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OBJECTIVE PART 1 Chapter - 1 Multiple Choice Questions (Encirele the correct answer choice) 1. For any complex number 2, it is always true that |z| is equal to (@){z1 () I-zl © 1-Z| @)allof these 2. If z1 and zz are any two complex number, then (@) latzel <|zi1 + zl ) | zrtze] sl zal +1 zl @pzi-zl (a) Rational numbers () Irrational aumbere~ ()Complex numbers (@Whole numbers =” 6. A decimal which has only a finite numbers of digits in its decimal part is called. (a) Terminating decimal (b) Non- terminating decimal (© Recurring decimal (a) Non recurring 7. A decimal in which one or more digits repeat indefinitely in its’ decimal part is called (a) Terminating decimal () Periodic decimal (c) Infinite set (a) Repeated number 8. Every recurring decimal is (a) a rational number (b) an Irrational number (©) a prime integer (@) a whole number 9. Anon terminating and a non recurring decimal is (a) a rational number . . @) an Irrational number (©) Periodic number (d) a sequence 10. 5.333......i8 (@)Rational (byTrrational (¢) ai Integer “(d) a prime integer ll. a is’ = < (a) Rational _ (b) Irrational (c) Natural number (d) None 12, 2 is (a) Rational (b) Irrational (c) an Integr (d) a whole number OBJECTIVE PART. 13. 7 is the ratio circumference of circle (@) "Tength of diameter _length of diameter circumference of circle 14, Every Integer is also a (a) a rational number (a Natural number © 2 circumference of circle _ ©) length of Radius length of Radius (@) “Greumference of circle (b) an Irrational number (d) a decimal number 15. Ifnis aprfme number , then Vn is (a) a ratiorial number (© an Integer (b) an Irrational number (@) periodic number 16. Ifnis a negative number, then Vn is (a) a rational number (c) only negative integer 17.. The number ‘0’ is (a)a rational number (© Even number 18. The number ‘0° is (a) anon positive integer (©) Real number (d) whole number (b)an Irrational number (d) a pure Imaginary (b) aw integer (@) all of these (b) anon negative integer (©) all of these 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 27. Ifa, b © Rand (a + 6) ER then this property of real numbers is (a) Closure property w. r.t+ (b)Commutative property w. r. t+ (c) Associative property w.r:t+ (d) Additive property. Fora, b © Rifa +b =b +a, then this property is called (a) Closure property w. r.t+ (b) commutative property w. r. t-+ (© Associative property w.r.t+ ° (a) Distributive “property Multiplicative Inverse of 0 is (a) 0 (b) Any real number (¢) Nof defiled (4) 1 Ifa is any non-zero real number, then its multiplicative inverse is @)-a > @-4 — @ Not defined For alla eR, a=a i . property (a) Reflexive (b) Symmetric _ (c) Transitive _ (d) Trichotomy For alla, be R,a=b => b=a is called .... Property (a)Reflexive- (b) Transitive. | (c) symmetric (d) Trichotomy Fora,6,c.¢ Rifc=b,b=c=> a=c, then itis... ... property (a)Transitive (b) Trichotomy (c) cancellation (d) symmetric » Fora, b,c € Ra=b >a+c=b +e, thenitis.,... property (a) Transitive (b) Trichotomy _(c) cancellation (d) Additive For a, b,c € Ra'+c=b+c=> a=6, then it is.... Property (a) Transitive (b)Trichotomy (c) cancellation (d) Additive OBJECTIVE PART. 3 28. Fora,b,c eR a=b= ac= be , then it is ...:property (a)Commutative (b)Closure (¢)Transitive _(d)Multiplicative 29. Fora, b,c Rand a>b,b>c= a>c, then itis ... .. property (a)Transitive (b)Trichotomy \ (c)Canceéllation (d) Inverse 30, For a, be € Ryifa 0; then which is true . @).atce>b+c b)ac>be (ac0 31. Fora, bce Rifa>bandc<0, then (@atebe (hacOand <0 then (a) ab>0 (b) ab<0 (atb20 @)a-b<0 38. The set {1, - 1} is closed w. r. t . (a) Addition (b) Multiplication _(@) Subtraction’ (4) None 34. The set {1} has closure property w. r. t (a) Addition — (b) Subtraction (e) Division (a) None 35. a (b +c—d) = abst ac -ad is --:--- property (a)Left distributive (b)Right distributive (c)Associative (d)none, 36. Ifa } (d)a-b>0 37. Ie 2 =f 1k#0, this rule is called . : (a) Rules of As of fractions _(b)iGélden rule of fraction (Rules of Quotient of fractions (d)principle for equality of fraction 38. . If is an even Integer, then (ris equal to fa) i b)y-t | (e) £1 @+i 39. If nis an odd number then (i) "is equal to (a) i (b) -i @ #1 @si 40. If n is-an integral multiple of 4, then (i) "is equal to (a)1 (b) 1 () #1 @ei 41. Ifa+ib=c+id, then it must be true that @a=c&bad. ~ 4b)a=-c &b=d @a=d &b=c (d) ad = be 42. If a +ib is complex number ,then its conjugate is (a)a-ib — (b) -a-ib © Vat +e @ab 48. If zis any real number, then its conjugate is (a) areal number (b)complex number (c) any Integer (d) zero 44, If kis any real number and a + ib is a complex number, then (a) 1k(a +ib)| = ka +ib (b} }(o +2b)| = ka -ikb “ (©) | (a + ib)| = VR(G? +64) - (A) None of these 45. The additive identity in set of complex num’ ers is (a) (0.0) (b) (0, 0). © G, 0) @).@, 1) 46. 47. 48. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. OBJECTIVE PART. 4 The multiplicative Identity of complex numbers is (a) (0, 0) ©) ©, 1) O40 ~ @a) The additive Inverse of (a,-b ) is (a) (a, 6) tb) (a, - b) “O Ga,~ b). @). Gab) The ulate Inverse of (a,-8) is.” 3 =b Nera aE ) oor ate) =a b a =b Oe a © Ge Tae . 0, 1) is equal to @1 )i @-i @o . (0, 1)? is equal to (a) (b)~1 @i @- (O, 1) is equal to = @1 (b) -1 @i* @)-i (0, 1)4 is equal to ee (a)1 )-1 @i @+ (i) is equal to : @)i oa © (d@)-1 er) (-1) * is equal to (ai (b)-i @©1 (d)-1 (0, 3) (0, 5) is equal to (a) 15 4 (b)-15 ©-8 (d) 81 The sum of two conjugate complex numbers is “(a) a real number -(b) an imaginary number (©) real of imaginary number. (@) not defined The product of two conjugate complex. numbers is 7 (a) a real. number. (b) an imiaginary number 58, 59. 60. 61. (© May be an Irrational number ~~ (a) not defined ‘The anutipieative Inverse of C4, Di in o8D of ogee) ages Factors of 3(x°+ y*) are (a) 3( +y ae y), (b) 3x +. iy x ~ i) O38 +i » “>. @none ‘ Real part of aot is equal to 7 @ 1 2 (4 @4 Imaginary part of (-2 + 3i)* is equal to (a) -2 9 - OB 8. opvective part 5 62. If Ris the set of real numbers, then product R x Ris called (a) Cartesian plane (b) Argand diagram (© Ordered pair (@) real line 68. The geometrical plane on which coordinate system has been specified is called. (a) Coordinate plane or real plane (b) Argand diagram (Cartesian plane (@) Real line 64. Ifa point A of a coordinate plane corresponds to the ordered pair (@, 6), then aand bare called, (a) Coordinates of point A (b) Value of point A (Abscissa of point A (@) ordinates of point A 65. If point A of the coordinate plane correeponde to the ordered pair (a, b) then, (a) a is “abscissa of point A (b) bis ordinate of point A (©) a & bare coordinates of point A (d) all of these 66. The modulus value of a complex number z = x + iy is the distance form (a) x axis (b) y= axis (© origin @ &,») 67. If z=x+iy , then lel = (a) VE2+y¥ LNB ay © x-iy @e+y 68, Ifzi=2+3i, 2=41~-ithen’ | zz) = (a) V8, (b) (26 OvVI6 @ 26 69. The correct statement of De Mover's Theorem is (cos 6'+ 1 sin 6)"is equal to (a) (cos @ + i sin @)»*! (b) (cos'n 6 +i sin n 0) (© (n cos 8 + in sin 8) (d) (cos n 8 — isin n 8) 70. Polar form of 1+ [3 is : (a) 2 (cos 60° + i sin'60°) (b) 2 (cos 60° - i sin 60) (©) 2(cos 30° + isin 30°) - (A) cos 60° + i sin 60° 71. Real part of (x +iy)" is (a) cos n 8 > @) sinn® (© cos n® : @imsinn® 72. Polar form of (/3'+i)'is . ter a an i a sesee (a) 2008 7 + isin 7) (b) 2(c08 Z isin =) # eiein Zy Sane (©) 2oos + ésin FY @)2(e08 F- isin 3). 