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Coal selection is just as essential as other procedures in designing a coal-fired, thermal power
plant. The chapter deals with the selection of the coal with the best quality to be used in firing a CFB
boiler. Also, the different types of coals and criteria observed in the process will be discussed to provide
an in-depth understanding on how the designers came up with the selection.

2.1 Discussion of Coals

Coal is a sedimentary deposit that is mostly constituted of carbon and is easily

combustible. Coal is black or brownish-black in color and contains more than 50% carbonaceous
material by weight and more than 70% by volume (including inherent moisture). It is made up of
plant remnants that have been compacted, hardened, chemically changed, and metamorphosed
throughout geologic time by heat and pressure (USGS, n.d).
Coal is defined as having more than 50 percent by weight (or 70 percent by volume)
carbonaceous matter produced by the compaction and hardening of altered plant remains—
namely, peat deposits. Different varieties of coal arise because of differences in the kinds of plant
material (coal type), degree of coalification (coal rank), and range of impurities (coal grade).
Although most coals occur in stratified sedimentary deposits, the deposits may later be subjected
to elevated temperatures and pressures caused by igneous intrusions or deformation during
orogenesis (i.e., processes of mountain building), resulting in the development of anthracite and
even graphite. Although the concentration of carbon in Earth’s crust does not exceed 0.1 percent
by weight, it is indispensable to life and constitutes humankind’s main source of energy (Kopp,
Conventional coal electric utility steam generating units (EGUs) have a variety of forms
and combinations, but they always use the same procedures. To begin, units receive, process, and
burn coal to generate steam. This steam powers a turbine generator, which generates energy that
is fed into the power grid. Cooling systems condense the steam back into water, which is then
reused to generate steam. Finally, pollution-control systems lower the quantities of conventional
air pollutants in the exhaust gases emitted by the facility's chimney, and waste disposal systems
dispose of ash and other wastes. Subcritical, supercritical, and ultrasupercritical units can be built,
with supercritical and ultrasupercritical units running at greater steam temperatures and pressures
and generating better efficiencies (Kitto and Stultz, 2005; American Electric Power [AEP], 2009).
In EGUs, there are three basic concepts for using and combusting coal. The current
dominating design is a pulverized-coal (PC) unit, in which coal is reduced to a fine powder using
a pulverizer and then burned in a burner. PC units are the most common technology in the coal
EGU fleet, accounting for almost two-thirds of the existing units in progress or under
construction (Shuster, 2011).
A fluidized bed is an alternative design in which coal is combusted atop a bed of
limestone or other material mixed by driven air, resulting in lower SO 2 and NOx emissions.
Fluidized bed power units can be configured as either a CFB for big coal-fired power plants or as
a bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) for waste coal or biomass (Kitto and Stultz, 2005). They comprise
a smaller percentage of the coal-fired electric generating fleet and around 20% of the current units
in progress or under development (Shuster, 2011).
Coal gasification, a technology that processes coal in an environment that regulates
oxygen, temperature, and pressure, is another way for coal to be utilized to generate power. As
part of an IGCC power plant, this technique creates gas by-products that are combusted in a gas
turbine, with the hot exhaust utilized to generate extra power in a heat-recovery steam generator
(HRSG). With the installation of extra equipment, IGCC designs allow for the absorption and
sequestration of CO2 prior to the combustion stage (Gerdes et al., 2010). Although the feasibility
of IGCC facilities has been shown, the technology is still in its early stages in commercial
applications. As a result, while IGCC facilities do not constitute a significant percentage of the
existing domestic industrial base for coal-fired energy as described in this book, they may
become significant in the future (Samaras, 2011).

2.2 Coal Classification

Anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, and lignite coal are the four primary varieties or
grades of coal. The ranking is determined by the types and quantities of carbon in the coal, as
well as the quantity of heat energy the coal can create. The amount of pressure and heat that
operated on the plants throughout time determines the rank of a coal deposit (US Energy
Information Administration, 2022).
Coal can be classed according to its creation time, the type of its initial vegetation, or the
depths and temperatures to which it has been buried. The American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) categorization by rank, which is based on metamorphism degree, is the most
widely used approach in the industry (Malestrom, 2006). Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 represents the
rank categorization of coals according to ASTM D 388. It displays the fixed carbon content,
volatile matter, and calorific value (energy) of various coal varieties.
Table 2.1 Classification of Coals by Rank (According to ASTM D 388)

