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Desalination 268 (2001) 109-110 Contents late avalabla at Seioncebiract Desalination ELSEVIER journal homepage: Modeling and determination of heat transfer coefficient in a basin solar still using CFD Narjes Setoodeh, Rahbar Rahimi *, Abolhasan Ameri ‘Deparment f Chemical Engincring University of Sstan and tucson, Zhen, ran ‘re soy Received 14 May 2010, ec in revised orm 30 September 2010 ‘expt 2 October 2010 ‘vaabeonine 11 November 2010 ‘Eventhough the se of solar eneray in distillation a saline water to produce potable water due to the increase of fossil fue cost and environmental consideration fas become widespread, ther sages are prohibited by {het cost This required study onthe modeling and transport parameters determination ofbasin solr sil for an efficient design. Hence a three arson Sosisvom IK» Fig. 9, cae mist temperate on 3 plane inde the sls ‘down and forces the lighter warm phase toward the glass. Hence, free convection heat transfer mechanism can be seen inthe solar stil unt 5. Heat transfer coefficient analysis ‘As mentioned earlier, heat transfer in the system is due to the buoyancy force. This force isa cause of density difference in the gas phase. Density difference also occurs because of temperature iference in the mixture. Therefore gas phase gets a circular motion in the solar still and heat transfer takes place as natural convection. ‘This vapor flow pattern is shown in Fig 10. As the systemis closed and we have not any extemal flow into stil, convective heat transfer includes only free convection Convection heat transfer rate from water to glass calculated from, Eq, (22) i= ha Te) ) hor is convective heat transfer coefficient, Dimensionless Nusselt ‘number is defined as haw’ Pet iu = Pow’ = CG Pr (23) ‘mature Veloty ‘3.000e-001 2.500e-001 2.0006-001 te om oe Fig. 0. Gas mitre vlc veto a plane inside tesla st 108 1 Stade tb ( Desaiation 268 (2011) 105-110, ‘able ‘Temperature dependent physical properties of apr. co ‘Simba eprom Spee bet G 5862 FOS T+ 1101s 10 R651 10* Deri e 2 Phe Thermal conductivity £ aed 9erax10- +r icosiy ” M1420 Latent neato vaporization of water Ine 93510 19.479 104% + 13x? HATTA Te], fr TTC xpnsin factor e a Tye hence By substitution few from Ea, (24) into Eq (16), we have: k "i § clr Py" (4) ‘Where Grand Prare the Grashof and Prandtl nurnbers, respectively, and are given by the expressions shown below. Bed tar 25) F “ Gr Pr (26) 1G ‘The variables on right hand side of expressions are temperature dependent physical properties of vapor and are given in Table I {10} Im order to calculate vapor physical properties which are required in Eqs. (23)-(26), Tw and T, were averaged over volume and glass surface respectively. So the Nu number and heat transfer coefficient obtained are average values Calculation of constants C and n in Eq, (24), were based on regression analysis of the predicted results of CFD using Tivar eta [10] and Kumar and Tiwari [11] method. The convective heat transfer coefficient is evaluated from Eq, (24) using the values of obtained C and n. The evaporative heat transfer coefficient in the system and condensed water rate are obtained from Eqs. (16) and (19). ) Convective Heat Transfer Confficint (Wim ee ey Further, by substituting oe into Fa. (21) and ther dn into Eq. (19), we get 001625 a I yt (ByB) Cor 2) Therefore: = CiGr-Pr" (29) Where: 01623 & Fe EA (Ret) (20) ‘Taking the logarithms of both sides of Ea. (29) and by using linear regression analysis, the constants Cand n evaluated for our CFD data te be equal to 2.054 and 0.166. For experimental data of Tabrizi etal. [6] these values would be 2.056 and 0.159 respectively. Evaporative Heat Transfer ‘Covfficent (Win. °C ' » ee 6 on Time he) ~~ Kumar and Tiwari model by CFD data Dunkle model by CFD data + Duke model by experimental data + Kumar and Tivari model by experimental data Fi 1 Vaviton of convective eat transfer coc (A) with dy hor. ‘Timethr) ‘estes Kumar and Tiwi mode! by CFD data Dunhle model by CED data = Dunkle model by experimental data Kumar and Tiwari model by experimental di ig. 12. Variation of evaporative het trans, 1 Setade etl Beinn 268 (2012) 103-110 10 Water temperature (©) . 