Engaging Activity Syncronous

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna
College of Business Administration and Accountancy

Name: Salvador, Caren

Section & Year: 4BSOA4
Subject: OFAD 6 – Event Management
Instructor: Ms. Ismaela Bawica
Engaging Activities Synchronous – Module 3

1. State the importance of stand design.

Make sure your display stand design is distinctive and draws attention. Construct a
enticing booth where you may network with people in and outside of your field. Your creation
will help you draw in potential customers. Additionally, these chances offer a one-stop shop for
directly dealing with people and making an impression that sticks. Your stand's layout will also
help in creating a favorable initial impression The following are some justifications for why your
display stand design is so important.

 Make an Impact - Your exhibit should be the topic of conversation. It must be created in
a way that makes it impossible to ignore. Only if your booth is recognizable will people
be interested in learning more about your goods after visiting it. But the design shouldn't
only be ostentatious; it should also hint to your company. The design should in many
ways convey to onlookers what your company does. The exhibition's design is preserved
as a result.
 Make Use of Available Space - To start, you need set aside floor space. after making a
reservation. You must make sure that your stand is built to maximize the space you have
available. You can hire designers to create an attractive display room that utilizes all of
the available floor space.
 Keep your Visitors Interested – The issue with trade shows and sales is that there are
several several firms fighting for customers' attention. Visitors could become overloaded
with information as a result, and they might forget about a certain firm as soon as they
leave. Making your booth appealing to your guests is essential as a result. Your
customers should be able to take home some freebies from you. Something that will stick
in their minds long after they have left your booth.
 Generating Leads - Given that the right design can assist you in attracting potential
customers, it should come as no surprise that it can also assist you in generating hot leads
and increasing your overall sales. People will talk about your booth if it is noticeable.
Making a good first impression will result in a significant return on investment (ROI).

2. What is exhibition stand design?

An exhibition stand is simply a well-designed structure that brands use to display their products
and services at trade shows. It is a platform where sales professionals can provide detailed
information to their customers about their products and services. These exhibition booths are
designed so that brands can communicate and demonstrate their products and services as easily
as possible, resulting in more footballs and sales.

3. What is mean by other venues?

Exhibitions and shows can take place in a variety of venues. Circuses and fairs, dubbed "goose -
fairs" at the time, were the origins of exhibitions. Ships and trains have also been used as
temporary exhibition spaces. Even a jumbo jet has been outfitted as an exhibition setting, which
is particularly appropriate if the product has nothing to do with aircraft. A traveling exhibition
venue could be any vehicle with enough space and novelty value. Staff accommodations may be
required in such cases, but this is not a problem on a train or ship. All of these locations have
high visibility, which is required. The product to be displayed heavily influences the decision to
incur the expense of these operations. Staff parking is always available and visitors, as well as
nearby toilets and catering facilities, must be provided. These facilities can be found in leisure
centers, shopping arcades, sports clubs, and racetracks, and they are occasionally used as a

4. What is “goose-fair”?

Goose Fair, also known as Nottingham's Goose Fair, is a 700-year-old traveling fair. Originally,
the fair was held in Old Market Square to mark the sale of geese to locals. The fair has grown
and evolved alongside the city.

5. How does stand design contributes to the success of an exhibition project?

It helps to generate more business leads. Investing in creating a great exhibition stand design
gives you the best opportunities to secure and attract more business leads, thereby expanding
your business relationships. It demonstrates your extra efforts and hard work in order to gain
customers' trust.


Caldwell, C. (2022, July 6). Importance of Having a Good Exhibition Stand Design. Camden
Maine Sailing.https://camdenmainesailing.com/why-is-design-important-for-exhibition-stands/
Citylifeadmin. (2019, August 21). What even is the Goose Fair? Citylife UK. https://citylife-
uk.com/what-even- is-the-goose-fair/
Expo Staff. (n.d.). Exhibition Stand Builders. Expo Exhibition Stands. Retrieved November 13,
2022, from https://www.expoexhibitionstands.com/exhibition-stand builders/#:~:text=What
%20is%20an%20exhibition%20stand,showcase%20their%20products%20and% 20services.

Innovation Dynamics Staff. (2021, September 8). How does the right Exhibition Stand Design
help in making your event successful? | Innovation Dynamics. Innovation Dynamics |Innovation
Speaks Louder Than Tradition. https://www.innovationdynamics.org/how-does-the-right

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