variety of sport game experiences for students Thus, students will be expected to achieve
an intermediate level of skill in the selected team sports.

Course Title National Service Training Program 1 Credit Unit(s) (3)

Course Code NSTP 6101 Lecture Unit(s)
Pre-requisite None Laboratory Unit(s)
Course Description
The Literacy Training Service Program is designed to equipped students with teaching skills and
understands the role of education and transfer of skills to school children, out of school youth and the
marginalized sector of society for social transformation and development. The module covers the
NSTP Law, the student’s role in increasing the literacy and numeracy level of members in the

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

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SY 2020-2021 QR-AAD-002 July, 2020


Course Title National Service Training Program 2 Credit Unit(s) (3)

Course Code NSTP 6102 Lecture Unit(s)
Pre-requisite NSTP 6101 Laboratory Unit(s)
Course Description
The Literacy Training Service Program 2 is a continuation of LTS 1 designed to allow student to
experience actual teaching to school children, out of school youth and the marginalized sector of
society. The course covers the actual implementation of the approved LTS training plan.

Prepared by: Reviewed and Endorsed by: Approved by:

Engr. Emelin M. Magada , MSCS,(DBA).Ed.D.

Curriculum Development Unit Curriculum Development Unit VP/ Head: APCILMDD Department

This is a controlled document. Revision of this document should undergo the standard procedure. The original copy of this document is located at the 36 / 36
office of the Academic Affairs Department (AAD).The user should secure the latest revision of this document from the AAD office.

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