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Marketing Management Studies 2 (2) 2022: 180-190

Marketing Management Studies
ISSN: 2798-4389; e-ISSN: 2798-4397

Tiktok as social media marketing and the impact on purchase decisions

Clara Dwi Heska Fortuna

Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Ekuitas, Bandung, Indonesia


Received 26 June 2022 This study aims to find out the Analysis Use of TikTok as Social Media Marketing,
Accepted 28 June 2022 research how Purchasing Decisions, and research how the Use of TikTok as Social
Published 30 June 2022
Media Marketing on Purchasing Decisions. The object of this study is Happy Go
Lucky Bandung. The method used in this study is a descriptive and verification
method, with data collection techniques that are the dissemination of questionnaires.
TikTok; social media
Respondents in this study measured 100 customers Happy Go Lucky who used
marketing; purchase
TikTok. The data used are primary and secondary data. The data technique used
simple linear regression analysis with SPSS 25 software tools. The results showed that
TikTok's ability as social media marketing against Purchasing Decisions was 73,3%
as indicated by the coefficient of determination, while the remaining 26,7% was
influenced by other factors not studied.

How to cite: Fortuna, CDH. (2022). Tiktok as social media marketing and the impact on purchase decisions. Marketing Management Studies, 2 (2),
180-190. DOI 10.24036/mms.v2i2.305
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ©2022 by author.

* Corresponding author:


Changes caused by Industry 4.0 require that all Indonesian people and the world are more sensitive to
changes and developments in existing information. These changes are not just a tool to see the
information that develops but provide benefits to human life, especially in the marketing sector.
Developments that occur in the marketing sector provide new ways for companies or business people
to approach consumers. Supported by increasingly sophisticated technology, companies can reach
consumers more easily.
Currently, the trend of digital platforms is leading as an effective marketing medium to
increase sales and business revenue. One of the most popular digital platforms right now is TikTok.
TikTok is a short video destination platform that is equipped with complete editing features, so that
users can produce short and easy videos. TikTok is one of the digital platforms that is becoming a trend
in Indonesian society today, especially among millennials with an age range of 15-30 years.
Fortuna/ Marketing Management Studies 2 (2), 2022, 180-190

Figure 1. Social Media Download Ranking

Figure 1 shows that TikTok ranks first as the most downloaded social media in the world.
According to app analytics company SensorTower, TikTok's popularity has soared since the Covid-19
pandemic. The company owned by ByteDance became the most downloaded application in the world
in the first quarter of 2020 with around 315 million downloads. Therefore, Happy Go Lucky House,
hereinafter abbreviated as HGL, is maximizing promotion through social media, namely TikTok,
because the trend of digital platforms is directed as an effective marketing medium to increase sales
and business income. Many people use the TikTok application to just be creative or provide information
about something. Through video songs or songs displayed on this application, it is easier for
information to be conveyed and can provide stimulation for those who see it, imitate or pass it on. The
data and description above indicate that TikTok is a social media with a large number of users and is
in demand, so promoting products using this media allows it to be seen by many users and has the
potential to motivate purchasing decisions.


Marketing Management
According to (Kotler, 2012), marketing management is the art and science of selecting target markets
and getting, retaining, and increasing consumers by creating, delivering, and communicating consumer
value. According to (Yuwono et al., 2020) marketing is a system of business activities designed to plan,
price, promote and distribute products that can satisfy desires in achieving goals company. According
(Amstrong, 2012) “Marketing as the process by which companies create value for customers and build
strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return”, means stating that
marketing as the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer
relationships to capture value from customers in return. According to (Kaveh et al., 2020) marketing is
a process management that seeks to maximize profits (retutns) for shareholders by establishing
relationships with key customers (valued customers) and create competitive advantage. According to
(Maylina, 2017), marketing is a process of business that seeks to harmonize human, financial and
physical organization with customer needs and wants in context competitive strategy.

Fortuna/ Marketing Management Studies 2 (2), 2022, 180-190

According to Daryanto (2013:94) promotion is a one-way flow of information or persuasion that can
direct an organization or a person to create transactions between buyers and sellers. According to
(Hamdi et al., 2021; Putra et al., 2021), promotion is one of the variables in the marketing mix that are
very important to implement by companies in marketing their products and services. Promotional
activities not only function as a means of communication between companies with consumers, but also
as a tool to influence consumers in purchasing activities or using services according to with their wants
and needs. Sales promotion according to (Kotler, 2012; Tjiptono, 2004) is a form of direct persuasion
through the use of various incentives that can arranged to stimulate immediate product purchases or
increase the number of items that customers buy.

