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NAME: __________________________________ SCORE: __________

STRAND/SECTION: _______________________
General Instructions: Read the directions of each type of test carefully.

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Box the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following is not a property of a well-written text?
a. Coherence and Cohesion c. Paragraphing
b. Organization d. Writing Mechanics
2. A well – written text is…
a. the writer’s knowledge of the fundamental properties of grammar
b. built around effective paragraphing, on coherence, and on established conventions
c. the properties that show the interplay of both the physical aspects of organization and deeper textual
d. constitutes proper paragraphing and logical order of presentation of ideas
3. Which property of a well-written text constitutes proper paragraphing and logical order of presentation of ideas?
a. Organization b. Coherence and Cohesion C. Language Use d. Writing Mechanics
4. Which property of a well-written text constitutes features that facilitate textual continuity?
a. Organization b. Coherence and Cohesion C. Language Use d. Writing Mechanics
5. Which property of a well-written text refers to the appropriate language to be used in writing/speaking?
a. Organization b. Coherence and Cohesion C. Language Use d. Writing Mechanics
6. Which property of a well-written text refers to the established writing conventions for words that you use?
a. Organization b. Coherence and Cohesion C. Language Use d. Writing Mechanics
7. This refers to the overall understandability of what you write or say and involves summarizing the overall
argument; putting separate, major points into separate paragraphs; and beginning each paragraph with a ‘topic
sentence’, following by supporting sentences.
a. Organization b. Coherence and Cohesion C. Language Use d. Writing Mechanics
8. This refers to the “grammatical” aspects of writing and is focused on the degree to which sentences (or
even different parts of a sentence) are connected so that the flow of ideas is easy to follow.
a. Organization b. Coherence and Cohesion C. Language Use d. Writing Mechanics
9. Which of the following is not a mechanic of writing?
a. Language Used b. Punctuation C. Grammar d. Capitalization
10. it is organizing ideas by dividing text into paragraphs and making the writer’s thinking visible to the readers.
a. Skimming b. Paragraphing c. Outlining d. Summarizing
11. Which text focuses on the presenting points of view and seeks on encouraging its readers to accept a
particular argument or act in a particular way?
a. persuasive b. problem-solution c. cause and effect d. comparison and contrast
12. which written text involves sensory images to figure out something?
a. description b. definition c. narration d. problem-solution
13. when giving the full meaning of a certain topic, which pattern is applicable?
a. description b. definition c. narration d. problem-solution
14. which would be best suit a text that aims to discuss the taxonomy of a group of fossils that were recently
discovered by a paleontologist?
a. comparison and contrast b. classification and division c. narration d. problem-solution
15. “Let me tell you about my experience when I lost myself in an unexpected situation.” This line is a part of the
____ of a narrative.

a. end b. middle c. beginning d. conclusion

TEST II-A. Arrange the sentences from a-e in appropriate order to form a sensible paragraph. Write your
answers on the space provided.
____1. However, when people do not wash their hands after using phones and cards, they are still prone to
____2. These microorganisms can survive on the coins and paper bills that can be transmitted through hand
____3. Studies suggest that that paper bills are covered with germs leading to the spread of virus.
____4. Paper currency and coins may be a cause of the spread of virus and bacteria.
____5. Thus, there is a suggestion to go for a cashless payments and transactions.

Test II_B. Fix Me. Rewrite the sentences observing the mechanics in writing. Correct the spelling,
punctuation marks, and capitalization. Write your answers on space provided.

1. during this Pandemic, people have ample time to spend at home,

2. one of the skills they can develop at home are gardening

3. dispite the minimal space in the backyard, there are still ways to have a garden like vertecal gardening,
using sacks, pots.and recycled plastiks for the plants and vegestables.

Test III. Modified True or False. Write T if the statement is correct; otherwise, underline the word/words
that makes/make the statement incorrect and write your answers on space provided.

_____1. The purpose of narration is to define a concept or term.

_____2. In defining, the essay explores the problem and suggests solutions.
_____3. Signal words like classified as and another kind are under description.
_____4. Then, Next, and Finally are signal words that can be used in classification.
_____5. When looking for the reasons why earthquake happens in an essay, one may use the cause-effect
_____6. When using definition as pattern of development in writing, the signal words to use are: the term means,
is defined as, and for instance.
_____7. The purpose of description is to create picture mentally so that readers can visualize what is being
_____8. Transitional devices like however, on the other hand, but, and although can be used in comparing and
_____9. In defining terms or concepts, writers may go beyond the technical definition of the term on how they
understand the terms.
_____10. Coherence ensures ideas are united at the sentence level.

Test IV. Pick one thesis statement below and develop it into a paragraph consisting of 3-5 sentences only. Make
sure to use signal words to ensure cohesion.
1. Although Instagram and Twitter h a v e significant similarities, they also have striking
2. There a r e many reasons w h y unemployment continues t o increase.



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