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Republic of the Philippines

National Capital Region
Schools Division of Taguig City and Pateros

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements in


Prepared by:

Azineth Eunice Chavez


Submitted to:

Mr. Earl Castillo

Work immersion Adviser


Dear Readers,

I am delighted to present to you this work immersion portfolio, a culmination of my

invaluable experiences, learnings, and growth during my time as a participant in the work
immersion program. It is with great pleasure that I share with you the insights gained, challenges
overcome, and achievements attained throughout this transformative journey.

The purpose of this portfolio is to provide you, the readers, with a comprehensive overview of
my work immersion experience and the profound impact it has had on my personal and
professional development. It serves as a testament to the dedication, support, and guidance of
numerous individuals and organizations who have played a pivotal role in shaping my
understanding of the professional world.

Within the pages of this portfolio, you will find a collection of reflections, project works, and
achievements that showcase the skills, knowledge, and competencies I have acquired. It is my
hope that these documented experiences will not only serve as a record of my journey but also
inspire and inform others who are embarking on similar work immersion endeavors.

Throughout my work immersion, I had the privilege of working alongside remarkable mentors,
supervisors, and colleagues who generously shared their expertise and guided me every step of
the way. Their unwavering support, patience, and willingness to impart knowledge have been
instrumental in my growth, and I am forever grateful for their contributions.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to my family and friends for their constant
encouragement and belief in my abilities. Their unwavering support has been a source of
strength, enabling me to navigate challenges and pursue excellence in my work immersion.

To the school/organization that provided me with this opportunity, I extend my deepest

appreciation. Your commitment to education and commitment to fostering real-world
experiences has undoubtedly shaped my understanding of the professional landscape, equipping
me with essential skills and a broader perspective.

Lastly, I would like to extend my thanks to you, the readers, for taking the time to delve into my
work immersion portfolio. It is my hope that the insights shared within these pages will provide
you with a glimpse into the significance of work immersion and its transformative power. May it
serve as an inspiration for future students and professionals as they embark on their own
journeys of experiential learning and growth.

Thank you for your time, support, and interest in my work immersion experience. Your
engagement is greatly appreciated, and I am honored to share this portfolio with you.

Warmest regards,

Azineth Eunice Chavez


I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following individuals
and organizations who have contributed significantly to my work immersion experience. Without
their guidance, support, and generosity, this portfolio would not have been possible.

My heartfelt thanks go to Saint Luke Neurodevelopmental and Therapy Center, thank

you for your unwavering support, guidance, and commitment throughout my work immersion
journey. Your expertise, encouragement, and valuable insights have shaped my understanding of
the professional world and helped me develop essential skills.

I am immensely grateful to my school, Taguig Science High School, and to the entire
staff and management for providing me with the opportunity to participate in this work
immersion program. Your commitment to education and dedication to nurturing students'
potential are truly commendable.

I extend my sincere appreciation to my mentors and supervisors, Mrs. Myla Luay, Ms.
Laizy C. Miagao, Ms. Kali Mae M. Rivera, Mrs. Allysa Mae B. Dollesin, Ms. Camille F.
Rodejas, and Ms. May Flor A. Alcala. Your patience, guidance, and willingness to share your
knowledge have been instrumental in my professional growth. I am grateful for the valuable
lessons, feedback, and experiences you have shared with me.

I would like to acknowledge the support and camaraderie extended to me by my

co-workers and colleagues during my work immersion. Your kindness, willingness to
collaborate, and willingness to answer my questions have been invaluable.

To my family and friends, thank you for your unwavering support, love, and
understanding. Your encouragement and belief in me have been the driving force behind my
success in this work immersion. I am truly fortunate to have you by my side.

I would like to express my gratitude to any external contacts or partners who provided
valuable insights, resources, or opportunities during my work immersion. Your contributions
have enriched my learning experience and broadened my perspective.

Finally, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to anyone else who has supported me
throughout this journey, directly or indirectly. Your contribution, no matter how small, has made
a significant impact on my personal and professional growth.

Thank you all for your guidance, support, and belief in my potential. This work
immersion experience has been transformative, and I will carry the knowledge and skills gained
with me throughout my academic and professional endeavors.


