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‘The GIST’ - APR 2023



#1 Opportunities for Youth in the Startup Ecosystem 4
#2 Startups-Reaching last mile 5
#3 Antyodaya and Mass Media 6
#4 Incubators-The Growth enablers 7
#5 Women Entrepreneurship in MSME Sector 8
#6 Startup20 Empowerment Group 9
#1 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 11
#2 Women Empowerment 12
#3 Human Development through Panchayati Raj Institutions 13
#4 Good Governance at Grassroots Level 14
#5 e-GramSwaraj 14
GIST OF THE HINDU (Newspaper) 16
# Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) 16
# National Technology Centre for Ports, Waterways and Coasts (NTCWPC) 16
#3 Integrated e-Gram Swaraj and GeM portal 17
#4 Zafar Mahal 17
# Operation Kaveri 17
# Aptamers 18
# Logistics Performance Index (LPI) 2023 19
#5 International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) 19
#1 Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) 19
#2 Forensic Auditing 20
#3 Vault Managers 20
GIST OF Science Reporter Magazine 47
#1 Consumption and Nutritional significance of Millets 47
#2 Diving birds are more prone to extinction, says new study 48
#3 IIT Madras Researchers develop effective Data Analytics approach to detect petroleum in

underground 48
#4 IIT Madras and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Researchers Study Microbial Interactions taking
place in the International Space Station to make Space Travel Safer 49
#5 Risk of Passing Multiple Climate Tipping Points Escalates above 1.5°C Global Warming 49
#6 MCQs on Millets 50
GIST OF PIB (Press Information Bureau) 54
#1 Marketing and Logistics Development Scheme 54
#2 Sangathan Se Samridhhi 54
#3 SATHI Portal 55

● The Hindu
● Yojana
● Kurukshetra
● Science Reporter
● Press Information Bureau THE GIST - APR 2023 2





● Out of the $950 billion in FDI received since

#1 Opportunities for Youth in the Startup independence, $532 billion came since 2015
Ecosystem from 162 countries in 61 sectors to the 31
states & UTs. 
Introduction: ● With the initiatives like Digital India,
● India is home to one of the largest youth broadband connectivity in villages drove the
populations in the world. According to the growth of the startup ecosystem.
United Nations, India has over 356 million ● ‘MAARG’ portal is helping innovators and
young people aged between 10-24 years, startups from remote areas to get access to
which accounts for over 27% of the country’s crucial opportunities and funding
total population.  ecosystems. 
● In contrast, developed countries such as the Scope in Knowledge based Digital Economy:
United States and Japan have significantly
smaller youth populations, with 64 million and ● In the Union Budget 2023-24, the Union
22 million young people, respectively. Finance Minister talked of making India a
● This demographic advantage presents several knowledge-based digital economy. 
opportunities for the Indian startup ● The Government of India is moving towards
ecosystem. 100 percent digitisation of government
processes to make them more citizen-centric. 
New India: Opportunities for Youth: ● Under this, a Digital Public Infrastructure will
● The Union government has launched several be developed for the farmers of the country.
initiatives to promote entrepreneurship and ● ICMR labs will also be made available to
innovation in the country.  private medical colleges and private sector
● The ‘Startup India’ initiative, launched in 2016, R&D companies to promote health-based
aims to create a conducive environment for research. 
startups to thrive in India.  ● A new programme will be started through the
● The initiative provides several benefits to Centre of Excellence to promote research and
startups, including tax exemptions, access to innovation in pharmaceuticals. 
funding, and simplified regulations. ● District Institutes of Education and Training
Centres will be developed for revolutionary THE GIST - APR 2023 4


change in the training of teachers. A National

Digital Library will also be built. #2 Startups-Reaching last mile
● Under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Introduction:
Yojana, skills and training will be given for
artificial intelligence, coding, 3D printing ● Entrepreneurship and innovation are essential
Things.  drivers of economic growth and development.
India, like many other countries, has
National logistics policy and startups in India: recognised the importance of promoting
● India recently launched its National Logistics entrepreneurship and innovation, and has
Policy in 2022, which aims to create an taken several initiatives in this direction. 
integrated and efficient logistics ecosystem in ● The Startup India initiative has three main
the country.  components: simplification and handholding,
● The policy has several provisions that could funding support and incentives, and
benefit startups in the logistics sector.  industry-academia partnership and
● For instance, it encourages the development incubation. 
of logistics parks and multimodal logistics ● Under the simplification and handholding
hubs, which could provide startups with component, the government has simplified
access to better infrastructure and facilities.  the process of starting a business in India by
● It also promotes the use of technology in reducing the time and cost required to start a
logistics operations, which could help business. The government has also launched
startups streamline their processes and an online portal for startups.
reduce costs. ● The funding support and incentives
● The policy also emphasises the importance of component provides various incentives for
skill development and training for the logistics startups, including tax benefits, patent
sector, which could benefit startups by registration, and funding support. 
providing them with a pool of trained ● The industry-academia partnership and
professionals to hire from.  incubation component focuses on creating a
network of incubators and accelerators
Conclusion: across the country, which can provide
mentoring, networking, and funding support to
● The innovative youth must be commended for
raising the flag of India. It is because of them
alone Impact on the Indian Economy:
that India's startup ecosystem is creating
waves in the world today. ● The Startup India initiative has had a
● It is the strength of India's startup ecosystem significant impact on the Indian economy,
that it is constantly discovering itself, particularly in terms of job creation and
improving itself, and growing in strength. It is economic growth. 
constantly in a learning mode, in a changing ● According to a report by the National
mode, and adapting itself to new situations. Association of Software and Services
Companies (NASSCOM), the Indian startup
ecosystem is expected to create over 500,000
new jobs by 2025.
● The initiative has also attracted significant
foreign investment, with the total funding
raised by Indian startups increasing from $3.9
billion in 2014 to $14.5 billion in 2019. THE GIST - APR 2023 5


● The initiative has also encouraged the growth

of innovation and entrepreneurship in India. #3 Antyodaya and Mass Media
● According to the Global Innovation Index, Introduction:
India’s rank in innovation has improved from
81st in 2015 to 48th in 2021.  ● Antyodaya signifies to the concept of uplifting
● The initiative has also encouraged the growth the last person in society. 
of startups in various sectors, including ● Antyodaya was a concept that was based on
technology, healthcare, and agriculture. the philosophy of integral humanism. While it
was not coined by Deen Dayal Upadhyay, the
Challenges and Limitations: proliferation of its popularity had him playing
● Raising capital is a major challenge for an integral role. He stressed Antyodaya to
startups in India. Investors are often cautious target the extreme poverty that lingered in
and tend to invest in established companies India during and after the independence.
rather than startups. ● The concept of Antyodaya emphasises the
● Startups in India struggle to attract and retain need for social and economic development to
talent due to competition from established reach the poorest and most marginalised
companies and the lack of skilled workers. people in society. In other words, it is a
● Indian startups must navigate a complex philosophy that emphasises the welfare of the
regulatory environment, which can be weakest section of society.
time-consuming and costly. ● Mass media, on the other hand, refers to the
● Poor infrastructure, such as inadequate means of communication that reaches a large
transportation and power supply, can hinder number of people at the same time. It
the growth of startups in India. includes newspapers, magazines, radio,
● Indian society has traditionally placed a television, and the Internet. The mass media
strong emphasis on job security and stability, plays an important role in shaping public
which can make it challenging for startups to opinion, educating the masses, and
attract employees and customers. disseminating information to the masses.
● While India has a large population, the Significance of Mass Media:
purchasing power of the majority of the
population is low, limiting the potential market ● The relationship between Antyodaya and
for many startups. mass media is quite significant. The mass
● Many startups in India lack access to media can be an effective tool for promoting
experienced mentors who can provide the concept of Antyodaya. The media can
guidance and support. create awareness about the problems faced
by the poor and marginalised section of
Conclusion: society, and highlight the need for their
● Despite these challenges, startups in India upliftment. 
have shown remarkable resilience and are ● The media can also bring to light the
finding innovative ways to overcome these initiatives taken by the government and
obstacles.  non-governmental organisations to promote
the welfare of the poorest sections of society.
● One of the key roles of mass media in
promoting Antyodaya is to create awareness
among the masses. Through various media
platforms, the message of Antyodaya can be
communicated to a large audience. THE GIST - APR 2023 6


● The media can highlight the need for social ● Startups are known for their ability to create
and economic development that benefits the jobs and drive economic growth. Incubators
poorest and most marginalised sections of help startups to grow and expand, which in
society. turn creates more job opportunities in the
● The media can also play a crucial role in country.
educating people about the issues faced by ● Incubators help startups to attract investment
the poor and marginalised sections of society. from angel investors, venture capitalists, and
By highlighting their problems, the media can other sources. This investment not only helps
sensitise people to their plight and encourage startups to grow, but also attracts more
them to take action to support their cause. investment to the country, which further
● It can act as a watchdog and hold those in promotes the startup ecosystem.
power accountable for their actions. By ● Incubators provide startups with the
exposing corruption and malpractice, the opportunity to collaborate with each other, as
media can create pressure on the government well as with mentors and investors. This
and other organisations to take action to collaboration can lead to partnerships and
promote the welfare of the poorest sections joint ventures, which can help startups to
of society. grow and expand their reach.
● Many incubators in India focus on supporting
#4 Incubators-The Growth enablers social entrepreneurship, which involves using
business solutions to address social
Introduction: problems. These incubators provide startups
● Incubators are organisations that provide with the resources they need to develop
resources and support to startups to help sustainable and impactful solutions to social
them grow and succeed.  problems.
● They provide access to office space, Examples of Incubators for Startups in India:
mentorship, funding, and other resources that
startups need to develop their ideas into ● T-Hub: T-Hub is a startup incubator based in
successful businesses.  Hyderabad, India. It provides startups with
● Incubators are usually run by universities, access to office space, mentorship, funding,
governments, or private organisations and and other resources. T-Hub focuses on
provide a range of services to startups. startups in the areas of technology,
healthcare, and social impact.
Role of Incubators in Promoting the Startup ● Startup Village: Startup Village is a startup
Ecosystem in India: incubator based in Kochi, India. Startup
● Incubators play a crucial role in promoting the Village focuses on startups in the areas of
startup ecosystem in India. They provide technology, healthcare, and agriculture.
startups with the support and resources they ● IIM Bangalore NSRCEL: IIM Bangalore
need to grow and succeed, which helps to NSRCEL is a startup incubator based in
create a vibrant and thriving startup Bangalore, Karnataka. IIM Bangalore NSRCEL
ecosystem in the country.  focuses on startups in the areas of social
● Incubators support innovation by providing impact, healthcare, and sustainability.
startups with the resources they need to ● Zone Startups India: Zone Startups India is a
develop innovative solutions. This helps to startup incubator based in Mumbai, India.
create a culture of innovation in the country. Zone Startups India focuses on startups in the
areas of technology, healthcare, and fintech. THE GIST - APR 2023 7


MAARG Portal:  constituted by the Reserve Bank of India, has

identified a lack of access to credit as one of
● MAARG portal is the National Mentorship
the major constraints faced by the MSME
Platform by Startup India.
● MAARG Portal is being operationalized by the
● A 2022 report by the International Finance
Department for Promotion of Industry and
Corporation (IFC) has identified the lack of
Internal Trade (DPIIT), under the Ministry of
access to credit as an important constraint
Commerce and Industry.
being faced by women entrepreneurs in India.
● It is a one-stop platform to facilitate
mentorship for startups across diverse Women in MSME Sector:
sectors, functions, stages, geographies, and
● The MSME sector offers multiple
opportunities to empower women by
Key objectives: promoting entrepreneurship and plays a
crucial role in the process of economic and
● To provide sector-focused guidance,
social development through value addition,
handholding, and support to start-ups
employment generation, equitable distribution
throughout their lifecycle.
of income, and removal of regional
● To establish a formalised and structured
platform that facilitates intelligent
● Women-owned enterprises account for
matchmaking between the mentors and their
approximately 18.67% of the total MSMEs
respective mentees.
registered on the Udyam Registration Portal,
● To facilitate efficient and expert mentorship
over the last three years. 
for start-ups and build an outcome-oriented
● Similarly, the share of women employed by the
mechanism that allows timely tracking of
MSMEs registered on the Udyam portal, in
mentor-mentee engagements.
around two and a half years, is 23.59% out of
the total employment by the MSME registered
#5 Women Entrepreneurship in MSME Sector units during this period. 
Introduction: ● The Ministry of MSME is continuously making
efforts to encourage women’s empowerment
● According to the Registrar General of India, through various interventions.
the work participation rate for women stands ● Khadi and Village Industries Commission
at 25 percent which is one of the lowest in the (KV1C), has engaged 3.99 lakh women
world.  artisans (80%), out of a total of 4.97 lakh
● Emerging reports show a growing decline in artisans in the country, under its Khadi
women’s participation in the workforce.  Programme. 
● Frequent reports indicate a lack of safe and ● In addition, KVIC, through its various skill
quality childcare support a major contributing development training programmes in
reason for this decline. disciplines like – Beekeeping, Pottery, Leather
● In addition to this, there is a lack of Goods, Fruits and Vegetable Processing,
infrastructural facilities for women at Bakery courses, Tailoring and Embroidery,
workplaces e,g. proper crèche facilities and Soap and Detergent making, Beautician
their maintenance with decent infrastructure course, etc., has been skilling women across
and other resources needed for the same. the country. 
● The Report of the Expert Committee on Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (2019), THE GIST - APR 2023 8


