Nominee Form 439816

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Form for Nomination / Cancellation of Nomination / Change of Nomination

(To be filled in by Individuals) (Read Instructions overleaf)

NDX P2P Private Limited,
B-401, Pramukh Plaza,
Cardinal Gracious Marg,
Chakala, Andheri East,
Mumbai 400059.

Dear Sir,

I SELVAMANI (Lender / Investment Holder) having an lender / investment

account with you 439816 (Investor ID), do hereby

* nominate the person(s), more particularly described hereunder, to whom the investment to my
credit in the above-mentioned account can be transferred by NDX P2P Private Limited in the event
of my / our death

* cancel the nomination made by me on the __________ day of ______ in favour of

_______________________________ in respect of my investment standing to my credit in the
above mentioned account.
(* Strike out which is not applicable)

* change the nomination made by me on the__________ day of ______ in favour of

_______________________________ in respect of my investment standing to my credit in the
above mentioned account and nominate the person(s) more particularly described hereunder to
whom the said investment can be transferred by NDX P2P Private Limited in the event of my death
(* Strike out which is not applicable)

Nomination Details

Particulars Nominee 1 Nominee 2 Nominee 3

Nominee Name (As

per PAN):

Pan Card No.:

Date of Birth:

Relationship with the


Name & Address of

the Guardian (In case
the nominee is a

Percentage of
#As the nominee is a minor as on date, I appoint the person named above as the guardian to the
investment on behalf of the nominee, in the event of my death during the minority of the

I hereby nominate the above nominee(s) to receive ownership of my investments standing to my

credit with NDX P2P Private Limited in the event of my death. I hereby agree and confirm that in
order to receive ownership of my investments standing to my credit in the event of my death, the
nominee(s) shall furnish such documents as may be required by NDX P2P Private Limited to their
satisfaction. Payment by NDX P2P Private Limited to my nominee(s), pursuant to receiving the
requisite documents shall constitute full discharge of liabilities of NDX P2P Private Limited towards
my estate, legal heirs, executors, administrators and successors. If NDX P2P Private Limited or any
of its directors, officers or agents were to incur, suffer or any claim, demand, liabilities,
proceedings or actions are filed or made or initiated against any/all of them in respect of or in
connection with the nomination, they shall be entitled to be indemnified absolutely for any loss,
expenses, costs, and charges that any of them may suffer or incur absolutely from my estate.

I have read the rules and instructions overleaf on nomination specified herein and I hereby
confirm to comply and adhere to such rules or any amendments that may be made from time to

Yours faithfully,



Date: _____________________________ Place: __________________________

Rules & Instructions:

1. The nomination can be made only by individuals applying for / holding investments on
their own behalf singly.

2. Non-individuals including society, trust, body corporate, partnership firm, Karta of Hindu
Undivided Family, holder of Power of Attorney cannot nominate.

3. A minor can be nominated and, in that event, the name of the guardian of the minor
nominee shall be provided by the investment holder.

4. Nomination can also be in favour of the Central Government, State Government, a local
authority, any person designated by virtue of his office or a religious or charitable trust.

5. The Nominee shall not be a trust (other than a religious or charitable trust), society, body
corporate, partnership firm, Karta of Hindu Undivided Family or a Power of Attorney

6. A Non-Resident Indian can be a Nominee subject to the exchange controls in force, from
time to time.

7. Nomination in respect of the investments stands rescinded upon the transfer of


8. Transfer of investment in favour of a Nominee shall be valid discharge by NDX P2P Private
Limited against the legal heir.

9. The cancellation of nomination can be made only by those individuals who hold
investment on their own behalf singly and who made the original nomination.

10. On cancellation of the nomination, the nomination shall stand rescinded and NDX P2P
Private Limited shall not be under any obligation to transfer the investments in favour of
the Nominee.

11. In case of multiple nominations (nomination in favour of more than one person), the
Investment holder must clearly and unambiguously specify the exact share of each of the
nominees as a percentage of the Investment held by the Investment holder, making a total
of 100%. In absence of such clear and unambiguous indication by the Investment holder
regarding the exact share of each of the nominees, it will be assumed that the Investment
holder has opted for the Default Option, which is the Investments to be allocated equally
among all the nominees and settled accordingly.

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