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All right.

Let's take a step back and look at things more broadly.

There are many types of supervised learning problems,
as we illustrated.
A supervised learning task is one
where you have specified the correct behavior.
Examples are then feature vector and what you
want it to be associated with.
So you give supervision of what the correct behavior is.
You can generalize now from a binary classification,
plus minus one, to multi-way classification.
So the answer is that you use
are categories more than two.
You can solve regression problems
where the outcome that you wish to associate with the input
example is a real number rather than a category.
You can generalize this further so that the output itself
is a structured object.
You can take an image and predict a sentence that's
associated with the image.
So it's a description of the image.
Machine translation would take a sentence as an input,
and the output would be the corresponding sentence
in another language.

There are many other types of machine learning

tasks, some of which you will learn in this course.
Supervised learning is one where you explicitly
specify the correct behavior, as we've seen so far.
Unsupervised learning-- strip the labels.
You are only given the examples.
You can observe, but the task itself is not well-defined.
The problem there is to model--
find the irregularities in how those examples vary.
That's an unsupervised learning problem.
Semi-supervised learning is a mix
of supervised and unsupervised.
Active learning is a problem where the algorithm can itself
ask for useful, additional examples.
If it would think that knowing the answers to these examples
would actually help it learn better,
it can actively solicit additional information.
Transfer learning is a task where you train the method
based on one scenario, and you wish
to apply the method in a different scenario.
For example, you may wish to solve the machine translation
from English to Spanish and wish to apply
the method to a translation task from English to Portuguese.
How we could make that transfer is a transfer learning problem.
Reinforcement learning is a problem of learning to control,
learning to take actions in the world
so as to optimize some criteria, like how a robot can grasp
an object where the outcome that you wish to maximize
is a successful grasp by the robot.
And the actions available to you--
are there joint torques that you can exert on the robot arm,
and so on?
So let's recap.
The important things that you should take out of this lecture
are posing supervised machine learning tasks
in terms of examples, understand binary
plus minus one supervised classification problem where
it's a classifier, the role of training and test set,
that the training set is illustration of the task,
test set is what we wish to really do well on.
But those are examples that we don't
have available at the time we need to select the mapping.
Classifier is the mapping that we wish
to learn from the training set.
A set of classifiers is the set of alternatives
that we consider when we see the training set,
and pick out of that set the best fitting classifier.
Errors-- we talked about training error.
And we talked about generalization,
how we can do well on the test set.

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