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BJMP History Improve jail facilities; and,

On January 2, 1991, the Bureau of Jail Promote the general welfare and
Management and Penology was created development of personnel.
thru Republic Act 6975 as a line Bureau
PDL – Persons Deprived of Liberty are
under the Department of Interior and Local
detainees who are incarcerated pending
Government. The Jail Bureau is the
trial and/or final judgement. It includes all
upgraded version of its forerunner, the
persons who are arrested, detained,
Office of Jail Management and Penology of
imprisoned or otherwise under custody of
the defunct PC/INP last headed by BRIG
the government authorities.
GEN Arsenio E. Concepcion.
As mandated by law, the BJMP shall
operate under the reorganized Department To provide humane safekeeping and
of the Interior and Local Government. developmental opportunities for Persons
Deprived of Liberty (PDL) in the promotion
Starting from scratch with 500 personnel in
of public safety.
1991 the BJMP weaned from its mother
PC/INP as a mere component, to become a Vision
full-fledged bureau. Director Charles S.
By 2040, a world-class agency highly
Mondejar took his oath of office on July 1 of
capable of providing humane safekeeping
1991 as the first Chief of the Bureau.
and developmental opportunities for
The Bureau of Jail Management and Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL).
Penology supervises and controls all
Correctional facility — a place of detention,
district, city and municipal jails.
including a prison, jail or any other facility,
operated by a law enforcement agency.

Mandates Jail — a correctional facility holding mainly

pre-trial detainees or prisoners with short
BJMP is mandated to direct, supervise and
control the administration and operation of
all districts, city and municipal jails Prison — a correctional facility that mainly
nationwide with pronged tasks of holds prisoners with long sentences.
safekeeping and development of PDL.
Four types of Prisoner
1. Insular or national prisoner – serving a
In line with it's mission, the Jail Bureau prison sentence of three years and one day
endeavors to perform the following of prison term to death;
2. Provincial prisoner – serving a prison
Formulate policies and guidelines in the sentence of six months and one day to
administration of all district, city, and three years;
municipal jails nationwide;
3. City prisoner – serving a prison sentence
Implement strong security measures for the of one day to three years;
control of PDL;
4. Municipal Prisoner – serving a prison
Provide for the basic needs of PDL; sentence of one day to six months

Conduct activities for the development of Detainees are inmates still undergoing
PDL; investigation, awaiting judgment or
undergoing trial, or awaiting final judgment
from the courts (e.g. lower court judgment
or case is under appeal).

In the Philippines, prisoners, detainees and

inmates are generally called Persons
Deprived of Liberty (PDL).

Why do you want to join BJMP?

The bureau of jail management and

penology helps us to rehabilitate offenders
which they will learn other alternative way
of living and earn discipline on other
aspects. the bureau is a good working place
because they implement strict rules and
regulation inside.

What is stressful about BJMP job?

The hardest part of the job is escorting

inmates to the court and transporting them
back to jail. The most enjoyable part is to
interact and safe keep inmates.

Hiring – is a short process performed to

meet the urgent needs of a firm.

Recruitment – is a long-term strategy meant

to meet the future needs of a firm or
LAWS women and children and guarantees full
respect for human rights.
1. RA 6725 (Prohibition on Discrimination
8. RA 11210 (Expanded Maternity Leave
Against Women) – An act strengthening
Law) – An act increasing the maternity
the prohibition on discrimination
leave period to one hundred five (105)
against women with respect to terms
days for female workers with an option
and conditions of employment,
to extend thirty (30) days without pay,
amending for the purpose Article 135 of
and granting an additional 15 days for
the labor code as amended.
solo mothers, and for other purposes.
2. RA 10354 (Responsible Parenthood and
9. RA 11313 (Bawal Bastos Law) – An act
Reproductive Health)- An act providing
defining gender-based sexual
for a national policy on responsible
harassment in streets, public spaces,
parenthood and reproductive health.
online, workplaces, and educational or
3. RA 7192 (Women in Development and
training institutions, providing
Nation Building Act) – An act promoting
protective measures and prescribing
the integration woman as full and equal
penalties therefor.
partners of men in development and
10. United Nations Standard Minimum
nation building and for other purposes.
Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
4. RA 7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of
(Nelson Mandela Rules) - Enables
1995)- An act declaring sexual
countries to strengthen prison
harassment unlawful in the
management with a view to ensure the
employment, education, or training
secure, safe and humane custody of
environment, and for other purposes.
5. RA 8972 (Solo Parent’s Welfare Act of
2000) – An act providing for benefits
and privileges to solo parents and their
children, appropriating funds therefor
and for other purposes. 1. Equal Employment Opportunity
6. RA 9710 (Magna Carta of Women) - Principle
Recognizing that the economic, political, 2. BJMP 5-Year Human Resource Plan
and sociocultural realities affect Priority No. 4- Gender and Development
women’s current condition, the State 3. BJMP Drug-Free Work Place Policy
affirms the role of women in nation 4. BJMP Help Desks
building and ensures the substantive 5. BJMP Mental Health Program
equality of women and men. It shall 6. Communication by Persons Deprived of
promote empowerment of women and Liberty Through Phone or Video Call
pursue equal opportunities for women 7. Guidelines and Procedures in the
and men and ensure equal access to Establishment of a Child-Friendly Area
resources and to development results and Implementation of a Child-Friendly
and outcome Visitation Policy
7. RA 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women 8. Policy on BJMP Fitness Program
and Their Children Act of 2004) – An act 9. Policy on Lactation Station
defining violence against women and 10. Policy on The Treatment of LGBTQI PDL
their children providing for protective in the BJMP
measures for victims, prescribing 11. Revised Policy on Conjugal Visitation
penalties therefore, and for other 12. Team Building Activity
purposes. the State values the dignity of 13. Treatment of PLD with Special Needs
14. Visitation Privilege

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