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The following questionnaire has been distributed as it is necessary for the completion of my

research thesis that is the partial requirement of my MBA degree from IQRA University. The
objective is to examine the determinants of engagement behavior in the social media
consumers. The researcher has provided a detail set of information regarding the research
topic to the respondents and also retrieved their consent as well. The researcher has kept their
identity as anonymous and did not reveal their data. The data provided by the respondents has
been kept secure and used only for research purposes. Hence, I will be very thankful for your
contribution as it will help in completing my research.

Male Female
Less than 25 25 to 34
Age Group (years)
35 to 44 Above 45

Undergraduate Graduate
Academic Qualification
Post-Graduate Others

Instagram Facebook
Social Media Platform
Twitter Youtube

1–3 h 4–6 h
Engagement hours per
7–9 h Above 10h

Stro Stro
ngly Disa Neu Ag ngly
Engagement intention
Disa gree tral ree Agr
gree ee
I intend to engage with fashion SMM this year.
I intend to engage with fashion SMM more frequently
this year.
I intend to engage with fashion SMM for information or
communication with people this year.
I will not hesitate to engage with fashion SMM for
information or communication with people.
Stro Stro
ngly Disa Neu Ag ngly
Disa gree tral ree Agr
gree ee
The tools that are provided by s-commerce sites enable
me to update content in the medium.
The tools that are provided by s-commerce sites enable
me to create content using my imagination.
I click on the links for gathering feedback from s-
commerce sites.
I communicate with my friends in two ways in s-
commerce sites.
I obtain the product information I want without any
delay on s-commerce sites.
Stro Stro
ngly Disa Neu Ag ngly
Hedonic motivation
Disa gree tral ree Agr
gree ee
I use the s-commerce site to spend an enjoyable and
relaxing time
I use the s-commerce site for fun and pleasure.
When I surf the s-commerce site, I find enjoyment
Surfing the s-commerce site is truly a joy
Stro Stro
ngly Disa Neu Ag ngly
Utilitarian motivation
Disa gree tral ree Agr
gree ee
I tend to visit the s-commerce site only when there is
something I need to buy.
When I surf the s-commerce site, I tend to look only for
products that I need/want.
Success on the s-commerce site is finding what I’m
looking for.
I like to get on and off of the s-commerce site with no
time wasted.
The s-commerce site enables quick shopping.
The s-commerce site enables easy shopping
Stro Stro
ngly Disa Neu Ag ngly
Perceived value
Disa gree tral ree Agr
gree ee
Compared to the effort I need to put in, participating in
s-commerce activities is beneficial to me.
Compared to the time I need to spend, participating in s-
commerce activities is worthwhile to me.
The s-commerce site represents an effective use of my
time and money.
The overall value of my experience in engaging in s-
commerce is outstanding.
Stro Stro
ngly Disa Neu Ag ngly
Engagement Behaviour/Consumption
Disa gree tral ree Agr
gree ee
I read a poster related to fashion goods.
I watched a video/ picture/graphics related to fashion
I followed a poster/picture/graphics related to fashion
I clicked on a product link posted on my MESM to get
more information.
Stro Stro
ngly Disa Neu Ag ngly
Engagement Behaviour/Contribution
Disa gree tral ree Agr
gree ee
I commented on a poster/video/picture related to fashion
I shared/reposted/retweet a poster/video/picture/link
initially posted on my MESM by the fashion brand.
I recommended fashion goods
I “Liked”/“Disliked” a poster/video/picture/graphics
related to fashion goods.
Stro Stro
ngly Disa Neu Ag ngly
Engagement Behaviour/Creation
Disa gree tral ree Agr
gree ee
I initiated a discussion related to fashion goods.
I posted a picture/graphics/video related to fashion
I posted a selfie relating to a new fashion item.
I wrote a review related to fashion goods.

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