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Biometric-Based Security System for Plaintext e-Mail Messages

Conference Paper · December 2009

DOI: 10.1109/DeSE.2009.46

9 871

5 authors, including:

Majid Al-Taee Hassan N. Al-Hassani

University of Liverpool 1 PUBLICATION   9 CITATIONS   

Dhiya Al-Jumeily Obe

Liverpool John Moores University


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Biometric-Based Security System for Plaintext e-Mail Messages

Majid A. Al-Taee, SMIEEE Hassan N. Al-Hassani

Computer Engineering Department Computer Engineering Department
The University of Jordan The University of Jordan
Amman 11942, Jordan Amman 11942, Jordan
e-mail: e-mail:

Bader S. Bamajbour Dhiya Al-Jumeily

Computer Engineering Department School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences
The University of Jordan Liverpool John Moores University
Amman 11942, Jordan Liverpool , UK
e-mail: e-mail:

Abstract—Biometric recognition systems offer greater key. Only those entities that know the secret key k may
security and are more convenient than traditional methods calculate the MAC and Decrypt the message. As this key is
of personal recognition. At the same time, the security of the not specialized for distinct user, the risk of using hash
biometric system itself has become more and more algorithm to encrypt plaintext rises due to existence of
important. Of these, the fingerprints are one the most widely software that calculates the MAC and finally finds the key.
used form of biometric identification. In this paper, the Qasrawi etal. [6] have proposed a combination of
commercially-used encryption/decryption algorithm such as hardware and software security. This work involves five
AES with key of 256-bit is adopted and improved by adding programmable levels of encryption. Although the addition
a new security level based on the user’s biometric features.
of hardware level of encryption is quite interesting from
In addition to the AES, the proposed algorithm which
involves XOR, message reverse and the thumbprint features
security point of view. However, the hardware complexity
allows for programmable security levels. The proposed requires extra time to perform the encryption/decryption
system prototype is tested experimentally using the Simple process and the possibility of hardware malfunction can be
Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) on the Gmail server. Time a problem.
complexity of the proposed encryption/decryption algorithm In this paper, a multilevel security system for plaintext
is also experimentally investigated. The obtained results e-mail messages is proposed and implemented using the
showed that the proposed algorithm gives more efficient Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) on the Gmail
results when compared with a previously reported server. For encryption/decryption purposes, the proposed
equivalent message security technique/algorithm. system uses a template query to a database instead of an
image query and thus the full fingerprint image cannot be
Keywords-plaintext security; e-mail security; biometric reconstructed from the fingerprint template. Moreover, the
systems; encryption/decryption. biometric features are not sent with the message but only
used for local encryption/decryption purposes. The role of
I. INTRODUCTION biometric features can therefore be considered as an
appropriate robust and a lower-cost replacement to that of
Biometrics is the authentication of users using
the hardware circuitry reported in the original work [6]. In
physiological or behavioral characteristics [1]. Naturally,
other words, the encrypted messages at the destination end
uniqueness and immutability features are strictly required
cannot be decrypted unless a valid user ID and fingerprint
to differentiate between different persons and these
template is applied.
features should not change over the person's lifetime [2].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section
In personal identification applications, the thumbprint has
2, the hardware/software aspects of the proposed system
been a preferred choice over PIN numbers, key and
are outlined. The adopted minutiae extraction method and
passwords [3]. This is due to the fact that physical
matching operation between the actual thumbprint and
existence of the authorized person is a must for
reference template are described in Section 3. The
identification purpose to ensure security.
proposed encryption/decryption algorithms are detailed in
Plaintext message security using biometric features has
Section 4. Section 5 evaluates time complexity of the
been a topic of research interest by numerous research
encryption/decryption algorithms. Finally, the work
groups and researchers around the world [4][5], and many
reported in this paper is concluded in Section 6.
ideas and techniques have been proposed to solve this
problem. However, these ideas were not as a unified II. SYSTEM OVERVIEW
solution, which can satisfy all users or can be used for
general application. Message Authentication Code (MAC) The system has two main parts: hardware and software.
is a one-way hash function h = H(k,m), which is The hardware is basically a thumbprint reader, a computer
parameterized by a secret key k and a message m. The system and an appropriate connection to the Internet. The