Azineth Eunice Chavez



Objectives of the Work Immersion: 4
Duration and Place of Training: 5
History of the Institution 5
Mission 5
Vision 6
Organizational Structure 6
Personal Expectations: 7
Day to Day Narrative: 8-27
Insights Gained and Work Immersion Application: 28

Daily Time Record 30
Supervisor’s Rating Sheet 31
Immersion Waiver 35
Updated Resume 36
Medical Clearance 39


Objectives of the Work Immersion:

The most recent initiative in the country to improve the competency of all students in the
new generation, especially those who study abroad, is the Work Immersion project, which is part
of the K–12 curriculum program. The Grade 12 senior high school students taking part in this
80-hour work immersion program are expected to achieve the following goals.

a.) Provide students with authentic and meaningful learning experiences: Work
immersion aims to expose students to real-life work environments related to their chosen career
tracks or strands. By engaging in actual work tasks and responsibilities, students gain practical
knowledge, skills, and insights that cannot be acquired solely within the classroom setting.

b.) Develop industry-relevant skills and competencies: Work immersion is designed to

equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes demanded by the world of
work. By working closely with professionals in their chosen fields, students develop
industry-specific competencies, such as problem-solving, communication, teamwork, critical
thinking, and adaptability.

c.) Foster career awareness and exploration: Work immersion allows students to explore
different career paths and gain firsthand experience of various industries. Through exposure to
different work environments, students can make informed decisions about their future careers,
identify their strengths and interests, and align their educational and career goals accordingly.

d.) Build professional networks and relationships: Work immersion provides students
with the opportunity to establish connections with professionals and industry experts. By
networking and building relationships during the immersion period, students can expand their
professional network, gain mentors and role models, and potentially open doors for future
employment or internship opportunities.

e.) Enhance work ethics and professionalism: Work immersion aims to instill in students
the values of professionalism, work ethics, and responsibility. By immersing themselves in real
work settings, students learn the importance of punctuality, integrity, teamwork, and a strong
work ethic. They also develop a sense of accountability and professionalism, which are crucial
attributes for success in any career.

f.) Apply academic knowledge to practical settings: Work immersion provides students
with an opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in school to real-life work
scenarios. By bridging the gap between classroom learning and practical application, students
develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and its relevance to their chosen career

g.) Promote personal and social development: Work immersion encourages the personal
and social development of students. It helps them develop self-confidence, independence, and a
sense of responsibility. Through interactions with colleagues, supervisors, and clients, students
also enhance their communication skills, cultural sensitivity, and interpersonal skills.

Overall, the objectives of work immersion in the K-12 curriculum aim to prepare students
for the challenges and opportunities of the workplace, facilitate career exploration and
decision-making, and equip them with the necessary skills and competencies for their chosen
career paths.

Duration and Place of Training:

The training took place in Saint Luke Neurodevelopmental Therapy Center-South Signal
Branch, located in Lot 7 Blk 251 Zone 6 Atis St. Corner Magsaysay St. South Signal, Taguig
City, and the training lasted for 10 days, 8 hours each day starting from April 11, 2023 up until
the last day May 5, 2023.


History of the Institution

River of Life Childcare and Learning Center was established last June 21, 2016 by its
current administrator Dr. Lerma O. Bernales who is a seasoned SPED expert and practitioner.
The center is composed of teachers and psychology graduates that specializes in Behavior
Modification Techniques ABA, Son-Rise. etc., Language Communication program and
Occupational Therapy/PT.

Through its satellite center, ilearn, River of Life therapy center and St. Luke
Neurodevelopmental therapy Center has been an active service provider when it comes to
behavior modification and Academic Intervention.

These centers offer Play Therapy, Behavior Modification, Speech Language and
Communication therapy, School Readiness Program(SRP) for toddlers, Modified Simplified
Learning Program (MSLP) and Transition Assessment for partner schools. To name a few.
ILearn provides intervention services to children with special needs.


River of Life Childcare aims to develop a child's potential through behavior assessment,
early childhood intervention and special education.

