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Entities (nouns):

Healthcare Assistant
Cafeteria Worker
Entity attributes:
Patient: PatientID, Name, Age, Gender, DoctorID, WardID
Doctor: DoctorID, Name, Specialty, WardID
Ward: WardID, Name, Capacity
Medicine: MedicineID, Name, Description, Quantity, PharmacyID
Pharmacy: PharmacyID, Name, Location
Healthcare Assistant: AssistantID, Name, WardID
Cafeteria: CafeteriaID, Name, Location
Cafeteria Worker: WorkerID, Name, CafeteriaID
Relationships with cardinalities:
Patient (1) - (M) Ward: Each patient is treated in a single ward and a ward can have multiple
Patient (1) - (1..2) Doctor: Each patient is assigned to one or two doctors, and a doctor can have
multiple patients.
Doctor (1) - (M) Ward: A doctor is assigned to a single ward, but a ward can have multiple
Doctor (1) - (M) Medicine: A doctor can prescribe multiple medicines, and a medicine can be
prescribed by multiple doctors.
Medicine (1) - (1) Pharmacy: Each medicine is provided by a single pharmacy, and a pharmacy
can provide multiple medicines.
Healthcare Assistant (1) - (M) Ward: A healthcare assistant is associated with a single ward, and
a ward can have multiple healthcare assistants.
Cafeteria Worker (1) - (1) Cafeteria: A cafeteria worker is associated with a single cafeteria, and
a cafeteria can have multiple workers.

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