78. Ifz is a reaf number , then ) Fe : (Oz? = lz. @ 22-2 74, If z =3—8, then |z|?is equal to (a) 34 (o) 34 (16 ~~ (none : opvective rant _& 16, If240+ib, then (ez) is equal to (a) 2a 4a © = Abt (2) 4a? 76. If Z=a+ib, then(Z+Z )isequalto . (a) 2(@8 + b%) (b) 2a? - b’) 0) diab. (d) (a? + BI, 71, lisex+tiy, then argument of 2 is. (a) 6 = tan @ ‘ sae () @=tan (2) (0) 8 = =tan '() (@@=-tan (2) 78, If| x+6i| =3, then xis equal to (#4 (b) #44 - (©) #224 (d) none of these 70, Golden rule of fraction Ja that for k #0. -" ha ab hb be ~ OF ) F oF as 80. The set (1, -1} poxsensen closure property w.r.t. (a) addition (6) multiplication (¢) division (d) aubtraction 81. (=I)? equals: . @1 @)=1 @i- @=i 6%, The modulus of 2 (a: (Va'=F (ator) Varo" (a) Ja? =(16y" 88, 0,142857142857: (a) irrational nu (b) rational number (0) natural number (@) decimal number 84, equals: : (a) et @-1 @ =i (Enoirele the correct anawer choice) 1. IfAg¢ Band B ¢ Athen which is true. (a) AmB. (AaB @ANBES @) AUB If (1-1) correspondence can be established, in, wo sete A and B, then it must be true that @A=B ()A~B @ANB= ¢ WANBE 9 8. The set N.of natural numbers and O of odd number are (a)N~O°'- ()NNO* ¢ (NYO=O (a) none of these OBJECTIVE PART. 7 Se eeeeeaeeae 4, The set Nand Z are (a) Equivalent sets (b) Equal sets © (c) Disjoint sets @) finite sete Which of the following is true @NcZ ©2Z6Q + @QcR — allot thess 6. Ifa set S has ni elements, then number of subsets in S are (a) me (by am (©) 2am (a.m 1. IfAg B, then (a) B is super set of A (bh) ANB = 6 ()B-AsA-B WANBe ¢ 8. Ifa set Shas no proper eubset, and then § will be (a) a singleton set (b) empty set (c) an infinite set (©) not a set ® Ifa set § has one proper subset only, then § will be (a) awingleton set wie (b) ompty a i ( infinite set (0) not 10. If aset Shas n elements, then number ate ‘lementa in P(S) = B (@) nt (b) 2 (o) Qa d)n 11, The net of all subsets of a sot in culled (a) Power set (b) Subset (e) Super set (d) Infinite set 4 12. If8 ={ }, then order of set Sis fa) 0 (bi (0) Infinite act (d) _ not defined 18. The Power set of an empty set has = (a) No elements (b) One element (0) Infinity many elements (d) Two elements 14, Ifn (8) = =m s then n (P(S) ie equal to (a) m’ (b) ge (0) auxin (d) m 15, The set tal elements under consideration is called (a) Universe of diacourse -(b) Universe =. (0) an infinite set - (A) Finite set 16. The set of real numbers betwean 1 and 3 is (a) Infinite set (b) {2} (ce) finite set (0) a group 17, Tabular form of(x | x @Q,x=—2) is (a (Oh tb) td. (e) ali Rational = (d) {2} 16. Which of the following is true (ae {iat} : (b) 9 @ fe} @peitel) “dy pet {ott c 9. The set builder form of AUB s equal to (a) (8 | #€AA 2 6 B} (b) | sa Av x @ B} (0) (x | se AA x a B} —@ tel aBa sa A) ‘ i oavective part 8 20. The set builder form of AB is equal to (a) {x | xe AA x € B} (b) & | xeAv x € B} (©) {e | xeAA x ¢ B} @) | xeBA xe A} 21.The set builder form of A ~ B is equal to (a) fe 1-xE AA xe B} () &e | xeAV xe By (© {| xeAa x ¢ B} @) fel xeBaxe A} 22, The set builder form of B ~ A is equal to (a) | xeAA xe BY () {x | 48. opvectiverarT 7 If Bg A then, n (ANB) is equal to (@) nA) (b) n®B) (© n(A) +n) .d) nA). 2B) IfA and B are Digjoint seta ie. A{)B= ¢, then n(A B) is.equal to (a)n (A) (b) n B) ()n(A)+n@®)-n(AUB) — @n(A)-nB). * If Aand Bare disjoint sets ie ANB= ¢, then n(B-A) (a) n (A) +2 B) (b) n (A).n (BY (on (A)+n(B)—n (AUB) @)n(B)— n(A) . If Ac B, then n (A~B) is equal to (a) n (A) (b) n®) ©@n(anB) @o IfBc A, then n (B-A) is equal to i (a) nA) (b) n(B) - (n(ANB) @o IfB cA, A-B¥ @ , then. n (A-B) (@) mA) bn B) @n@-nB) do Which of following is true (a) AUP =A. ()ANG=¢ (WA-P=A- (a) All of these Which of following is true (a) -A=¢ (b) AUA=A ©) AMA=A (@A-A=9 (©) all of these Which of following is true (a) AUU=U (b) A-U= ¢ @ANU=A~ @ U-A=4 (©) all of these IfA U B=A, then (@) ACB @)BcA (A= ¢ — (d) None of these De Morgan's Laws are : : ; (a) (AUB) = A'UB’ (by(AUB) = ANB’ (AUB) =A’ + BY (@) (AUB) '=(ANB)' De Morgan's Laws are - (a) (AN By = As NB (bY ANB)« = Ae UBS (©) (ANB): =Ae Be (@) (ANB):= (AUB)< The way of drawing conclusions form a limited number of * observations is called (a) An Induction (b) deduction (©) proposition (d) postulate The way of drawing conclusions form premises believed to be true is called (a) an Induction (b) deduction. * (¢) proposition (@) postulate OBJECTIVE PART to 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. A statement which is accepted to be true without proof and used to find othér conclusion is called. (@) An Induction (b) deduction . (©) proposition (d) postulate Logic im which every statement is regarded as true or false is called (a) Aristotelian logic (b) Non Aristotelian logic. (©) Proposition @ postulate ‘The logic in which there is a scope of more than two possibilities is called. (a) Aristotelian logic {b) Non Aristotelian logic (© Proposition @ postulate A statement which can be decided as true or false is called (a) proposition (b) postulate (© compound proposition @ truth value The symbol which is used to denote negation of a proposition is (a)~ (b) > On @v If pq isa conditional, then p is called (a)antecedent. (b) conclusion (c) consequence (d) conjunction If p— q_isa Implication, then qis.called (a) Hypothesis (b¥conclusion (c) antecedent |" (d) converse The symbol which is used to combine propositions is called (a) Connective (b)Negation (0) operator (d) compourid proposition Ifp and q be two propositions, than pA q is (a) Conjunction (b) disjunction (©) conditional : (@) Bi conditional If p and q be two propositions, then p> q is (a) Conjunction (b) disjunction (©) conditional (@) Bi conditional Ifp and q be two propositions, than p + @ is (a) conjunction (b) disjunction (©) conditional (@) Bi conditional Acompound proposition which is always true is called * (a) Tautology (b) contradiction (©) Absurdity (d) contingency A compound proposition which is neither always true nor false is called (a) Tautology (b) contradiction (© Absurdity (@) contingency A compound proposition which is always wrong is called (a) Tautology (b) absurdity: (© contingency (@ Equivalence If p be proposition, then (pv~ p is (a) Tautology (b) absurdity (©) contingency (4) Equivalence 64, 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 725 73. 