It provides early life training skills to enhance children's practical, creative and analytical
intelligence to make them productive members of their community

As a River of Life learner, creativity and analytical skills are recognized and challenged
to prepare each individual to be successful in his everyday life.


River of Life Childcare serves as a special place of learning for creative minds of practical
learners who can visualize and articulate concepts enthusiastically.

The center provides personalized programs to address the specific concerns of every child. We
apply the Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to teach and help the child learn concepts and

Organizational Structure

Figure 1. The organizational structure of Saint Luke Neurodevelopmental Therapy Center-South

Signal Branch


Personal Expectations:

I am thrilled to share my personal expectations about working as an immersionist at a

neurodevelopmental center. This role holds tremendous significance for me, as it combines my
passion for supporting individuals with neurodevelopmental differences and my strong belief in
the power of immersive experiences for personal growth and development.

First and foremost, I expect to be part of a dynamic and multidisciplinary team dedicated
to making a positive impact in the lives of individuals with neurodevelopmental challenges.
Collaborating with professionals from various backgrounds, such as psychologists, therapists,
educators, and researchers, will provide a rich learning environment where I can expand my
knowledge and skills.

As an immersionist, I anticipate having the privilege of working directly with individuals
on the neurodevelopmental spectrum, fostering an inclusive and supportive atmosphere that
encourages their growth and progress. I am excited to create immersive experiences that cater to
their unique needs and strengths, leveraging a range of modalities such as sensory integration,
play therapy, and adaptive technologies. Through these experiences, I hope to facilitate increased
social interaction, communication skills, sensory integration, and emotional regulation.

Another expectation I have is the opportunity to develop personalized intervention plans

for each individual, tailoring activities and strategies to their specific goals and preferences. By
working closely with families, caregivers, and the interdisciplinary team, I believe we can create
a holistic approach that addresses the individual's cognitive, emotional, and physical well-being.
I look forward to establishing strong partnerships with families, providing support, education,
and resources to help them better understand their loved one's unique journey.

Lastly, I anticipate personal and professional growth through the experiences and
connections forged in this role. Witnessing the transformative power of immersion-based
interventions, observing the progress made by individuals under my care, and being part of a
compassionate team will undoubtedly deepen my understanding of the human experience and
enrich my own life.

In summary, my expectations of working as an immersionist at a neurodevelopmental

center are rooted in my passion for supporting individuals with neurodevelopmental differences
and creating immersive experiences that foster growth and development. I eagerly anticipate
collaborating with a dedicated team, tailoring interventions to individuals' unique needs, and
making a meaningful impact on the lives of those I serve.

Day to Day Narrative:

April 11, 2023/ Day 1, Tuesday:

For the first day of our immersion, we were first given a short briefing about the

company and the job we’ll be handling. On this day, we were also assigned to our respective

branches and were given the opportunity to know our colleagues and our supervisors better. Sir

Joey started the day with a short meeting and get-to-know program where we all shared the

reason why we chose to work in the therapy center. Sir Joey also gave us money for breakfast

and coffee as a welcome gift.

Figure 1.1, 1.2; images from the first day of our work immersion. April 11, 2023.

After having breakfast we were then transferred to our branch and there we first met our

supervisor, Mrs. Myla Luay. Before anything else, she explained to us the behavior of special

needs kids and how they are different from normal children and what our expectations should be.

The day started off in the classroom of Teacher Camia, where we met the School Readiness

Program (SRP) Class made up of four students, ages 3-5 years old, and are struggling with

different cases. I was able to observe how their classes went and was told that we should not care

even if they cry. Unlike normal kids, children with special needs tend to seek attention by crying

and this behavior could lead to them having tantrums whenever they want something.

I was able to handle two children today, Rudy and Alfonso (not their real names), both

kids have autism and are under therapy for their stimming, behavior, social interaction, and their

motor skills. I was tasked to guide them in tracing and play time.

April 12, 2023/ Day 2, Wednesday:

On the second day, we started by cleaning the rooms and preparing for classes. We set up

the tables and the chairs and also the learning materials the children will use. In the first class I

observed that the educators created an atmosphere of support where students felt secure in

expressing themselves. They took joy in even the smallest accomplishments, fostering a sense of

achievement and self-confidence among the students.