● During the last six years, a total of 1.81 lakh

women have been skilled through these #6 Startup20 Empowerment Group
programmes. Introduction:
● In the coastal states of the country, Coir
Board, under different schemes, imparts ● Startup20 aspires to create a global narrative
training to women workers on manufacturing for supporting startups and enabling
quality coir products, thereby creating synergies between start-ups, corporates,
employment opportunities.  investors, innovation agencies and other key
ecosystem stakeholders.
Credit Facilitation: ● A two-day inception meeting of the Startup 20
● Initiatives for women-led enterprises: Under Engagement Group was held in Hyderabad, on
the Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund Trust for January 28-29, 2023.
Micro & Small Enterprises (CGTMSE), to ● Startup 20 is an important group of the G20 to
support Women Entrepreneurs, with effect generate more entrepreneurs from developing
from 1 December 2022, the concession of nations.
10% in guarantee fee (over the normal rate) ● The group will also bridge the knowledge gap
and enhanced guarantee coverage of 85% between the startup ecosystems of G20
(against 75% in other cases) has been member countries and emerging economies
introduced in respect of loans given to women through partnerships with enablers such as
entrepreneurs. incubators and government agencies.
● Through the Credit Guarantee Scheme for ● The Startup 20 summit will be held in
Micro & Small Enterprises, since its inception Gurugram in the month of July 2023.
in 2000, an amount of Rs. 53,080 crore has ● The opportunity comes at a time when India’s
been guaranteed in respect of loans availed startup ecosystem has grown to become the
by 13.29 lakh accounts of women-led MSMEs. world’s third largest, with over 92000 startups,
● Artisan-Based Cluster Development: Under 108 Unicorns, and more than USD 40 billion in
the Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of investment in 2022.
Traditional Industries (SFURTI), a special ● During Turkey’s presidency of the G20 in 2015,
focus has been given to providing sustainable there was a Task Force on Small and Medium
livelihood to artisans through the formation of Enterprises (SME) and Entrepreneurship.
manufacturing collectives in the traditional Subsequently, in Japan (2019), there was the
sector. Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance; in Italy (2021),
● Apart from the above, Schemes of other the Innovation League; and in Indonesia
Ministries, like Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (2022), the Digital Innovation Network, which
(PMMY) and Stand Up India, etc., help women is being continued during India’s presidency.
set up their own enterprises. The Pradhan Objectives of Startup20:
Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana provides
opportunities for training and capacity ● The overarching goal of Startup20 is to
building of prospective/existing women propose a policy framework that achieves two
entrepreneurs. objectives simultaneously: harmonisation of
global startup ecosystems to facilitate their
collaboration, and; doing so without
compromising the national ecosystems’
freedom to grow in whatever way they see fit.
● To accomplish its goals, Startup20 has
formed three Task Forces that focus on THE GIST - APR 2023 9


critical areas vital to the development of a ● Promote startups working on SDGs in areas of
thriving startup ecosystem.  global interest
● Foundation and Alliances, Finance, and
Inclusion and Sustainability are among the
Task Forces. ● As the world continues to face economic and
● The Foundation and Alliances Task technological challenges, startups and
Force seeks to foster a global community of entrepreneurship have a crucial role to play in
knowledge sharing among startup driving growth and innovation. India has a
ecosystems, as well as to bridge the thriving startup ecosystem with a large pool
knowledge gap between G20 member of talented entrepreneurs and investors,
countries, startup ecosystems, and emerging therefore Startup20 is also looking at ways to
economies.  showcase the most successful startups to the
● The Finances Task Force aims to increase world and move in a direction where these
access to capital for early-stage startups by startups could set an example around the
providing financing and investment platforms globe.
tailored to their needs. 
● The Inclusion and Sustainability Task
Force seeks to create equal opportunities for
startup founders regardless of gender, race,
class, or creed, as well as to create a
conducive environment for startups building New!
inclusive communities to drive equality and
global economic growth.  UPSC, IAS (PRE)
Objectives of this task force: Papers Download
● Increase support for women-led startups and
● Promote startups working on making
communities more inclusive
● Enable more investors to invest responsibly in
startups built upon sustainable practices
● Encourage mentorship support to the startup
ecosystems of the G20 member countries and
emerging economies THE GIST - APR 2023 10



SDG goals fall within the scope of

#1 2030 Agenda for Sustainable these themes.
Development ● Panchayats were advised to
integrate the Village Poverty Reduction Plan
Introduction (VPRP) into the Gram Panchayat Development
● The Ministry of Panchayati Raj set up an Plan (GPDP) to align it with the SDGs.
expert group to implement Sustainable Role of Panchayats in Attainment of SDGs
Development Goals in rural India.
● The committee made recommendations for ● The role of Panchayats in the attainment of
the localization of SDGs through PRIs. SDGs can be summed up as follows:
● Convergent implementation of
Key findings: flagship programs such as NRLM, MGNREGS,
● Sustainable development refers to Swachh Bharat Mission, etc.
development that meets the needs of the ● Participatory planning based on results for
present without compromising the ability of local development
future generations to meet their own needs. plans in social, economic and environmental
● From January 2016, countries are expected aspects.
to finalize their agendas and strategies to end ● Specific governance interventions in panchaya
poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace ts through the effective functioning
and prosperity for all by 2030. of the standing committees and functional co
● In India, almost 65% of the population lives in mmittees of panchayats.
rural areas and therefore PRI plays a key role ● Effective convergent planning between
in locating the SDGs. three levels of Panchayati Raj.
● MoPR and UNDP signed a joint ● The proper functioning
statement to localize the SDGs. of the district planning commissions that link
● The two goals of Panchayati Raj Systems are rural and urban planning.
to ensure local economic development and Conclusion
social justice.
● The functions of Panchayati Raj Systems ● Accelerated efforts
are listed in the eleventh appendix of the are needed to advance sustainable solutions.
Constitution as 29 subjects. Many Inspiration and creativity are required at THE GIST - APR 2023 11


global, national, local and individual levels for performance are Odisha, Madhya Pradesh,
transformative economic, social and Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh, and Gujarat.
infrastructural solutions. ● Women’s participation in PRI has a positive
impact on other women. For instance,
1. 79% of women realized
enhancement in their self-esteem.
#2 Women Empowerment 2. 74% felt empowered in
Introduction decision-making.

● The constitution provides reservations for Way Ahead

women at all levels of the Panchayati A number of recommendations were made by a
Raj system. roadmap of MoPR (2011-17) which can be
● The 73rd Amendment provides implemented for the empowerment of women:
for the reservation of at least one third of the
total number of seats. ● Provisions of women component plan in PRI
Status of Women’s Participation ● PRI of all levels should be linked with Self
● At the national level, women as members and Help Groups (SHGs) at all levels.
presidents ● Adequate training and capacity building for
of panchayats account for about 46% of the elected women representatives.
total number of elected representatives. In ● Horizontal and peer-to-peer learning of best
some states like Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, practices.
Assam, Uttarakhand, etc. their share is more ● Exposure visits and meetings.
than 50%. ● Political parties should support women
● The majority of elected representatives did candidates.
not have a long-standing political linkage. ● Women candidates should be given the
● Reservation provided the first step into opportunity to serve the full term.
politics for 83% of women elected ● Mahila Sabhas should be encouraged to raise
representatives. women’s concerns.
● However, 43% of the elected representatives ● Women should be mobilized in their own
could not avail the opportunity to attend collectives for better results. For example, the
training. Kudumbashree network of Kerala.
● The important determinants of good ● The Panchayats should be devolved with
performance are: appropriate powers and authorities for
1. Duration of being elected as a smooth functioning.
2. Training
3. Education Conclusion:
4. Involvement in the functioning of The Constitution of India has enabled women
Panchayats to play a crucial role in
● It is found that states with good performance strengthening devolved governance
of women representatives are Kerala, through the PRIs. They could play a more
Karnataka, Tripura, Maharashtra, Sikkim, and effective role if the suggestions
West Bengal. The states with poor are properly followed. THE GIST - APR 2023 12


and the National Rural Livelihood Mission

#3 Human Development through Panchayati have the potential
Raj Institutions to improve livelihoods and eradicate poverty.
Introduction ● The PRI is not only involved in the
implementation of the program but also
● Decentralization means to the transfer of ensures public participation in the
authority and responsibility for public development process.
functions from the Central Government to ● The Gram Sabha gathering can be used by
sub-ordinate or quasi-independent some of the most disadvantaged
organizations. groups in the village to express themselves.
● Panchayat
● There are three basic types of
helps better channel resources to those in nee
1. Political decentralization ● The PRI
2. Administrative decentralization creates an environment conducive to collectiv
3. Financial decentralization e action
and raises awareness of work in progress and
● In India, the legal framework for
 planned work.
decentralization was laid through the 73rd and
● Panchayats have also played a key role in
74th Constitutional Amendment Acts.
Role of Panchayat in Human Development: ● For example, enrollment for children ages 6 to
 14 has seen phenomenal growth.
● There are 29 subjects under the 11th ● Despite major advances in community partici
Schedule of the Indian Constitution. Some of pation in
these subjects are Agriculture, Irrigation and school governance, a significant number of
Water Management, Animal husbandry, Rural children are out of school.
Housing, Public Distribution Systems, Fuel
and Fodder, Women and Child Development, Role of Panchayats in Climate Change and
etc. Disaster Risk Reduction
● According to the United Nations Development
● Human activities have been the main driver of
Programme, Human development is defined
climate change. Additionally, rural people are
as the “process of enlarging people’s choices”,
highly dependent on natural resources and
allowing them to “lead a long and healthy life,
ecosystem services, thus making them highly
to be educated, to enjoy a decent standard of
vulnerable to climate change and natural
living”, as well as “political freedom, other
guaranteed human rights and various
● The active commitment and leadership of
ingredients of self-respect”.
Panchayati Raj Institutions are important for
● At the rural level, the PRI
local disaster risk reduction.
system should function as a self-governing in
● PRIs have a significant role as they are the
stitution and play an important role in
immediate providers of public services and
education, health and service delivery.
are situated amongst rural citizens.
● Effective delivery of targeted public services
● They can help in public awareness,
has the potential to reduce
community training, and disaster
economic inequality.
● Rural
development programs such as MGNREGS THE GIST - APR 2023 13


Conclusion: e-Panchayat 

The introduction of PRIs has brought the scope to ● It provides a platform for online reporting,
influence service delivery as per the need of the monitoring, and management of panchayat
people. Rural development strategies are activities.
experiencing transformation across the country ● It aims to bring transparency and
due to the digitalization of various services at accountability using technology.

#4 Good Governance at Grassroots Level ● It aims to revolutionize property record

management in the country.
Deen Dayal Upadhyay Panchayat Sashaktikaran
● The village-level governance model or Yojana (DDUPSY)
Panchayati Raj governance system is
structured in three layers. ● It was launched in 2014 to strengthen PRIs by
● In States or Union Territories with more than providing them with the required resources
two million inhabitants there are three levels and capabilities to undertake constitutional
of PRIs: duties.
1. Gram Panchayat at the village level ● It aims to empower PRIs to undertake
2. Mandal Parishad or Block Samiti or planning, implementation, and development.
Panchayat Samiti at the block level
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
3. Zila parishad at the district level
● It was launched in 2014 to make India clean
● As per 2019 records, there are around 6614
and defecation free.
Block Panchayats, 630 Zila Parishad, and
● It focused on creating a culture of cleanliness
approximately 253163 Gram Panchayats.
and promoting the use of toilets in rural areas.
Government Initiatives
#5 e-GramSwaraj
Gram Panchayat Development Plans
● It is a special campaign that was launched to
prepare Panchayat Development Plan for ● To ensure smart and good governance at
economic development and social justice community level, e-governance is essential.
utilizing the available resources. ● e-GramSwaraj is a striking example of the
● The guidelines of 2015 were revised in 2018 motto “minimum government and maximum
to further ease the process. governance”.
● Serves the multiple goals of effective
Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA)
decentralization, increased accountability,
● RGSA, the ‘Transformation of Aspirational optimal use of scarce resources, and
Districts’ was launched to bring spreading awareness of local governance.
people-propelled development at ground level. ● According to United Nations, there are eight
● It enables the Panchayats to function characteristics of good governance:
effectively to achieve Sustainable
Development Goals and development
objectives. ● e-GramSwaraj is a work-based comprehensive
application for Panchayati Raj Institutions. THE GIST - APR 2023 14


● It was launched on National Panchayati Raj ● Many panchayats lack timely availability of
Day (24th April) in 2020. funds and smooth flow of resources.

Objectives of e-GramSwaraj are: Way ahead:

● Strengthening digitalisation in panchayats ● Although Common Service Centers (CSC)

● Improving grass-root governance have been established in the country
● Empowering rural citizens to promote e-government, much remains to be
● Ensuring transparency and accountability done.
● It is important to sensitize and train
Benefits of e-GramSwaraj:
all those involved.
● Allows Gram Panchayat to upload Gram ● e-GramSawarj must be integrated with GeM.
Panchayat Development Plans (GPDP) and ● Continuous feedback from all stakeholders
financial and physical work reports. will help make the system more robust and
● Enables online payments to dynamic.
material suppliers and service providers. ● In addition, accurate identification of
● Covers all aspects of activities, community involvement and
the operation of the panchayat such as planni effective
ng, budgeting, wealth management, etc. implementation are of paramount importance.