0 2 6 6 8 0 @ ‘Time (he) —¥— Water temperature by CPD data Water temperature by experimental data Fg. 15. comparizn of water temperature fer experinntal data and CFD sian ng eat transfer pein vaunted om Kuma apd ivan made The value of few based on calculated C and m is determined from Eq. (24). Dunkle [8] has made some assumptions for deriving his correlation. The results with good accuracy are obtained for normal temperature range, 17°C, and 50°C temperature difference between lass surface and water. Cand n values are 0.075 and 0.33 in Dunkle's correlation; whereas in Kumar and Tiwari model Cand n are calculated based upon experimental data Hence, hey calculated from Kumar and Tiwari model is more realistic and free from shortcomings of Dunkle's correlation. Also evaporative heat transfer coefficient is dependent to convective heat transfer coefficient and is expressed by Eq, (27). Convective and evaporative heat transfer coeficients obtained from GD simulation results and experimental data by using mentioned ‘model, and als0 fey a fey from Dunes relation (Eq. (13) and (16), for two sets of data (CFD and experimental) are presented in Figs. 11 and 12, Itis obvious that the CFD prediction and experimental results are agreeable. The tend of vatiations in heat transfer coefficients is similar to temperature variation figure; because both ty and ey are dependent to water and glass temperatures ‘We used new heat transfer coeficents by using mentioned model for experimental data in our simulations. We evaluated new results {rom CFD simulations. Results fr the rate of fresh water production ‘were not so different from results in Fig. 4 and the difference was negligible; but it influenced on the water temperature results and reduced the gap between the experimental and the CFD data. The comparison between new CFD and experimental data of water temperature for heat transfer coefficients obtained from Kumar and ‘Tiwwati model is shown in Fig. 13. By this method results improved to some extent in comparison with experimental data, The average ‘water temperature error reduces 0 9.98%, 6. Conclusions In this work, evaporation and condensation processes that are ‘occurring in sola stills were simulated. A two-phase three-dimensional 'model using CFD were developed. The model was conducted for water- ‘mixture (air and water vapor) system with the aim of CPX 11 software package. Experimental data within 14 simulated as 14 stops of Th period. Due to solar radiation, water vaporized an model was able to show condensed water droplets on the glass. Droplets that slipped ‘downward to the downcomer are also observable, Accumulated water amount on downcomer were compared with the water quantity ‘produced in experimental setup. They were in good agreement Convective and evaporative heat transfer coefficients based on, Dunkle's correlation and Kumar and Tiwari model were calculated, C and n values determined according, to Kumar and Tiwati model for CFD models were 2.054 and 0.165 and for experimental data were 2.056 and 0.159 respectively. By using new heat transfer coefficients evaluated for experimental data in CFD simulations the rate of fresh water production did not change significantly, but it influenced on ‘water temperature results and reduced its error in compacison with previous simulation results Predicted results by CFD show that computational fluid dynamics, js a powerful tool for design, parameter analysis and difficulties removal in soar still construction. symbols ‘hy Evaporative surface area, n? "Unknown constant in Nasslt number expression G Specific heat, Jka" @ Characteristic dimension of condensing cover. m Dac Diflsion coefiient ofA in gas phase, m/s? Dy Difsion coeficient ofA in liquid phase, ms? Gr Grashof number, Dimensionless fey Convective heat transfer coefficient from water to glass, win" tow Evaporative heat transfer coefficient from water to glass, wim"c fg Latent heat of vaporization of water, kg Specific enthalpy, Jk frou ‘Total heat transfer coefficient of Liquid phase, W/m? °C time Radiative beat transer coeficient rom water to glass, Wn? °C "Thermal conductivity, WiC Ma Interphase momeaturn transfer, kgm’s? tity Distillate output ks it” Unknown constant in Nusselt number expression Nu Nusselt number, Dimensionless P Pressure, Nit Partial saturated vapor pressure at glass temperature, Nim? Partial saturated vapor pressure at water temperature, Nin? P® Prandtl number, Dimensionless Qic Energy transfer between liquid and gas phases, Wrm* q”—Fluxof enthalpy, Wim? fice ‘Rate of convective heat transfer within stil rom water to glass, Win? fey Rate of evaporative heat transfer within sil rom water to sass, Win? Volume fraction, dimensionless Siz rate of interphase mass transfer, kgim’s Times T Temperature, °C V Velocity vector, mis Xq Mass fraction of in liquid phase Y; ‘Mas fraction of Ain gas phase Greek 18 Expansion factor. 1/°C © Stephan Boltzman, Win? © Emissivity Viscosity gms p Density kgm? Subscripts chica & Glass Liquid ¥ Vapor w Water no 1 Sond tb Desaiation 268 (2011) 105-110, References 111. Kaloo, Survey of slr desalination systems and system selection, ney 22 sr) ob {2} Bi Moa Karimi Mathomatial medtingf sonst ina, Solar ney 5 (5) (1985) sae 1 RAL Seba A ALC, A-azm Ade. 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