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A. OBJECTIVE: Answer the test questions correctly with at least 75% mastery.
B. CONTENT: Three Laws of Motion (Law of Inertia, Law of Acceleration, and Law of Interaction), Work, Power, Energy, and Sound.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Academic Coordinator TIC / School Head

1ST QUARTER TEST IN GRADE 8-SCIENCE (Force, Motion & Energy) S.Y. 2022-2023
Name: ______________________________________________________ Date : _____________________
Grade and Section: __________________________________________ Score : _______/50
General Directions: (a.) Read and Understand every question before answering; (b.) Choose the best answer by circling / writing
the correct letter on this answer sheet; (c.) Keep your eyes on your paper.
1. Scientist say that “work” is done in the following cases Y holds his arms in the original position, what is the
EXCEPT. A. Pushing a door motion of the two boys?
B. Pulling a schoolbag A. Boy X and Boy Y both move backward. The motion
C. Lifting a pail of water depends on how hard Boy X pushes.
D. Carrying a chair across the room B. Boy X does not move and Boy Y moves backward.
C. Boy Y does not move and Boy X moves backward.
2. In a marathon, the winner and the runner-up have the D. Both will not move.
same mass. Compared with the runner up, the winner
has more ___________. 8. In science, a push or a pull of an object is called a(n)
A. Work ___________.
B. Force A. Force
C. Power B. Inertia
D. Energy C. Friction
D. Acceleration
3. What can you conclude about two boys having the
same height and climbing the same height of stairs at 9. You are riding fast on a skateboard when your wheel
different time? suddenly gets stuck in a crack on the sidewalk. Why
A. They will do the same work and have no power. does your body go flying forward?
B. They will do different work but use the same A. there is a net force pushing you off your
power. skateboard
C. They will do the same work and use different B. your inertia keeps you moving forward
power. C. someone pushed you
D. They will do the same work and use the same D. none of these
10.The force that pulls falling objects toward
4. Which of the following factors would affect the Earth is called
amount of work done? A. Inertia
I. Amount of force B. Gravity
II. Shape of the object C. Free fall
III. Speed of the object D. Acceleration
IV. Displacement in the direction of the force
A. I and II 11.According to Newton’s third law of motion, when a
B. I and IV hammer strikes and exerts force on a nail, the nail
C. II and III A. creates a friction with the hammer.
D. III and IV B. disappears into the wood.
C. exerts an equal force back on the hammer.
5. The tendency of an object to resist change in its D. Nothing will happen
motion is known as 12.In which of the following cases is no work done?
A. Mass A. A weightlifter lifts a barbell.
B. Force B. A weightlifter slowly lowers a barbell.
C. Inertia C. A weightlifter holds a barbell overhead.
D. Motion D. A weightlifter drops a barbell and the barbell falls
to the ground.
6. A net force (an unbalanced force that changes motion)
causes an object to 13.When the net force is equal to zero the forces are said
A. not move to be ___________.
B. None of these A. Balanced
C. stay at the same speed B. Changing
D. Accelerate or decelerate C. Unchanged
7. Two boys wearing in-line skates are D. Unbalanced
standing on a smooth surface with
the palms of their hands touching 14-19 Choose the best answer from the box below:
and their arms bent, as shown in the
figure. If Boy X pushes by
straightening his arms out while Boy
29. ___________ refers to the multiple reflections or
A. Law of Inertia
echoes in a certain place.
B. Law of Interaction
C. Law of Acceleration A. Vibration
14.The2nd Law of Motion. ___ B. Refraction
C. Propagation
15.The 3rd Law of Motion. ___ D. Reverberation

16.The 1st Law of Motion. ___ 30.___________ refers to the reflected sound.
17.This law states that “The acceleration of an object is A. Echo
directly proportional to the force applied and inversely B. Crest
proportional to its mass”. ___ C. Wave
18.This law states that “A body will remain at rest or move D. Trough
at constant velocity unless acted upon by an external
net or unbalanced force”. ___ 31.“Bending” of sound waves.
19.“For every action there is an equal and opposite A. Reflection
reaction”. ___ B. Refraction
C. Reformation
20.If the force you exert does not make an object move, it D. Reverberation
basically means
A. No work is done 32.“Bouncing” of sound waves
B. none of these A. Reflection
C. work is done B. Refraction
D. working C. Reformation
D. Reverberation
21.“When work is done, there is a transfer of energy”
A. True 33.define as vibration of air particles.
B. False A. Noise
C. Maybe B. Voice
D. Not Sure C. Music
D. Sound
22.The energy of a moving object is called ___________.
A. Potential Energy 34.You are whirling a ball in a string around in circles as
B. Thermal Energy shown in the picture, then the string suddenly snaps.
C. Kinetic Energy What direction does the ball fly? Explain your answer
D. None of these using the laws of motion.

23.Stored energy is ___________.