Promotion Mix
Solomon's promotion mix in Basu Swastha Dharmmesta (2014:9) suggests that the promotion mix is
the main element of marketing-controlled communication, including advertising, sales promotion,
public relations, face-to-face sales, and direct marketing. With the company's promotional activities
expect to be able to increase the number of customers. With this, the company must be able to determine
the form of the right mix of promotions to achieve expectations (Ekasari et al., 2019; Yusa & Hastono,
2018). “The promotion mix is the most effective strategy combination both from the variables of
advertising, personal selling, promotion others who are all planned to achieve a goal sales program”
(Ahmed & Rahman, 2015; Al-Omari et al., 2018; Bani-Hani, 2021; Gutierrez-Leefmans et al., 2016).
According to Kotler and Keller (2016:582), there are 8 promotional mixes, namely as follows:
1. Advertising
2. Sales promotion
3. Events and Experiences
4. Public Relations and Publicity
5. Online and Social Media Marketing
6. Mobile Marketing
7. Direct and database marketing
8. Personal selling

Consumer Behavior
Consumer behavior According to Schiffman and Kanuk (2010:108), consumer behavior is a behavior
that displays customers in searching, buying, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services
that they hope will satisfy their needs. Consumer behavior is a closely related process with the existence
of a buying process, at that time consumers do activities such as conducting search, research, and
evaluation products and services (Du et al., 2012; Na et al., 2019; Wen et al., 2011, 2011). Consumer
behavior is something that underlies consumers to make decisions in purchase. Consumer behavior is
an activity that is closely related the process of buying a product or service. maybe a little confused,
what kind of behavior is intended or categorized into behavior consumer. Basically, this consumer
behavior is very broad, maybe you've been doing consumer behavior, but didn't realize it. Things like
that often happen when doing a process purchase (Hanum & Hidayat, 2017; Pambudi, 2019; Sangadji
& Sopiah, 2015).

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is the process of attracting the attention of the general public through social
media sites. Marketing activities using social media are centered on a company's efforts to create
attention-grabbing content, thus encouraging users to share the content through their social media
networks (Chary, 2014). (Abboud, 2020; Pujastuti, 2019)) define social media as a group of internet-
based applications that use the ideology and technology of Web 2.0, where users can create or exchange
information on these applications. Some social media that are very popular and have millions of users

Fortuna/ Marketing Management Studies 2 (2), 2022, 180-190

in Indonesia are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Blogs, and others. Social media allows users
to communicate with millions of other users (Imbayani et al., 2020; Mandal & Joshi, 2017; Ratnasari et
al., 2021). For marketers, this is a huge potential and opportunity to be used as a marketing
communication tool. Social media makes it easier to share information between users (Jayathi, 2021;
Sumarmi et al., 2021; Topan, 2021). With great potential and has been widely used by large companies
there will be questions that are the topic of the study this, namely what are the antecedents and
consequences of marketers using media social media as a marketing communication tool. Social media
has several differences with other marketing communication media, namely Always on and
Everywhere (Ngadono et al., 2021; Priyandaru et al., 2022; Wibowo & Yudi, 2021). Social media users
can access anytime and anywhere only, because apart from being accessed via a computer, it can be
accessed via mobile/smart phone. This provides an opportunity for marketers to be able to carry out
marketing communications anytime and anywhere. According to Gunelius (2011:59-62) there are four
dimensions in Social Media Marketing, namely:
1. Content Creation
2. Content Sharing
3. Connecting
4. Community Building
According to As'ad and A1hadid' (2014: 315) there are five dimensions in Social Media
Marketing, namely:
1. Online Communities
2. Interaction
3. Sharing of Content
4. Accecibility
5. Credibility
In this study, researchers took indicators suitable for measuring Tiktok Social Media Marketing,
namely Content Creation, Content Sharing (Gunelius, 2011: 59-62) Interaction, Accecibility, and
Credibility (As'ad and Alhadid', 2014: 315).

Purchase Decisions
Purchase decisions according to Sumarwan (2014: 377) purchasing decisions are consumer decisions
which include consumer decisions regarding what to buy, whether to make a purchase or not, when to
buy, where to buy, and how to pay for it.
There are six dimensions to purchasing decisions according to Kotler and Keller (2016)
1. Product Choice
2. Brand Choice
3. Dealer Choice
4. Purchase Timing
5. Purchase Amount
6. Payment Method

Social Media Marketing (X) Purchase Decisions (Y)

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework

Gambar 2. 1 Paradigma
PenelitianPromosi 183
Melalui Media Sosial
Instagram (X) :
1. Context
Fortuna/ Marketing Management Studies 2 (2), 2022, 180-190

Seen from the conceptual framework above, the hypothesis in research can be divided as "There is a
positive and significant influence between the use of Tiktok as Social Media Marketing on Purchase
Decisions at Happy Go Lucky Bandung".