Progress of e-GramSwaraj:

● Around 2.56 lakh Gram Panchayats have

uploaded their GPDP in the financial year

Challenges for e-Gram Swaraj

● The basic requirement is a seamless Internet 
connection, which is a UPSC, IAS (MAIN)
major challenge, especially in rural areas. Papers Download
● The acceptance of digital media by the
local population is another area of ​​concern.
● Other topics are information security,
data protection, availability of content, etc.
● The delegation of powers to
panchayats in all states is not uniform. THE GIST - APR 2023 15



Organization (ICAO) for airport operators,

# Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) airline operators, and their security agencies
responsible for implementing AVSEC
● The Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS)
recently cited the security advisory issued on
● Monitoring the implementation of security
the basis of the threat perception, to the
rules and regulations and carrying out survey
opposition raised by the passengers about the
of security needs.
double metal-detector based checking at the
● Ensure that the persons implementing
security controls are appropriately trained and
About Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS): possess all competencies required to perform
their duties.
● It was initially set up as a Cell in the ● Planning and coordination of Aviation security
Directorate General of Civil Aviation in matters.
January 1978 on the recommendation of ● Surprise/Dummy checks to test the
the Pande Committee. professional efficiency and alertness of
● It was reorganized into an independent security staff.
department under the Ministry of Civil ● Mock exercise to test the efficacy of
Aviation on 1st April 1987. Contingency Plans and operational
● The main responsibilities of BCAS preparedness of the various agencies.
include laying down standards and measures
with respect to the security of civil
flights at international and domestic airports # National Technology Centre for Ports,
in India. Waterways and Coasts (NTCWPC)
● Headquarters: New Delhi ● Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and
● It has got four Regional Offices located at Waterways will inaugurate the National
International airports i.e. Delhi, Mumbai, Technology Centre for Ports, Waterways and
Kolkata and Chennai. Coasts (NTCWPC) at IIT Chennai.
Functions: About National Technology Centre for Ports,
● Laying down Aviation Security Standards in Waterways and Coasts (NTCWPC):
accordance with Annex 17 to the Chicago
Convention of International Civil Aviation THE GIST - APR 2023 16


● It is being set up under the Shipping Ministrys trained and appointed business facilitators in

flagship Sagarmala Programme. all States for handholding of the Panchayat
● Location: It has been established in IIT – users.
Discovery Campus at Chennai in Tamil
Nadu at the cost of ₹77 crore. #4 Zafar Mahal
● It works as the technology arm of the Ministry
of Shipping and provides the needful ● The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is set
technological support to ports, IWAI and other to initiate conservation works at Zafar Mahal
institutions. in south Delhis Mehrauli.
● Mandate: To develop cutting-edge About Zafar Mahal:
technologies and application products to
provide solutions to various challenges faced ● This is the last structure built by the
by the Ports and Shipping Sector. Mughals and served as a summer palace for
● It has world-class capabilities for undertaking the Mughal family.
2D and 3D investigations of research and ● Location: It is located in Mehrauli village,
consultancy nature for the Port, Coastal, and which is in the Southern part of Delhi.
Waterway sector across all disciplines. ● It was built in memory of the Hazrat Khwaja
Qutubuddin Bakthiar Kaki, the renowned Sufi
#3 Integrated e-Gram Swaraj and GeM portal saint to whom almost all the Mughal
Emperors were disciples.
● The Prime Minister will inaugurate an ● Zafar Mahal stands next to the Dargah of
integrated e-GramSwaraj and GeM portal on Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki.
National Panchayati Raj Day, 24th April. ● It was started by Emperor Akhbar Shah II and
was finished by the last Mughal emperor,
The Objective of Integration:
Bahadur Shah Zafar, who also gave it the
● The objective of e-Gram Swaraj–GeM present name of Zafar Mahal. 
Integration is to enable the Panchayats to ● It consists of two components: one being
procure their goods and services through GeM the Mahal or the palace which was
leveraging the e-Gram Swaraj platform. established by Akbar Shah II during 18th
● It will help the entire buyer-seller ecosystem to century and the other being the entrance gate
flourish thereby giving a major boost to rural (Hathi Gate) that was developed during 19th
economy and entrepreneurship along with century by Bahadur Shah Zafar II.
strengthening the Digital India Program. ● The Zafar Mahal complex also contains some
● Salient features: cenotaphs of the later Mughal Emperors.
● Existing User base of GeM of nearly 60,000 is ● The famous festival or the annual
envisioned to increase to more than 3 lakhs in procession known as Phulon ki Sair also
a phased manner. starts from here and is a festival that had long
● Bringing transparency in procurement by ago been started by the Khawja Bhaktiyar Kaki
Panchayats by making the process digital. himself as a protest against the British.
● Encouragement of local vendors (Proprietors,
Self Help groups, Cooperatives etc.) to # Operation Kaveri
register on GeM as Panchayats procure
largely from such vendors. ● India recently launched Operation Kaveri to
● Panchayats will have access to doorstep evacuate its nationals from conflict-torn
delivery of quality-assured goods at Sudan.
standardized and competitive rates. About Operation Kaveri:
● Major Capacity building being taken by The
Ministry of Panchayati Raj and GeM has also THE GIST - APR 2023 17


● It is a rescue operation being carried out by What is a Biomarker?

the Indian Government to bring back Indian
● It is a biological molecule found in blood,
citizens stranded in Sudan.
other body fluids, or tissues that is a sign of a
● According to the official data, the number of
normal or abnormal process, or of a condition
Indians in Sudan is around 4,000.
or disease. 
● As part of the operation, two C-130 aircraft
● A biomarker may be used to see how well the
and the navy ship INS Sumedha is on standby
body responds to a treatment for a disease or
to safely evacuate stranded Indians.
● Why the need for evacuation? Sudan has
been witnessing deadly fighting
between the countrys army and a paramilitary # CARICOM?
group, the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces ● Indias External Affairs Minister co-chaired the
(RSF) that has reportedly left several 4th India-CARICOM ministerial meeting with
hundreds dead.  his Jamaican counterpart.
● Cause of fighting? It was triggered
by disagreement over an internationally About CARICOM:
backed plan to form a new civilian
● CARICOM, which stands for Caribbean
government four years after the fall of
Community, is the oldest surviving integration
autocrat Omar al-Bashir and two years after
movement in the developing world.
the military coup. Both sides accuse the other
● It is an organization of Caribbean countries
of thwarting the transition.
and dependencies originally established as
the Caribbean Community and Commons
# Aptamers Market in 1973 by the Treaty of Chaguaramas.
● A team of researchers recently developed an Main Purposes:
electronic biosensor based on DNA aptamers
that can detect biomarkers in whole blood ● Promote economic integration and
samples without the use of reagents. cooperation among its members;
● To ensure that the benefits of integration are
About Aptamers: equitably shared;
● They are short, single-stranded DNA or ● To coordinate foreign policy;
RNA (ssDNA or ssRNA) molecules that Members:
can selectively bind to a specific target,
including proteins, peptides, carbohydrates, ● It has 15 members; Antigua and Barbuda, The
small molecules, toxins, and even live cells. Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenad
● Aptamers assume a variety of shapes due to a, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint
their tendency to form helices and Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and
single-stranded loops.  the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and
● They can be used as an antibody alternative in Tobago.
a variety of therapeutic, diagnostic, and ● Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands,
target-binding applications. the Cayman Islands, and the Turks and Caicos
● They can also be readily conjugated to gold Islands have associate member status,
nanoparticles or quantum dots as a basis for and Aruba, Colombia, the Dominican
point-of-care diagnostics. Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico,
● Aptamers have been successfully used for the and Venezuela maintain observer status. 
diagnosis and therapy of a broad spectrum of ● The Chairmanship of the Community
pathogens including bacteria, parasites, and is rotated every six months among the
viruses. member countries Heads. THE GIST - APR 2023 18


and food systems according to the IFAD

# Logistics Performance Index (LPI) 2023 ● IFAD President recently said that IFAD will set
up a new framework to facilitate cooperation
● India’s rank in the recently released World between small agricultural producers in
Banks Logistics Performance Index 2023 has developing nations and businesses in Japan
improved by six places. and elsewhere
About Logistics Performance Index (LPI): About International Fund for Agriculture
● It is released by World Bank. Development (IFAD):
● It is an interactive benchmarking tool created ● It is an international financial institution and a
to help countries identify the challenges and specialized agency of the United
opportunities they face in their performance Nations dedicated to eradicating poverty and
on trade logistics and what they can do to hunger in rural areas of developing countries.
improve their performance. ● IFAD seeks to empower rural people to
● It measures the ease of establishing reliable increase their food security, improve the
supply chain connections and structural nutrition of their families and increase their
factors that make it possible, such as the incomes through funding of grants and
quality of logistics services, trade and low-interest loans to several projects.
transport-related infrastructure, as well as ● Its projects and programmes are carried out
border controls. in remote and environmentally fragile
Highlights of LPI 2023: locations, including least-developed countries
and small island developing States.
● The LPI 2023 allows for comparisons across ● IFAD is the only multilateral development
139 countries. institution that focuses exclusively on
● The LPI 2023, for the first time, measures the transforming rural economies and food
speed of trade with indicators derived from systems.
big datasets tracking shipments. ● It is a member of the United Nations
● Singapore and Finland are the most efficient Development Group (UNDP).
and highest-ranked LPI countries as per the ● It was established as an international financial
2023 LPI. institution in 1977 through United Nations
● India is ranked 38 out of General Assembly Resolution.
139 countries, climbing six places from the ● Headquarters: Rome, Italy.
previous index. ● Membership: Currently, IFAD has 177 Member
● Two major factors for India’s jump in the index States, including India.
could be modernisation and ● The highest decision-making body is
digitalisation, which the report quotes as a the Governing Council which meets every
reason for emerging economies like India to three years.
leapfrog advanced countries.


#5 International Fund for Agriculture
#1 Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Development (IFAD)
● The Enhanced Linkages between Private
Sector and Small-Scale Producers (ELPS) ● The Indian Government will carry out a
initiative will be set up with an aim of sectoral analysis to see how the European
strengthening developing nations agriculture Unions (EUs) proposed carbon border THE GIST - APR 2023 19


adjustment mechanism (CBAM) is set to ● It is an analysis and review of the financial

affect the Indian industry records of a company or person to extract
facts which can be used in a court of law.
About Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
● It is a speciality in the accounting industry,
and most major accounting firms have a
● It is a proposed European Union (EU) tariff on department of forensic auditing. 
carbon intensive products. ● Forensic audits require accounting and
● Purpose: To put a fair price on the carbon auditing procedures and expert knowledge
emitted during the production of carbon about the legal framework of such an audit.
intensive goods that are entering the EU, and ● Why Forensic Auditing? A forensic audit is
to encourage cleaner industrial production in often conducted to prosecute a party
non-EU countries. for fraud, embezzlement, or other financial
● The CBAM will ensure the carbon price of crimes.
imports is equivalent to the carbon price of ● In the process of a forensic audit, the auditor
domestic production. may be called to serve as an expert
● If implemented as planned, EU importers will witness during trial proceedings. 
have to buy carbon certificates corresponding ● Forensic audits could also involve situations
to the carbon price that would have been paid that do not include financial fraud, such as
in the EU, if the goods had been produced disputes related to bankruptcy filings,
locally. business closures, and divorces.
● The price of the certificates would ● The forensic audit process is similar to a
be calculated according to the auction prices traditional financial audit — planning,
in the EU carbon credit market. gathering evidence, and writing a report
● The amount of certificates required would be — with the additional step of a possible
defined yearly by the quantity of goods and appearance in court. 
the embedded emissions in those goods ● Forensic audit vs Internal audit:
imported into the EU. ● Forensic auditing is “an examination of
● Companies in countries with a domestic financial records to find any illegal financial
carbon pricing regime equivalent to the EUs activity,” while an internal audit is defined as
will be able to export to the EU without buying “an examination of a company’s accounts or
CBAM certificates. activities by its own accountants or
● CBAM will initially cover several specific managers.”
products in some of the most
carbon-intensive sectors at risk of "carbon #3 Vault Managers
leakage": iron and steel (including some
downstream products such as nuts and ● The Securities and Exchange Board of India
bolts), cement, fertilizers, aluminium, (SEBI) recently came out with a procedure for
electricity and hydrogen. vault managers to seek prior approval from
the watchdog in case of a change in control.
#2 Forensic Auditing About Vault Managers:
● The National Stock Exchange of India recently ● The vault manager is regulated as a SEBI
came out with a framework to appoint intermediary for providing vaulting
forensic auditors for assignments relating to services meant for gold deposited to
the auditing of trading members. create electronic gold receipts (EGRs).
● Obligations of the vault
About Forensic Auditing:
manager: Accepting deposits, storage, and
safekeeping of gold, creation as well as THE GIST - APR 2023 20


withdrawal of EGR, grievance redressal, ● It is considered to be a serious pest of tea

and periodic reconciliation of physical which damage more in most shaded areas.
gold with the records of the depository. ● The nymphs and adults of the Tea Mosquito
Bug(TMB) suck the sap from tender leaves,
Registering as a Vault Manager:
buds and young shoots, which results in heavy
● Any person intending to carry on the business crop losses.
as a vault manager can make an application ● After the formation of the PPC (Plant
to SEBI for a grant of a certificate of Protection Code) of the Tea Board of India in
registration. 2014 many pesticides were removed from the
● The applicant shall be a body corporate approved list of PPC to produce Indian tea
incorporated in India and shall have safe and free from any harmful pesticides.
a minimum net worth of Rs 50 crore. ● Currently, in the recent PPC version of 14, only
● Every certificate of registration granted will be seven pesticides are approved for use in
valid unless it is suspended or cancelled by South India.
Key Facts about Tea Cultivation
● It is grown in tropical and sub-tropical
● The vault managers are required to have climates
systems for recording all transactions in ● Soil: It requires deep and fertile well-drained
electronic form pertaining to vaulting soil, rich in humus and organic matter.
services. ● Tea bushes require a warm and moist
● They need to maintain the documents to frost-free climate all through the year.
ensure that gold is traceable; details of ● Temperature: It requires 20°-30°C for its
storage, transfer and withdrawal of gold; growth.
purity, quantity and weight of deposited gold; ● Rainfall: It needs 150-300 cm annual rainfall.
and creation and extinguishment of EGRs. ● Major tea-producing states: Assam, West
● They need to preserve these records and Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, Himachal
documents for a minimum period of five Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Meghalaya, Andhra
years. Pradesh and Tripura.
● They need to abide by the code of conduct
specified by the regulator.
● The regulator has the right to undertake an SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
inspection of the books of accounts, records,
documents and deposits of gold of the vault
manager. LockBit Ransomware
● Recent reports emerged that for the first time,
the LockBit Ransomware was found to be
targeting Mac devices.
Tea Mosquito bug
About LockBit Ransomware:
● Recently, the United Planters Association of
● It is malicious software designed to block
Southern India (UPASI) said that the tea
user access to computer systems in
mosquito bug is affecting tea production in
exchange for a ransom payment.
both low and high-elevation plantations.
● It was formerly known as “ABCD”
About Tea Mosquito bug: ransomware, but it has since grown into a
unique threat within the scope of extortion
● It is also known by the name Helopeltis
theivora. THE GIST - APR 2023 21