security of the MAC depends on the length of the software captures fingerprint image, extract its features and
generated hash value as well as on the quality of the used uses these features to encrypt/decrypt the e-mail messages
at the sending/receiving ends respectively. The thumbprint
image is captured using existing software (GrFingerX of its good performance and low processing time
library), which is an SDK component supplied by Griaule compared to other algorithms, GrFinger uses a minutiae-
Corp [7]. based matching method. This method compares the created
The proposed system offers three software levels of segments of the query template with a reference template
security; high, medium and low. Performance of this to determine the number of matched segments [11], [13].
system mainly depends upon two factors; fingerprint Figure 2 shows examples for both the reference fingerprint
identification and encryption/decryption algorithms. These (stored as a database template) and the query fingerprint
factors are described briefly in the following subsections. image (acquired via the fingerprint reader).
A. Fingerprint Features
This process depends on sensor speed, feature
extraction algorithm and matching algorithm. A minutia
point is defined as the point where a fingerprint ridge ends
or splits. The location and orientation of these points are
fixed and unique to each finger. For user enrollment and
authentication, the system extracts the location and
orientation of all the minutia points of the registered
fingerprint. A fingerprint template is then constructed from
the minutiae points and stored in a shared system database.
Size of this template is typically less than 400 bytes per Reference template Query template
finger [8]. However, sometimes it extends to around 600
bytes depending on the quality of the acquired fingerprint Figure 2. Template matching [11].
B. Encryption/Decryption Algorithms IV. ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION PROCESS
The process of message encryption/decryption passes As the decryption process is basically a reverse process
through four stages, namely: XOR, reverse, the Advanced to that of the encryption process, this section focuses on
Encryption Standard (AES) [9] and insertion of some the steps of message encryption. Figure 3 shows a
security overhead parameters. These stages involve static simplified block diagram for the encryption process. The
parameters (user ID and fingerprint features) and dynamic corresponding output messages of these steps are
parameters (date/time, random numbers and dummy documented in Figure 4. The message “University of
numbers). Three security levels are also available to the Jordan” is used as a reference in this process.
message’s sender; high, medium and low. The choice
between these security levels is dependent on the 1. The sender login into the system using his/her ID and
sensitivity of the message content and time complexity of thumbprint for authentication. The user then writes the
the encryption/decryption algorithm. desired message (e.g. University of Jordan) in the text
box and selects the destination e-mail address.
2. A mask_value which can be any combination of
In general features of fingerprint, there are special characters from the XML safe characters ("Xml-safe"=
characteristics that can be sorted into the ridges (dark characters :!@#$%^&*()?<>/\:;"') are combined with
lines) and valleys (bright lines). These features are the recipient’s ID to form a non-repeated encryption
considered unique for individuals. In the present work, the
key (K1) for different recipients. The recipients’ IDs are
minutiae extraction method of the GrFinger SDK [10] is
adopted. As shown in the example of Figure 1, this method pre-stored in a shared but secured system database and
involves: Binarization, thinning and minutiae detection retrieved automatically depending on the destination e-
[11]. Features in general are special characteristics that can mail address.
identify the ridges and valleys of the fingerprint. 3. The desired e-mail message is then encrypted by
Matching operation between the actual thumbprint and logically XORing it with K1 (obtained in step 2)
the reference template is being a hot topic of research. It resulting in unreadable garbage text, called XOR-
involves several challenges due to the complexity of ciphertext. This step is considered the first level of
implementation and other sensitive factors such as quality,
strength in the encryption algorithm. The usage of
orientations and rotations of the fingerprint [12]. Because
XOR function in this stage makes it difficult for the
hacker to uncover the original message from ciphertext
since K1 appears to be random in nature for different
4. The obtained XOR-ciphertext is now reversed with the
aim of further increasing the difficulty of uncovering
the original e-mail message. This stage consumes only
small amount of time. For example, it consumes
Binarization Thinning Minutiae detection approximately 0.22ms to reverse a message size of
5000 characters.
Figure 1. Minutiae Extraction Process [11].
Figure 3. A simplified block diagram for the encryption process.

Figure 4. A simplified block diagram for the encryption/decryption process.