74, TB. 76. 77. OBJECTIVE PART u Ea If P be any proposition then (pA~ p is (a) Tautology (b) absurdity (©) contingency _. @ Equivalence If~p — q isa conditional, then its converse is @a>~p &p>~a©~q>p @~q>~p Af~p —> q. ie a conditional then its inverse is, @a>~p )p+~qa @©~q-p @~q>~pP If~p — q isa conditional then its contra positive is @q>~p b)p>~q ©O~q>p @~q>~pP If p is a proposition 4< 5, q is a proposition 2+5 = 8, than truth value of pa q is (a) T (b) F (© Neither T nor F ' (d) Either T or F if p is a proposition 4 < 5, q is a proposition 2 +6 = 8, then truth value of pv q is (a) T (b).F ‘(Nether T for F — (d) Either T or F If p is a proposition 4< 5, q is a proposition 2 + 5 >8, then truth value of: p —+-q is : (aT (b) F (c) Nether Tfor F _ (d)-Either T or F Ifp is a proposition 4< 5, q is a proposition 2+ 5 ¥ 8, than truth value of po qis (aT )F © Nether TforF | @) Hither Tor F~ For the propositions'p and q, (pa q) — pis (a) Tautology (b) Absurdity (© contingency * @) none of these For the propositions p and gq, p >. (pvq).is (a) Tautology (b) Absurdity (©) contingency (d) none of these. The words or symbols which convey the idea of quantity or number is called (@)Quantifier (b) Negation (©) conditional (@) Truth table The symbol which is used to.convey the idea of all objects under consideration is called (a)Universal quantifier (b) Existential Quantifier (©) Universal set _ (@) Non of these The logical form of (AMB)' = A’ UB’ is @~@AQ=~Pa~q bo) ~(PAQ=~py ~@ (©) ~@vq)=~pv~q @~ovge~parq ‘The logical form of (AU B)* =A* Q) Beis eae (@)~@AQ)=~par~q () ~@ag=~pv ~q () ~(pvg=~pvy~q @~@vg=~pA~q es OBJECTIVE PART 2D 78, If pand q are two propositions, then truth set of pvq is @PN@ &)PU@ @P-Q @Q-P 79. Ifp and q are two propositions then truth sét of pa qis (@PNQ@ (b).P UQ ©P-Q (d)Q-P 80. If p and q be two propositions, then truth set of p> q is ~@PUQ ®PN@ ©P=Q @PNQ 81. Truth setof po q is @PNG, PUG @P=Q @PUQ 82... If pis a proposition, then truth set of ~p is (a) @)U o¢ (a) None 83. Truth set of a tautology is (a) Universal set (6.6 © True (@ False 84, Truth set of a contradiction is : (a) Universal set (6) (©) True @ False 85. Logical form of AU(BNC)=(AUB)N (AUB) is _ (a) pv @Ar)=@vQar (b) py ar) =@vaaevn © pa @vn=@Magyvi@ar) @) pa Qvn=Paq vr 86, IfsetA has 2 elements and B has 4 elements, then number of elementsin AXBis ; fa) 6 (b) 8 "6 (d) None of These Every subset of Cartesian product A B is called (a) Relation (b) Function (c) Domain), (@) Range. 88. The empty set { } being the subset of AxB is” p 87, (4) Binary relation. . - (b) Function ~ (©) Ordered pair . (d) None ofthese 89. If f:A—B be a function, then it is ‘an into function if (a) Range = B (b) Rangec B (c)Range is not repeated (d)Domain# A 90. A function f: A— B is called an on to if (a) Domain c A (b) Range c-B (©) Range = B (@) Domain ~ Range 91. A function /: AB is (1-1 if (a) Domainc A (b) Rangec B (c) Domain = Range (d) Range is not repeated 92. . A function f:. A B is (1-1) and onto if @Domain=A , — (b) Range c B (©) Domain = Range (d)Range = B and Range is not repeated 98, A(1—1) function is also called ...,... Function’ (a) Injective (b) Surjective (©) Bijective- (4) Inverse 94, An onto function is also called ....... Function : (a) Injective (b) Surjective __(c) Bijective (d) Inverse 95. 97, 98. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104, 105. 106. 107. 108. 109.- 110. OBJECTIVE PaRT_!3 A (1-1) and on to function is also called ....... Function . (a) Injective: (b) Surjective _(c) Bijective (a) Inverse Inverse of a function Exists only if it is (a) Injective _(b) Bijective (c) Surjective (d) all of these The function “f= {(x, y) | y= mx +c}, m & c are real number is (a) Linear —_(b) Quadratic (¢) circle () A point The function f = { (x, y) | y =ax*+bx +c, a #0} is (a) Linear. (b) Quadratic (©) Acircle - (d)' A point Inverse of line is (a)aline ~ (b) aparabola (¢)apoint (4) not defined If =x, x>0 isa function, then its inverse is (a)aline -(b)aparabola (c)apoint. (a) not a function ‘The function f= {(x,y) | y =x}is (a) Identity function (b) Null function (©) not a function (@) similar function Ifa set A has 2 elements and B has 3 elements, then different relations in Ax B are , (a) 5 b)6 ©8 d) 64 Ifa set-A has 2 elements and B has 3 elements, then different function in Ax B are (a) 6 (b) 8 oi(C)pa) (d) not defined Ifa set A has m elements and B has n elements, than relations in Ax B (amxn (b) 2" @ mtn. @d(mxn)? If a set S has n elements, then different relations is A (ay2n 2" © n (@) 2 The Inverse function of {(x, y) | y=mx+¢ is @){G, 9) |x=my+q ©) {@ ») | x= my tc} © {6.x ly =mx} @) not a-function An operation which is performed on a single number is called (a)Unary operation (©)Binary operation (c)Relation. “@ function Squaring a number is (a) unary operation (b) Binary operation (©) relation (d) function Which of the following i is not a binary operation (a+ + ot @ - For a non empty set G, a function from @ x G— G is called (a) Binary operation (6) Unary operation (c) Groupied ; @) Binary relation OBJECTIVE PART 14 111. Any subset of G x @ is called : (a) Binary operation (b)relation (function (d)Cartesian product 112. The set {1,~1, i,-i} is closed w.r.t (+ (b)- ©*x @* 118, The set of odd number is not closed w. ¢. t (a).+ () x @=- @) +&- 114, Let S be a not empty set and * is binary operation in it. If closure property holds in S, then S is (a)Groupied (b) Semi group (c)Monoid (a) Group 115. If N is set of natural number, then (N, +) is (a) Groupied _ (b) Semi group (¢) Monoid —(@) Group 116. If W is the set of whole numbers, than (W, +) is (a)Groupied _(b) Semi group (c) Monoid_.. (d) Group 117. If Nis set of natural number, then (N, x) or (N, *) is (a)Groupied (b) Semi group (¢) Monoid_—__ () Group 118. For a non empty sets S, (P (S), M) is (a) Groupied) (b) Semi group () Monoid (4). Group 119._For anon empty sets S, (P (S),.U) is (a) Groupied _(b) Semi group (¢) Monoid -_(d) Group 120, set of Integers, than (Z, ‘) is {a)Groupied.. (b) Semi group ~ (e)Monoid (a) Group 121. IfRis the set of real numbers, then (R, +) is (a)Groupied — (b) Semi group _(e)Monoid —(d) Group 122. If Qis tl set of rational numbers, than (Q, +) + ta)Groupied (b) Semi group (©) Monoid (d) Group 123. If Sis non empty set. Then identity element in P(S), w .r.t @t} @Ss @{¢} - (A) does