● It is a subclass of ransomware known as a ● The Lyrid shower gets its name from
crypto virus due to forming its ransom the constellation Lyra.
requests around financial payment in ● The last Lyrid outburst was in 1982 when 75
exchange for decryption. meteors per hour were recorded by observers
● It focuses mostly on enterprises and in Florida.
government organizations rather than
What is Meteoroid, Meteor and Meteorite?
● It functions as ransomware-as-a-service ● It is an object in space that range in size from
(RaaS). Willing parties put a deposit down for dust grains to small asteroids.
the use of custom for-hire attacks, and profit ● When meteoroids enter Earths atmosphere
under an affiliate framework. (or that of another planet, like Mars) at high
speed and burn up, the fireballs or “shooting
How does LockBit ransomware work?
stars” are called meteors.
● It works as a self-spreading malware, not ● When a meteoroid survives a trip through the
requiring additional instructions once it has atmosphere and hits the ground, its called a 
successfully infiltrated a single device with
What is the significance of Meteors?
access to an organisational intranet.
● It is also known to hide executable encryption ● It helps in understanding early conditions and
files by disguising them in the . PNG format, processes in the solar systems history.
thereby avoiding detection by system ● These include the age and composition of
defences. different planetary building blocks, the
● Attackers use phishing tactics and other temperatures achieved at the surfaces and
social engineering methods to impersonate interiors of asteroids, and the degree to which
trusted personnel or authorities to lure victims materials were shocked by impacts in the
into sharing credentials. past.
● Once it has gained access, the ransomware
prepares the system to release its encryption
payload across as many devices as possible. #3
● It then disables security programs and other
infrastructures that could permit system data White Spot Disease
recovery. ● Over the past month, white spot disease has
#2 affected over 100 acres of shrimp farming in
Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu.
Lyrid meteor
About White Spot Disease:
● The Lyrids meteor shower, one of the oldest
known meteor showers peaks in late April. ● It is a highly contagious viral
infection that affects crustaceans such
About Lyrid meteor: as prawns, yabbies and crabs.
● According to NASA the first recorded sighting ● When found in high-intensity production areas,
of a Lyrid meteor shower goes back to 687 BC such as prawn farms, white spot
by the Chinese. disease results in the rapid mortality of
● It is best viewed in the Northern prawns.
Hemisphere during the dark hours. ● It has the potential to cause a significant
● Meteor showers are usually named after a financial impact on the farmed prawn
star or constellation that is close to where the industry.
meteors appear to originate in the sky. Causative Agent: THE GIST - APR 2023 22


● White spot syndrome virus, a large DNA

virus assigned as the only member of the
genus Whispovirus (family Nimaviridae).
● The virus is known to occur in fresh, brackish #1
and marine water.
● All life stages are potentially susceptible, from Mirabai Chanu
eggs to broodstock. ● Tokyo 2020 medalist Mirabai Chanu will lead
● The virus does not pose a risk to food safety a six-person Indian team at the Asian
or human health. Weightlifting Championships 2023 in Jinju,
South Korea, from May 3 to 13.
● The Indian weightlifters second qualifying
#4 competition for the Olympic Games in Paris in
2024 will be the continental championship, as
● Researchers at the Indian Institute of ● Based on their combined results (snatch +
Technology-Madras (IIT-M) recently developed clean and jerk), the weightlifters taking part in
a device called ARTSENS to assess the health these qualifying events will be able to raise
and age of blood vessels and thereby provide their Olympic Qualification Ranking (OQR).
early screening for cardiovascular diseases. ● Mirabai Chanu placed second in the womens
49kg category at the World Weightlifting
About ARTSENS Device:
Championships 2022 in Colombia in
● It is a novel, non-invasive device to assess the December.
health and age of blood vessels and thereby ● Mirabai Chanu has won gold at the
provide early screening for cardiovascular Commonwealth Games, a world
diseases. championship, and an Olympic silver medal,
● It has been developed by Healthcare but her best continental finish to yet has been
Technology Innovation Centre at IIT Madras.  bronze at the 2020 Asian Championships in
● It is intended for regular medical check-ups, Tashkent.
even by non-experts, to evaluate and
anticipate vascular health.
● It is powered by a proprietary non-imaging #1
probe and an intelligent computing platform.
Pindari Glacier?
What does ARTSENS do?
● A group of 14 trekkers, including 13 US
● It can assess the effect of molecular and nationals, were recently stranded at Pindari
protein-level changes in the vessel glacier after an avalanche hit Uttarakhands
wall caused due to disease and ageing by Bageshwar district.
measuring the material property in a
About Pindari Glacier:
completely non-invasive and accurate manner.
● The device comprises pressure cuffs to be ● It is located in the Bageshwar district of
affixed at the upper arm and thighs and a Uttarakhand in the Kumaon Himalayas.
probe applied to the surface of the neck to ● It lies on the edge of Nanda Devi (7816
detect the carotid artery. meters), which is the highest peak in India.
● It measures carotid arterial stiffness, aortic ● Zero Point of Pindari Glacier is situated at an
pulse wave velocity and central blood altitude of 3660 meters above sea level.
pressure, all three being important markers of ● It is the source of the Pindari River,
cardiovascular health.  which meets the Alakananda River at
Karnaprayag in the Garhwal district. THE GIST - APR 2023 23


● On the right side of the Pindari Glacier lies the

Kafani Glacier.
Other major glaciers in Uttarakhand:
● Gangotri Glacier
● Milam Glacier
● Satopanth Glacier SUPREME Initiative
● Namik Glacier
● Recently, the Union Minister of Science and
  Technology launched the SUPREME initiative
to provide financial support for the
upgradation and maintenance of analytical
Piarosoma arunachalensis instrumentation facilities (AIFs).
● Recently, researchers from Titli Trust, National About SUPREME Initiative:
Centre for Biological Sciences and others
● The Support for Up-gradation Preventive
have discovered a new moth from Talle
Repair and Maintenance of Equipment
Wildlife Sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh.
(SUPREME), is a first-of-its-kind programme
About Piarosoma arunachalensis: by the government.
● It extends financial support for repair,
● It is a moth species belonging to
upgradation, maintenance, retrofitting, or
the genus Piarosoma.
acquiring additional attachments to increase
● The moth is a Burnet moth and is largely
the functional capabilities of existing
analytical instrumentation facilities.
● It belongs to the family Zygaenidae, which
● Eligibility: Different facilities created under the
includes Forester and Burnet moths.
projects/ Analytical instrumentation facilities
● Burnet and Foresters moths are brightly
(AIFs) created earlier from the support of DST,
coloured day-flying moths, often with clubbed
only will be considered for the funding
support under this Scheme
● Moths are highly diverse organisms and
● Such facilities at institutions recognised by
scientists estimate there are 160,000 moth
the University Grants Commission (UGC) are
species in the world and about 12,000 species
eligible to apply for grants under this initiative.
in India.
● Duration: The duration of support will be for
● Their colours are either dazzling or so
a period not exceeding 3 years.
cryptic that easily camouflage with their
● Funding Pattern: The funding pattern in the
scheme would be 75:25 for all private and
Key Facts about the Talle Wildlife Sanctuary govt owned institutions (except for
state-funded institutions for which 100%
● It is a wildlife sanctuary as well as a funding would be considered).
bio-diversity hotspot located in the state
of Arunachal Pradesh.  #2
● Rivers like Pange, Sipu,
100 Food Streets in 100 districts
Karing and Subansiri flow through this
sanctuary. ● Recently, the Union Ministry of Health and
● Flora: It comprises sub-tropical and alpine Family Welfare in collaboration with the
forests. Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs has
● Fauna: Clouded leopard, Himalayan squirrel, requested states/UTs to develop 100 food
Himalayan Black Bear etc. streets in 100 districts across the country. THE GIST - APR 2023 24


About 100 Food Streets in 100 districts: ● The selected schools will act as exemplar
schools showcasing all components of the
● This project aims to encourage safe and
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP) and
healthy food practices among food
offering mentorship to other schools in their
businesses and community members, thus,
reducing foodborne illnesses and improving
● The PM SHRI Schools will be developed as
overall health outcomes.
Green Schools, incorporating
● Implementation: It will be implemented
environment-friendly aspects.
through National Health Mission (NHM) in
● The pedagogy adopted in these schools will
convergence with the Ministry of Housing and
be more experiential, holistic,
Urban Affairs & with technical support
integrated, play/toy-based (particularly in the
from Food Safety and Standards Authority of
foundational years), inquiry-driven,
discovery-oriented, learner-centric,
● The financial assistance for the initiative to
discussion-based, flexible and enjoyable.
States/UTs in the form of Rs.1 crore per food
● The focus will be on the learning outcomes of
street/district will be given to fill up critical
every child in every grade.
● Assessment at all levels will be based on
● This assistance will be provided under
conceptual understanding and application of
National Health Mission (NHM) in the ratio of
knowledge to real-life situations and will be
60:40 or 90: 10 with the condition that
standard branding of these food streets will
● Linkage with Sector Skill Councils and local
be done as per FSSAI guidelines.
industry for enhancing employability and
#3 providing better employment opportunities
will be explored.
Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India ● A School Quality Assessment Framework
(PM-SHRI) Scheme (SQAF) is being developed, specifying the key
● A total of 6,448 schools from 28 states and performance indicators to measure
Union territories have been selected for outcomes. Quality evaluation of these schools
upgradation under the Pradhan Mantri at regular intervals will be undertaken to
Schools for Rising India (PM-SHRI) scheme. ensure the desired standards.

About Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India

(PM-SHRI) Scheme: #4
● It is a Centrally Sponsored scheme announced Unique Land Parcel Identification Number
in 2022.
● Objective: Development of more than 14500 ● The Rural Development Ministry recently said
schools across the country by strengthening that Unique Land Parcel Identification Number
selected existing schools being managed by (ULPIN) has been adopted by 26 states and
Central Government/ State/ UT Government/ union territories so far.
local bodies.
About Unique Land Parcel Identification Number
● The duration of the scheme is from 2022-23
to 2026-27, after which it shall be the
responsibility of the States/UTs to continue to ● It is part of the Digital India Land Records
maintain the benchmarks achieved by these Modernization Programme (DILRMP).
schools. ● ULPIN or Bhu-Aadhar is a 14-digit
identification number accorded to a land
parcel. THE GIST - APR 2023 25


● It would uniquely identify every surveyed ● Russia has recently begun using its new T-14
parcel of land and prevent land Armata battle tanks to fire on Ukrainian
fraud, especially in rural India, where land positions
records are outdated and disputed.
About T-14 Armata battle tank:
● The identification is based on the longitude
and latitude coordinates of the land parcel ● It is a new Russian Main Battle Tank (MBT).
and depends on detailed ● It is designed by the Russian Defense
surveys and geo-referenced cadastral maps. Company Uralvagonzavod.
● It aims to compile every detail pertaining to
different properties from across the country. Features:
● ULPIN is a Single, Authoritative Source of ● It has an unmanned turret, with crew remotely
Truth for information on any parcel of land or controlling the armaments from “an isolated
property to provide Integrated Land Services armoured capsule located in the front of the
to the citizens as well as all stakeholders. hull.
● Various types of data relating to the landed ● Maximum Speed: 75 km/h.
properties, which are currently under the ● The tank has a maximum range of 500 km on
possession of different ministries and internal fuel.
departments, too will be linked with the ● It is operated by a crew of 3 men, including a
ULPIN. commander, gunner and driver.
Digital India Land Records Modernization ● It is one of the most protected MBTs in the
Programme (DILRMP): world. It has newly-developed composite base
armour made of steel, ceramics and other
● It is a central sector scheme being materials.
implemented by the Department of Land ● The tank is armed with a 2A82 (or
Resources under the Ministry of Rural 2A82-1M) 125 mm smoothbore gun.
Development. ● It is capable of firing gun-launched anti-tank
● Aim: It attempts to build upon the guided missiles in the same manner as
commonalities that exist in the arena of land ordinary projectiles. These missiles have
records in various States to develop an a range of about 5 km and can also target
appropriate Integrated Land Information low-flying helicopters.
Management System (ILIMS) across the
country. #2
● The ILIMS integrates all the processes and Baltic Sea
lands records databases with the banks,
financial institutions, circle rates, Registration ● Germany and Britain recently intercepted
Offices and other sectors. three Russian military reconnaissance aircraft
● Major components: Computerization of land over the Baltic Sea.
records, Survey/re-survey, Computerization of About Baltic Sea:
● It is part of the North Atlantic Ocean, situated
in Northern Europe.
INTERNATIONAL ● It extends northward from the latitude of
southern Denmark almost to the Arctic Circle
#1 and separates the Scandinavian Peninsula
T-14 Armata battle tank from the rest of continental Europe.
● The Baltic sea connects to the Atlantic Ocean
through the Danish Straits. THE GIST - APR 2023 26


