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“A Multiple cho 105-£10-1-060 ececces Sores seccrcte ‘atonal plan rece a Hulls Choice anewer shoe setae THB ie tecorrenee cee c GCrBEEGEC 8a ie Ets ae LGcECECEEGE ce 50 minutes ccc tecnc Eee i eusec eae fe cece ce eri oceacscccrscs cred chive: ceeececceaces’ Instruct seeereC: ee ee “1 Ensure that the school a nw cE ae Ga creceel See fettetese Eeercces e Answer She rat et ts ph cone ‘on ae ce ae oo Oe: pov oust wot ino si a4 oo : t ane ec Seley Sue corse Ci gek cekecroce creck CC SeEg eG GHGS “2 cel phones are not allowe ceeoteateG sreocecectec ork rgrices Ge CEEGCESERCEEE Cr eteacrccreceger@ttceed ctrcercetccraeraceac ocicct Poet aceetpacececcts {serare gusset coc es SEE SEER This question paper eerste of 13 printed pages @ECZIGCE021IP4 3 Peo fiving organisms 1 is common to both plants ang it paracteristics of Which of the following ¢ animals? A Growth B Locomotion ¢ __ Saprophytic nutrition D Vegetative propagation i ope. ‘The diagram below shows a compound light microscop Which of the labelled parts holds and turns the objective lenses into position? Which row shows the features found in both plant and animal cells? Chloroplast _| Cytoplasm Nucleus _ | Ribosomes a Ez u x aaa aaa i v x lv v Zs x mA Pa v eature present The graph shows the effect of temperature on enzyme activi aing ete, correctiy indicates the optimum temperature? act ae oe “ Enzyme activity Temperature gc Biology/s0a0r1/2021 Papenyorae of Rhizopus: Which o' th ucture 9 The diagram shows the tT 10 The diagram shows the longitudinal sect WSS What is part S called? A Cement ~ B__Dentine © Enamel D Pulp cavity jon of a molar tooth. the labelled parts is the stolon» 11 What are the ailments associated with the !arge intestine? ¥ = Ailments associated with the large intestine X = Ailments not associated with the large intestine Biology/s0s011/2024 | Appendicitis | Cholera Dysentery | Diabetes Wy v v 7 Br la v v X coralia x v g dp |v x X 7 Key , thed 42 capillary From pulmonary artery giagram Shows JaSEOUS exchange in the alveo| " /eolus, ‘To pulmonary vein Which of the following correctly represents the gases X and ¥? [cua | GasY ta Carbon dioxide Oxygen [Nitrogen ———=*| Oxygen © | Oxygen Carbon dioxide D _| Oxygen Nitrogen 13. Which of the following is an application of respiration? A Fractional distillation B Glucose production c Sewage treatment D Water treatment Page 5 of 13 14 What type of immunity is associated with BCG vaccination against Tuberculosis? A Artificial active immunity B Artificial passive immunity C Natural active immunity D Natural passive immunity 15 Which conditions are needed for a blood clot to form when a person cuts oneself? Calcium | Platelets | Fibrinogen —_| White Blood Lions : Cells, a lv 7 x Zi ay Z v x © ik v v Ea dD ix z @ v Biology/5090/1/2024 Key v Needed X Not needed [Turn over Page 6 of 13 r the human heart el .w of 16 The diagram shows an external vie v im Right atrium_ =—Left atriu _—-__—X Right ventricle —teft ventricle What is the name of the blood vessel labelled X? A Coronary artery B Pulmonary artery “ ¢ Pulmonary vein D Vena cava 17 The diagram shows the circulatory system. ;————Upper body Biology/5090/1/2021, Loop of Henle — p__ Renal tubule, what changes are likel intoa hot kitchen? Page 8 of 13 21 The diagram shows a reflex arc: Section of spinal cord What are the structures labelled J, K and L?- J K L Effector Motor neurone _| Sensory neurone Motor neurone —_ Receptor Effector Motor neurone | Sensory neurone | Receptor Motor neurone | Relay neurone _| Sensory neurone vlola|> 22 The diagram shows a section through the human eye. Which structure contains the muscl ic me les which contract to produce a focused 23 Which of the following is correct about the Se coor Tt is .. A inside the body and made of calcium deposits, B inside the body and made of chitin, ic outside the body and made of calcium, eposits, D outside the body and made of chitin, Biotegyi5090/1/2021 a 24 6 26 A B c D Page 9 of 