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This report serves as a record of the efforts made by our group to encourage female
entrepreneurship and financial independence by setting up a jewellery shop on the
campus of our university. As a group, we think it's critical to encourage women to start
their own enterprises and provide them with the means to do so.

An subject that has gotten more attention recently is women's entrepreneurship. Despite
advancements, women still encounter major obstacles when trying to access funding,
networks, and resources to launch and expand their enterprises. This is especially true in
underdeveloped nations, where there are frequently more obstacles to the development
of women-owned firms.

In response to this problem, our group took the decision to establish a jewellery shop on
the campus of our institution where local women business owners' jewellery would be
displayed and sold. The stall would give the women a place to display their skills,
advertise their companies, and make money.

Through our work, we strive to give female entrepreneurs a solid foundation and give
them the tools they need to become financially independent. In order to build a more
inclusive and equitable society where everyone has the chance to pursue their
aspirations and find success, we think it is important to promote women-owned

Women's entrepreneurship has to improve since it has the ability to have a positive
social and economic impact on both individuals and communities. We can encourage
economic growth, lower poverty, and build more inclusive and equitable society by
supporting female entrepreneurs.

Our business concept is centred on

establishing a jewellery shop that encourages
female entrepreneurship and financial
independence on the campus of our
university. The stand would act as a venue
for local women business owners to display
and sell their jewellery as well as a means of
revenue generation.

To ensure the project's success, we have

given each member of our group a specific
duty. Our team's leader is in charge of
supervising the project and making sure that
all goals are achieved. The booth must be
advertised on campus and on social media by
the marketing staff.
The procurement team is responsible for sourcing the jewelry from local women
entrepreneurs. The finance team is responsible for managing the finances of the project
and ensuring that we stay within our budget.

Total Investment

400 Revenue Generated

200 4,100
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Total Profit

Above Graph show the profit earning per day 1,600

Our goals for the project include raising the profile of women-owned businesses on our
campus and producing a specific amount of income. Every week of the project has certain
objectives, including the quantity of jewellery sold and the amount of money made.

Overall, the goal of our business plan is to support female entrepreneurs by building a solid
foundation on which they can attain financial independence. We think that by
encouraging women-owned companies, we can build a more fair and inclusive society
where everyone may follow their ambitions and prosper.
Activity Cycle 1

During our first activity cycle, we had to put up the jewellery booth in a prominent spot on
campus. We assigned the team members different tasks: two were in charge of marketing
and sales, two were in charge of putting up the booth, and one person was in charge of
finding the jewellery. The objective was to increase student awareness of the stand and
earn at least $500 in sales.

During this cycle, we encountered a few hurdles, including unforeseen weather

circumstances and a challenge in locating suitable jewellery. However, we were able to
adjust by obtaining jewellery from substitute vendors and moving the stall indoors during
inclement weather. Ultimately, we produced $650 in revenue and received favourable
reviews from clients.

Activity Cycle 2

In our second cycle, we concentrated on broadening our consumer base by focusing on

university academics and employees. To advertise the stall, we handed out fliers, posted on
social media, and one team member was in charge of speaking with faculty members one-
on-one. We wanted to increase our customer base beyond simply students and make $800
in sales.

By the conclusion of the week, we were able to earn $850 in sales despite some initial
resistance from faculty members. Additionally, we received some insightful comments
that enabled us to improve our marketing plan for subsequent cycles.

Activity Cycle 3

In our third cycle, we sought to broaden our product selection by include jewellery
created by women in various regions of the nation. While the other members of the team
took care of the stall and sales, one team member was in charge of visiting various
locations to find the jewellery. Our targets were to sell $1200 worth of goods and broaden
our selection of goods.

We were able to add a range of new products to the stand and achieve $1300 in sales by
the end of the week despite encountering some logistical difficulties during the product
procurement process.

The success of our initiative to encourage women's entrepreneurship by setting up

a jewellery shop on the campus of our institution was greatly influenced by
leadership. Our group's facilitator was crucial in keeping everyone on track,
organised, and motivated to complete our tasks.

The team was led by the leader using a variety of theories and frameworks from
the training, including situational leadership and transformational leadership.
They developed a friendly, cooperative atmosphere where everyone felt valued
and inspired to put up their best efforts. The leader also made sure that everyone
was aware of their duties and responsibilities and that they had the tools and
assistance they needed to complete their tasks successfully.

The team's leader primarily used transformational leadership, inspiring and

motivating the group to exceed expectations and realise their full potential. They
set an exemplary example for the group and offered helpful criticism to help
everyone perform better. In order to establish trust and a positive team culture,
the leader also promoted open communication, active listening, and collaboration
among team members.

The project's success depended heavily on each team member having effective
communication, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities. The project's
leader made sure that everyone was kept up to date on project developments and
any alterations to the goals or plans. They encouraged everyone to express their
ideas and worries, which facilitated open debate and assisted in resolving any
disputes or problems that might have arisen.

For example, during the first activity cycle, we encountered unexpected rain,
which significantly affected our target sales. However, the leader quickly adapted
and decided to reschedule the stall to the following day. They communicated this
decision effectively to the team, and we were able to successfully carry out the
stall the next day, resulting in higher sales and achieving our target.