● It is the largest expanse of brackish water in ● It is an autonomous, voluntarily funded UN

the world. Its water salinity levels are lower organization, affiliated with the UN
than that of the World Oceans due to the Development Programme (UNDP).
inflow of fresh water from the surrounding ● Mandate: The original UNCDF mandate from
land and the sea’s shallowness. the UN General Assembly (UNGA) 1966
● Surrounding Countries: Resolution is to “assist developing countries
Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia,  in the development of their economies by
Estonia, Russia, Finland and Sweden. supplementing existing sources of capital
● Depth: Its depth averages 55 meters, and the assistance by means of grants and loans”.
deepest part is approximately 459 meters The mandate was modified in 1973 to serve
below the sea’s surface. first and foremost but not exclusively the
● The Baltic Sea contains three major gulfs: LDCs.
the Gulf of Bothnia to the north, the Gulf of ● It is the only UN agency mandated to focus
Finland to the east, and the Gulf of primarily on the least developed countries
Riga slightly to the south of that. (LDCs),
● More than 250 rivers and streams empty their ● It works to invest and catalyse capital to
waters into the Baltic Sea. Neva is the largest support to LDCs in achieving ​the sustainable
river that drains into the Baltic Sea. growth and inclusiveness envisioned by the
● Islands: It is home to over 20 islands and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
archipelagos. Gotland, located off the coast of and the Doha Programme of Action for the
Sweden, is the largest island in the Baltic Sea. least developed countries, 2022–2031.
● It provides investment capital and technical
What are the Baltic Nations?
support to both the public and the private
● These are three countries of north-eastern sectors.
Europe, on the eastern shore of the Baltic
● Baltic Nations are Estonia, Latvia and #4
World Earth Day
● They are bounded on the west and north by
the Baltic Sea, on the east by Russia, on the ● World Earth Day is celebrated across the
southeast by Belarus, and on the southwest world on April 22 every year.
by Poland and an exclave of Russia. 
About World Earth Day:
● It is an annual event celebrated on April
United Nations Capital Development Fund 22 to raise awareness about environmental
(UNCDF) issues and promote global efforts to protect
the Earth’s natural resources.
● Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog,
● The first World Earth Day was held on April 22,
and the United Nations Capital Development
1970, in the United States.
Fund (UNCDF) recently launched a white
● It was organized by a group of environmental
paper aimed at making India a global leader in
activists led by US Senator Gaylord Nelson,
agritech innovation.
who was concerned about the negative
 About United Nations Capital Development Fund impact of industrialization and pollution on
(UNCDF): the environment.
● Since then, it has become a global
● It is the United Nations’ flagship catalytic
movement that encourages individuals and
financing entity for the world’s 46 Least
communities to take action towards
Developed Countries (LDCs).
protecting our planet. THE GIST - APR 2023 27


● The Earth Day 2023 theme: “ Invest In Our #2

Planet”, is a continuation of the 2022 theme.
Eco Biotraps
● Recently, in order to prevent the spread of
BUSINESS & ECONOMY vector-borne infections in the city, the
Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC)
announced to launch of a pilot project called
Manamadurai pottery ‘Eco Biotraps’.

● Recently, the Manamadurai pottery from the About Eco Biotraps:

state of Tamil Nadu earned a Geographical
● Eco Biotraps is pegged as an eco-friendly trap
Indication (GI) tag.
with ‘attractants’ that attract female
About Manamadurai Pottery: mosquitoes and lay eggs in its water.
● Eco Biotraps are made from recycled
● Manamadurai in the Sivagangai district cardboard.
of Tamil Nadu is known for pottery making. ● It consists of a small bag containing a mixture
● How are these pots made? of attractant and insecticide.
● The Vaigai River enriches the clay used for the ● These traps are filled with water and placed in
Manamadurai pottery. mosquito-infested areas.
● Pot making requires expertise as the bottom ● The attractant and insecticide (Insect Growth
has to be perfectly round. Regulator granules) in the trap bag are
● The circumference of the pot and the neck immediately mixed with water. After which,
should be proportionate so that the pot sits the attractant in the water attracts the female
flat on the ground. mosquito to lay her eggs there.
● The right proportion of mud, clay and heating ● The insecticide present in the water destroys
makes this product very strong. the mosquito eggs.
● The main raw materials for making these pots
are soil and water.
● The sand, collected from different places in
the district, is used for making pottery and
dried for two days. The particles of the mud #1
get separated by sieving.
Taam Ja Blue hole
Geographical Indication Tag:
● Recently, scientists have discovered a
● It is a sign used on products that have massive blue hole off the coast of the
a specific geographical origin and Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.
possess qualities or a reputation that are due
About Blue Hole:
to that origin.
● This is typically used for agricultural products, ● It is a type of underwater sinkhole or vertical
foodstuffs, wine and spirit drinks, handicrafts cave that is typically found in low-lying coastal
and industrial products. karst platform regions.
● The Geographical Indications of Goods ● These are formed when limestone or other
(Registration and Protection) Act, 1999seeks carbonate rock is dissolved by slightly acidic
to provide for the registration and better groundwater over a long period.
protection of geographical indications relating
to goods in India. Features of Taam Ja Blue hole
● This GI tag is valid for 10 years following
which it can be renewed. THE GIST - APR 2023 28


● It is around 900 feet deep and scientists have Features:

dubbed it the second-deepest blue hole found
● It is known for its bright red circular or oblong
on the planet.
spots near its ears.
● It has a nearly circular shape at its surface
● The carapace (upper shell) is olive-brown with
with steep sides that form a large conic
numerous black and yellow lines.
structure covered by biofilms, sediments,
● The exposed skin is dark green with narrow
limestone, and gypsum ledges.
black and yellow lines.
● It was found in the central portion of
● It is primarily aquatic and will emerge from the
Chetumal Bay, where submerged coastal
water for basking on rocks and logs.
karstic sinkholes locally named ‘pozas’ have
● Average Life Span: 20 to 30 years.
been reported.
● A series of discontinuous terraces were #3
detected at water depths, near the eastern
and north-western walls of the blue hole 3200 Phaethon
before developing steep and almost vertical ● A new study conducted using NASA’s
slopes. heliophysics observatories recently revealed
● There is variation in that the tail of the 3200 Phaethon asteroid is
salinity and temperature inside the blue hole. not made of dust at all, but is instead
composed of sodium gas.

#2 About 3200 Phaethon:

Mexican Giant Turtle ● It is classified as an asteroid - the first to be

discovered via satellite.
● The Mexican Giant Turtle, also known as the ● It was discovered on Oct. 11, 1983, using the
Red Eared Slider was recently found in West Infrared Astronomical Satellite, and named
Bengal’s Howrah district. after the Greek myth of Phaethon, son of the
sun god Helios, due to its close approach to
About Mexican Giant Turtle:
● Mexican Giant Turtle, also called the Red ● It is blue in colour, which is rare for an
Eared Slider, is the most destructive among asteroid.
the seven turtle species found in the world. ● It orbits the sun every 524 days (1.43
● It is considered as one of the world’s 100 years), coming as close as 0.14 astronomical
worst invasive non-native species. units (AU) and reaching as far as 2.40 AU
● Scientific Name: Trachemys scripta elegans from the sun. 
● Distribution: They are native to the ● Its orbit is highly elliptical. It completes a
south-eastern USA and Mexico but have found rotation on its axis every 3.60 hours.
their way across the globe, including India, ● Phaethon is about3 kilometers in diameter,
through the trade of exotic animals. making it larger than 99% of asteroids.
● Phaethon’s orbit is 02 AU from Earth’s orbit at
its closest point. This means that there is a
● It occurs in a wide variety of aquatic wide berth between this asteroid and Earth at
habitats, but it prefers a mud bottom, plenty of all times.
aquatic plants, and abundant basking sites.
● It lives in both natural waters (including rivers,
sloughs, and oxbow lakes) and human-made ● While Phaethon looked like an asteroid – it
waters (such as ditches, ponds, and appeared to be the source of the annual
reservoirs). Geminid meteor shower. THE GIST - APR 2023 29


● In 2021, scientists suggested that some of of India (NRAI) president after ‘incumbent’
this object’s comet-like behaviour might stem Raninder Singh went on a “prolonged leave”.
from sodium fizzing from its surface. ● The Sports Ministry had issued a directive
● Solar flare-monitoring spacecraft reveals that heads of national sports federations
asteroid Phaethon’s comet-like behaviour (NSFs) cannot hold office for more than 12
years as per the National Sports Code,
following which Raninder, who was re-elected
NRAI president in September 2021, went on
#4 ● The ministry had pointed out last month that
Zero Shadow Day Raninder had completed 12 years as president
-- from December 29, 2010 to Dec 29, 2022.
● Recently, Bengaluru experienced a ‘Zero
Shadow Day’, when vertical objects appear to
cast no shadow. MISCELLANEOUS
About Zero Shadow Day: #1
● It is a sub-solar point where the sun is directly Tughlaqabad Fort
overhead at a particular latitude.
● When the sun is at the zenith (the highest ● Recently, the Delhi High Court directed the
point in the sky) its rays will be hitting a Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) to
particular point exactly perpendicular to the remove encroachments in the historic
surface.  Tughlaqabad Fort.
● This will make the shadow of a person exactly
About Tughlaqabad Fort:
under him, making it look like there are no
shadows.  ● It was built by the Ghiyathu’d-Din
Tughluq (1321-25) who belongs to the
 When does it occur?
Tughluq dynasty.
● There are two zero shadow days every year in ● The fortified city was built in four years on the
May and July/August, observed in places that rocky terrain, as a defence mechanism.
lie between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic
of Capricorn.
● One falls during the Uttarayan (when the Sun ● It is in two parts, the citadel and palaces along
moves northwards), and the other is the southern walls forming one unit and the
during Dakshinayan (when the Sun moves city to the north the other.
southwards). ● The citadel is still intact, and the walls of
● It lasts for a small part of a second, but the palaces can also be discerned.
effect can be seen for a minute to a ● The city portion is, however, in extreme ruins,
minute-and-a-half. although one may make out the alignment of
some of its streets.
● Across the main entrance from the south
SPORTS is Ghiyathu’d-Din’s tomb is located.
● It is faced with red sandstone relieved by
#1 marble, and with batter on the exterior, it is
National Rifle Association of India enclosed within high walls forming an
irregular pentagon.
● Senior vice-president Kalikesh Narayan Singh ● Ghiyathu’d-Din’s successor, Muhammad
Deo took charge as National Rifle Association Tughluq (1325-51), added the small fortress THE GIST - APR 2023 30


of ‘Adilabad on the hill south of Tughluqabad, Key Facts about Sanchi Stupa:
with which it shares the main characteristics
● It was built by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka in
of construction.
the third century BC. 
● It enshrines religious relics or remains of the
Buddha and his most revered disciples.
● It is enclosed by a massive stone railing
pierced by four gateways, which are
Sanchi adorned with elaborate carvings (known
as Sanchi sculpture).
● Sanchi, a world heritage site located in ● The stupa itself consists of a base bearing a
Madhya Pradesh, is all set to become India’s hemispherical dome (anda), symbolizing the
first solar city. dome of heaven enclosing the earth.
About Sanchi: ● It is surmounted by a squared rail unit
(harmika) representing the world mountain,
Location: from which rises a mast (yashti), symbolizing
● It is located in the Raisen district of Madhya the cosmic axis. 
Pradesh. ● The mast bears umbrellas (chatras) that
● It lies in an upland plateau region just west of represent the various heavens (devaloka).
the Betwa River.
Importance: #2
● Sanchi is a religious place with historical and Hemis Monastery
Archaeological significance.
● It has India’s best-preserved group ● Recently, delegates of G20 visited the Hemis
of Buddhist monuments, Monastery in Leh and also witnessed the
collectively designated a UNESCO World famous Cham dance.
Heritage site in 1989. About Hemis Monastery:
Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi: ● It is a Buddhist monastery located in Leh City, 
● The site of Sanchi comprises a group of ● It belongs to the Drukpa lineage of Buddhism.
Buddhist monuments (monolithic pillars, ● The monastery was first established in the
palaces, temples and monasteries), all in 11th century and later re-established in the
different states of conservation, most of 17th century by the Ladakhi King Sengge
which date back to the 2nd and 1st centuries Namgyal.
B.C.  ● It is also famous for its 2-day religious
● It is the oldest Buddhist sanctuary in ceremony known as the Hemis Festival.
existence and was a major Buddhist centre in ● This festival is celebrated in honour of
India until the 12th century A.D. Padmasambhava which is observed here in
● The most prominent stupa found here is the ● It is the biggest and very richly endowed
Sanchi Stupa, also known as the Great Stupa. monastery.
● Other remains at the site include several Key Facts about the Drukpa Lineage Buddhism
smaller stupas, an assembly hall (chaitya), an
Ashokan pillar with inscriptions, and several ● It was founded in the 12th century by Gyalwa
monasteries (4th–11th century CE).  Gotsangpa, a disciple of the famous Tibetan
master Phagmo Drupa. THE GIST - APR 2023 31