Source: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Table 2.2 Classification of Coals by Rank (ASHRAE)

Source: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE), 2021
2.2.1 Anthracite

The highest rank of coal. It is a hard, brittle, and black lustrous coal, often
referred to as hard coal, containing a high percentage of fixed carbon and a low
percentage of volatile matter.
Anthracite coal is the finest grade coal available. It has taken shape over millions
of years, from the burning of fossil deposits. Anthracite has the highest carbon content
and fuel value of any coal kind, as well as the lowest volatile matter and soot formation
values. As a result, anthracite coal is ideal as a carbon carrier in metallurgical processes.
(E. Wendler, 2021).

Source: Anthracite coal from Tamaqua; Photo: E. Wendler

Figure 2.1 Anthracite Coal

2.2.2 Bituminous

Bituminous coal is a middle rank coal between subbituminous and anthracite.

Bituminous coal usually has a high heating (Btu) value and is used in electricity
generation and steel making in the United States. Bituminous coal is blocky and appears
shiny and smooth when you first see it but look closer and you might see it has thin,
alternating, shiny and dull layers.
Bituminous coal is defined as coal that has (1) not less than 14.0% volatile matter
on a dry ash-free basis and (2) a gross specific energy of not less than 26.5 MJ kg-1 on an
ash-free moist basis. The emissions from underground mining machines are caused by
the usage of fuel and electricity (from the grid or from the stationery diesel generated
power). (N. Haque, 2020).
The bituminous rank is subdivided into five groups: low-volatile, medium-
volatile, and high volatile A, B, and C. The lower the volatility, the higher the heating
value. The low-volatility group is grayish black and granular in structure, while the high
volatility groups are homogeneous or laminar (Malestrom, 2006).

Source: Anthracite coal from Tamaqua; Photo: E. Wendler

Figure 2.2 Bituminous Coal

2.2.3 Sub-bituminous

Sub-bituminous coal is a lignite that has been subjected to an increased level of

organic metamorphism, yet not enough to be considered bituminous. This class of coal
generally has lower heating values than bituminous, only between 8300 to 11,500
Btu/lbm. It also has a high moisture content of up to 30 percent. Classified between
lignite and bituminous, it resembles the characteristics of both having brownish-black or
black and is mostly homogeneous in structure. Just like bituminous, sub-bituminous coals
are usually burned in pulverized form.
Sub-bituminous coal is black in color and is mainly dull (not shiny).
Subbituminous coal has low-to-moderate heating values and is mainly used in electricity
They have a high volatile content, which makes them simple to ignite and
ensures a consistent burn, as well as 15-30% inherent moisture by weight and are non-
coking (undergo little swelling upon heating) (Gianfrancesco, 2017).
The sub-bituminous rank is divided into three groups: A, B, and C (Malestrom,


Figure 2.3 Sub-bituminous Coal

2.2.4 Lignite

Lignite is the lowest grade of coal. Its name is derived from Latin lignum, which
means ‘‘wood’’ (Malestrom, 2006). It features a brown appearance and laminar structure,
often with remnants of wood fiber still visible on it. Compared to bituminous, it is not
ideal for commercial use as it has high moisture content and relatively low heating value
ranging only from 6300 to 8300 Btu/lbm. The lignite rank is subdivided into two groups:
A and B (Malestrom, 2006).
Despite its contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as a fossil fuel,
lignite is a key energy source and has long been utilized for energy generation.
(Violidakis et. al., 2017).

Figure 2.4 Lignite Coal

2.3 Coal Characteristics

The characteristics of coals that determine classification and suitability for given
applications are the proportions of (1) volatile matter, (2) fixed carbon, (3) moisture, (4) sulfur,
and (5) ash. Each of these is reported in the proximate analysis. Coal analyses can be reported on
several bases: as-received, moisture-free (or dry), and mineral-matter-free (or ash-free). As-
received is applicable for combustion calculations; moisture-free and mineral-matter-free, for
classification purposes (ASHRAE, 2021).
The identification of a coal’s characteristics is essential in selecting the most suitable coal
for steam generation. The most important reason is it will affect the quality of combustion inside
the furnace, and consequently, the efficiency of the process and its output. Moreover, the coal’s
characteristics will determine the method of firing to be used in the proposed power plant.