not exist 124. If is non empty set. Than identity element in P(S), w.r: t U. ft} )S Od} (@) does not exist 125. The set of non -zero real numbers w. r. t multiplication is (a)Groupied (b) Semigroup (c) Monoied (a) Group 126. Identity element in (C, +) is (a) ©, 0) (b) 0, 1) © (1,0) @a,)) 127. Identity element in (C, +) is : @ 0,0) (b).0, ©4.9 - @GD 128. The set of first elements of ordered pairs in a relation is called its: (a)domain- (b) range’ (c) co-domain (d) relation 129, If A and B are disjoint sets then : i (a) AUB=9 (b) ANB=$ (ACB @A-B=9 130. If $= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} then n(S) equals: (a) 2 (6 os @-¢@ opvective part !5 181. IfA=@, then P(A) is: (a) Empty set (b) {0} (c) {g} (4) none of these "182. The graph of linear function is: (a)circle. (b) straight line (c) parabola _(d) triangle 183, A system of linear equations involves at least... equation(s): (a1 by 2 ©) 3 @4 184, IfACB, then ANB is equal to: : @¢ (b)A ©B (d)-A 135. IFA={1, 2, 3}, B= {3, 4}, then A- Bis: (a) {4} (b) (1, 2} © {1,4 (d).{3} 136. The number of elements in a set B is 4, the number of elements in P(B) (a) 16 (b) 12 @8 (dy 4 137. The number of all subsets of a set having three elements is: 4a (b) 6 ©8 (d) 10 138. Set of all possible sub sets of a set Sis called: (a) equivalent set (b) empty set (c) power set -(d) sub set 139. Set of integers is a group w.r.t: (a) addition (b) multiplication (¢) subtraction (4) division 140, fis function from/A to B; Domain of fis equal to: (a) any subsetof An (b)A xB ()A (dB 141) Every fanction is a: (a) relation (b) inverse function (©)one to one * (@ none of these, 142, Inverse of any element of a group is: (a) not unique (b) unique (© has_many inverses (@) none of these Chapter - 3 Multiple Choice Que: (Encircle the correct answer choice) 1. A fectangular array of numbers enclosed by a pair of brackets is called a (a) matrix (b) Row (©) column. (d) determinant. 2. The horizontal lines of numbers in a matrix are called (a) Rows —(b) column = {c) column matrix .(d) Row matrix 3. The vertical lines of numbers in a matrix are called (a) Rows (b) columns .(c) column matrix (d) Row matrix 4. Ifa matrix A has m rows and n. column, then order of A is (a) mxn (b) nxm. (m+n (d) m" 5. The element ay of any matrix -A is present in (a) i row and j* column (») i column andj % row (c) ¢ +j) ® row and column d) G-j)™ row and column OBJECTIVE PART 16 6, Any matrix Ais called real if all ajare a {a)realnumbers (b) Imaginary numbers (c).0_ (d) 1 7. Ifany matrix A has row ,then it‘is called. (a) row matrix (b)column matrix (c)Square matrix (d)Rectangular matrix 8. Ifany matrix A has only one column, then it is called (a) row matrix + (b) column matrix (©) Square matrix (d) Rectangular matrix 9. Ifa matrix A has same numbers of rows and column, then A is called (a) row matrix (b)column matrix (Square matrix (d) Rectangular matrix 10. If any matrix A has different numbers of rows and column. then A 1s, (a) row matrix (b) column matrix (©) Square matrix (d) Rectangular matrix 11. Any'matrix of order m * 1 is called (a) row matrix (b) column matrix (©) Square matrix (a) Rectangular matrix 12. Any matrix of order 1x nis called (@) row matrix (b) column matrix : (©) Square matrix (d) Rectangular matrix 18. For the square matrix A= [ai]..xa, the elements Git, G22, O44. Grn are (a) principal diagonal or leading diagonal (b) Secondary diagonal. - + _(¢) central row (d) central column 14. For the matrix A= [aj] axa ,the elements iy, Gra-1 , Odx-2, Aan-3,.. Gnt. form (a) Main ‘diagonat (b) Leading diagonal (© principal diagonal (@) Secondary diagonal - : 15. For the square: matrix A= (aj). Hf-all y= 0, ixjand-atledstone ° aij#0, i=j, than Ais called (a) Diagonal matrix (b) Scalar matrix (c) Identity matrix (d) Null matrix 16. For the square matrix A= fai]. If allay =0,i #j andall ay=k (non zero) for i=j, then A is called (a) Diagonal matrix (b) Scalar matrix (© Identity matrix (a) Null matrix 117. If all off diagonal elements are zeros and at least one of the leading diagonal is non zero , then matrix is called ‘ (a) Diagonal matrix (b) Scalar matrix (C) Identity matrix (@) Null matrix 18,. The matrix {7) is . (a) square matrix (b) Row matrix ‘column matrix (4) all of these OBJECTIVE PART _17 19. If Aisa matrix of order m xn, than the matrix of order nx m is called ; (a) Transpose of A (b) Inverse of A (Main diagonal of A (@) Echelon form of A 20. Two matrix A and B are said to be conformable for addition if (a)number of columns in A= number of rows in B -(b) number of rows in B= number of columns in A (©) rows of A= columns of B__(d) order of A = order of B 21. If (aj) =A, and [bj] =B, then A= B if and only if (a) order of A = order of B (b) ay = by. i =j only (c) ais = by. # j only) (@) ay = by. for all i &} 22. For any two matrices A and B, (A+ B)‘is equal to (a) At+ Bt (b) (A+B) @ ABE © @)BiAt 23. (AB)tis equal to A ‘ : (a) Bt At (b) At Bt @AB (@)(B A) 24. (RAB)E= q ; (a) kAtBE (by RBiAt (©) RBA)! (a) kt (AB) 25. Let A be any matrix and nis an Integer, then A+ A+A+.... +-t0 nterms (a)An (b)n A At @n+hHa 26. Two matrix A and B are conformable for multiplication AB if (a) number of columns in A= number of rows in B (b) number of rows in B = number of columns in A (c) number of rows in A=\ number of rows in B (d) number of columns in A = number of columns in B 27. If A is a matrix of order m Xn and B of order nx q, then order of AB is (a) mxq b)nxn ( mxm (d)qxm 28. If Ais oforder 2x3 and Boforder 4x2, then order of AB (a) 2x2 (b) 3x4 (©) 4x3 @) Non 29. If Ais of order ‘2x3 and Bof order 4x2, then. order of BA (a) 2x2 (b) 3x4 (©) 4x3. (d) Non 30.. If AB = BA, then. which. is true (a) A.and B are multiplicative inverse of each other (b) One of A or B is null matrix (© One of Aor Bis identity matrix (d) all of these bl: 81. For any square macic an | 1 JAl is eauat to : - \ (ajab-cd . (b)ad~ be) aq- bd * (A) bead 82. If A=(-7] , than | A} is equa! to @)7 (b)-7 “ @'O" (ay Not possible Suietes OBJECTIVE PART iS 88. If Ais any square matrix of order-8, than | A| is equal to (a) }RIIAI . (b) [RI TAL RIAL A IAL 84, IfAis any square matrixand AB=BA =[. then Bis called (a) Additive Inverse of A (b) Multiplicative Inverse of A z ()Transpore of A (d) determinant of A 38. If A+B=B+A=O0, than Bis called * (a) Additive Inverse of A (b) Multiplicative Inverse of A {c) Transpose of A (d) determinant of A 36. If adjointofA = [ 7 ‘| , Then matrix A= =1 =2] “43 42 of] B31 964 of 4 87. nate non: singular matrix, then Ac! : wad. a prada we wade [al : 88. IfAX= B, then X is equal to . (a) ALB (b) B @BAt (di) all of these 89. Inverse ofa matrix, exist if it ie : (a)Bingular (b)Non-singular (0) Null matrix: (a)Rectanguler matrix 40. Which ofthe property does not hold in matrix multiplication (a) Associative (b) Commutative (c)Closure - (d) None _ 41. Let Am fay] be a square matrix and Af; {s the determinant obtained by deleting i row andj! column of A, Then Minor of ayieequalto , (a) My (by =1 My (0) 1) My (A) (= 1 ay 42, Let A= (aj] bea square matrix and My is the determinant obtained by deleting (row andj column of A. Then cofactor of ay in equal to a (a My (b) (=1y91 My Ce) (1 My (8) (Dray 48. For any square matrix A, It s always true that. (A ARAL (hy Ad @IAliAd dated 44, For any triangular matrix A, |A] ie equal to (a)Product of leddiny diagonal elements (b)Sum of leading diagonal elements (o)Produst of secondary diagargl elements (d) Product of both diagonal elements opuective pant 4 465. If all entries of a square matrix oforder 3is multiplied by k, ° then value of |kA| is equal to (aIRIVAL-- - (eR IAT @ IAL @) RAL 46. For any. non singular matrix A, ‘It is true that (a) AT =A (b) |AL=A (©) (A™)' = (AN) Non 47. For any non singular matrix A, It is true that » @A) TSA b)ANISA ©) AzA (@) all of these 48. For any non—singular Matrices A and B it ia true that (a) (AB) “t= Bot AT ~— (b) (AB)! #BEAt (ce) AB # BA (d) all of these 40. Auquare matrix A¥ [ay] for which all ay=0,i>j,then Ais called (a) Upper Triangular (b) lower Triangular (e) Symmetric (d) Hermition 60. Anquare matrix A= [ay] for which all aj#0,i : (a) APA WARS =A (A RA (a) (Ata A 60. A square matrix .\is skew: Hermitian if (AEA) AEH =A CAA (@) (Alte =A FEE OBJECTIVE PART. 20 61. The main diagonal elements of a skew symmetric matrix must be @1 )0 (©) any non-zero number (@) any complex number 62. The main diagonal clements of a skew Hermitian matrix must be fay . (b) 0 (©) any non zero nmnber (@).any complex number 63. Inechelon form of a matrix, the first non zero entry is called (a) leading entry (b) first entry (c) Preceding entry (d)Diagonal entry 64.. The additive inverse of a matrix exist only if itis (a) singular (b) non singular (null matrix (d)any matrix of order: mxn 65. The multiplicative inverse of a matrix exist only if it is (a) singular - (b) non singular (null matrix (d)any matrix of order mxn 66. If t 1 = i 3) then 0 1-9 1 : @a=-3) 5) M@=b Oa=3 Wa=z 67. The number of non zero rows in echelon form of a matrix is called (a) order of a matrix (b)Rank of'a matrix (leading (@leading row 68. If A is any square matrix then A+A' isa (a) Symmetric (b)skew symmetric (¢)Hermitian - (d)skew hermitian 69. If Ais any.square matrix then A~At isa (a) Symmetric (b)skew symmetric. _ (c)Hermitian * . skew hermitian 70, If Ais any square matrix then A+(A)! isa (a) Symmetric (b)skew symmetric (c)Hermitian (d)skew hermitian 71.If Ais any.square matrix then A~(A)' isa (a) Symmetric | (b)skew symmetric (Hermitian (d)skew hermitian 72, If Ais symmetric (skew symmetric), than A? must be (a) singular (b) non- singular (©) Symmetric : (d@) Anti symmetric 73. In a homogeneous system of ‘linear equations, The sohution (0,0;0) is (a)Trivial solution (b)non trivial solution (exact solution (d)Non 74 If AX=O, then X= (a) I (b) O (co) AY (d) not possible OBJECTIVE PART_2-I 75. If a system of linear equations have no solution at all, then it is called a/an (a) Consistent system (b) Inconsistent system (© Trivial system (@ Non Trivial system 76, The value of 2 for which the system x+2y = 4: 2x+Ay=-3 does not possess the unique solution (a)4 (b) -4 (+4 (a) any real number 77. If the system x + 2y = 0; 2x+ Ay = 0 has non trivial solution, then dis . (a4 )-4 . @#4 (d) any real number 2x43 1) _|-l+x 01 me 2? DP Hen (a)3 ) -3 ©) 4 @-4 12 4 : 79. The cofactor Azof|}-1 2 S$ | is 0-1 of “@o (b)-1 @1 @2 80. IfA={ay]axs then Is A ie equal to: @a (b).A-}_. (©) Not possible (d)-A 81, [fall the entries of a row of a square matrix A are zero , then 4A} equals: (1 )-1 0 @=iAl 82. If i no = x equals: (2 4 6 @s 88. - The inverse of unit matrix is: (a) unit. (6) singular (c) akew symmetric (d) rectangular 84. Tranapose ofa row matrix is: (@) diagonal matrix (b) zero matrix © column matrix (@) ecalar matrix Chapter - 4 Multiple Choice Qui (Encirele the correct anawer choi 1. The equation ax! + bx+9=0 will be quadratic if (a)a’=0,b# 0 (b)-o #0 @e=bs0 (@) 6 =any'real number , solution ‘set of the equation x1 =4x+ 4=0 is’ (a) (2, = 9} ¢b) {2} (e) {=2} {4-4} i OBJECTIVE PART 2 8. The quadratic formula for solving the equation ax? + bx + c= 0 is (@#0) . . dace . (400 (a) x 5-62 (es-b4\/7ZF Werte yp epan PEE @x-bt OF 2a 4, To convert ax%+ bx +c=0 (a #0) into quadratic form , the correct substitution (a) y=" (b) y=" @yaxr y= Vx 5.. The equation in which variable quantity occurs in'exponent ‘is called (a) Exponentional function (b)_ Exponent ional equation (c) Reciprocal equation, (@) quadratic equation 6. Toconvert 4¥*+ 4 !-r= 10 into quadratic, the substitution is (a) y = 4h (y= (y= 4 @My=4e i 7. The equation which remains unchanged if x is replaced by , then itis called (a) Exponentional function (b) Exponent ionai equation (c) Reciprocal equation “@) quadratic equation 8, The equations involving radical expressions of the variable are called (a) reciprocal equations (b) radical equations (© Quadratic equations’ (a) exponent ional equations 9. The roots whith satisfy radical free equation but not radical equation are called (a) Extraneous roots (b) radical roots (cJoriginal roots (d) exact roots 10. The cube roots of unity are +iv3 1 2 2 =l+i3 -1-13 22 11, The cube roots of +] are (a1, 1, 2 -l+iy3 1-iy3 14iv3 ee -1, 7x. (a) . 7 wy : 43 LHS -1 -148 | @ 21, SS a (@) 1, : ©) aa @ 5 7 12. Sum of all cube. zoats, of 64, is : a0. byt (64 (a) 64 13. Product of all cube. roots of ~ 1 is ti (0 )1 a + (@) Non OBJECTIVE PART._ 23 14. 16a + 16a8= @o (b) -16 © 16 (@) -1 15. (-1+V-3 5 + (-1--3 )® is equal to : (a) 0 (b) 32 @-32 °° @-1 16. The sum of all four forth roots ‘of unity is (a) unity (b) 0° (ce) 1 (a) Non 17, The product of all four forth roots of unity is (a) unity (b) 0 © (@) Non 18. ‘The sum of all four forth roots are 16 is - (a) 16 ()-16 @O @1 19. The Product of all four forth roots of 81 is (a) -81 () 81 @0 @1 + 20; The complex cube rodts of unity are ...... each other (a) Additive inverse of (b) Equal to each other (©) Conjugate of each other . (d) Non of these 21. The complex cube roots of unity are........ each other (a) Multiplicative inverse of each other (b) Reciprocal of each other (©) Square of each other (@) all of these 22. The complex forth roots of unity are ... each other (a) Additive inverse (b) equal to (c) square of (d) Non 23, If sum ofall cube roots unity is equal to\2?