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Written by NGUYEN THANH LUAN Copyrights for internal use only

1. Charts: Line / Bar / Pie / Table / Mixed (focus on Trends for Lines or Comparison for Bar / Pie / Table)
2. Process (focus on Connecting Phrases)
3. Map (focus on Differences)
1. Introduction: 1 sentence (Paraphrase the topic)
2. Overview: 2 sentences (Describing main TRENDS / DIFFERENCES / STAGES)
3. Bodies: 3-4 sentences / each body.
1. Active <=> Passive
2. Word-form transformation (on What)
3. Synonym substitution
IV - OVERVIEW (charts)
A. With trends (Dynamic)
- Trends: Upward / Downward / Fluctuating / Stable.
Trend(s): Overall, the figures for X experience an upward trend / a downward trend, the reverse pattern was
true for Y + time.

- Volume (select 1 in 3 to write): Overtaking / Highest & Lowest / Distinction.

+ Overtaking: The leading position belonging to the figure for A in + time is occupied by that of B in + time.

+ Highest / Lowest: It is not challenging to recognize that A occupies the largest data / datum (+ time) while
B is with the smallest one(s) (+ time)

+ Distinction: There is a significant / minimal distinction between the figures of A and B that should be
brought into consideration/

B. Without trends (Static)

- Highest & Lowest
- Distinction
Written by NGUYEN THANH LUAN Copyrights for internal use only

V - BODY (Charts)

1. Time, the figure for X is the highest with + number

Ex. In 2014, the figure for people using only one site was the highest with 36%.

2. Compared to the others, the figure for X is the highest with + number + time.

Ex. Compared to the others, the figure for people using only one site was the highest with 36% in 2014.

3. The largest figure belongs to X + time + with the figure of + number

Ex. The largest figure belonged to one site users in 2014 with the figure of 36%.

4. While the figure for A in + time reaches + number, that of B stands at + number + time.

Ex. While the figure for residents having no social networking account in 2014 reached 22%, that of
two sites stood nearly the same at 23% simultaneously.

5. The figures for A and B account for A’s number and B’s number respectively + time

Ex. The figures for no sites and two sites’ users accounted for 22% and 23% respectively in 2014.

6. Between the figures for A and B, the former (A) / the latter is higher / lower than the other with the
difference of + number + time.

Ex. Between the figures for no sites and two sites’ users, the former (no sites’ users) was lower than the
other with the difference of only 1% in 2014.

7. Between the figures for A and B, the former (A) / the latter (B) is not as high / low as the other with the
difference of + number + time

Ex. Between the figures for no sites and two sites’ users, the former (no sites’ users) was not as high as the
other with the difference of only 1% in 2014.

8. The figure for A in + time doubles / triples / quadruples / quintuples that of B standing at + number +
Ex. The figure for no sites’ users in 2014 nearly doubled that of three sites’ ones standing at 12% simultaneously.

9. The figure for A in + time is twice as many / much as that of B standing at + number + time.

Ex. The figure for no sites’ users in 2014 was nearly twice as many as that of three sites’ ones standing at
12% simultaneously.

10. Among the figures for A, B, and C, the first/second/third-mentioned sort is (by far) the highest with the
number of + number + time.

Ex. Among the figures for no sites, two and three sites’ users, the second-mentioned sort was the highest
with the proportion of 23% in 2014.
Written by NGUYEN THANH LUAN Copyrights for internal use only

11. Time, the figures for X increases / decreases + adverb + to / by + number

Ex. Over the period, the figures for people using only one site decreased minimally to 28%.

12. Time sees an increase / a decrease in the figures for X + to / of + number

Ex. The two years saw a minimal decrease in the figures for one site users to 28%

13. There is an increase / a decrease in the figures of X + to / of + number + time.

Ex. There was a minimal decrease in the figures of one site’s users of 8% during the period given.


rise / increase / climb / go up / grow / escalate / soar / rocket / boom / jump / explode.
rise / increase / climb / x / growth / escalation / soar / x / boom / jump / explosion.
decline / reduce / decrease / go down / fall / plummet / plunge / drop.
decline / reduction / decrease / x / fall / x / plunge / drop.
fluctuate / be volatile / be erratic / vary / oscillate.
fluctuation / show the volatility / show the erraticism / variation / oscillation.
stabilize / remain stable / stay unchanged / maintain constant / level out / level off / plateau.
stabilization / show the stability / x / show the constancy / levelling out / levelling off / plateau.
hit a high of / hit a low of / bottom out at / reach a peak of / peak at.

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