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Mgt (402) Core - 9

Time : 3 hours

Full Marks : 70

Candidates are required to give their answers in

their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Answer from all the Sections as directed.


1. Fill in the blanks : 2x1Q = 20

(a) A Group of position that more sirnilar duty and

tax and responsibility is called _ __

(b) _ _ _ Can be drieved from Job analysis.

(c) A written summary of KSA required perform

ajobis _ __
(d) FullformofKSA _ __

PL-18/2 (Tum over)

(e) Promotion is a _ _ _ source of recruitment
(f) Strategic HRM concern with the relation of
HRMand _ __

(g) Identifying the sources of _ _ _ Candidate

and _ _ _ them to apply for the job is called
(h) Campus selection is a _ _ _ Source of
(i) W;itten summary of content and context of
job is called _ __

Q) _ _ _ will be done 'tvhen an employee is

suspected to be guilt not yet proud .

Sect ion- B
2. Answer any four questions of the following :

5x4 = 20
(a} Define Human Resource Management.
)9-) Explain the Process of Human Resource
(c) How will you organise huma n resource

PL-1 8/2 (2) Contd.

(d) Discuss the main features of Human .. , ··
Resource Manager.

(e) What do you mean by strategic HRM?

(f) Explain Human Resource planning process.

(g) What is traning? Explain its methods.

(h) What is trade union and its characteristics?


Answer any two questions of the following :

15x2 = 30

3. What do you mean by HRM ? Explain its function .

4. VJh at is hum_an Resource planning ? Explain its


5. What is traning ? Explain need and Significance.


6. What do you understand by trade Union ? Explain

its types and function.

{ 3 ) BBA(IV)- Hum. Res.

PL - 18/2 {100)
Mgt. (402) Core - 9
(403) Core - 10

20 19
Time : 3 hours

Full Mar ks : 70

Candidates are requ ired to give thei r ans wer s in

thei r own words as far as practicable.

The figu res in the mar gin indi cate full mar ks.

Ans wer from all the Sec tion s as dire cted.

Sec tion -A
1. Fill in the blanks : 2>< 10 = 20

(a) The _ _ _ approach of Finance Function

was very descriptive.
(b) An _ _ _ management leads to under
(c) Net income theory was prop ounded by

(d) Net operating cycle equals to - - - -

PL - 19/2 · ( Tum over)


(e) Sha fe are a sou rce of funds 7 Olsbnguesh between Net Income theo
Cap ital bud geti ng IS a part of ry and Net
opec abi ig lncc me theo fy
(g) Net cas h flow is on basi s
8 Wh at 1s the imp orta nce of
(h) If a firm has no deb t than - - coa t of caprtal m
- IS equ al
F 1nan aal dea s10n mak ing ?
to one
(I) _ _ _ 1s one o f the cau ses 9 Wh at is the mea ning of deg ree of ope
of ove r tabn g
Caprta.lisat>on leve rage ? Stat e wrth fcxn uia
(j) Rrsk-retu m trad e off yiel ds _ _ _
valu e of
lhef irm.
Sec tion -C
Ans wer any two que soo ns cA the folo
wln g
Sec tion - B
Ans wer any fou r que stio ns of the follo 15• 2 = 30
wing :
10 Def ine Fina naa l Man agem ent
and disc uss is
5x.4 = 20
mai nfun dJo ns
2. Wh at are the ma in elem ent s
of Fi nan cial
Pla nnn g? 11 Wh at 1s 'Ca p ital Bud geo og ?
Explam the
imp ortance of Cap ctal Bud geor 19
3 Wha t rs mea nt by C aprt al Stru ctur
12 D1st mgu ish betw een prof it ma.x
4 Disc uss the obje ctiv es of Cap ital bud inus atJO n and
geti ng
wea lth man msataon
5 E xpla in per man ent and tem por
ary w orki ng
cap ital
13 D 1s t1ngu1Sh betw een Trao tJOnal
app roac h and
Mod em app roac h
6 Grve the met hods of estm atm g wor
king cap ital
requ irem ents..

-- - • -- -
\9 2 ( 100) (3) BBA (IV) - Fln Mgt
PL - 19/2 (2) Con td (4'03 ) Cor e - 10
Res. (401) Cor e - 8

Time : 3 hou rs

Full Marks : 70

Candidates are required to give their ans wer s in

their cwn words as far as practicable.

