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Name: Bustos, Dhana M.

Section: BSTM – 1

Interviewer: De Vega, Niño Marco R.

Interviewee: Padis, Helery C.
Observer: Bustos, Dhana M.

What are your strengths?
My strength is that I am dedicated to the work that will be given to me. When I’m given a task, I am very
goal-oriented and work hard to complete that task. after working in resto I became more flexible with
time and learned a lot.

What are your weaknesses?

I’m not approachable person and be introvert at the same time because I'm too scared to socialize I
have this thought that they would judge what I do.

Why should we hire you?

Because of my dedication to my work, my willingness to go beyond the requirement, as well as my
hunger to learn and gain skills

Interview Reflection:
The interview was good, it gives me a little bit pressure when someone starting to give me a real job
interview. It was fun because my friends are my co member so I’m not shy to answer the questions.

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