+ 1, than xis equal to @)-1 (b) 0 @ti @i 24. If product of all cube roots of unity is equal’ to p*+1, then p is (@)-1 (b) 0 (©) #i di 25. The complex forth roots of unity are ..... each other (a) Multiplicative Inverse . " (b) complex conjugate (@)Additive invérse (d). all of these 26. The expression aux" + du-ix*!+ .,.a;%+ a0, an # Ois a polynomial of degree n, ifn is any (a) Integer (b) non- negative integer (©) Positive Integer (@) Real number 27. The expression watig is. x (a) polynomial of degree 2. (b) polynomial of degree 3 () polynomial of degree 1. (d) not a polynomial 28. If f(xrisdivided by ta ; then Divided = (Divisor) (:...) + Remainder (a) Divisor _(b) Dividend _(c) Quotient «d) f(a) 29, If f(x} is divided by x-a,then by remainder théorem, Remainder is (a) f(a) (b) f(—a) Of@+R @x-a=R 80. The polynomial (x-a) is a factor of f(x) if and only if (@)f(@=0 (bo) f/@)=R- (©) quotient=R (d) x= -a OBJECTIVEPART 24 31. x~2 isa factor of #—kx+4, if kis (a2 (b) 4- © k=8 (@) =4 32, If x= —2isa root of kx!— 18x? + 36=0, then k= (@2 )-2 @1 , @=1 38, x+a isa factor of x* +a* when nis. (a) any integer . (b) any positive integer (©) any odd integer @ any real number 34, x-aisa factor of x*—a" ,if nis (a) any integer (b) any positive integer (c) any odd integer (d) any-real number 88, Sum of roots of ax*—bx-e= Ois (a #0) a = . 3 oF of. - @oF 36. Product of axt-bx-c= Ois hada) @? oF og ay 37, sum of roots of any ‘quadratic date is fe (e) Soeficient of 2 y Loeffcient of x =. coefficient of x coefficient of x? (@ —-feefant_of x” (gy Constant term. coeffelant of x? coefficient of x# 88. Product of roots of any quadratic quadratic is (a) Coefcient of _x* Ca lent of. x coefficient of x coefficient of x? (@ ~ -Loefhant_of_# (gy -gongtant term coeffciant of x° , coefficient of x 89. If sum of roots of 7x!+ px-q = Oise 7, then p= (a)7 +. (6) 49 (©) ~49 @.¢q 40. Eten 4xt 0 “) b?= 4ac< 0 (©) b2- 4ac=0 * d) b2— dac #0 The roots of ax? + bx + c= 0 are equal, if (a) b?— 4ac > 0 (b) b?- 4ac<0 (© b?-4ac = 0 (a) b?+ 4ac = 0 If discriminant is positive and perfect square , then roots are (a) Real & distinct (b) Imaginary & distinct (© Rational & distinct @) irrational and distinct If diseriminant is positive and not perfect square , then roots are (a) Real & distinct (b) Imaginary & distinct (c) Rational & distinct (d) irrational and distinct If diseriminant is negative , then’ roots are (a) Real & distinct (b) Imaginary & distinct . (c) Rational & distinct @) irrational and distinct If diseriminant is zero , then roots are (a) Real & distinct (b) Real & equal (©) Rational & unequal (d@) None of these The roots of 2x2— bx +.8=0 are imaginary, if (a) b?< 64 (b) b> 64 () B= 64 (@)b=2#8 The equation of the form ax+bx+ c= 0 where a, b, ceR a #0, is called (a) Reciprocal equation (b) Quadratic equation (©) Exponential equation (@) polynomial expression Quadratic equation is also called (a) 2=4 degree polynomial equation _(b) Polynomial expression (c) Radical equation (d) All of these Degree of Quadratic equation is (ao (b) 1 @2 (d) None Graph of quadratic equation is (a) Straight line (6) Circle (©) Square. (d) Parabola Basic techniques for solving quadratic equations is/are fa) 1 ) 2 © 3 @).4 To sqlve ax? + bx +c=0 where a, b,c e R& a#0 ,we can use (a) Factorization (b)Completing square, (© Quadratic formula (d) All of these OBJECTIVE PART 26 60. The equation of the form (x +a) (x+b)(x+c)(x+d )=k Where a + b=c +d. , .cam be converted into : (a) Reciprocal equation (b) Quadratic equation (¢) Exponential equation (a) Alll of these 61. Forany ne Z, @" is equivalent to one of @iLeow bee @10 @1, 0 62, @% +m” +1= @o 1 @-1 @) @ 63, Four forth roots of unity are ald 1- ions (a) tl, ti (0) 0,.0,07 1, ——— 0 )Non 64, Synthetic division is a process of (a) addition (b) multiplication ‘(c) subtraction, _(d) division 65. x?+x-6=0 has roots: f (a) Real (b) Equal (Complex (@) Trivial’ » 66. Roots of equation x? + 2x + 3 = 0 are: (a)real (b) equal {@)rational _ (@) imaginary 67. ‘If the roots px” + gx + 1=0 are equal, then: (a) q@?+4p=0 ““byp?+4qg=0 _(c) g?-4p=0 (a) p*- 4q=0 68. A quadratic equation Ax? + Bx + C = 0 becomes linear equation if: (a)C=0 (b) A=0 () B=0 @A=B=C Chapter - 5 Multiple Choice Questions | (Encirele the correct answer choice) : 1. An open sentence formed by using sign of ‘ =’ is called a /an: (a) equation (b) formula _(c) Rational fraction (d) Theorem 2. If an equation is true for all values of the variable, then it is called (a) a conditional equation (b) an identity (©) proper rational fraction (d) All of these 8. If an equation is true only for particular values of the variable, then it ia (a) a conditional equation (b) an identity (©) proper rational fraction (@).a formula 4. (e+ Bet 4) = x24 Tet 12 isa/an (a) conditional equation (b) identity (© proper fraction (@) Linear factors 5. sin?@ + cos?@ is a/ an (a) conditional equation (b) identity (© proper fraction (@) Theorem 9. ih <"_opyective pant. 27 . To express a single rational function as a sum of two or more single rational called- . (a) partial fractions (©) partial fraction resolution (©) proper fraction (d) Improper fraction . When a single rational fraction is expressed as a sum of two or more single rational fractions, then each single fraction is called (a) partial fractions () partial fraction resolution (©) proper fraction (d) Improper fraction 8. The value of a, when (a+b)= a? + 2ab + bis an identity (a) an injgger only (b) any real number (c) only positive number - (A) cannot be determined 7x 3x] = Txp~Gz* is a/ an eee (b) identity. - (e)determinant (d)Non 10. ‘The quotient of two polynomials 2 , 9 (x) 20 is called q(x) - (@) Rational fraction (An irrational fraction (©) Proper fraction. (@) Partial fraction 11. A fraction 2) ath D ima proper fraction if (a)degree ou degree of pit). ()degree of p(x) 2 degree of a(x) 12. A fraction ; isan improper rational fraction if (a) degree of p(x) < degree of q(x) _(b) degree of p(x)= degree of q(x) (©) degree of p(x) < degree of p(x) (@degree of p(x) = degree of q(x) 13. A mixed form of fraction is 15, The partial fractions of (a)an integer + improper fraction (b)a polynomial + improper fraction (©) a polynomial + proper fraction (@)a polynomial + rational fraétion 14, When a rational fraction is eeparated into partial fractions, then Result ie always (@) a conditional equations (b) an identity (©) a partial fraction (@)an improper fraction 2a 10r +13 are of the form GE 5x46) (a) A, B+ Deve Rl rd ee? © AB, (@) None of these eed OBJECTIVE PART 23 ai -Sx+7 i -Sx+7 A (=P -1) x1 8 oF wif oF xl ; Cc. Dei E xt G-DP x+t a ye OFA 3 x 17. f parti: i peer 7. The number of partial fraction of Hear are (a2 (b) 3 (4° (@) none of these ra x(x+ioe —4 (@)3 (b) 4 5 + @6 e-i (a1 (2 ©3 (4) none of these a0, 14, _22e+25 A =4.4 4 then