The figures in the mar gin indicate full mar ks.

Ans wer from all the Sections as dire cted.

Section -A

1. Fill in the blanks : 2><10 = 20

(a) Marketing Research provides need bas ed

(b) Marketing Research is a _ _ _ activity.

(c) ___ involves goods and services.

(d) _ _ _ data are original data .

(e) Survey method is also called as _ __

method .

PL- 17/ 2 (Tum ove r)

(f) Marketing Research is a powerful branch of
(j) What are the advantages of Prima,ydata.?
_ _ _ management.
(g) How factor analysis is different from
(g) _ _ _ data are published data. Discriminent Analysis ?
(h) The most pupularly and widely used tool for (h) What are the objectives of product
collecting the primary data is _ __ research?
(i) is a part of population which Section-C
represents the characteristics of the whole
3. Answer any two questions of the following :
universe under study.
15><2 = 30
Q) _ _ _ is one of the process of marketing
(a) Explain briefly various advantages and
disadvantages of marketing research.
Section - B
(b) Explain various data collection methods in
2. Answer any four questions in the following : details.

5x4 = 20 (c) What is Research Report ? Also, suggest

qualities of a good research report.
(a) What do you mean by Marketing
(d) Discuss the nature and scope of marketing
(b) What is Observation Method ?

(c) What do you understand by Resea rch


(d) What is Sampling ? Name its different types.

(e) Define the term secondafY data.

PL-17/2 (100) ( 3) BBA(IV) -Bus.
' L-17/2 ( 2) Contd. Res. (401) Core- 8

Div & Bus (30 4)G E-3

Tim e : 3 ho urs

Fu ll Ma rks : 70

Ca nd ida tes are required to giv e the ir an sw

in the ir ow n wo rds as far as pra cti ca ble
The figures in the ma rgi n ind ica te ful l ma
rk s.
An sw er all sec tio ns as dir ect ed .

Se cti on -A

(C om pu lso ry )
. Fill in the blank~ Qf the following qu es tio
ns :
(a) Age, ge nd er, rel igi on hc alo ng s to _
div ers ity .

(b) De mo gra ph ic co me s un de r_ dis ve

rsi ty.

S 117 /6/4 (1) (T um ov er)

r job ma na gin g 3. Descr ibe the follow ing
(c) Co mp an ies th at do a be tte
are rew ard ed in (a) Region
a div ers wo rkf orce
(b) Em ploym en t
ma rk et.
tie s.
ion is pro po sed by 4. Describe eco nomic ine qu ali
(d ) Pr inc ipl e of coo pe rat
_occupati on al div ~rsity.
5. W ha t do you me~n by

6. W ha t ar e th e e ffe
cts of im mi gr ati on in
le pe rfo rm a nce
(e) Th e qu ali ty of th e pe op
_. · bu sin ess ?
de pe nd s on qu ali ty of _ soc ial div ers ity .
group . 7. De fin e ca ste s, eth nic ity in
d ou t _
(0 Hu ma n ten de nc y is to fin 0£ re lig ion an d so cia
8. Di scu ss th e eff ec t
(g) In du str y co me s
un de r_ sec tor in Ind ia.
ins tit uti on on the In dia n
(h ) The tw o ke y fac tor
s in food sec uri ty a re
9. Di scu ss the en vir on
me nta l degradation.
an d _ _.
Se cti on -C
O is _ _.
(i) Th e ful l for m of WT s of the following :
An sw er an y tw o qu est ion
pe nd s up on
(j) lnciia ma jor ity of pe op le de
In 2x 15:

for the ir su rvi va l. se s of In dia's div er

10. Ex pla in the reg ion al ba
Se cti on -B
4X5=20 in bu sin ess.
An sw er an y fo ur qu est ion n div ers ity a nd I r
11. Ex pla in lin ka ge be tw ee
d by de mo gr ap hic
2. W ha t do yo u un de rst an s.
soc io- eco no mi c ch all en ge
ciivc rRity ?
( 3) (Tw
, "'1 1r.. 111
12. De scr ibe reg ion al bas es of ln4 ia' s div ers ity .
Wr ite abo ut reg ion al app roa ch to un de rst an d
div ers ity in ter ms Ind ia's top ogr aph y. ·

13. Ex pla in the con cep·t of Ur ba n an d Ru ral

ma rke tin g in Ind ia bri efl y.

-- -- x -- --

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