● It is particularly prominent in Bhutan. Conservation status:

● This is known for its efforts to empower
women, and their nuns are allowed to receive ● IUCN: Endangered
the same level of training and education as ● Wildlife (Protection) Act: Schedule-I 
their male counterparts. ● CITES: Appendix I

#3 #4

Gangetic Dolphin Goa-Tamnar Transmission Project

● Thickly knitted fishing gill nets have ● Central Empowered Committee (CEC), a fact
recently caused the death of another finding body appointed by the Supreme Court,
recently clarified that the Karnataka
Gangetic Dolphin in the Bhagirathi River.
government can seek a diversion of the forest
About Gangetic Dolphin: land under the Forest (Conservation) Act,
1980 for the implementation of the
● It is a freshwater species and one of the Goa-Tamnar Transmission Project.
few river dolphins found in the world.
● It inhabits About Goa-Tamnar Transmission Project:
the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna and Karnap ● It is an Inter State Transmission System
huli-Sangu river systems of Nepal, India, and project envisaged by the Ministry of Power in
Bangladesh. 2015.
● Common Names: Blind dolphin, Ganges ● Purpose: It was envisioned to create an
dolphin, Ganges susu, hihu, side-swimming additional source of power for the state of
dolphin, South Asian River Dolphin Goa, which is currently dependent on the
● Scientific name: Platanista gangetica Western grid for its growing power
● The Gangetic Dolphin has been recognized requirements.
as India’s National Aquatic Animal. ● The project involves laying a 400 KV
transmission line from Sangod in Goa to the
Description: Karnataka border to help meet Goa’s peak
electricity demand.
● A long thin snout, rounded belly, stocky ● This project is spread across the state of Goa,
body and large flippers are characteristics of Karnataka and Chhattisgarh.
the Ganges River dolphin. ● It passes through the heavy dense forest of
● It feeds majorly on fishes and is are usually the Western Ghats in Goa & Karnataka.
found in counter-current systems of the main ● Implementin Agency: Goa Tamnar
river channel. Transmission Project Limited (GTTPL), a
● Its eyes lack lens, and as a result, this species special purpose vehicle (SPV) incorporated
is also referred to as the "blind dolphin". for the implementation.
● They have a highly developed bio-sonar
system that facilitates them to hunt for fish
even in murky waters. #1
● Being a mammal, the Ganges River
United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous
dolphin cannot breathe in the water and Issues (UNPFII)
must surface every 30-120 seconds. Because
of the sound it produces when breathing, the
animal is popularly referred to as the ‘Susu’. THE GIST - APR 2023 32


● Recently, the 22nd session of the United ● Participant countries: Belgium, Denmark,

Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg,
Issues was held in New York. Netherlands Norway, and the United Kingdom
● Objective: To make the North Sea the largest
green energy centre in Europe by accelerating
● It is a high-level advisory body to the the deployment of offshore wind turbines.
Economic and Social Council. ● The summit sets ambitious targets including
● It was established on 28 July 2000.  the production of at least 120 gigawatts (GW)
● Mandate: To deal with indigenous of offshore wind energy in the North Sea by
issues related to economic and social 2030
development, culture, the ● The first summit in 2022 had Esbjerg
environment, education, health and human Declaration which was held in Denmark.
Key Facts about the North Sea
● The first meeting of the Permanent Forum
was held in May 2002, with yearly sessions ● It is the northeastern arm of the Atlantic
thereafter. Ocean located between the British
● It is one of three UN bodies that is mandated Isles and the mainland of
to deal specifically with indigenous peoples’ northwestern Europe. It is bordered by
issues. ● The island of Great Britainto
● The others are the Expert Mechanism on the the southwest and west.
Rights of Indigenous Peoplesand the Special ● The Orkney and Shetland Islands are to
Rapporteur on the Rights of indigenous the northwest. 
peoples. ● Norwayto the northeast, Denmark to
the east.
Who are Indigenous Peoples?
● Germany and the Netherlands to the
● Indigenous peoples have in common a southeast.
historical continuity with a given region before ● Belgium and Franceto the south.
colonization and a strong link to their lands.
● They maintain, at least in part, distinct social,
economic and political systems. #3
● They have distinct languages, cultures, beliefs
Gum Arabic
and knowledge systems.
● They are determined to maintain and develop ● Sudan’s eruption into conflict has left
their identity and distinct institutions and they international consumer goods makers racing
form a non-dominant sector of society. to shore up supplies of gum Arabic, one of the
country’s most sought-after products and a
key ingredient in everything from fizzy drinks
#2 to candy and cosmetics.
North Sea summit About Gum Arabic:
● Recently, nine European countries during the ● It is the natural gum exuded by
second North Sea summit have signed a various species of Acacia trees.
declaration aimed at transforming the North ● The main source of commercial gum Arabic
Sea into a green power plant is Acacia Senegal L.willd.and Acacia seyal
About the North Sea Summit:
● It is the second summit which was held in the
city of THE GIST - APR 2023 33


● The trees are native to North Africa and grow ● According to an article in the journal Science,
mainly in the sub-Saharan or Sahel zone of African Swine Fever (ASF), the livestock
Africa and also in Australia, India and South illness that has decimated porcine
America.  populations across Asia since its advent in
● It is found in some parts of India mainly in China in 2018, could deal a lethal blow to the
the dry rocky hills of southeast Punjab, in pygmy hog.
the northern Aravalli hills and other drier parts
of Rajasthan and Gujarat. About Pygmy Hog:
● Major producing countries: Cameroon, Chad,
Mali, Nigeria and Sudan (market share of ● It is the smallest and rarest species of wild pig
about 70%). in the world.
● It is one of the very few mammals that build
Method of harvesting: its own home, or nest, complete with a ‘roof’.
● The gum exudes from the cracks on the bark ● It is an indicator species as its presence
of the tree under difficult conditions such as reflects the health of its primary habitat, tall
heat, dryness, wounds, and diseases.  and wet grasslands.
● The gum flows naturally from the bark of the ● Habitat: It prefers undisturbed patches of
trees in the form of a thick and rather frothy grassland dominated by early successional
liquid and speedily concretes in the sun into riverine communities, typically comprising
tears. dense tall grass intermixed with a wide variety
● Period of harvesting/collection:The collection of herbs, shrubs and young trees.
of gum Arabic takes place at intervals during ● Currently, the viable population of this pig in
the dry season from November to May. During the wild is in the Manas Tiger Reserve in
the rainy season, no gum is formed since the Assam.
trees are in full bloom.
Key facts about African swine fever
Properties of Gum Arabic:
● It is a highly contagious viral disease of
● It is a neutral or slightly acidic salt of
domestic and wild pigs, whose mortality
a complex polysaccharide containing calcium,
magnesium, and potassium cations. rate can reach 100%.
● It is non-toxic, odourless, and has a bland ● The virus belongs to the Asfarviridae family.
taste and it does not affect the odour, colour ● Symptoms:Vomiting, Diarrhea, reddening or
or taste of the system in which it is used darkening of the skin, particularly ears and
● It is somewhat yellowish in colour. snout, gummed up eyes etc.
● It is insoluble in oils and in most organic ● It can be spread through:
solvents, but usually dissolves completely in 1. Direct contact with infected pigs,
hot or cold water forming a clear, faeces or body fluid
mucilaginous solution. 2. Indirect contact via fomites such as
● It yields L-arabinose, L-rhamnose, D-galactose equipment, vehicles or people who
and D-glucuronic acid after hydrolysis. work with pigs between pig farms with
● It is used in many industries like Food, ineffective biosecurity.
pharmaceuticals, cosmetics 3. Pigs eating infected pig meat or meat
● It is endemic to sub-Saharan Africabut has
#4 spread to many other regions of the world,
Pygmy hog including Asia and Europe.
● It is not known to affect human beings. THE GIST - APR 2023 34


● There is no cure or precaution availablefor the Key Facts about United Nations Industrial
infection and no approved vaccine.  Development Organization
● It is a specialized agency of the United
Nationswith a unique mandate to promote
BUSINESS & ECONOMY dynamize and accelerate industrial
#1 development.  
● It provides support to its 171 Member States
National Manufacturing Innovation Survey through four mandated functions:
(NMIS) 1. Technical cooperation
2. Action-oriented research and
● Recently, the secretary of the Department
policy-advisory services.
of Science and Technology (Ministry of
3. Normative standards-related
Science & Technology) released the
“National Manufacturing Innovation
4. Fostering partnerships for
Survey (NMIS) 2021-22: Summary for
knowledge and technology
About National Manufacturing Innovation Survey ● India is a member of this organisation.
(NMIS): ● National Manufacturing Innovation Survey
(NMIS) 2021-22 findings released, can
● It is a joint study by the Department of help enhance competitiveness of Indian
Science and Technology (DST) and the manufacturing
United Nations Industrial Development
Organization (UNIDO)
● Aim of the survey: To evaluate the
innovation performance of manufacturing
firms in India. Anji Khad Bridge
● It had two specific components: ● All 96 cables on the first cable-stayed
bridge in India, the Anji Khad bridge, have
● Firm-level survey: It captured data related
been fully installed in a record time of 11
to types of innovations and innovative
measures taken by firms, including the
process of innovation, access to finance, About Anji Khad Bridge:
resources, and information for innovation
etc. ● It is an under-construction rail bridge in
● Sectorial System of Innovation (SSI) Jammu & Kashmir on the Indian
survey: It mapped the manufacturing Railways Jammu – Baramulla rail line.
innovation system and its enabling role in ● It will connect the Union Territory
achieving innovations in firms. of Kashmir with the rest of the country by
● The SSI study measured the convergence train.
or divergence of current policy ● It is constructed over the Anji River, a tributary
instruments in select five key of the Chenab River between Katra and Reasi.
manufacturing sectors important to ● Anji Khad Bridge will be the first cable-stayed
the Indian economy – textiles; food & railway bridge in the country.
beverage; automotive; pharma; and ICT. ● It is an asymmetrical cable-stayed bridge
● The first National Innovation Survey was balanced on the axis of a central pylon. 
held in 2011. ● The total length of the structure is 25 metres.
● It stands at a height of 331 meters above the
river bed. THE GIST - APR 2023 35


● The bridge has a single-line railway track and EFTA States and deals with the negotiation
a 3.75-metre-wide service road.  and operation of EFTA’s FTAs.
● The project is being executed by Konkan ● EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA): It monitors
Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) compliance with European Economic Area
and Hindustan Construction Company. (EEA) rules in Iceland, Liechtenstein and
● EFTA Court: It is based in Luxembourg and
has the competence and authority to settle
internal and external disputes regarding the
#3 implementation, application or interpretation
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) of the EEA agreement.

● India and the four-nation bloc EFTA recently  What is the European Economic Area (EEA)?
discussed ways to resume negotiations for a ● It consists of the Member States of
free trade agreement with a view to the European Union (EU) and three countries
strengthening economic ties between the two of the European Free Trade Association
regions. (EFTA)(Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway,
About European Free Trade Association (EFTA): excluding Switzerland).
● The Agreement on the EEA entered into
● It is an intergovernmental organization force on 1 January 1994. 
established in 1960 by the Stockholm ● It seeks to strengthen trade and economic
Convention. relations between the member countries.
● Objective: Promotes free trade and economic ● It is principally concerned with the four
integration between its members within fundamental pillars of the internal market,
Europe and globally. namely: the free movement of goods, people,
● EFTA currently has 4 member countries: services and capital. 
Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and
● The EFTA countries have developed one of SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
the largest networks of Free Trade
Agreements (FTAs). These FTAs span over 60 #1
countries and territories, including the
Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine
European Union (EU).
● In contrast to the EU, EFTA is not a customs ● The BCG vaccine, typically administered to
union. This means that the individual EFTA prevent tuberculosis, did not provide any
States are free to set their own customs significant protection against Covid-19
tariffs and arrange other foreign trade infection to healthcare workers.
measures vis-à-vis the non-EFTA States.
About Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine:
Governance Structure:
● EFTA’s highest governing body is the EFTA ● It is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB)
Council. It generally meets 8 times a year at ● The vaccine was developed by Calmette and
the ambassadorial level and twice a year at Guerin and was first administered to human
the ministerial level. beings in 1921.
● The headquarters of the EFTA Secretariat is ● It is the most widely administered vaccine and
located in Geneva. It assists the EFTA Council is usually a part of the routine newborn
in the management of relations between the 4 immunization schedule. THE GIST - APR 2023 36