Today, I was asked to join Teacher Camia in assessing a child’s case. Here I met the child

named Jose (not his real name), 2 years old, and is suspected to have Autism Spectrum Disorder

(ASD). ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social interaction, communication,

and behavior. It is characterized by a wide range, or spectrum, of symptoms and levels of


Individuals with ASD may experience challenges in social interactions and

communication skills. They may have difficulty with understanding and using nonverbal cues,

such as gestures and facial expressions. They may struggle with maintaining eye contact,

engaging in reciprocal conversations, or understanding social norms.

Repetitive behaviors and restricted interests are also common in individuals with ASD.

They may engage in repetitive movements, such as hand-flapping or rocking, or exhibit intense

focus on specific topics or objects. Sensory sensitivities, such as being overly sensitive or

under-responsive to sensory stimuli like sounds, lights, or textures, are also frequently observed.

In Jose’s case, he is unable to maintain eye contact and is overly sensitive to sound and

people’s presence. After the assessment, we cleaned the classrooms and got ready to go home.

April 13, 2023/ Day 3, Thursday:

The day began with a team meeting, where the dedicated staff gathered to discuss the

day's schedule, share updates on each client's progress, and collaborate on therapeutic strategies.

The sense of camaraderie and shared purpose was palpable, setting the tone for the day.

I joined an experienced therapist, Ms. Lysa, as she conducted individual therapy sessions.

We worked with Loki (not his real name), a 3-year-old girl with autism spectrum disorder. Ms.

Lysa’s expertise and gentle approach created a safe and nurturing environment for Loki. Through

sensory integration activities and structured play, we aimed to enhance Loki’s motor skills, social

interactions, and self-regulation abilities. Witnessing Loki ‘s progress and his moments of joy

ignited a sense of fulfillment within me. On the second day, I had the opportunity to actively

participate in therapy sessions under the guidance of experienced professionals. Assisting during

individual therapy sessions, I witnessed firsthand the power of personalized care. Through

patient guidance and tailored interventions, therapists created a safe and nurturing environment

for individuals to develop essential skills, express themselves, and build confidence.

I joined an occupational therapist working with Alex (not his real name), a young boy

with sensory processing challenges. The therapist designed activities that provided sensory input

and helped Alex develop self-regulation strategies. It was incredible to witness Alex's progress

as he became more comfortable with different textures, sounds, and movements. The therapist's

patience and encouragement played a crucial role in Alex's growth and resilience.

In the group therapy room, I assisted a speech therapist during a session with a small

group of children. Each child had unique communication challenges, ranging from language

delays to articulation difficulties. The therapist skillfully engaged the children through interactive

games and communication exercises. It was heartwarming to witness their growing confidence

and the bonds they formed with their peers, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support.

Group therapy sessions brought together individuals with similar challenges, fostering a sense of

community and mutual support. I joined a therapist during a group session, observing the

creative activities designed to enhance communication skills and social interactions. The

therapist utilized interactive games, role-playing, and group discussions to encourage participants

to express themselves and practice effective communication.

Again, at the end of the day we cleaned the facilities and sanitized the children’s toys.

April 14, 2023/ Day 4, Friday:

Today, from the moment I entered the neurodevelopmental center, a sense of hope and healing

permeated the air. The team's shared dedication and passion were evident as we gathered for meetings,

exchanging updates and discussing therapeutic strategies. Collaborating with professionals from various

disciplines, we aimed to create tailored interventions for each individual.

In the SRP classes, I witnessed the participants gaining confidence and forming connections with

their peers. It was heartwarming to see them supporting and encouraging one another, creating an

environment where everyone felt valued and understood. The power of collective growth and shared

experiences became evident, leaving a lasting impression on me.

Collaboration with families played a crucial role in the therapeutic journey. After every session,

therapists have a consultation with the children’s parents. I observed family consultations, where

psychologists and professionals provided guidance, answered questions, and empowered parents to

support their children's progress. It was evident that open communication and shared goals between

professionals and families were key to promoting positive outcomes.