2.3.1 Proximate Analysis

The proximate analysis determines the distribution of different compounds

present in coal, and the easiest of two types. The basic method for proximate analysis is
given by ANSI/ASTM Standards D 3172. It determines the four important items: fixed
carbon, volatile matter, moisture, and ash (Raja, et. al, 2006).

2.3.2 Ultimate Analysis Fixed Carbon

Fixed carbon is the combustible residue left after the volatile matter is
driven off. It is not all carbon. Its form and hardness are an indication of fuel
coking properties and, therefore, guide the choice of combustion equipment.
Generally, fixed carbon represents that portion of fuel that must be burned in the
solid state (ASHRAE, 2021). Volatile Matter
Volatile matter is driven off as gas or vapor when the coal is heated
according to a standard temperature test. It consists of a variety of organic gases,
generally resulting from distillation and decomposition. Volatile products given
off by heated coals differ materially in the ratios (by mass) of the gases to oils
and tars. No heavy oils or tars are given off by anthracite, and very small
quantities are given off by semianthracite. As volatile matter increases to as
much as 40% of the coal (dry and ash-free basis), increasing amounts of oils and
tars are released. However, for coals of higher volatile content, the quantity of
oils and tars decreases and is relatively low in the subbituminous coals and in
lignite (ASHRAE, 2021). Moisture Content

Moisture is difficult to determine accurately because a sample can lose
moisture on exposure to the atmosphere, particularly when reducing the sample
size for analysis. To correct for this loss, total moisture content of a sample is
customarily determined by adding the moisture loss obtained when air-drying the
sample to the measured moisture content of the dried sample. Moisture does not
represent all of the water present in coal; water of decomposition (combined
water) and of hydration are not given off under standardized test conditions
(ASHRAE, 2021). Ash Content

Ash is the noncombustible residue remaining after complete coal
combustion. Generally, the mass of ash is slightly less than that of mineral matter
before burning (ASHRAE, 2021).

2.3.3 Additional Physical Characteristics Heating Value

Heating value may be reported on an as-received, dry, dry and mineral-

matter-free, or moist and mineral-matter-free basis. Higher heating values of
coals are frequently reported with their proximate analysis (ASHRAE, 2021).
Heating value, also known as calorific value, is the amount of heat
released when coal is burned. The heating value, BTU/lbm or J/kg of fuel, may
be determined on as-received, dry, or dry- and ash-free basis (Oka, 2003). The
heating value of coal has two determinations: Higher Heating Value (HHV) and
Lower Heating Value (LHV).
The higher heating value indicates the total heat released when burning
the coal, thus the upper limit of the available thermal energy. Meanwhile, the
lower heating value indicates the available thermal energy after reducing the loss
of moisture. The HHV assumes that the water vapor in the products condenses
and thus includes the latent heat of vaporization of the water vapor in the
products; the LHV does not (Oka, 2003). Grindability

The grindability index, which indicates the ease with which a coal can be
pulverized and is helpful in estimating ball mill capacity with various coals.
There are two common methods for determining the index: Hardgrove and ball
mill (ASHRAE, 2021). Ash Fusion Temperature

Ash-fusion temperature, which indicates the fluidity of the ash at

elevated temperatures. It is helpful in selecting coal to be burned in a particular
furnace and in estimating the possibility of ash handling and slagging problems
(ASHRAE, 2021).

2.4 Coal Analysis and Selection

For the coal selection in the design of a coal-fired power plant, the designers chose three
distinct New Zealand mines producing grade B coals. The coals in the table below will be
selected according to the parameters established by the designers. Both proximate and ultimate
analysis is utilized to select the coal to be used.
Table 2.1 Analysis of Three Sampled Coals from New Zealand


Coal A Coal B Coal C

Rotowaro Mine,
Mining Wairakie,
New Zealand 10 km west of East Huntly
Area Southland
Rank Sub-bituminous Sub-bituminous Sub-bituminous
Grade B B B

Low Heating Value, kcal/kg

5898.95 (10611) 5459.76 (9821) 4960.54 (8923)
1990 2220 2210
Ash Fusion
Temperature Softening Temp. 2080 2350 2250
Fluid Temp. 2180 2570 2300

