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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

An-Najah National University ‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬

Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences ‫كلية الطب وعلوم الصحة‬
Department of Applied and allied ‫دائرة العلوم الطبية التطبيقية والمساندة‬
Medical Sciences ‫قسم العالج الطبيعي‬
Department of Physiotherapy

Exercise Physiology (1/7242205) Spring semester 2023

Date: 03.05.2023

Assignment Guideline
General points
1. You are a group of five to six students; you need to work together to complete your
assignment. (your group members and the number of the group is mentioned in the
end of this guideline)
2. Your grades will be the same for all of the group members, so you all need to do your
best to come out with a successful work.
Your work will be divided into two major points
1. Theoretical part
A. You as group of students who live a sedentary lifestyle, select yourself as
participants, You need to mention all anthropometric measurements for you as a
target group which include (age, gender, etc…..). By other words (an introduction
about you).
B. Mentioned the reasons why you have a sedentary lifestyle, or why you did not
do any physical activity.

C. Now it is the time to set your exercise program, your exercise program should
have the following features.
 General aims of your exercise program or your physical activity program.
 Your program should has a three part (warm up , main activities and cool
 You need to select suitable exercises for each part of your program ( 2
exercises for warm up ,3 exercises for main activities and 2 exercises for
cool down)
 You need to set up your physical activity program according to FITT
principle that appropriate to you as a target group. In addition, you need
to clarify the way that you select each part of FITT principle. (Specially
the Intensity of the exercises) in each category.
 You need to mention the goal of each exercise you selected. For
example, you select yoga for relaxation).
 You need to choose different type of exercise in each day, which achieve
your major aims.
 Your exercise program should be built to fit 30 minutes, and you need to
divide the 30 minutes for three parts of your program (warm up, main
activities and cool down). You only need to prepare a program for 5 days.
30 minutes daily for 5 days.
 You need to select exercises or games for each part of your program;
each exercise should have the FITT frame. For example, dancing,
squatting, running, breathing exercises….etc.
 Your exercises should be selected without using many equipment, or
 You need to select a measurement tool to evaluate your exercise
program before and after the application of the program. In addition,
there is a scale for measuring the intensity. I will explain this scale later
on the coming chapters. You need to proof that the measurement tool
you use is fit your target group, by finding an article support your choice.
 You can write your program in a table format.
 You can add photos to illustrate your exercise program.

2. While writing your assignment you need to follow the following instructions:
3. Write your assignment in a word document, with 1 to 4 pages. Cover page is included
with the three pages.
4. Cover page should be the first page including the following information:
5. Your group number
6. Your full names and university ID number.
7. The font type should be (new time romans), the titles font size should 14, bold. The
subtitles should be 12, and bold. The main content should be 12. Line and paragraph
spaces should be 1.5.
8. You need to submit you assignment as a soft copy in model. You can find an icon to
submit your work in there, the icon has the title of (Exercise physiology assignment
03.05.2023). The deadline for submission is 03.05.2023.
9. Total grade of this assignment is 20 marks. Which represent 20% of the total course
10. Your grades as group will be evaluated with the following scale:
Rubric Scale
Categories 5 4 3 2 1
Assignment format
Theoretical back group
Aims of program
Program parts & FITT
Games, exercises & measurement
Total grade /25 /15
Weighting clarification:
Grade 5 = Added 100 % of the required information, and followed all the instructions
‫‪Grade 4 = Added 80% of the required information, and followed all the instructions‬‬
‫‪Grade 3 = Added 60% of the required information, and followed all the instructions‬‬
‫‪Grade 2 = Added 40% of the required information, and followed all the instructions‬‬
‫‪Grade 1 = Added 20% of the required information, and followed all the instructions‬‬

‫‪1) Group number and members.‬‬

‫‪Grou‬‬ ‫‪Member names‬‬
‫‪p .N.‬‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫آيات دويكات‪ ,‬بشرى شجرة‪ ,‬االء قوقا‪ ,‬سيما خصيب‪ ,‬نسيبة زياد ‪.‬تالة كلبونة‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫نوال خضير‪ ,‬جنات كتانة‪ ,‬قمر بديري‪ ,‬باسمة عجوة‪ ,‬رحى سويدان‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫نور لبادة‪ ,‬اسراء رداد‪ ,‬مرام كنعان ‪ ,‬عائشة زامل‪ ,‬هبة أبو الرب‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫تماضر رضوان‪ ,‬هبة غبارية‪ ,‬ليان مراد‪ ,‬نور عباد‪ ,‬انوار جبارين‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫ديما زقوت‪ ,‬رهف مراعبة‪ ,‬راما خلف‪ ,‬أسماء سالمة‪ ,‬خديجة محند‬
‫‪6‬‬ ‫يوسف جلبوش‪ ,‬محمود شامي‪ ,‬احمد زيد‪ ,‬عز الدين شطارة حنين صوالحة‪,‬‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫محمود فقها‪ ،‬هاشم شلختي‪ ،‬محمد عاصي‪ ،‬اسالم عابد‪ .‬تامر عصيدة‬


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