Overall, effective leadership was critical to the success of our project. The leader's
transformational leadership style, effective communication, and problem-solving
skills, along with the team's commitment and hard work, enabled us to achieve
our objectives and promote women's entrepreneurship successfully.
In conclusion, this report highlighted our group's efforts to promote women's
entrepreneurship and financial independence through the creation of a jewelry
stall on our university campus. We successfully completed the project by
conducting multiple activity cycles and adapting to challenges encountered along
the way. The project resulted in generating profit and providing a platform for
local women entrepreneurs to showcase their talents and generate income.

Leadership played a crucial role in the success of this project. The leader adopted a
democratic leadership style and effectively applied the concepts and frameworks
covered in the course, such as effective communication, decision-making, and
problem-solving skills.

Each member of the group gained valuable insights and learnings from the
project, including the importance of teamwork, effective communication, and
project management skills. Areas for improvement were also identified, such as
the need to plan and execute activities more efficiently and effectively.
Overall, this experience has contributed to our personal and professional
development, providing us with the skills and knowledge necessary to tackle
future projects and challenges successfully. It has also highlighted the importance
of supporting women's entrepreneurship and creating opportunities for women
to achieve financial independence.


DigiPatron Promotional Media

boosts and manages social

media presence through

custom-crafted content and

close coordination with clients.

After presenting your social media overview,

you're ready to show your goals and key

initiatives. Start by identifying the objectives

that the team has set for the reporting period,

then relate these to bigger business objectives.

If the team has been embarking on key

initiatives, include that here as well.

Remember to keep it simple and zero in on

your main goals. For context, present data
in easy-to-follow charts, which present the
progress you have done month to month.
Doing so gives you the opportunity to show
how your social media program has been

improving over time, as well as how these

activities are adding value to the organization.





"DigiPatron needs to work with

the client to strike a balance

between maintaining existing

customer base and acquiring

preferred customer base."

Before even typing your report, first take the

time to consider who the report is for. One good

rule of thumb to remember is that the higher up

the stakeholder is in the organizational ladder,

the more succinct the report needs to be.

With the myriad of metrics social media

marketers have access to, it’s tempting to drown

your audience in numbers. While figures aren't

bad per se, you do have to make sure that these

are relevant to the role of those receiving the

report. Strive to tell the story behind the

numbers by including learnings or insights. 





Now that you know your audience and metrics,

you can start creating your report. Kick things off

by presenting the big picture. Give a snapshot

which summarizes how you are doing across all

social media platforms. Here, you can do a health

check and assess how well these platforms are

doing for the reporting period. Remember that

you don't have to jam all metrics in one page.

Make it easy for your audience by selecting just

the top three or four important metrics. Then

give a few takeaways, which lets you transition

smoothly to the other parts of your report.

Performance goals are a good way to monitor and measure progress. Reporting
performance can include details such as indicators identified, data collected and SDG-
related activities accomplished. Clear and concrete performance goals make it easier to
generate relevant, consistent and comparable data over time, in formats that your
audience can understand and appreciate.

Key Indicator Activity / Project Data / Outcome

What results did

Add a few details
Your Key Performance you obtain from
describing the
Indicator goes here your project?
related activities
Write them here.

What results did

Add a few details
Your Key Performance you obtain from
describing the
Indicator goes here your project?
related activities
Write them here.

What results did

Add a few details
Your Key Performance you obtain from
describing the
Indicator goes here your project?
related activities
Write them here.

Your NFP Name

SDG Progress Report 2020
Performance goals are a good way to monitor and measure progress. Reporting
performance can include details such as indicators identified, data collected and SDG-
related activities accomplished. Clear and concrete performance goals make it easier to
generate relevant, consistent and comparable data over time, in formats that your
audience can understand and appreciate.

What's your Infographic Title?

Here, you can add a brief line explaining your data.


readers appreciate

30 accurate information


10 100
readers appreciate
accurate information
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5

What should you be including in your SDG progress report? While there is no standard
way of reporting on the Global Goals as of yet, here are a few methods to consider when
presenting your data:

Key statistics - your most important quantitative data

Key findings - qualitative results from SDG-related projects or activities
Report cards - criteria and grade assessments for transparent reporting
Infographics - an organized snapshot of relevant data
Timelines - a visual way to track progress over time

100% Catch your reader's eye by highlighting

one of your main points in this space.

Your NFP Name

SDG Progress Report 2020
Where do you go from here? Sustainability reports are not just about looking back, but also
looking forward. This SDG Progress Report is a continuous work in progress - a way for
your organization to track its impact and improvements over time. This section outlines
your strategy for continuing the good work done so far.

No. 01 — Action or Commitment

Include a brief description, rationale and intended impact.
It helps to keep it concise yet concrete!

No. 02 — Action or Commitment

Include a brief description, rationale and intended impact.
It helps to keep it concise yet concrete!

No. 03 — Action or Commitment

Include a brief description, rationale and intended impact.
It helps to keep it concise yet concrete!

Your NFP Name

SDG Progress Report 2020
Most reports conclude with a page acknowledging the contributions of the
people who worked tirelessly on the projects mentioned within. Below, list
down the names of those committed to these projects, such as:

Those responsible for concept and coordination

Your group of researchers
The writers behind the impact report
The designers of the impact report
Your colleagues from Local and Partner Organizations
Your contributors and donors

We thank you for your continued support

in our efforts to contribute to the SDGs.

Your NFP Name

123 Anywhere St., Any City, ST 12345



Your NFP Name

SDG Progress Report 2020

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