Bis equal to (F43)54+4) = x 4+3 44 (a)3 )-3 (4 (a)-4 421, If x =10x413 BC, oer Dm a, BY P (=I? — 5246) x-2 18. The number of partial] fraction of 19. The number of partial fraction of are , then Cis equal to x-3 x-1 (a)2 (b) 3 (4 (@)-4 2xt+x-x-3 A 8 x(2x4+3)x—-1) x 2x43 (a1 )2 x d) none of these xt @-D@+D : Pee eee eee ec ceece @i+ A+B x-1 x4t x1 x+l ed ——+ eee xt] (+l @+DP 22. , then A is equal to 28, Partial fractions of are of the fort Ax+B (a) ZAI 24, 1£ + then A= 1 (e+IP(e-D 1 1 1 1 @s o> » OF @-7 25. A quadratic factor which can not be written as'a product of linear factors with real coefficients is called (a) an irreducible factor * (b) reducible factor * (©) an irrational factor (@) an improper factor 26. Which is a reducible factor (a) 8—6x+ 8x (b) x2 + 16x (c) a2+5 x6 (A) all of these OBJECTIVE PART_ 2.1 “27. Particle fraction of 1 oe Gees © Fa-* 26+ © 2G- 2640 1 1 1 1 Sgro cag en en Osan 2as) |) 2G) eID 2 28. Partial fraction of 2; = will be of the form ¥ : doce 4 B Oo 1 xtox4l ©) Se axel Bxte A Bxte ait xva=xtl ® xt] x? =x-1 29.” Number of partial fractions of the fraction Prod are: wen @1 2 @3 | @4 30. Conditional equation 2c+ 3 = 0 holds when x is equal to: 3 3 1 @ 5 OO @5 (a1 31. The quotient of two polynomials a Q(x) ¢0:with no.common factor is called: (@) algebraic relation (b) rational fraction (© partial fraction @ polynomial 32. The partial fractions of ane are: : 1 1 i 2x-1) 2(x+1) OF ae aa Tez 1 1 © 56-0 2+ @- ae 7 » [Chapter - 6 Multiple Choice Questions (Encirele the correct answer choice) 1. An arrangement of numbers according to some definite rule is called (a) Sequence — (b) Combination (©) Series (d) Permutation OBJECTIVE PART 3°. 2. A sequence is also know as (a) Real sequence (b) Progression (c) Arrangement (d) Complex sequence 3. A sequence is a function whose domain is set of {a) Integers (Z) (b) Rational numbers (Q) » (©) Natural numbers (d) real number 4. A sequence whose range is R i.e set of real numbers, is called (a) Real sequence (b) Imaginary sequence (© Natural sequence (a) Complex sequence 5. Ifan={n+( 1)", then aw= (a) 10 b) 9 @11 (d) none of these 6. The last term of an infinite sequence (a) isn term (b)isas. (c) isgeneral term (d)dose not exist 7. The next tertn of the sequence - 1, 2, 12, 40... is (a) 112 (b) 120 (©) 124d) none of these 8..1f ox on 1=n+ Land as=14 then a5= (a3 )5 (© 14 @ 20 9. Ifan=nan1, ai=1thenas=? (a) 6 (b) 24 ©) 110... d) 660 10. A sequence {au} in which an— aa 1 is the saine number for all neN, n>-1,is called é (a) AP (b) GP (c)H.P — (d) none of these 11/If fo») isan Arithmetic séquence then common difference ia © @)ane ant (b) Gast an R or tre (@ or 1 Gent, neNme 1 12. The « sueral term of an A.P is fi (a) =at(n-l)d i {b) ai =a-~ (n—-Dd Oa =a+(n+)d @)a.=a-(n+ Dd 138. If a8 = 5 3n.+2n?, then a= (a) 5—6n + 2n? (b) 5—6n+ 4n? () 5 + Gn + 4n? _ (@) 5 = Gn + Bn? 14, Ifa, 2=3n-11, then an= (a) 3n +5. (0) 3n -5 (c) 3n-9 (a) 8n - 13 15. If n'* term of an A.P is 3n - 1 then 10" term is @9 (29 (12: @)eannot be determined 16. n® term of the series (3 1 3 gies: : : j ; o(%% ‘) ©) (4) © (3) (@) cannot be determined 17. Ifds 1, an net are in A.P, then Ga is called (a) AM (b) GM (@HM~ (d) Mid point OBJECTIVE PART 3! 18. Arithmetic mean between c and dis . e+d etd 2d. ost WSF OAG ora 19. If a.-1as, d.,0vare in AP then as= BAS BH an os @ Stet : , 2 20. The Arithmetic mean between V2 and 32 is (a) 4V2 “@) 4 @v2 » (d) none of these 21. The sum of terms of a sequence is called (a) Partial sum (b) Series. (©) Finite sum. (d) noné of these 22. Forth partial sum of the sequence {n*} is | (2) 16. 1+ 44+ 9416 ©8 @1+2+3+4 23. Sum of n term of'an Arithmetic series Sn is equal to (a)g 2a +n 1) OFa+a-nq (© § Rat (n+) dl @ Feat 24, Sum of n term of an Arithmetic series in S. is equal to @) 5 @ +a) 5 @-b- © S* @ niatay 25. For any G.P the:commion ratio ris equal to OZ OF OZ @oansi—a forneN,n>1 26, No term of a G.P is (a) 0 (o)1 (©) negative (4) imaginary number 7. The general term ofa G..P is (@)ae=are-" (b)an=am (can = are"! @ ona 28. Ifa, G, bare in GP, then i @G=0b .@ G=2Ve wo=2t4 @o=2% 29, Ifo, G, bare in G.P, then Gis called (a) common ratio (b) Geometric mean (©) centre (d) Geometric series 80. If Gi, G2, Gs ..., G, be Geometric means between a and 6, then G= ’ @ GGG, ©) GGy.n..G,)* @ Brits, =#G, © @4 GG 0. Gs) OBJECTIVE PART 22 81. Sum of n term of a geometric series S, is equal to ir) cl cad L ot? oe ot? @)ar-}, for r#1 32. The sum of infinite geometric series is valid if @Ir}>1 Olrl=1.. ©lrl21 @ri<1 83. For the series 1+ 5+ 25+ 125+....+ ©, the sum is (4 () 4 (FE — @ notdefined 34. An infinite geometric series is convergent if ~ @Irl>1-° @)Irb=1 @iriz1 @iri<1 385. An infinite geometric series is Divergent if @bri<1 @)[r}#1° @r=0 @irl>1 86. If sum of a series is defined, then it is called (a) Convergent series (®) Divergent series” (©) finite series (a) Geometric series 37. If sum of a'series in not defined , then it is called (a) Convergent series (b) Divergent series (©) finite series (@) Infinite series 38. Ifthe series % + + 2+ convergent, then : @ixe2 Wlzi<1 (@O1@lz1<1 41. Ifthe reciprocals of the terms of a sequence form an A.P, then it is (@) Harmonic sequence _(b) Arithmetic sequence (©) Reciprocal sequence (a) series 42. The n'sterm of. 2 ,2,2...i8 1 1 @3n-1 (b) 3n- 1 @2a+1 (a). Rel 43. General term of an H.P is Spree te Eee @ ane ard ©) = Gea Oats @ar=at(n 1)d OBJECTIVE PART: 33 44, Harmonic mean between 2 and 8 is 1€ 5 (@)5 0) 5 ©) +4 @ 76 45, IfA,G, and H are Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic means between two positive number, then (a)@=AH () A, G Hare in G.P ()A>G>H (@) all of these 46. IfA,G, and Hare Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic means between two negative number, then (a) G@=AH (b) A, G, Hare inG.P @AG>H @A=G=H @Az2G2H 48. If aand bare twopositive number , then’ (a) A< GG>H @A=G=H « @AsGsH 49. Ifa and b have opposite signs then Geometric mean is (a) an imaginary number (b) non zero real nimber (©) Real number (d) Negative 50, 1¢ 2 * 2" ig A.M between a.&b, then nis equal to @o ®-b @r @3 81. 1f 22 is GM between a & 6, then “ane (a) 0 o)-1 1 @ 3 52, If othe is HM between a & b, then nis equal to (ao ®-1 @t @ : ; 88. Ifa, ar, art, forma. Pthen 2, 35,-b,,, is (a)anA,P ()aG.P @)anH,P. da reciprocal sequence 54. Enis 7 to (a) ni (b) mint Gn) © mn @ 65, Ln} is equal to a) MD (oy MBEAN SD AOD ay yy OBJECTIVE PART 34 56. Yn*is equal to ) a +1) ©) ant ten +) o™* 1? @ nin 1? 