5. In this step, the system generates a second encryption 8. The resultant combination of the message content and
key (K2) for the AES algorithm. K2 is composed of its overhead is then sent to the recipient’s side using the
both dynamic and static parts. The dynamic part of K2 SMTP protocol on the on the Gmail server. It should be
which is represented by a string of 44 characters is the mentioned here that the recipient’s ID and his/her
AES-encryption of the current date/time, as illustrated biometric features are not part of the sent message.
in Figure 4. The encryption key (K1) obtained in Step 2 Finally, on the recipient side, the encrypted version of
is reused here for the date/time encryption. Example the e-mail message should be decrypted. The decryption
encryption for the date/time: 3/25/2009 6:43:24 AM is process cannot be started unless a valid fingerprint and
shown in Step 5 of the Appendix as an underlined user ID is provided to the system. Upon authentication
string. The static part of K2 which is represented by a approval, the steps of decryption process starts in a
10 decimal numbers is based on the extracted template reverse order to that of encryption process.
features of the recipient’s fingerprint. Similar to the
recipient’s ID, these features were also pre-stored in the V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
system database. In reference to the encryption/decryption steps reported
6. The reverse-ciphertext of the original message obtained earlier in Section 4 for the sample message, “University of
in Step 4 is now AES-encrypted using the AES Jordan”, it can be noticed that encrypted version of this
algorithm with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. message is represented by 94 characters (50 characters
The AES algorithm uses K2 as a passphrase to generate for overhead and 44 characters for the encrypted version
an encryption key of 256 bits. The obtained AES- of the original message). Of course, the extra characters
encryption for the sample message, University of will cost more transmission time and this is the price that
Jordan, is illustrated in Step 6 of Figure 4. must be paid to guarantee message security. The
relationship between the plaintext message size and the
7. In this step, security of the e-mail message is further encrypted message size is found to be approximately
improved to minimize the possibility of hacking risk linear, as shown in Figure 6.
when the message is transmitted via the Internet. This is The computation time of the encryption/decryption
achieved by insertion of randomly changed overhead algorithms is dependent on the CPU speed of the user’s
parameters of 50 digits/characters to the ciphered text computer as well as on the selected security level. All
of the original message. The overhead parameters tests reported in this paper were performed using real-time
involve encrypted date/time, random numbers, dummy mode on a PC with Intel Quad Core 2.4 GHz processor
numbers and security level, as shown in Figure 5. The and 2 GB RAM under Windows XP SP 2 in 32-bit mode.
date/time insertion positions are dependent on the Figure 7 shows the relationship between length of input
chosen security level. Unlike medium and low levels text and the encryption time for each security level. It can
where the date/time characters are processed as one be noticed that the required encryption time increases as
group; the date/time characters in the high security level the security level increases from low to high level. This is
are virtually divided into three groups: g1 (5 mainly due to the difference in computing of the insertion
characters), g2 (22 characters) and g3 (17 characters). positions of date/time inside the message. Similar time
However, in all security levels, the date/time characters complexity analysis for the decryption process shows that
are embedded in dynamically changed positions within the decryption time is less than 30% of that required for
the transmitted version of the e-mail message. These the encryption time, as shown in Figure 8. This is justified
positions depend on the inserted random number and/or by the relatively small amount of time required to extract
four numbers selected from the recipient’s fingerprint the message overhead as compared to insertion process of
template, other than those used to generate K2. The this overhead during encryption.
insertion positions of date/time groups of characters are
summarized in Table 1.

Figure 5. Overhead parameters of the e-mail message.


Security level Position Dependency

High Pg1: Fingerprint Template Numbers + Random Numbers

Pg2: Random Numbers
Pg3: Fingerprint Template Numbers
Medium Pg: Fingerprint Template Numbers + Random Numbers
Low Pg: Random Numbers
Figure 6. Plaintext message size versus encrypted
message size.
Figure 9 shows the time analysis for encryption/ VI. CONCLUSIONS
decryption using the standard AES without the addition of A complete biometric-based end-to-end security system
other steps. The results clearly indicate that only a small prototype for plaintext e-mail messages has been
portion of time is required for this encryption/decryption developed and implemented. According to statistical
when compared to that of the whole system. Unlike the analysis of time complexity from experimental results, the
results presented in Figures 7 and 8, the AES encryption encryption/ decryption algorithm presents quite efficient
time is less than the decryption time. The extra time when compared to a previously-reported equivalent
required to execute the proposed algorithm is the price to algorithm. The relationship between the encryption/
be paid for improved security system. decryption time and the size of the plaintext message is
found to be of exponential form, as expected. The time
difference between the various settings of security levels
is due to the difference in the date/time insertion method
inside the message. The proposed security system can be
easily adapted to work with other biometric recognition
systems such as iris, hand geometry, etc.

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Figure 9. Message size versus AES-encryption/

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