During a consultation, I saw the psychologist and parents discussing strategies to address

challenging behaviors and develop effective communication techniques. The psychologist provided

resources and practical suggestions, emphasizing the importance of consistency and understanding.

Witnessing the transformation in parents' perspectives and their growing confidence in supporting their

child's development was truly inspiring.

April 17, 2023/ Day 5, Monday:

As an immersionist at the neurodevelopmental center, I had the privilege of experiencing the

day-to-day operations and witnessing the profound impact of compassionate care on individuals with

neurodevelopmental conditions.

Throughout the morning, I had the opportunity to observe various therapy sessions. The

occupational therapy session I observed focused on sensory integration, helping individuals develop their

motor skills and sensory processing abilities. The occupational therapist skillfully utilized a range of

sensory materials and equipment to engage and stimulate the individuals' senses.

Next, I observed a speech therapy session where the therapist used interactive games and

communication exercises to improve the participants' speech and language skills. It was inspiring to

witness the therapist's patience and creative strategies to encourage effective communication and foster

confidence in the participants. I was able to run drills with the student in this session, we had a

conversation while using flashcards and toys.

Fig.2 Assisting a speech therapy session

Fig. 3 Assisting a speech therapy session

In the afternoon, I actively participated in supporting therapy activities under the guidance of

experienced professionals. I joined a group session where individuals with similar challenges gathered to

work on social skills and emotional regulation. The group facilitator encouraged open discussions and

facilitated activities that promote empathy, cooperation, and self-expression. It was heartening to see the

participants grow more comfortable and engage with one another, building friendships and developing

important social skills.

Throughout the day, I had the opportunity to witness the power of collaboration and

interdisciplinary teamwork. I attended team meetings where professionals from different disciplines came

together to discuss individual cases, share insights, and develop holistic intervention plans. The meetings

showcased the importance of diverse perspectives and the collective expertise in tailoring interventions to

meet each individual's unique needs.

April 19, 2023/ Day 6, Wednesday:

As I arrived at the center, I could sense the familiar atmosphere of dedication and collaboration.

The teachers warmly greeted me, and I resumed my role as an immersionist, eager to learn and contribute

to the ongoing journey of compassionate care.

During the morning, I had the privilege of observing a range of therapeutic activities. In an art

therapy session, individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions expressed themselves through various

art forms. The art therapist skillfully encouraged self-expression, creativity, and emotional exploration,

fostering a safe space for individuals to communicate and process their experiences.

In the afternoon, I had the opportunity to actively participate in individual therapy sessions.

Under the guidance of an occupational therapist, I assisted in a session focused on fine motor skills

development. Together, we engaged in activities that targeted hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and finger

strength. It was rewarding to witness the individuals' progress and their growing confidence in their


Fig. 4 Assisting a child in motor skills development

Throughout the day, I had the privilege of attending collaborative meetings and case discussions.

The interdisciplinary team came together to review individual progress, discuss challenges, and strategize

on customized interventions. The collective expertise and shared commitment of the team members were

inspiring, as they worked collaboratively to ensure the best possible outcomes for the individuals under

their care.

A significant aspect of the day involved observing family sessions, where professionals met with

parents and caregivers to provide guidance and support. These sessions focused on addressing concerns,

answering questions, and empowering families with knowledge and resources. Witnessing the

professionals' compassionate and informative approach, I saw how these sessions fostered a strong

partnership between professionals and families, facilitating optimal support for the individuals.

As the next day in the neurodevelopmental center drew to a close, I reflected on the continued

impact of compassionate care. The immersive experience deepened my understanding of the diverse

therapeutic modalities used to support individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions. It reinforced the

importance of tailoring interventions to meet each individual's unique needs and highlighted the

significance of family involvement in the therapeutic journey.

Moreover, the collaborative efforts and interdisciplinary teamwork witnessed throughout the day

reiterated the power of collective expertise and a shared vision of enhancing the lives of these

extraordinary individuals.