57. ee 1, then: seein oul rat (a) 2n #1 “-(@) dn? + dn +1 (©) (2n— 1? é (a) cannot be'determined 58. The sum of n A.Ms between a & 6 is equal to (ay of S44) | @) nat) (2) : ~@nfat(n-1)d} @at(n-1)d 59. The sum of 5 A.Ms between 2 & 8 is_ (a) 25 (b) 50. (c) 40 (d) 10 60. Ifboth x & y are +ve distinct real numbers, then the G.M. between is (a) leas than their A.M. (b) Equal to A. M. (c) Greater than A.M. (d) None of these 61. The numbers a ~d,a,a+d are in (a) arithmetic progression _(b) geometric progression .(¢) harmonic progression (@) harmonic series 62. If Irb< 1, then, Se= . e os par @) MD) gy aD AD @ A l-r -r r~1 63, With usual patsone, AH equals ; (a) A? (b) H? (c) G? (d) -G? 64. If a, =2n+1, then aa is equal to (a)2n+3 (b) 9n=3 (@)2n=1 > att 65. With usual notation nth term of AP is (a)a=aitn+ Id -)d (©) an = a1 + Quer @) auaa+(n-1d © 66. G. Mbetween—2 and 8 is: (a) 4ior—4i- (b)4or—4 (©) Wor-16 d) 8 or-5 67. H. M between--2 and 8 equals: -3 a = by 2g d) ay () © @ 68. n' term of \.P is: (aartnd (b)ait(n-Hd @nard Sed 69. Fifthterm of 1.4.1 3°57 @u Ww» om @u OBJECTIVE PART 335 . (a)AnAP (()G.P (ec) HP. (d) Harmonic series 71. If Gi, Gs, - Ga are n geometric means between a and b, then Gi. Gz Ga)" is. atb 2ab a+b = b) —— ib (d) ——— @ wAZ Ov OF 72. Harmonic mean between two numbers'‘a’ and ‘b’ is: a+b = 2ab a+b ee ag ao as ota OF O55 73. General térm of a sequence is- (-1)"'n2. Its 4** term is: (@)-4 (b) -16. (©) 16 4 (Chapter - 7. Multiple Choice Questions (Encircle the correct answer choice) - 1. The factorial notation was introduced by (a) Christian kramp ~(b) Newton (ce) Candy (a) Boyal 2. n= n(n~1) (n-2)...3:2,. is defined only when nis {€) positive integer (b) an integer (© Real number (@) whole,number 3. O! is equal to ¥ (a) 0 () 1 (=-1 — @) not defined 4. © Dl is equal to (a) 0 (b) 1 (@-1 (@) not defined 5. The factorial form of “12.11.10. is 12! 12 (a) “gr (by 12! (HH (@) (129.9) 6. The factorial form of n (n — 1) (n — 2)... (a—r+ Dis nt nt ve nt nt Oy OPA O@r—p Saori 7. . The factorial form of 6.5.4 is : (a) é me (5! (d) None of these 8. If an event A can occurs in p ways B can occur in g ways .then number of way that both events can occur is ~ (ap+q > tbr p.g “acy qq)! td) ip sgn 9. An arrangement of n objects according to some definite urder is called (a) Combination. — , —_ () permutation (©) factorial. (d) ordered arrangement OBJECTIVE PART 3¢ 10. An arrangement of n objects without any order is called’ (a) Combination H (b) permutation (c) factorial @) ordered arrangement 11, An arrangement of n objects taking r out of then at a time without any order is (a) *Cr (b) "Pr © (n+ nt (a) (ar) t 12, An arrangement of n objects taking 7 out of then at a time ,with some definite order is (a) "Cr (b) *P, © ment - dant 18. 8,7 .6 is equal to (a) *Ps (0) ®Cs ©) Ps (a) 8Cs ‘44, In a permutation "P-or P(n, r), it is always true that (a)nzr db) n1 )allof these 41. If be an event of a sample space S, then @P@=22 ()0.< PE) <1 (0) 01 44, If E is an impossible event, then. : (a) PE) =0 () PE) =1 © PH) 49 (dO3"+ 4 is true when (a)n=0 (b)n=1 (onze {d) n is any positive integer 2. The statement 3” 6 3. The general term of the binomial ‘expansion. (a + x)* is (@) (") ax (") anv (0) () arr (a) (") (oxy tr le r br 4. The number of terms in the expansion of (a+ b)» are (an (n+l (c) 26 1d) Qent OBJECTIVE PART. 41 5. In the expansion (a +x)", the suim of exponents of a and x is (an ) n=1 ntl] an 6. The (r+1)* term in the expansion of (a'+2)" is n (ayer alt pes of” Jeeta @["ertree 7 r F 7. Inthe expansion (a +x)" the exponent of ‘a’ ‘. (a) decreases from nto0 (b) Increases from.0 to n (©) remains nevery where (4) becomes 7 at the end 8. In the expansion (a +x)" the exponent of ‘x’ (a) decreases from’ nto 0 (b) Increases from 0 ton () remains ‘n every where (@) becomes 0 at the end 9, Middle term/s in the expansion of (a + 6) 1 is/are” fa) Te &) Ts & To ©Te&T (a) Ts 10. Middle term/s in the expansion of (@~ 3x)" is/are’ . (a) T: () Ts © T&T (@) Tr& Ts 11.6 term of the expansion {a+ 2x)" is (a) 19) ox b) 3 @®.25.25 (c) N G8 x8 (@) 7 28,8 s |? shee 3)°° 3 | 12. 4* term from the end in the expansion of (a +b)? is: @T. ~~ O) T% OT + @) non of these 18. The term independent of xin the expansion of (a +2x)*is (a) first term (b) Middle term. () last term . (d) 2™ last term 14, The coefficient of the last term in the expansion of (2 ~ x)'is (a) 1. “(b):- 1 @7 @-7 15. Sum of all binonfial coefficients in the expansion of (a + x)* i is (a) 2" (b) 2a-1 (ey ane @ati ° 16. Sum of odd binomial ‘coefficients in the expansion of (a + x)" is (a). (b) 2-1 (© 201 @antl 17. Sum of even binomial coefficients in the expansion of (a + x)* is (a) 2 (b) 26-1 2att n+l nl) (n+l) © (n+t ntl Lo): Gye 4 Gel nae (a) 2") 21 (@)2*-1 -(d) cannot be determined | 2] is equal to (2)(7}*G) (a) 2 (b) 2% (@) 2nd), Q2e4 ~ 2 : OBJECTIVE PART 42. 20, If nis odd, the middle term/s in (a +x)" is/are oat Ft ot (CBee & (S42) 21. If. niseventhe middle terms in (a + x)" is lara (B+ en @ (Bt 3a = ~ wey mas ye @c Supe a( Seay 22. Which term. of (x + 2)*.is independent: of x (a) First. 1 (a) x=. 24. Lt+xt ee St... is equal to @Q+xi4 > &)G-x)-! ©Uta* - @A-27 26. L-x+x¢— 2 +.;. is equal to i --@G+)7 OG-9-' |U+H? dI-xy? 26. When nis negative or fraction, then general term of (1 +x)*is = 1m 2) @r=™™ 7 . Tr. = et eo a Ee , © T=nln—Mla-2) B21. x () Tei= (l 27. at Tar( 4} (-2)'()'" ar ,The term independent of x is (a) 10% (b) 5% - @4e @) 6 28. The sum of exponents of a and 6 in every tetm of the expansion (a + 6)" is @1 )o (©) an @n 29. ‘The expansion of (1- -2x)? is valid if @ietn + 3's true for: i (a) n23 (b) n21 @)n22 (a) n2-1 81. Ifn is odd number, then middle term in expansion (a + x)" is: i 7 ot wf ett @ ante 2 2 OBJECTIVE PART 43 82, The expansion (1 — 4x)? is valid if: ala} < () ba}> + @-1 0, then the terminal ‘arm of angle lies in .: Quad. (I (b) IL © U1 @v 43. If cot @ > 0 & cosec® > 0 ,then’the terminal arm of angle lies in ... Quad (a)I ) 01 @m : @iv. . 44. Iftan 0 <0 & cosec 6 > 0, then the terminal arm of angle lies in... Quad (aI ) I © M1 @Iv 45. If sec 0< 0 & Sin 6 < 0, then the terminal arm of angle lies if ... Quad (al i (©) U1 » @iv 46. In right angle Triangle, the measure of the side opposite to 30°is: (a) Half of Hypotenuse (b) Half of base (©) Double of base @ None of these 47. The point (0, 1) lies on:terminal side of the angle: (ao (b) 90° - ©) 180° (@) 270° 48. The point (-1, 0) lies on terminal side of angle: @)o (b) 90°, ©) 180° (a) 270° 49. The point (0, ~1) lies on terminal side of angle: (@O .,. (by 90° © 180° (a)270° 50. 2 in 458+ + beet = ~ @ 2 ) 3 (e) -1 a1 E os © @1 51. Domain of sin 0 is @R ~ &)O@eRbutdenaz neZ «, ©GeRbuto x 2n +i) Fnez (@) None of these 52, Domain of cos 6 =. @R ~ -)G@eRbutOenr neZ (©0¢ Rbuto# (n+) Enez (@) None of these . 88, Domain of tan 0= (a) 0. Rbut but@enz7, neZ @R (© Oe Rburo# Qn +1) Enez @nz,neZ

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