Hardgrove Grindability Index 53 46 49

Sulfate 0.01 0.02 0.02

Form of
Pyritic 0.02 0.01 0.01
Sulfur (%)

Organic 0.13 0.15 0.22

Total Sulfur 0.16 0.18 0.25

Free Swelling Index 0.0 0.0 0.0


Moisture (%) 17.3 18.97 19.92

Ash (%) 3.93 3.65 9.41

Volatile Matter (%) 34.5 39.24 35.28

Fixed Carbon (%) 44.27 38.14 35.39

Total (%) 100 100 100

Hydrogen (%) 4.04 3.92 3.52

Carbon (%) 61.28 57.56 52.19

Nitrogen (%) 0.74 0.85 0.71

Sulfur (%) 0.16 0.18 0.25

Oxygen (%) 12.55 14.87 14

Ash (%) 3.93 3.65 9.41

Total Moisture (%) 17.3 18.97 19.92

Total (%) 100 100 100
Source: U.S. Geological Survey, 2017

2.5 Coal Selection Criteria

Considering the firing properties while purchasing coal for CFB technology is critical. The coal
used will determine numerous factors of the plant's performance, including efficiency, by-product
emission, and even the operation and maintenance expenses of the equipment. Selecting the best coal for
the plant's operation follows and considers the following criteria.

2.5.1 Lower Heating Value (LHV) – 50%

The Lower Heating Value accounts for fifty percent of the coal selection criteria,
as the heating value could impact the bulk of the proposed power plant's systems. The
greater the LHV, the greater the heat energy emitted by combustion. Consequently, less
fuel would be required to provide the necessary power. Thus, the plant would incur fewer
procurement, storage, transportation, and operation costs. Coals for fluidized bed systems
must have an LHV between 6000 and 11,500 BTU/lb (Woodruff et al., 2017).

2.5.2 Moisture Content – 15%

Moisture content is equivalent to 15 percent in the selection criteria for coal. This
feature of coal would influence its combustibility within the furnace. Excessive moisture
content in coals almost constitutes an impurity in the product and process disturbance.
They are more challenging to combust because the water must be evaporated before the
coal's volatile stuff can be burned. Coal must have a moisture level of less than 30
percent by weight for fluidized bed systems (Woodruff et al., 2017). Reduced moisture
would be cost-effective for the plant because it would conform to the combustion
temperature of the boiler.

2.5.3 Ash Fusion Temperature – 10%

The Ash Fusion Temperature corresponds to 10% of the criterion. CFB boilers
operate at lower temperatures of combustion. When the coal's ash fusion temperature is
low, ash sticks to the refractory surface, resulting in erosion and spalling. The designers
selected coals with fusion temperatures more significant than the combustion temperature
to mitigate the tendency for ash deposition on the refractory surface. Consequently, the
boiler's combustion performance could remain optimal. It also reduces boiler
maintenance and ash management costs. For fluidized bed systems, coals must have an
ash fusion temperature greater than 1600°F (Woodruff et al., 2017).

2.5.4 Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) – 10%

The grindability index corresponds to 10 percent of the selection criteria. To
improve the combustion of CFB boilers as compared to pulverized-coal fire combustion,
coals undergo a single stage of size reduction. Hence, greater HGI values are preferred in
the combustion technology of the plant. 50 to 60 is the optimal HGI for all coal-fired
boilers (Woodruff et al., 2017). The recommended particle size range is 6 to 13 mm,
but 50 mm coal can also be utilized in this system (Raja et al., 2006). Smaller-sized
coals are more cost-effective for the operation of the plant since they require fewer
crusher units and less energy for size reduction.

2.5.5 Ash Content – 10%

10% of the selection criteria is equivalent to a coal ash content. It reduces
combustion efficiency because it might dilute the coal's heating value. A lower ash
concentration is preferred for CFB boilers, so less fuel is required to fulfill the furnace's
required heat input. It would also avoid a higher ash accumulation in the furnace,
reducing maintenance time and costs. For CFB boilers, ash level of 3 to 8 percent by
weight is desirable (Woodruff et al., 2017).