A. Potential Energy
B. Kinetic Energy
C. Thermal Energy
D. None of these

24.The rate of using energy is A.

A. Work
B. Power
C. Energy B. D.
D. None of these
25-27 Choose the answer from the box below: C.
35.What is the potential energy of the 30kg object at the
A. True
height of 30 meters?
B. False
A. 9.8 J
C. Maybe
B. 91.84 J
D. It depends
C. 900 J
25.The energy of an object enables it to do work. ___ D. 8 820 J
26.The unit for power is joules per second. ___
36.Calculate the kinetic energy of a 400kg race car traveling
27.Stored energy is known as Kinetic Energy.
at 15 m/s.
A. 3 000 J
28.Force acting the string and like materials is called B. 6 000 J
___________. C. 45 000 J
A. Normal Force D. 90 000 J
B. Tension Force
37.A 2000-kg van has 900 J of kinetic energy. Compute the
C. Balanced Force
magnitude of the velocity of the van.
D. Force of Gravity
A. 0.94 m/s
B. 0.94 m/s2 C. 8.7 N to the left
C. 0.95 m/s D. 8.0 N to the left
D. 0.95 m/s2 46.How would you say if the interaction of two object has
an equal and opposite reaction?
For questions 40 and 41 Andy and Bryan each Lift a 150-kg A. If one object moves along the motion of the other
barbell to height of 1.5 m off the ground. Andy lifts his object.
barbell in 1.0 second and Bryan lifts his in 2.0 seconds. B. If the objects have the same force but in the
different direction.
38.Who does more work?
A. Andy 47.According the Law of Acceleration who among this
B. Bryan C. Both object has higher acceleration.
A. Car B. Truck
39.Who exerts more power?
A. Andy 48.How the force in uniform circular motion moves?
B. Bryan C. Both A. Outward B. Inside

40.An object moves around a circular path at a constant 49.How energy is being transferred from one object to
speed and makes five complete revolutions in 20 another?
seconds. What is the period of rotation? A. Thru work B. Thru wave
A. 5 s
B. 10 s 50.During the Teen Power Competition, Jack and Jill ran up
C. 4 s the hill, Jack is twice as massive as Jill. Yet Jill Ascended
D. 20 s the same distance in half the time Jack Did. Do you
agree that Jill has more power that Jack?
43-46 Choose the answer from the box below: A. YES B. NO

A. Law of Inertia
B. Law of Acceleration
C. Law of interaction

41.A rifle that recoils when fired. ___

42.A truck that has a more powerful engine than a small
compact car. ___
43.A rocket that lifts off from a space-shuttle system. ___
44.A runner who goes on running for sometime even as he
reaches the finish line. ___

45.A 3.5-kg papaya is pushed across a table. If the

acceleration of the papaya is 2.2 m/s2 to the left, what
is the net external force exerted on the papaya?
A. 7.7 N to the left B. 7 N
to the left

Answers Key 1. D 2. B
3. C 2. B 1. D Answers Key
4. B 3. C 2. B 1. D
5. C 4. B 3. C 2. B
6. D 5. C 4. B 3. C
7. A 6. D 5. C 4. B
8. A 7. A 6. D 5. C
9. B 8. A 7. A 6. D
10. B 9. B 8. A 7. A
11. C 10. B 9. B 8. A
12. C 11. C 10. B 9. B
13. A 12. C 11. C 10. B
14. C 13. A 12. C 11. C
15. B 14. C 13. A 12. C
16. A 15. B 14. C 13. A
17. C 16. A 15. B 14. C
18. A 17. C 16. A 15. B
19. B 18. A 17. C 16. A
20. A 19. B 18. A 17. C
21. A 20. A 19. B 18. A
22. C 21. A 20. A 19. B
23. A 22. C 21. A 20. A
24. B 23. A 22. C 21. A
25. A 24. B 23. A 22. C
26. A 25. A 24. B 23. A
27. B 26. A 25. A 24. B
28. B 27. B 26. A 25. A
29. D 28. B 27. B 26. A
30. A 29. D 28. B 27. B
31. B 30. A 29. D 28. B
32. B 31. B 30. A 29. D
33. D 32. B 31. B 30. A
34. C 33. D 32. B 31. B
35. D 34. C 33. D 32. B
36. C 35. D 34. C 33. D
37. C 36. C 35. D 34. C
38. C 37. C 36. C 35. D
39. A 38. C 37. C 36. C
40. D 39. A 38. C 37. C
41. C 40. D 39. A 38. C
42. B 41. C 40. D 39. A
43. C 42. B 41. C 40. D
44. A 43. C 42. B 41. C
45. A 44. A 43. C 42. B
46. B 45. A 44. A 43. C
47. A 46. B 45. A 44. A
48. B 47. A 46. B 45. A
49. A 48. B 47. A 46. B
50. A 49. A 48. B 47. A
50. A 49. A 48. B
50. A 49. A
Answers Key 50. A 1. D Answers Key
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