● BCG vaccine also offers protection against the light to give an impression of a circular
non-tuberculous mycobacterial rainbow ring.
infectionslike leprosy and Buruli ulcer. ● The crystals have to be oriented and
● It is often given to infants and small children. positioned just so with respect to your eye, for
● It is rarely given to anyone over the age of the halo to appear.
16 because there is little evidence it works ● Light undergoes two refractions as it passes
very well in adults. through the ice crystals and the bending that
occurs depends on the ice crystal’s diameter.
Key facts about Tuberculosis (TB):
● The two refractions bend the light by 22
● Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by bacteria degrees from its original point, producing a
(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)that most ring of light around the Sun or the Moon.
often affect the lungs. ● The lunar halos are mostly colourless as
● It is curable and preventable disease. Two moonlight is not very bright.
kinds of tuberculosis infection: ● In the case of the Sun, these colours are more
1. Latent TB-The bacteria remain in noticeable and appear as bright as a rainbow.
the body in an inactive state. They
cause no symptoms and are not
contagious, but they can become #3
2. Active TB- The bacteria do cause
symptoms and can be transmitted ● Recently, in an astonishing discovery,
to others. About one-quarter of the scientists have reported finding 19,325 new
world’s population has latent TB. seamounts after poring through new
high-resolution data.
About Seamounts:
● It is an underwater mountain formed through
Sun halo volcanic activity.
● These are recognised as hotspots for marine
● Recently, the people of Uttar Pradesh’s life. Like volcanoes on land, seamounts can
Prayagraj were graced by an awe-inspiring be active, extinct or dormant volcanoes.
phenomenon called Sun Halo. ● These are formed near mid-ocean ridges,
where the earth’s tectonic plates are moving
About Sun halo:
apart, allowing molten rock to rise to the
● It is an optical phenomenon that occurs due seafloor.
to sunlight refracting millions of hexagonal ice ● The planet’s two most-studied mid-ocean
crystals suspended in the atmosphere. ridges are the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East
Pacific Rise.
How it is formed? ● Some seamounts have also been found
near intraplate hotspots – regions of heavy
● When white light passes through unique volcanic activity within a plate – and oceanic
hexagonal ice crystals found in upper-level island chains with a volcanic and seismic
cirrus clouds, causing the halo to have activity called island arcs.
● The clouds contain millions of tiny ice Significance of seamounts
crystals, which refract, split and even reflect ● They provide information about the mantle’s
composition and how tectonic plates evolve. THE GIST - APR 2023 37


● Oceanographers also study seamounts ● After three draws in the tiebreaks, Ding
to understand their influence on how water emerged victorious in the fourth and final
circulates and absorbs heat and carbon game, clinching the title. In a tense and even
dioxide. position, with just a minute on his clock, Ding
● Seamounts are home to diverse biological declined a threefold repetition and decided to
communities. They are good places for life play for a win. In a nail-biting finish, with both
because they can cause localised ocean players under enormous pressure, the Chinese
upwelling – the process by which nutrient-rich Grandmaster (GM) emerged victorious after
water from deep within the ocean moves up to 68 moves.
the surface.
Key Facts about the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
● It is the largest geological feature on the
planet.  Sukhna wildlife sanctuary
● It is a mostly underwater mountain range in
● The recent judgment of the Supreme Court
the Atlantic Ocean.
modifying its June 2022 order related to the
● It is about 3 km in height above the ocean
eco-sensitive zone (ESZ) will help the Haryana
floor and 1000 to 1500 km wide, has
numerous transform faults and an axial rift and Punjab Forest departments, which are
valley along its length. firm to declare only 100 metres as ESZ of the
● It separates the North American Plate from Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary.
the Eurasian Plate in the North Atlantic and Key highlights:
the South American Plate from the African
Plate in the South Atlantic ● The Union Territory of Chandigarh Forest and
Wildlife Department has declared its 2.0 to
2.75 km area as ESZ of the sanctuary, it
SPORTS expects a similar area of ESZ from Haryana
#1 and Punjab.
● Although the two states have only agreed to
17th FIDE World Champion declare merely 100 metres of their area as
● China’s Ding Liren made history by becoming ESZ, their proposals are pending before the
the 17th FIDE World Champion in chess, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
defeating Ian Nepomniachtchi in the final Change (MoEFCC).
game of the tiebreak here on Sunday. ● Supreme Court ruled that each national park
and wildlife sanctuary must have
About: an eco-sensitive zone (ESZ) of a minimum of
● Both Ding and Nepomniachtchi finished 7-7 1 km, measured from the demarcated
after exhilarating 14 classical games, taking boundary of such protected forest.
the match into the tie-breaker.
● In the tie-break, Ding Liren defeated Ian About Sukhna wildlife sanctuary
Nepomniachtchi 2.5-1.5 in the 2023 FIDE ● It is located in the Chandigarh Union Territory.
World Championship final, becoming the first ● It forms the part of Sukhna Lake catchment
Chinese male player to win the chess world area falling in Shivalik hills.
● Fauna: Sambar deer, Barking deer, and wild
● This marks a historic moment as both the
boar, as well as several species of birds,
men’s and women’s world champions in chess
reptiles, and amphibians.
are now from China. THE GIST - APR 2023 38


● Flora: The sanctuary is characterized by a mix ● Fixing tariffs and rates for telecom services;
of forests, grasslands, and wetlands, with the and
Sukhna Lake forming an important part of the ● Any other functions entrusted by the Central
ecosystem. Government.


#1 National Green Hydrogen Mission

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India ● Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and

Waterways recently said that as per the
● The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India National Hydrogen Mission of the country,
(TRAI) recently announced to change the rules Green Hydrogen/Ammonia bunkers and
regarding fake, promotional calls and SMS to refuelling facilities will be established in all
customers. major ports by 2035.
About Telecom Regulatory Authority of India About National Green Hydrogen Mission:
● It was approved by the Union Cabinet on 4
● It is a regulatory body set up by the January 2022.
Government of India under section 3 of ● To make India a Global Hub for the
the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, production, utilization and export of Green
1997. Hydrogen and its derivatives.
● It is the regulator of the telecommunications
sector in India. Types of  Hydrogen based on Extraction
● Grey Hydrogen: It is produced via coal or
● It consists of a Chairperson and not more lignite gasification (black or brown), or via a
than two full-time members, and not more process called steam methane
than two part-time members. reformation (SMR) of natural gas or methane
● The chairperson and the members of TRAI (grey). These tend to be mostly
are appointed by the Central carbon-intensive processes.
Government, and the duration for which they ● Blue Hydrogen: It is produced via natural gas
can hold their office is three years or until they or coal gasification combined with carbon
attain the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier. capture storage (CCS) or carbon capture use
(CCU) technologies to reduce carbon
Government Control over TRAI:
● TRAI is not a completely independent telecom ● Green Hydrogen: It is produced using
regulator. electrolysis of water with electricity generated
● Under section 25 of the Act, it has the power by renewable energy. The carbon intensity
to issue directions which are binding on TRAI. ultimately depends on the carbon neutrality of
● The TRAI is also funded by the Central the source of electricity (i.e., the more
Government.  renewable energy there is in the electricity fuel
mix, the "greener" the hydrogen produced).
● Making recommendations on various issues;
● General administrative and regulatory #3
functions; THE GIST - APR 2023 39


Bihu Festival ● The community resided in the dense jungles

for a long time and created its own plant and
● The state of Assam created history by
herb-based medicine systems.
entering the Guinness World Records for “the
largest Bihu performance” at a single venue.
● The grand event of the traditional dance was #1
held at the Sarusajai Stadium in Guwahati.
Polavaram Project
● A total of 11,304 folk dancers presented Bihu
Dance and over 2,500 drummers performed ● The Andhra Pradesh High Court recently
with the dancers in the presence of Assam struck down the Public Interest Litigation
CM Himanta Biswa Sarma at the event. (PIL), challenging the Centre’s decision not to
● The Bihu performance set two world records, bear the Rs 7,214 crore component of the
one for the largest dance, and the second Polavaram project.
record was for the largest musical instrument
group. About Polavaram Project:
● The previous record for the largest traditional ● It is an under-construction multi-purpose
dance was for 7,700 participants in China set irrigation project on the Godavari River in the
in 2015. Eluru District and East Godavari District in
Andhra Pradesh.
● The project has been accorded National
#4 project status by the Union Government of
Hakki-Pikki tribe
● Thirty-one tribals belonging to ‘Hakki-Pikki’ are
stranded in Sudan, where violent clashes ● Development of Irrigation, Hydropower and
between a powerful paramilitary force and the drinking water facilities in East
country’s armed forces are going on. Godavari, Vishakhapatnam, West Godavari
and Krishna districts of Andhra Pradesh. 
About Hakki-Pikki tribe:
● The project envisages the generation of 960
● They are a semi-nomadic tribal group MW of hydropower, drinking water supply to
belonging to the state of Karnataka. a population of 28.50 lacks in 611 villages
● In Kannada, the word ‘Hakki’ stands for ‘bird’ ● The ultimate irrigation potential of the
and ‘Pikki’ stands for the verb ‘to catch’. project is 4.368 lakh ha.
● The community is known as the ’bird ● The project implements the Godavari-Krishna
catcher,’ which is their traditional occupation. link under the Interlinking of Rivers project.
● The population is predominantly found in the ● It envisages the transfer of 80TMC of surplus
Shivamogga, Davanagere and Mysuru districts Godavari water to river Krishna which will
of Karnataka. be shared between Andhra Pradesh,
● Their mother tongue was designated as Karnataka and Maharashtra.
‘Vaagri’ by scholars.
● UNESCO has listed ‘Vaagri’ as one of
the endangered languages. International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)
● They have traditional medical knowledge that
is in demand in several African countries. ● India recently announced that it will start
participating in the International Civil Aviation
Organisation’s (ICAO) Carbon Offsetting and THE GIST - APR 2023 40


Reduction Scheme for International Aviation the only entrance to the Persian Gulf from

(CORSIA) and the Long-Term Aspirational the Indian Ocean.
Goals (LTAG) from 2027. ● It connects the Arabian Sea with the Strait of
Hormuz, which then empties into the Persian
About International Civil Aviation Organisation
● Bordering Countries: It is bordered
● ICAO is an intergovernmental specialized by Pakistan and Iran in the north, by the United
agency associated with the United Arab Emirates in the west and by Oman in the
Nations (UN). south.
● It was established in 1947 by the Convention ● The gulf is relatively shallow because of its
on International Civil Aviation (1944) known origin as a fissure in the mountain spine now
as Chicago Convention. divided between Iran and Oman. 
● Headquarters: Montreal, Canada ● The Gulf of Oman is about 320 km wide at its
widest point between Cape al-Hadd in Oman
Functions: and Gwadar Bay on the Iran-Pakistan border. It
● ICAO is dedicated to developing safe and narrows to 35 miles (56 km) at the Strait of
efficient international air transport for Hormuz.
peaceful purposes and ensuring a reasonable ● It is approximately 560 km long.
opportunity for every state to operate ● Some of the significant islands that are
international airlines.  located in the Gulf of Oman include Sheytan
● It sets standards and regulations necessary Island, Al Fahal Island, Dimaniyat Islands, and
for aviation safety, security and facilitation, the Sawadi Islands.
efficiency, and economic development of air ● The major international shipping ports that
transport as well as to improve the are situated in the Gulf of Oman include Port
environmental performance of aviation.  Sultan Qaboos Muttrah in Muscat,
● It also serves as a clearinghouse for Oman; Chabahar Port in Iran; the Port of
cooperation and discussion on civil aviation Fujairah and Khor Fakkan Container
issues among its 193 member states. Terminal in the United Arab Emirates.
● It also promotes regional and international ● Roughly one-third of the world’s oil is
agreements aimed at exported via the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf
liberalizing aviation markets. of Oman.
● It helps to establish legal standards to ensure
that the growth of aviation does
not compromise safety, and encourages the #4
development of other aspects of international
INS Tarkash
aviation law.
● INS Tarkash from the Indian Navy recently
reached Port Sudan to help in the evacuation
Gulf of Oman of stranded Indians as part of “Operation
● Iran’s navy recently seized a Marshall
Islands-flagged oil tanker with 24 Indian crew About INS Tarkash:
members in the Gulf of Oman.
● It is a state-of-the-art stealth frigate of the
About Gulf of Oman: Indian Navy equipped with a versatile range of
● The Gulf of Oman or Sea of Oman, also known ● Tarkash belongs to the Talwar class of guided
as the Gulf of Makran or Sea of Makran, forms missile frigates. These are modified Krivak III
class frigates built by Russia. THE GIST - APR 2023 41