April 20, 2023/ Day 7, Thursday:

Today, I had the privilege of engaging with children in a play therapy session, where the

therapeutic environment allowed them to express themselves and address emotional and behavioral

challenges. Witnessing the profound impact of play therapy on these children was truly rewarding. It was

evident that through play, they were able to build resilience and acquire valuable coping skills.

Fig. 5 Play therapy

During my work immersion in the neurodevelopmental and therapy center, I had the opportunity

to work with a diverse group of children who presented various developmental and behavioral challenges.

This experience provided valuable insights into the application of play therapy in helping children

effectively communicate their emotions, acquire new skills, and foster social relationships.

One particularly memorable session involved a young boy who was still under observation and

receiving play therapy. My role was to observe his progress closely. During our play therapy sessions, I

incorporated a range of activities to encourage communication and skill development. We engaged in

building with Legos, singing the ABCs, counting numbers, and playing construction games. To support

his progress, I employed positive reinforcement, offering encouragement and praise.

Through these sessions, I noticed that the boy was not accustomed to being around many people

and displayed a strong attachment to the objects he held. However, despite these challenges, I observed

his cognitive abilities to be quite advanced for his age. He demonstrated proficiency in identifying colors,

shapes, and letters.

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have worked with him and the other children at the

neurodevelopmental and therapy center. This experience deepened my understanding of play therapy and

its effectiveness in supporting children with developmental and behavioral challenges.

Moreover, I gained valuable insights into the numerous benefits of play therapy. It serves as a

powerful tool for children to express their emotions and needs in a healthy manner. Additionally, it

enables them to cultivate positive interactions with others, manage anxiety and stress, develop effective

coping mechanisms for challenging emotions, nurture a positive self-image, and learn goal-setting and

achievement. Furthermore, play therapy taps into children's creativity and imagination, fostering the

development of problem-solving skills.

Overall, my work immersion in the neurodevelopmental and therapy center has highlighted the

significance of play therapy as a transformative approach in helping children overcome developmental

and behavioral obstacles. I will carry the knowledge and experiences gained during this immersion with

me as I continue to pursue my passion for assisting children in their growth and well-being.

April 24, 2023/ Day 8, Monday:

During my work immersion at the neurodevelopmental center, I was fortunate to witness the

tremendous impact of dedicated teachers and therapists on the lives of students with diverse learning

needs. This narrative report delves into two significant days of my immersion experience, highlighting the

invaluable insights gained during my time spent at the center.

Friday marked the designated therapy day at the center, where students received specialized

interventions tailored to their individual requirements. Anticipating a bustling day with a significant

influx of students and staff from various classes, I arrived early in the morning, joining Teacher Camia in

packing up items not needed for the therapy sessions. Some students arrived promptly at 8:00 AM, while

others came at 10:00 AM. Witnessing the teachers' adeptness in engaging with each child, employing

strategies to foster active listening, and effectively managing disruptive behavior left a lasting impression

on me.

Throughout the day, the primary objective was to provide therapeutic interventions and document

the progress made. It was crucial to track the activities and achievements of the students, ensuring their

continued growth. Attending therapy on the assigned day was vital for students to avoid regression in

their progress, as starting from scratch would hinder their learning journey. I admired how the teachers

interacted with each child with utmost care and maintained composure in challenging situations. Assisting

the teacher by facilitating drills, including games, bouncing balls, and educational materials, helped

maintain an organized and productive waiting time. As the day came to a close, we concluded with

cleaning, bidding farewell, and eagerly anticipating the next week's endeavors.

Fig 6.

Monday brought the opportunity to observe the typical classroom settings at the

neurodevelopmental center. In the SRP (Specialist Resource Program) classes, which only a few students

opted for, four instructors named Myla, Camia, Lysa, and Laizy were present. From the moment I stepped

into the center, their warm, genuine, and welcoming demeanor created an atmosphere of warmth and

inclusivity. Each classroom had its unique energy, and I observed the teachers' genuine joy in engaging

with the students.