2.5.6 Sulfur Content – 5%

In the selection criteria is the sulfur level of coal equivalent to 5% only. A higher
sulfur level may cause corrosive effects on the equipment and necessitates a more
significant quantity of limestone to lower the sulfur content. To be operationally
acceptable, coals must have less than one percent sulfur for economic reasons (Black &
Veatch, 1996). Most sub-bituminous coals contain less sulfur than other varieties (Moore,

2.5.7 Volatile Matter – 5%

Coal's sulfur content corresponds to 5% of the selection criteria. At lower
combustion temperatures, high-volatile-content coals are preferred in CFB boilers to
facilitate combustion. (Woodruff et al., 2017) The designers of the CFB boilers opted for
a volatile matter content of at least 30%. Most sub-bituminous coals already have a
more significant proportion of volatile stuff.

Table 2.4 displays the coal selection criteria and their respective scores for
evaluating the highest-quality coal sample.

Table 2.2 Coal Selection Criteria for Fluidized Bed Combustion


Lower Heating Value (LHV) 6000 – 11500 BTU/LB 50%

Moisture Content < 30% by weight 15%

Ash Fusion Temperature < 1600°F 10%

Coal Size: < 1/4 in (50 mm)

Grindability Index* 10%
HGI: 50-60

Ash Content 3% - 8% 5%

Sulfur Content** < 1% 5%

Volatile Matter 30% > 5%

TOTAL 100%
Source: Woodruff et al., 2017; * Raja et al., 2006; ** Black & Veatch, 1996

2.6 Coal Assessment

The three coal sources will be evaluated using graded criteria. The preceding parameters
will serve as the basis for coal selection. The coals are assessed based on their many features,
such as moisture, ash, and other qualities, as well as their chemical makeup, which is weighted or
graded according to their significance in the proposed project. In the table above, the
recommended values for each category are also provided.

An ideal value must be determined per Table 2.4's recommendations to evaluate the
quality of the coal sources. The various factors presented in Table 2.4 have distinct effects on the
quality of coal sources. Some criteria suggest the highest value as the optimal value, while others
suggest the lowest value as the best value.

The score of the coals will depend on whether the ideal value is the lowest or the highest.
The designers would use the following equations shown below.
If the ideal value chosen is the lowest among the coal sources;
ideal value
Score= ( percentage )
actual value
If the ideal value is the highest among the coal sources;
actual value
Score= ( percentage )
ideal value
Where: Actual Value The value presented from the gathered data.
Ideal Value The standard value for comparison in each criterion.

2.6.1 Assessment of Lower Heating Value (LHV)

The computation of the scores of each sample coal for the first criterion is shown
below. The coal's LHV is equivalent to 50 percent of the coal's total assessment score.

6000 BTU/LB < Lower Heating Value < 11500 BTU/LB

Based on Table 2.3, all of the sample coals meet the criteria. The designers
would compare the sample coals by establishing a reference standard. The CFB boiler
system should have a greater LHV. Hence, the coal with the highest LHV is the standard
for the criterion.

From Table 2.3 − Lower Heating Value = 10611 BTU/LB (Coal A)

Table 2.3 Tabulated and Calculated LHV for the Three Coals

COAL Ideal Value Actual Value Heating
Value (LHV)
Coal A 10611 10611 50% 50%

Coal B 9821 10611 50% 46.28%

Coal C 8923 10611 50% 42.05%

Based on the computation above, Coal A obtained the highest score in terms of

2.6.2 Assessment of Moisture Content

The computation of the scores of each sample coal for the second criterion is
shown below.

Moisture content < 30%

The score for the second criterion is 15 percent since it is necessary for
calculating the calorific (heating) value and handling properties of coals. According to
Woodruff et al. (2017), the optimal moisture content of coals must be less than 30 percent
by weight. According to Backus (2010), coal with a lower moisture content often has a
higher heating efficiency when burned; therefore, the sample of coal with the lowest
moisture content will serve as the comparison standard. Since all coal sources have less
than 30 percent moisture content, the coal source with the lowest moisture content is used
as the comparison standard.

As per Table 2.3, all sampled coals met the moisture content standards.
Nevertheless, by establishing a baseline, the designers could have a better basis for
comparison. Reduced relative humidity was used for the CFB boiler system. Thus, the
criterion's benchmark is the coal with the lowest moisture content.