The research method used in this research is descriptive and verification method using a quantitative
approach. The definition of descriptive method according to Sugiyono (2016:147), is a method used to
analyze data by describing or describing the data that has been collected as it is without intending to
make generally accepted conclusions or generalizations. The verification method according to
Sugiyono (2016) is research conducted on a particular population or sample with the aim of testing the
established hypothesis. The population in this study are HGL consumers who use TikTok while the
sampling technique uses non-probability sampling techniques with purposive sampling methods so
that 100 samples are obtained, namely HGL consumer respondents who use TikTok. Data processing
tools using SPSS for windows version 25.
The questionnaire distributed to obtain answers from respondents was a research instrument,
which was then analyzed quantitatively using a Likert scale in the form of a checklist. Statistical data
analysis includes: (1) validity and reliability testing, (2) normality test, (3) simple linear regression
analysis, (4) correlation coefficient, (5) coefficient of determination, and (6) hypothesis testing.


Validity Test
Table 1 Research Instrument Validity Test Results
Variable Item r-count t-critical Descripption
TikTok as Social P1 0,661 0,300 Valid
Media Marketing P2 0,815 0,300 Valid
(X) P3 0,486 0,300 Valid
P4 0,742 0,300 Valid
P5 0,645 0,300 Valid
P6 0,821 0,300 Valid
P7 0,816 0,300 Valid
P8 0,703 0,300 Valid
P9 0,343 0,300 Valid
P10 0,598 0,300 Valid
Purchase P11 0,681 0,300 Valid
Decisions (Y) P12 0,733 0,300 Valid
P13 0,875 0,300 Valid
P14 0,772 0,300 Valid
P15 0,859 0,300 Valid
P16 0,822 0,300 Valid
P17 0,757 0,300 Valid
P18 0,809 0,300 Valid
P19 0,758 0,300 Valid
P20 0,824 0,300 Valid
Source: researcher, 2022
It can be seen that the results of testing the validity of the TikTok Utilization variable as Social Media
Marketing and Purchasing Decisions have a validity coefficient value greater than the t-critical value
of 0.300 so that it is declared valid. These results indicate that each item of the statement used to
measure the three variables is declared valid and suitable for use in research and can be continued at
the next stage.

Fortuna/ Marketing Management Studies 2 (2), 2022, 180-190

Reliability Test
Table 2 Research Instruments Reliability Test Results
Variable Item Reliability Critical Point Description
TikTok as Social Media Marketing(X) 10 0,828 0,700 Reliabel
Purchase Decisions (Y) 10 0,929 0,700 Reliabel
Source: researcher, 2022

From the table above, it can be seen that from the two variables studied, Cronbach's alpha values were
0.828 and 0.929. The two reliability coefficient values are greater than 0.700, so it can be concluded that
the measuring instrument used is declared reliable.

Normality test
Table 3 Normality Test Results
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Unstandardized Residual
N 100
Normal Parametersa, b Mean .0000000
Std. Deviation 3.45259830
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .078
Positive .078
Negative -.041
Test Statistic .078
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .134c
Source: Researcher, 2022

Based on the results of the normality test above, that obtained a significance value of 0.134 > 0.05,
meaning that the regression model obtained has met the assumption of normality and the data is
normally distributed.

Simple Linear Regression Analysis

Table 4 Simple Linear Regression Analysis Calculation Results

Unstandardized d
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 291.968 1749.391 .167 .868
TikTok as Social Media .964 .059 .856 16.417 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Decisions
Source: Researcher, 2022

The results of data processing for simple linear regression using the SPSS version 26 program, then
after that a simple linear regression equation can be arranged as follows:
Y = 291,968+0,964X
Y = TikTok as Social Media Marketing
X = Purchase Decisions

Fortuna/ Marketing Management Studies 2 (2), 2022, 180-190

From these equations it can be interpreted as follows:

1. The constant has a positive value of 291,968 meaning that if the variable Use of TikTok As Social
Media Marketing is 0, then Purchase Decisions is worth 291,968
2. The value of Variable X has a regression coefficient of 0.964, meaning that if the TikTok As
Social Media Marketing variable increases by one, Purchase Decisions will also increase by
0.964, meaning that the increase in use of TikTok As Social Media Marketing tends to increase
Purchase Decisions.