Throughout the day, the teachers adeptly utilized various teaching methods to cater to students'

diverse learning styles and abilities across different subjects. Personalized instruction, visual aids, and

hands-on activities were incorporated into the lessons to enhance students' interest and knowledge. The

SRP courses were thoughtfully designed to address the specific educational needs of the children,

fostering a nurturing environment for their overall development. In therapy sessions, students received

individualized interventions targeting their cognitive, social, and physical skills. The teachers' remarkable

compassion and understanding were evident as they worked closely with each student, supporting them in

achieving their unique goals.

I actively participated in various activities throughout the day, whether it was assisting in

classroom activities, providing individual support, or fostering an environment conducive to learning.

Each assignment felt meaningful and impactful, reinforcing the importance of tailored care and fostering

an atmosphere of growth and support.

May 3, 2023/ Day 9, Monday:

Today, my responsibilities at the neurodevelopmental center involved supervising different

children with diverse needs. The first child I supervised presented a challenge due to hyperactivity and

spitting behavior. To assist him in self-regulation and concentration, weights were offered, and Teacher

Laizy entrusted me with the task of overseeing him. As we sat together, waiting for the designated time to

pass, he grew increasingly agitated and resorted to spitting. I calmly explained to him that such behavior

was unacceptable, encouraging him to stop. Despite the difficulties, we patiently waited until it was time

for him to go home.

Next, I supervised a child who struggled with motor skills. I set up an obstacle for him, involving

climbing up and down a chair and placing missing puzzle pieces in their respective positions. He

successfully completed the task, and I rewarded his achievement with a high five, aiming to boost his

confidence and sense of accomplishment.

The last child I supervised was exceptionally bright, demonstrating an impressive ability to solve

math problems independently. However, Teacher Myla requested that I focus on teaching him counting

beyond skip counting. I was astonished by his early memorization of the multiplication table. It was a

pleasure to witness his enthusiasm for learning and assist him in further developing his mathematical


As lunchtime approached, Teacher Myla, true to her thoughtful nature, treated us to a special

meal. On this particular day, she cooked buttered shrimp and tahong. I expressed my admiration for her

culinary skills, and the other teachers agreed wholeheartedly. The camaraderie and shared meals created a

warm and welcoming atmosphere, making me feel like I had been part of the team for much longer than

just one day.

After a fulfilling morning of work, it was time to assist the teachers in cleaning the school. We

diligently swept and mopped the floors, stacked the chairs, arranged the tables, and returned the toys to

their designated places. It was a collective effort to maintain a clean and organized environment for the


Reflecting on the day, I felt a mixture of fatigue and satisfaction. The work was demanding, but

the joy of making a positive impact on the children's lives overshadowed any weariness. Building

connections with the teachers and experiencing their unwavering dedication to the students was truly

inspiring. This day, though just one in my immersion experience, left an indelible impression on me,

reinforcing the importance of patience, adaptability, and genuine care when working with children with

diverse needs.

May 5, 2023/ Day 10, Friday:

Today marked the conclusion of my work immersion at the neurodevelopmental and therapy

center. As I reflected on the past 10 days, I recognized the vital role this center plays in helping children

achieve their full potential. It was a bittersweet day as we prepared for the farewell program, setting up

the room with festive decorations such as balloons and banderitas. Tables and chairs were arranged for the

potluck lunch, and we organized games, a puppet show, and giveaways. I hosted the program commenced

with a prayer, followed by an energizer and engaging games tailored to assist the children with their

conditions, like blowing out candles and popping balloons. We then performed a puppet show, retelling

the story of Little Red Riding Hood as it was the easiest story to portray. Afterward, the children brought

home the hotdogs, marshmallows, and giveaways we had prepared for them. It was a tiring day, and I felt

a pang of sadness knowing I would be parting ways with the children whom I had grown to love.

As I cleaned the office for the last time, a rush of memories flooded my mind. I recalled the

smiles, laughter, and tears of the children. I celebrated the progress they had made and took pride in the

role I had played in their lives. The teachers I had worked with also held a special place in my heart. They

had become like family to me, and I knew I would dearly miss them. My time at the neurodevelopmental

and therapy center had left an indelible mark on me.