The ideal value for the moisture content is;

From Table 2.2., Ideal Moisture Content = 17.3% (Lowest)

Table 2.4 Tabulated and Calculated Moisture Content for the Three Coals

Criterion Moisture
COAL Ideal Value Actual Value
Percentage Content

Coal A 17.3% 17.3% 15% 15%

Coal B 18.97% 17.3% 15% 13.68%

Coal C 19.92% 17.3% 15% 13.03%

Based on the computation above, Coal A obtained the highest score in terms of
Moisture Content.

2.6.3 Assessment of Ash Fusion Temperature

The calculation of each sample's score for the third criterion is displayed below.
Notice that the temperature at which ash fluidizes is considered in the criterion.

Ash Fusion Temperature > 1600°F

This assessment will evaluate the fluidizing temperature because CFB boilers
operate at low combustion temperatures (Woodruff et al., 2017). As a result, it is essential
to monitor the fluidizing temperature of coal, as low temperatures can lead to equipment
clogging or fouling if ash fluidizes at low temperatures. As stated previously, a higher
value of coal fluidizing temperature is preferable for usage in the boiler system. Thus,
from the coal sources, the highest Ash Fusion Temperature will be selected as the best
value for the calculation.

The ideal value for Ash Fusion Temperature is;

From Table 2.3., Ideal Ash Fusion Temperature = 2570 °F (Highest)

Table 2.5 Tabulated and Calculated Ash Fusion Temperature for the Three Coals

Criterion Ash Fusion

COAL Ideal Value Actual Value
Percentage Temperature

Coal A 2180 2570 10% 8.48%

Coal B 2570 2570 10% 10%

Coal C 2300 2570 10% 8.95%

Based on the computation above, Coal B obtained the highest score in terms of
Ash Fusion Temperature.

2.6.4 Assessment of Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI)

The computation of the scores of each sample coal for the fourth criterion is
shown below. For the coal to pass the criterion, it must obtain a perfect score.

50 < HGI sample coal < 60

Only coal A is the coal sample that is within the suggested range of grindability
index. Therefore, coal A obtains a perfect grade of 10% and it will be set as an ideal
value for other coal sources.

The ideal value for HGI is;

From Table 2.3., Ideal HGI = 50 (Within the range)

Table 2.6 Tabulated and Calculated HGI for the Three Coals

COAL Ideal Value Actual Value HGI

Coal A 53 50 10% 10%

Coal B 46 50 10% 9.2%

Coal C 49 50 10% 9.8%

Based on the computation above, Coal A obtained the highest score in terms of

2.6.5 Assessment of Ash Content

It is important to also consider the ash content of coal because the higher ash
content reciprocates to lower Hardgrove Grindability Index (Górnictwa, 2015). The ash
content of coal affects the grindability of the coal thus, the designers set the grade for ash
content to 5%. The suggested value for ash content is shown below;

3% < Ash Content < 8% (Woodruff et. Al., 2017)

Lower ash content will result to higher HGI thus, the coal sample with the lowest
value of Ash content will be the ideal value for the computation. From Table 2.3, all
sample coals do not meet the requirements for ash fusion temperature. However, a better
comparison could be performed by setting a benchmark. Lower ash content is favored in
CFB systems. Therefore, the benchmark for the criterion is the highest acceptable
percentage of ash content.

The ideal value for the ash content is;

From Table 2.3., Ideal Ash Content = 3.65% (Lowest)

Table 2.7 Tabulated and Calculated Ash Content for the Three Coals

COAL Ideal Value Actual Value Ash Content

Coal A 3.93% 3.65% 5% 4.64%

Coal B 3.65% 3.65% 5% 5%

Coal C 9.41% 3.65% 5% 1.94%

Based on the computation above, Coal B obtained the highest score in terms of
Ash Content.
2.6.6 Assessment of Sulfur Content
Due to its health hazards and emission this emits to the environment, sulfur
content is also an essential factor to consider (Stern, 2005). Therefore, sixth criterion is
graded with 5%. The suggested value for the sulfur content is shown below.

Sulfur Content < 1% (Woodruff et al., 2017)

Lower sulfur content is more desirable in CFB boiler system thus, the coal
sample with the lowest sulfur content will be the ideal value for the comparison. From
Table 2.3, all sample coals satisfied the requirements for sulfur content. However, the
designers could have a better comparison by setting a benchmark. Lower sulfur content
was selected for the CFB boiler system. Therefore, the benchmark for the criterion is the
coal with the lowest sulfur content.

