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Checklist for Foreign Nationals for Kidney

Liver Transplant General Checklist

Organ transplantation in India is governed by a Law known as the Transplantation of Human Organs Act.
All transplants at Apollo Hospitals are carried out strictly as per the provisions of this Law. The Act
permits transplants only between persons who meet certain criteria, which are checked thoroughly by
the Authorisation Committee which is set up by the Government of India. Suitability of Donor would be
decided by the treating Consultant but as per the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994 (THOA),
the donor should be above 18 years of age.
The Patients are advised to go through the checklist below very carefully, compile all the documents and
get them attested properly BEFORE LEAVING THEIR HOME COUNTRY/coming to India, patients are
advised to compile all the documents carefully as per the checklist below. If the documents are not found
to be in order, the Authorisation Committee may refuse to grant permission for the transplant. There are
an additional set of documents which will be completed on arrival by the transplant team with your help.
In case you need any clarifications, please feel free to contact us at OR

VISA, and the Medical Visa must be for APOLLO HOSPITALS, NEW DELHI.
2. Proof of income of recipient and donor for last 3 years (as many of the following documents as
a. Income Tax returns
b. Salary statements
c. Bank statements
3. Consent affidavit from next of kin of Donor - from both mother and father(if donor is unmarried) along
with attested photograph attested by the concerned Embassy/High Commission (Format attached).
In addition to their ID card and documentary link.
4. If the Donor is married, the consent affidavit needs to be provided by both the spouse (husband/wife
as applicable) AND parents (either father or mother) along with photograph attested by the con
cerned Embassy/High Commission (Format attached). In addition to their ID card and documentary
5. Documentary proof of relationship (as many of the following documents as possible)
a. Birth certificate b. Marriage certificate c. School Certificate
d. National Identity card f. Death Certificate g. Marriage albums
h. Old Family photographs depicting the proposed donor and recipient along with another near
relative of donor.

It is compulsory that all the above documents are attested by your Ministry of External/Foreign
Affairs before you leave your country. Upon arrival in India, these documents will again need to be
attested by your country’s Embassy/High Commission in New Delhi, India.

Please bring all the original documents alongwith you, which will be required to produce before the
Authorization Committee in the hospital.
6. Blood Group and HLA cross match reports of both Donor and recipient signed by the Consultant/
Incharge of HLA/DNA laboratory. These tests would be done from/through Indraprastha Apollo
Hospitals. (If you have these reports do bring them along).
7. Ten copies of passport size photographs of donor, recipient and next of kin.

Mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, Grandparents, grandchildren husband and wife are the first
degree family members. Please bring the documents as mentioned in the General Check List so as to
substantiate the relationship.

The other family members apart from the first degree members fall under the category of unrelated
donors. They should carry the below mentioned additional documents in addition to the documents
mentioned in the General Check List.

1. Self-attested family tree of depicting all the first degree family members mentioning blood groups
along with the supporting documents with reasons for their unsuitability to donate the organ.
2. Self-attested family tree showing the relationship between the patient and the donor.
3. An explanation of the link between the donor and the recipient and the circumstances which led to the
offer being made.
4. Reasons why the donor wished to donate.
5. Documentary evidence of the link, e.g. proof that they have lived together etc.
6. Old photographs/albums showing the donor and recipient together.
7. Educational certificates of the Donor.
8. Job/employment details of the donor.

It is compulsory that all the above documents are attested by your Ministry of External/Foreign
Affairs before you leave your country. Upon arrival in India, these documents will again need to be
attested by your country’s Embassy/High Commission in New Delhi, India.
*Specifically for Uzbekistan Nationals, the documents (birth certificates, marriage certificate, death
certificates) have to be stamped either from Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the country or should
bear apostille stamp before they leave their country.
Please bring all the original documents alongwith you, which will be required to produce before the
Authorization Committee in the hospital.
Photograph Photograph
of the
of the of the
next of kin
Recipient Donor
of the donor


I,Mr/Ms............................................................. S/O or D/O or W/O.....................................................................

aged………..………....… S/O Mr. … hereby solemnly

affirm and declare as under:

That my .........................................(specify relationship eg: Son/Daughter Mr/Ms) aged………..….........………

S/O or D/O willing to donate ..............................................................

(name of organ) to his/her (Relation).....................................Mr/Ms..................................................................

S/O or D/O...................................................., who is suffering from ................................................disease.

I further state that I do not have any objection if my son/daughter................................................................

(relation) Mr/ donate his/her (name of organ) .............................................

to ..........................................(Relation). I have no objection for the above said donation.



Verified at this ______(Day) _______(Month)_______(Year)______that the contents of the above affi-

davit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing material has been con-
cealed therefrom.


Date: (Deponent)

After reaching India, there will be certain Embassy requirements such as:
1) Certificate of relationship between donor and recipient to be attested by the Embassy concerned
(Form-21 attached).
2) The authenticity of following enclosed identification and verification documents is certfied:
a) Copy of passports and medical visa
b) Birth certificate/Death Certificate/Marriage certificate
c) Consent affidavit of next of kin of donor alongwith ID Card of next of kin
Note : Point 2 mentioned above not applicable to Uzbekistan Nationals, but the documents (birth
certificates, marriage certificate, death certificates) have to be stamped either from Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in the country or should bear apostille stamp before they leave their country.
Certificate of relationship between donor and recipient in case of foreigners
(To be issued by the Embassy concerned)
[See rule 20(a)]

The embassy of __________________ (Name of Country) in India, is in receipt of an application received

from__________________________(Name of Organ donor and recipient) on _____________(Date)
recommended by________________________(Name of Government Department of country of origin)
for facilitation of donation of_________________________(Name of Organ or Tissue) from living donor
_______________________(Name of donor) to the recipient __________________________(Name of
recipient) for therapeutic purposes under theTransplantation of Human Organ Act, 1994(42 of 1994).
The details of donor and recipient and photographs are as given below.
Details of Recipient
Age……………........……… Sex ………......................................…………………………
Father or Husband Name …...................................................................……… Recipient
Adddress: ………………........................................…………………….......................

Details of Donor
Age……………........……… Sex ………......................................…………………………
Father or Husband Name …...................................................................……… Donor
Adddress: ………………........................................…………………….......................

(Photo of recipient and donor must be signed and stamped across the photo after affixing)

1. This is to certify that relationship between donor and Recipient is ……………....................………………...…

2. The authenticity of following enclosed identification and verification documents is certified
a) ................................................................................ b) ....................................................................................
c) ................................................................................ d) .....................................................................................

‘No objection certificate’ is granted, as to the best of my knowledge, the donor is donating out of love and
affection or affection and attachment towards the recipient, and there is no financial transaction
between recipient and donor and there is no pressure on or coercion of the donor.

(Signature of Senior Embassy Official)

Date: Name: …………………...................................
Place: Designation …………………..........................

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