Fig 7. The Program Fig. 7.1 Games

During our final gathering, our adviser asked us what we had learned from our experience. I

shared that I had initially harbored a disinterest in working with children, but my time at the center had

completely changed my perspective. I didn't expect to form such strong attachments to the children. The

teachers also imparted valuable advice, emphasizing the importance of professionalism and taking every

opportunity seriously in the working field. In gratitude for our contributions, Teacher Myla prepared a

special meal for us, acknowledging our significant help in lightening their workload.

As I bid farewell to the center, my heart felt heavy, but I also carried a deep sense of pride. I knew

that I had made a positive impact on the lives of the children, and that was the ultimate reward. I am

immensely grateful for the opportunity to have worked at the neurodevelopmental and therapy center. It

was a truly enriching experience that I will cherish forever. The time spent learning from the dedicated

professionals in this field has inspired me to consider a future career in neurodevelopmental therapy.

Insights Gained and Work Immersion Application:

Working as an immersionist at a neurodevelopmental center has provided me with a unique

opportunity to witness firsthand the remarkable work carried out in helping children with various
developmental challenges. This essay aims to reflect upon the insights I have gained during my
time at the center, highlighting the profound impact it has had on both the children and myself.
From observing therapeutic sessions to assisting in educational activities, the experience has
deepened my understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders, the power of therapeutic
interventions, and the importance of empathy and compassion in fostering growth and

One of the key insights I gained revolves around a deeper understanding of neurodevelopmental
disorders. Witnessing children with conditions such as autism spectrum disorder,
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and developmental delays has allowed me to
comprehend the diverse challenges they face. Each child has unique strengths and struggles, and
it is crucial to approach their needs with individualized care and attention. This experience has
shattered misconceptions and stereotypes, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the
incredible potential hidden behind these disorders.

Working closely with therapists, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of various
therapeutic interventions. Play therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, among others,
have proven to be essential tools in aiding children's growth and development. Through engaging
activities, these interventions promote communication skills, emotional regulation, social
interaction, and cognitive development. Witnessing children progress in these areas and
overcome obstacles has been truly inspiring, reinforcing the significance of early intervention
and comprehensive support systems.

Perhaps one of the most profound insights gained is the significance of empathy and compassion
in supporting children with neurodevelopmental disorders. These children often face numerous
challenges, ranging from difficulty in communication to sensory sensitivities. By actively
listening, understanding their unique perspectives, and creating a safe and inclusive environment,
we can foster their self-esteem and overall well-being. The experience of connecting with these
children on an emotional level has taught me the importance of patience, understanding, and the
ability to celebrate even the smallest victories.

Another crucial aspect I have learned is the significance of collaboration and a multidisciplinary
approach in addressing the complex needs of children at the neurodevelopmental center.
Effective collaboration among therapists, educators, parents, and caregivers is essential to
provide comprehensive and holistic care. The center serves as a hub where professionals from
various disciplines come together, pooling their expertise to develop personalized interventions
and support systems for each child. Witnessing this collaborative effort has reinforced the notion
that teamwork and shared knowledge are fundamental in maximizing the potential of these

Lastly, working as an immersionist at the neurodevelopmental center has led to significant
personal growth and self-reflection. It has taught me the value of patience, adaptability, and
resilience in navigating challenges. Witnessing the determination and resilience of the children
has served as a reminder of the strength of the human spirit. Moreover, the experience has
highlighted the importance of lifelong learning, as there is always more to discover and
understand about neurodevelopmental disorders and the most effective interventions.:

My time as an immersionist at the neurodevelopmental center has been a transformative journey,

providing invaluable insights into the world of neurodevelopmental disorders and therapeutic
interventions. It has deepened my understanding of the challenges faced by these children, while
also highlighting their incredible potential for growth and development. The power of empathy,
compassion, collaboration, and multidisciplinary approaches has been clearly demonstrated in
the context of holistic care. This experience has not only enriched my knowledge but has also
sparked a passion to contribute to the well-being and advancement of children with
neurodevelopmental disorders in


Daily Time Record

Supervisor’s Rating Sheet

Immersion Waiver

Updated Resume

Medical Clearance

Barangay Clearance:
(NO AVAILABLE COPIES; was passed to supervisor)


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