The ideal value for the sulfur content is;

From Table 2.2., Sulfur Content = 0.16% (Lowest)

Table 2.8 Tabulated and Calculated Sulfur Content for the Three Coals

Criterion Sulfur
COAL Ideal Value Actual Value
Percentage Content

Coal A 0.16% 0.16% 5% 5%

Coal B 0.18% 0.16% 5% 4.44%

Coal C 0.24% 0.16% 5% 3.33%

Based on the computation above, Coal A obtained the highest score in terms of
Ash Content.

2.6.7 Assessment of Volatile Matter

The computation of the scores of each sample coal for the last criterion is shown
Volatile Matter sample coal > 30%

From Table 2.3, all sample coals were able to meet the requirements for the
amount of volatile matter. However, the designers could have a better comparison by
setting a benchmark. Higher volatile matter was chosen for the CFB boiler system.
Therefore, the benchmark for the criterion is the coal with the highest volatile matter
content. The ideal value for the sulfur content is;

From Table 2.3 − Volatile Matter = 39.24% (Coal A) (Highest)

Table 2.9 Tabulated and Calculated Volatile Matter for the Three Coals

Criterion Volatile
COAL Ideal Value Actual Value
Percentage Matter

Coal A 34.5% 39.24% 5% 4.40%

Coal B 39.24% 39.24% 5% 5%

Coal C 35.28% 39.24% 5% 4.50%

Based on the computation above, Coal B obtained the highest score in terms of
Volatile Matter.

Table 2.12 presents a summary of the calculated scores of the sample coals. The tabulated
summary will be used as basis by the designers in choosing the most suitable coal for the plant’s

Table 2.10 Summary of Assessment Scores of Three Sampled Coals from New Zealand

Equivalent A B C
Criteria Rating
(%) Values Points Values Points Values Points
Lower Heating
50 10611 50% 9821 46.28% 8923 42.05%
Value (BTU/lb.)
15 17.3% 15% 18.97% 13.68% 19.92% 13.03%
Content (%)
Ash Fusion
Temperature 10 2180 8.48% 2570 10% 2300 8.95%
10 53 10% 46 9.2% 49 9.8%
Ash Content
5 3.93% 4.64% 3.65% 5% 9.41% 1.94%
Sulfur Content
5 0.16% 5% 0.18% 4.44% 0.24% 3.33%
Volatile Matter
5 34.5% 4.40% 39.24% 5% 35.28% 4.50%
Total (%) 100 97.52% 93.6% 83.6%

Table 2.12 indicates that the New Zealand sample coals have exceptional attributes, with
a score variance of only 13.92 percent. Nonetheless, Coal A obtained the highest score, 97.52%,
compared to 83.6% for Coal C and 93.6% for Coal B. Coal B is ideal for the plant's needs due to
its high LHV and low sulfur, moisture, and ash content. The only fault of the chosen coal is its
lower ash fusion temperature. According to a 1985 (USGS) report, however, this is typical for
New Zealand coal; consequently, it does not appear to be a disincentive to its use.

2.7 Selected Coal Summary

The fluidized bed boiler of the planned power plant will use coal A, which was chosen in
the previous section. Table 2.13 presents detailed information on the said coal, which includes its
type, location, proximate and ultimate analysis, and other qualities.

Table 2.11 Characteristics and Qualities of the Selected Coal

Location New Zealand

Mining Area Wairakie, Southland
Lower Heating Value (BTU/lb.) 10611
Sulfate Sulfur 0.01
Forms of Sulfur Pyritic Sulfur 0.02
Organic Sulfur 0.13
Free Swelling Index 0.0
Initial Deformation 1990
Ash Fusion
Softening Temperature 2080
Fluid Temperature 2180
Hardgrove Grindability Index 53
Moisture (%) 17.3
Ash (%) 3.93
Volatile Matter (%) 34.5
Fixed Carbon (%) 44.27
Total (%) 100
Hydrogen (%) 4.04
Carbon (%) 61.28
Nitrogen (%) 0.74
Sulfur (%) 0.16
Oxygen (%) 12.55
Ash (%) 3.93
Total Moisture (%) 17.3
Total (%) 100
The selected coal is coal A which is a sub–bituminous coal from Wairakie, Southland.
Among the different three selected coal mines in New Zealand, coal A resulted to be the most
efficient and economical coal source to be chosen by the designers.

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