13 following statements V ut OF behaviours of living organisms can be referred to as xis Cockroaches moving away from light, Earthworms moving towards chemicals, Plants growing away from light, Termites flying towards light. rhe diagram shows the structure of a maize seed, What are the parts labelled X, Y and Z? A B @ D x z Coleorhiza | Plumule Testa ‘Cotyledon_| Radicle Coleothiza | Plumule Cotyledon__| Testa [ Radicle Testa Coleorhiza The diagram shows the structure of Mucor. What type of asexual reproduction is demonstrated in the diagram? A B ic D Binary fission Budding Fragmentation Spore formation Biology/5080/1/2021 [Turn over Page 10 of 13 ‘ /e propagation? Which of the following Is not an advantage CE ETE Eee a A Cheap »“ Genetic stability B © Overcrowding D 27 Plants mature faster 28 ~The diagram shows a longitudinal section of a pistil (carpel) of a flower. 7 A B lien Which part receives pollen during pollination? 29 The diagram shows a dandelion fruit, ‘ How Is this fruit dispersed ahd whe io 4 a ‘hat adoptive feature ena _ [Type of dispersal a : cone ge of vegetative propagation? advantat 27 Which of the following is not an a A Cheap ia B Genetic stability Cc Overcrowding D Plants mature faster pistil carpel) of a flower. f; aoe 28 The diagram shows a Jongitudinal section of SPignea Which part receives pollen duting pollination? 29 ~The diagram shows a dandelion fruit. How is this fruit dispersed and ney ada that manner? Type of Taper Tiaptive rears ptive feature enables it to b 30 31 33 34 Page 11 of 13 rch part of the male reproductive system pr w duces the h }ormone testosterone? a Epididymis B Penis Sperm duct p Testis The diagram shows the changes that a to the uterus during the menstrual cycle, 27 2812 5 26, Lining of uterus Lining of uterus ets thicker: 40 20 19 18 17 46 45 148 Which of the following shows the times (in days) when ovulation and menstruation are likely to occur? ikely ovulation days | Menstruation occurs A 10-27 13-15 B 10 - 27 25-28 c 13.= 15 1-4 p | 225 1-4 Which method of birth control works by preventing an ovum from being released? A Condom 2 B Oral contraceptive pills C Rhythm method ~ D Vasectomy Which cells in the human body are produced by melosis? A Muscle cells: 2 B Nerve cells~ © Sperm cells D White blood cells Which cross is likely to result in a 3:1 ratio of a phenotype controlled by a dominant allele T and recessive allele t? a 46 A Thiet 5 ei SSeS c cts ae VE 5 D Tex tha” Vv — Blology/5090/172021 as {Turn over Page 12 of 13 35 36 37 n arthropod The diagram shows 2! his organism Belond? To which class does th A Chilopoda B _Diplopoda © Pauropoda D _Symphyla. il was set up as shown. Each thin glas of soi one property rit type of soil and stood in water , ate ‘An experiment to investig ee tube was filled with the same amoun! hours. What property of the soll samples was being investors A Aircontent _ B Capillarity © Drainage D Water retention ‘Which of the following correctly identifies biotic factors, abiotic factors al Abiotic [Biotic | A population . A [Cow Air 100 Impalas B Goat - Water 10 Lions and 200 Pigs Zebra 250 hectares of grass Rabbits | 50 Grass hoppers -Biology/5090/1/2021 the diagram shows a f Ce ee 3 aa 2 food web. In one particular year, aged the area, a swarm of locusts invaded and «) 2g Seed-eating bird What could have happened to the population of Baboons and Impalas? Population of Population of | | Baboons Impalas A | Increase Increase _y B | Increase Reduce c | Reduce Increase. D__| Reduce Reduce 39 Inthe carbon cycle, which two processes add carbon to the atmosphere? A Combustion and respiration— B Decomposition and fossilisation c Feeding and fossilisation .~ D _ Photosynthesis and respiration 40 Which of the following is the correct reason for conserving plant. species? To ... A absorb oxygen from the air. ~ B decrease rainfall.<. ~ obtain medicine from them. D _ release carbon dioxide into the air. ae = " Biology/5090/1/2021

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