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: Life has not been very easy for us during the past years.

At various levels of our lives, we have

embraced challenges at varying degrees. Nevertheless, there is still smile on our faces and joy in our
hearts for there are multiple reasons to be grateful- and one of that is that we are here today to
celebrate and remember our school’s journey for the past 17 years. It gives us a sense of pride and
awareness of what we are today and what we can be in the future.

: Yes indeed, partner and to become goal-driven students of PCS, it is important for us to have not just a
healthy mind but also a healthy body for we believe that, “Good nutrition means good health and good
health is a man’s greatest wealth.”

: To our school president, Atty. Jovim V. Entila, our school directress, Mrs. Lilia Entila, our school
principal, Mr. Kirk Joy Padios, our teachers, school staff, parents, and fellow Prestigians,

Both: A pleasant morning to all.

: Welcome to this year’s 17th Founding Anniversary of Prestige Comprehensive School, Inc. and to the
2022 Culmination of Nutrition Month Celebration with the theme, “New Normal na Nutrisyon, Sama-
Samang Gawan ng Solusyon.”

: To formally start our program, may we request everyone to please rise for our opening prayer to be
followed by the singing of our Philippine National Anthem and Prestige Hymn to be led to us by the PCS

: To welcome us all, let us lend our ears to our school principal, Mr. Kirk Joy Padios as he gives his
opening message.

: Thank you, Sir Kirk.

: At this time, let us be entertained by an intermission number to be given by the PCS Dance Arts. Let us
given them a round of applause.

: Thank you, PCS Dance Arts.

: To warm our hearts with hopeful words of inspiration, let us listen to our school president, Atty. Jovim
V. Entila, for his inspirational message. Let us give him a round of applause.

: Thank you, Atty. Jovim.

: And now Prestigians, are….. you….. ready…..? We know that you could no longer wait for our lineup of
fun and exciting activities or contests. So, here we go!

: Our first contest is the Zumba Dance Craze participated by students from the Elementary, Junior High
School and Senior High School. To start our contest, may I call on Ms. Carolyn D. Lamis, for the reading
of mechanics and Introduction of our Board of Judges.

: Thank you, Ms. Carol.

: Prestigians, once again, are you ready? So, Let us start the contest proper from the Elementary
Category, let us all welcome contestant number 1. (follow until the last contestant.)

: Thank you, Elementary students for that energetic and entertaining performances.

: And now, let us hear the voices of Junior High and Senior High School students! Be ready to cheer for
your contestants. Now, let us proceed to the Junior High and Senior High School Category. To start with,
let us all welcome contestant number 1. (follow until the last contestant.)

: Thank you, participants and to our board of judges.

: And for our Nutri-Booth Contest, I would like to request Ms. Jennifer Esogan to read to us the
mechanics and to introduce our board of Judges.

: Thank you, Ms. Jen and we would like to call on all the participants to please proceed outside the
school’s office to start making your nutri-booth. Thank you

: And our next contest to be held here in our PCS Court, the Nutri-Costume Contest participated by
Elementary students. May I call on, Ms. Grizzly Mae Singahan, to read the mechanics and to introduce
our judges.
: Thank you, Ms. Mae.

: We would like to ask the participants to please proceed here in front.

: And to our next contests, we have the cooking contest and salad making contest. May I request Mr.
Jemmils Cabawatan to read the mechanics and introduce the judges.

: Thank you, Sir Jems. May we request all the contestants of Cooking Contest and Salad Making Contest
to please proceed now here in our PCS Covered Court. Thank you.

: For our table skirting contest, may I call on Mrs. Marsha Prayco to read the mechanics and introduce
our judges.

: Thank you, Ms. Marsha. Participants of table skirting, please proceed here in our Covered Court. Thank

: For our table setting contest, may I call on Ms. Rosel Villajos to read the mechanics and introduce our

: Thank you, Ms. Rosel. Participants of table setting, please proceed now in our Covered Court. Thank

: For our Poster-Slogan Contest, may I call on Ms. Ronabel Rojo to read the mechanics and introduce our

: Thank you, Ms. Ronabel. We would like to request the participants of Poster-Slogan Contest to proceed
to our Science Lab. Thank you.

: For our Nutri Quiz Bowl, participants, please proceed now to our School Library. Thank you.

: Good luck to all the participants.

: And that’s it for the first part of our program today. Let us all have our lunch and be ready for the 2 nd
part of our program later at 1:00 P.M. See you all, Prestigians.

2nd Part

: Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to the 2 nd part of our program. At this point, we are going to
have our NUTRI BINGO! So Prestigians, get your nutri-bingo cards ready. To start with, may I call on Mr.
Raffy Canillo to read to us the mechanics.

: Thank you, Sir Raffy.

: Thank you, students and congratulations to the winners.

: At this juncture, let us now have our NUTRI-JINGLE Contest participated by Junior High and Senior High
students. To read to us the mechanics and introduce our judges, let us have Mr. Christian Dugayo.

: Thank you, Sir Christian.

: Ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome contestant number 1. (follow until last contestant.)

: And that ends our Nutri-Jingle Contest. Thank you, participants to our judges.

: At this point, we are going to announce the winners of our different contests. (Start with the first
contest until last.)

: Congratulations to all the winner. To formally end our program, let us listen to Mr. Raffy Canillo for his
closing remarks. Let us give him a round of applause.

: Thank you, Sir Raffy. And before we end our program, we would like to thank Atty, Jovim and
Madam Lilia Entila for their support, Mr. Kirk Joy Padios, teachers, parents and students for
making this program a success. Thank you so much and congratulations to all the winners and
participants. God bless us all! TATAKPCS!

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