Table 5 Correlation Analysis Results

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .856a .733 .731 3.470169
a. Predictors: (Constant), TikTok as Social Media Marketing
Source: Researcher, 2022

The correlation result is 0.856 for Use of TikTok As Social Media Marketing, which means that it shows
that there is a very strong relationship between Use of TikTok As Social Media Marketing and Purchase
Decisions. As guidelines for providing interpretation of the correlation coefficient, namely as follows:

Table 6 Guidelines for Interpreting Correlation Coefficients

Correlation Interval Relationship Level
0,00 – 0,199 Very low
0,20 – 0,399 Low
0,40 – 0,599 Moderate
0,60 – 0,799 Strong
0,80 – 1,000 Very Strong
Source: Sugiyono (2014:250)

Coefficient of Determination Analysis (R 2)

Table 7 The Result of the Coefficient of Determination

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .856a .733 .731 3.470169
a. Predictors: (Constant), TikTok as Social Media Marketing
Source: Researcher, 2022

In the analysis of the coefficient of determination, the value of R square (R2) is 0.733, which means that
the magnitude of the effect of using TikTok as Social Media Marketing (X) on Purchase Decisions (Y) is
73.3% while the remaining 26.7% is influenced by other variables. unknown and not included in this
regression analysis.

Hypothesis Testing (T test)

Table 8 Results of Hypothesis Testing Analysis (T Test)
Coefficients a

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 291.968 1749.391 .167 .868
Use of Tiktok as Social .964 .059 .856 16.417 .000
Media Marketing
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Decisions

Fortuna/ Marketing Management Studies 2 (2), 2022, 180-190

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the value of t count (16.417) > t Table (1.984) so that
it falls in the H0 rejection region. Thus, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, meaning that the use of
TikTok as Social Media Marketing has a significant effect on Purchase Decisions on Happy Go Lucky


Based on the results of data analysis and discussions that have been carried out, several conclusions
have been drawn as follows:
1. Based on respondents' responses to the variable Use of TikTok as Social Media Marketing on
Happy Go Lucky (HGL) as a whole is in the "Good" category. In the Content Creation
dimension, it gets the highest percentage with a value of 82.8% this is due to the selection of
attractive, clear, and clear audio and then the content created is packed with eyecatching and
elegant visuals. There is also a dimension that is included in the "Less Good" category, namely
the Interaction dimension with a percentage of 67.6%. These results are because the information
received by respondents is not detailed or too short so that it is not easy to understand and
TikTok accounts are considered unresponsive because of a long time in replying to comments
or messages and often not even responded to, this is what affects customer interest.
2. Based on respondents' responses to the Purchase Decision variable on Happy Go Lucky (HGL)
overall it is in the "Good" category. In the Choice of Distributors dimension, it gets the highest
percentage with a value of 80.4% this is because respondents find it easy to get HGL products
because of the strategic location and ease of online purchasing services offered. with a
percentage of 67%. These results are because the discount is not appropriate or not in
accordance with certain moments. Respondents also felt that the discount given by HGL was
small so it did not increase their enthusiasm for shopping there were also discounted products
but these products were old and unattractive items.
3. Utilization of TikTok as Social Media Marketing has been proven to have a significant effect on
Purchase Decisions on Happy Go Lucky (HGL) with a contribution of 73.3% while the
remaining 26.7% is the influence of other variables not examined

1. Utilization of TikTok as Social Media Marketing on HGL as a whole is considered good but
what needs to be considered is the Interaction dimension because it is in the poor category so
that in conveying information it is recommended that HGL be more responsive and reply to all
comments or messages on the TikTok account, in presenting information must also be
complete, especially if the customer asks for information about the product because interaction
is important to maintain positive relationships with customers. Interaction can also be in the
form of providing informational content about fashion and being consistent in posting content
by referring to content that is currently popular and using hashtags that are relevant to the
content. HGL is also advised to be able to take advantage of the TikTok shop feature to make
it easier for consumers to shop. That way the impact received by HGL will be very large,
consumers will always remember HGL products and of course will increase the number of
followers and increase HGL sales.
2. The purchasing decision on HGL as a whole is considered good although there are dimensions
that need more attention, namely the Time of Purchase dimension because it is in a poor
category so that in order to increase sales and achieve company targets, HGL should provide
attractive offers and discounts, for example giving discounts at times of need. certain moments.
HGL may also post TikTok content containing quizzes or challenges that invite TikTok users
to have the opportunity to get prizes from HGL. It can also provide attractive offers such as
“buy one get voucher”, “buy one get one” so that customers are more enthusiastic for shopping.

Fortuna/ Marketing Management Studies 2 (2), 2022, 180-190

3. In further research regarding the use of TikTok as Social Media Marketing on Purchase
Decisions, it is recommended to add other variables or other dimensions that have not been
observed in this study so that other factors can have a greater influence on making purchasing


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