● It was built by the Yantar shipyard in ● The Presidency of the Council is

Kaliningrad, Russia. carried out on a rotational basis.
● It was commissioned into Indian Navy service ● It consists of major banks from the member
on 9 November 2012 at Kaliningrad and joined countries, such as the Industrial and
the Western Naval Command on 27 December Commercial Bank of China, the National Bank
2012. of Kazakhstan, and the Bank of Russia.
● The first meeting of the SCO Interbank
Association was held in Beijing on 21–22
● It has a length of 124.8 m, a beam of 15.2 m, February 2006.
and a draught of 4.2 m (13 ft 9 in).
● Top Speed: 32 knots (59 km/h; 37 mph).
● It has been equipped with a weapon BUSINESS & ECONOMY
sensor that enables it to address threats in all
● It uses stealth technologies and a special hull Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP)
design to ensure a reduced radar
cross-section. ● Recently, the Secretary of, the Ministry of Coal
● It can board one Ka-28 Helix-A antisubmarine chaired a meeting on the integration of the
helicopter or one Ka-31 Helix-B airborne early Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP)
warning helicopter, with the digital systems of the Ministry of
● It is also equipped with BrahMos Coal.
missiles instead of the Klub-N missiles, which
makes it different from the earlier flight of
Talwar-class ships.  About Unified Logistics Interface Platform:
● It was launched in 2022 as a part of
the ’National Logistics Policy (NLP)’.
#5 ● It is designed for enhancing efficiency and
SCO Interbank Consortium (SCO IBC) reducing the cost of logistics in India by
creating a transparent, single-window
● Recently, under the chairmanship of India, the platform to provide real-time information
XIX Council Meeting of the Shanghai to all stakeholders.
Cooperation Organisation Interbank ● It was emphasized that the solution
Consortium (SCO IBC) was held in Goa. should have visibility of multi-modal
transport and all the existing systems
About SCO Interbank Consortium:
should be integrated with the ULIP system
● It was established by the member countries of to create a National Single Window
the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation on 26 Logistics Portal.
October 2005. ● It will provide real-time monitoring of
● It provides funding and bank services cargo movement and ensure the
for investment projects sponsored by the confidentiality of data with end-to-end
governments of the SCO member states. encryption.
● The main objectives of the consortium are ● There are three key components of this
to provide financial services, promote trade, platform namely
and facilitate investment among the member 1. Integration with existing data
states. sources of ministries
● The SCO IBC Council meets ad hoc upon the 2. Data exchange with private players
consensus of all of the parties at least once
per year. THE GIST - APR 2023 42


3. Unified document reference in the ● It is illegal in India.

supply chain ● The strategies commonly used to front-run
trades are Buy-Buy-Sell (BBS) trading pattern
and the Sell-Sell-Buy (SSB) trading pattern.
#2 World Development Report 2023
What is Buy-Buy-Sell (BBS) trading pattern?
● Recently, World Bank released the World
● In this trade pattern, the alleged
Development Report 2023: Migrants,
front-runner by using the non-public
Refugees, and Societies
information regarding an impending buy order
Key Highlights of the Reports: of the big client places his buy order before
the big client’s buy order.
● About 2.3 per cent of the world’s ● As and when the big client places a buy order,
population—184 million people, including 37 the price of the security rises and the alleged
million refugees—live outside their country of front-runner sells the securities bought earlier.
nationality.  ● In this way, at the raised price the alleged
● It found that low-skilled Indians who migrated front-runner makes a profit.
to the United States tended to see a
significant gain in their income of around What is the Sell-Sell-Buy (SSB) trading pattern?
● In this trading pattern, the alleged front-runner
● The gains for highly-skilled workers such as
by using the non-public information regarding
engineers or doctors are much higher,
an impending sell order of the big
however, low-skilled workers are also finding
client places his sell orders before the big
themselves having a multi-fold jump in their
client’s sell order.
● When the big client places a sell order the
● It categorised the migrants into four types –
price of the security falls which allows the
Refugees with skills in demand, economic
alleged front-runner to buy back the securities
migrants with skills that match with
at a lower price to meet his obligations which
demand, distressed migrants and
he had created earlier by selling securities.
● India-US, India-Bangladesh and India- Gulf
Cooperation Council have been considered
among the top migrant corridors.
Fabry Disease
Front running in Trading
● Recently, the Lysosomal Storage Disorders
● Recently, the Securities and Exchange Board Support Society sought the Union Ministry of
of India barred five entities from the securities Health and Family Welfare’s immediate
market and impounded illegal gains of Rs 2.44 intervention for the treatment of Fabry
crore made by them in a case pertaining to Disease patients.
About Fabry Disease:
About Front Running in Trading:
● It is a rare inherited disorder of
● It is an illegal practice in the stock glycosphingolipid (fat) metabolism resulting
market where an entity trades based on from the absent or markedly deficient activity
advanced information from a broker or of the lysosomal enzyme, alpha-galactosidase
analyst before the information has been made A (α-Gal A).
available to its clients. THE GIST - APR 2023 43


● It belongs to a group of diseases known ● Ketamine a dissociative anaesthetic with

as lysosomal storage disorders. psychedelic properties is used under strict
● This enzymatic deficiency is caused medical supervision for anaesthesia and to
by alterations (mutations) in the treat treatment-resistant depression.
α-galactosidase A (GLA) gene that instructs
cells to make the α-galactosidase A (α-Gal A)
enzyme. Machine Learning
● Lysosomes function as the primary digestive
tract of cells.  ● A team of researchers used machine
● Symptoms: Numbness, tingling, burning or learning tools to recently confirm evidence
pain in the hands or feet, extreme pain during of a previously unknown planet outside
physical activity and heat or cold intolerance our solar system.
etc. About Machine Learning:
● The types of Fabry disease
● Classic type:Symptoms of this type ● It is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI)and
appears during childhood or the teenage computer science which focuses on the use
years. It may be noticeable as early as age of data and algorithms to imitate the way that
two. humans learn, gradually improving its
● Late-onset/atypical type: People with accuracy.
late-onset Fabry disease don’t have ● It gives computers the capability to
symptoms until they’re in their 30s or older. learn without being explicitly programmed.
● The first indication of a problem may be ● It enables computers to learn automatically
kidney failure or heart disease. from past data.
● Treatment: The patients are treated by ● Machine learning uses various algorithms
intravenously administered enzyme for building mathematical models and making
replacement therapy (ERT) or Oral Chaperone predictions using historical data or
Therapy information.
Features of Machine learning:

#2 ● It is a data driven technology. Large amount of

data generated by organizations on daily
Psychedelics bases. So, by notable relationships in data,
● Psychedelic substances have reinvigorated organizations makes better decisions.
clinical and research interests, and have ● Machine can learn itself from past data and
added to psychiatry’s ever-expanding automatically improve.
therapeutic armamentarium. ● From the given dataset it detects various
patterns on data.
About Psychedelics: ● It is similar to data mining because it is also
deals with the huge amount of data.
● These are a group of drugs that alter
perception, mood, and thought processing
while a person is still clearly conscious.
● These are non-addictive and non-toxic. #4
● The two most commonly used psychedelics Quasars
are d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and
● In India, the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic ● According to a new study Quasars the
Substances Act 1985 prohibit the use of brightest and the most powerful objects in the
psychedelic substances. universe - have a violent origin story THE GIST - APR 2023 44


● The quasi-stellar radio sources (Quasars) #1
were first discovered six decades ago.
Achanakmar Tiger Reserve
● These are very luminous objects in faraway
galaxies that emit jets at radio frequencies. ● A tigress that had been captured after it killed
● They are located in supermassive black holes, two persons and injured another in
which sit in the centre of galaxies. Chhattisgarh’s Surajpur district was recently
● These are formed by the energy emitted by released into Achanakmar Tiger Reserve.
materials spiralling around a black hole right
before being sucked into it.   About Achanakmar Tiger Reserve:
● Most quasars are larger than our solar ● It is located in the Bilaspur district of
system. A quasar is approximately 1-kilo Chhattisgarh.
parsec in width. ● It was declared a tiger reserve in 2009.
● When galaxies collide, it pushes the gas from ● It is a part of the huge
the outer reaches of the galaxies to the Achanakmar-Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve.
centre. ● Maniyari River flows right from the centre of
● As the supermassive black hole gorges on the this reserve, which is the forest’s lifeline. 
gas, it releases ferocious fountains of energy ● It has a corridor connecting to Kanha and
in the form of radiation, leading to the quasar. Bandhavgarh Tiger reserves and plays a
critical role in the dispersal of tigers among
these reserves.
● Vegetation: Tropical deciduous forest.
● Flora: Sal, bija, saja, haldu, teak, tinsa,
dhawara, lendia, khamar and bamboo bloom
Asia badminton Championships here along with over 600 species of medicinal
● Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty
● Fauna: Wild fauna includes the tiger, leopard,
broke a 58-year-old drought, becoming the
bison, flying squirrel, Indian giant squirrel,
first Indians after Dinesh Khanna to be
chinkara, wild dog, hyena, sambar, chital and
crowned champions at the Asia badminton
over 150 species of birds.
Championships here.
● The members of the Kondh tribe in Odisha’s
● The 2022 World Championships bronze
Nayagarh district have added one more event
medallists scripted a sensational comeback
to their calendar of festivals and celebrations
after an opening game reversal to edge past
called Bihan Mela.
the Malaysian combination of Ong Yew Sin
and Teo Ee Yi 21-16, 17-21, 19-21 in a About Bihan Mela:
nail-biting final to accomplish a magnificent
● It is known as the seed festival and the event
victory in the continental championship.
is participated by the farmers.
● Khanna is the only Indian to claim the gold
● Preparations begin as soon as farmers have
medal, having achieved the feat when he beat
harvested Kharif crops, which include both
Thailand’s Sangob Rattanusorn in the men’s
hybrid and indigenous varieties of paddy,
singles final in 1965 at Lucknow.
millets, maize and sorghum.
● India’s previous best performance in men’s
● Women are at the helm of this festival
doubles at the Asia Championships was a
and carefully collect seeds of the
bronze-medal finish by Dipu Ghosh and
indigenous varieties and store them in earthen
Raman Ghosh in 1971.
pots. THE GIST - APR 2023 45


● On a designated day in December,

they decorate the pots with red and white
motifs, place them in a bamboo basket and
carry it on their head to the village where the
fair is being organised.
● This was introduced to help farmers return to
their traditional ways of farming like mixed
Key facts about the Kondh tribe
● They are a tribal group found in the hills and
jungles of Orissa in eastern India. They fall
Getting Started With IAS
into two broad divisions.
● The Hill or Maliah Konds, who are numerically ● Must for all
the dominant group, inhabit the interior
uplands and have retained much of their
● Basic Guidance
original tribal culture. ● Tips & Strategy
● The Plains Konds have had extended contact
with the Oriya-speaking peoples of the
lowlands and have adopted many aspects of CLICK HERE
Hindu religion and culture.
● They have several sub-tribes, for instance, the
Dongria, Kovi, Kuttia, Languli, Penga, and
Jharnia. Raj Konds etc.
● These tribal people speak languages
called Kui and Kuvi.
● These belong to the Dravidian language family
and have strong similarities to Telugu, Tamil,
and Kannada.
● The language has no script of its own, with
the Oriya script used for writing Kui, and the
Telugu script used for Kuvi. THE GIST - APR 2023 46


GIST OF Science Reporter Magazine

Ingredient/product: Flour
#1 Consumption and Nutritional significance
Nutritional significance:
of Millets
• Rich source of calcium
A. Millet name: Sorghum
• Good amount of sulphur-containing amino
Ingredient/product: Flour, puffed acids
• Rich in polyphenols – garlic, ferulic,
Nutritional significance: p-hydroxy benzoic, procatechuic and
• Rich in protein, fibre, thiamine, folic acid • p-coumaric acids
and riboflavin • Hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic, and
• Contains resistant starch anti-ulcerative properties
• Possesses anti-diabetic, anti-cancerous • Inhibits aldose reductase activity
and cardio protective constituents D. Millet name: Little Millet
• Exhibits angiotensin I converting inhibitory
activity Ingredient/product: Dehusked, broken, rawa,
puffed, poha
B. Millet name: Pearl Millet
Nutritional significance:
Ingredient/product: Flour
• Rich in iron and fibre
Nutritional significance: • Boosts immunity
• Rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as
oleic acid
• Rich in dietary fiber with prebiotic potential E. Millet name: Foxtail Millet
• Ferulic acid and coumaric acid with
Ingredient/product: Dehusked, broken, rawa,
anti-proliferative activity
puffed, poha
• Rich in iron and zinc
• Ameliorate anemia Nutritional significance:
C. Millet name: Finger Millet • Good source of tocopherol THE GIST - APR 2023 47


• Exhibits superior anti-oxidant activity

• Rich in linoleic acid and gamma aminobutyric
• Improves cholesterol metabolism
#2 Diving birds are more prone to extinction,
says new study
F. Millet name: Proso Millet • Diving birds like penguins, puffins and
Ingredient/product: Dehusked, rawa, puffed, cormorants may be more prone to extinction
than non-diving birds, according to a new
Nutritional significance: study by the Milner Centre for Evolution at the
University of Bath.
• Good source of vitamin A, B and E
• The ability to dive is quite rare in birds, with
• Exhibits good antioxidant activity
less than a third of the 727 species of water
• Good source of manganese
birds using this way of hunting for food.
• Good for heart patients
Key highlights:

• The researchers found that body size

G. Millet name: Kodo Millet
amongst the diving birds had evolved
Ingredient/product: Dehusked, rawa, puffed, differently depending on the type of diving
they did.
Nutritional significance: • Wing divers, such as penguins and puffins,
• High lysine use their wings to propel themselves through
• High antioxidant activity the water. These birds tend to have larger
• Good for diabetic and heart patients body sizes adapted for swimming.
• Birds that “foot dive”, such as cormorants,
kick their feet to swim and are similarly larger
H. Millet name: Barnyard Millet in body size to the wing divers.
• Whilst the research found no significant
Ingredient/product: Dehusked, rawa, difference in speciation rate for diving birds
versus non-diving species, they also found
Nutritional significance:
that many diving birds appeared to be more
• Rich in crude fiber prone to extinction than non-diving species.
• Low phytate containing iron-rich millet • The techniques used by the researchers could
• Protects against diabetes be used to help conservationists predict
which species are most at risk of extinction
I. Millet name: Browntop Millet from an evolutionary perspective.
Ingredient/product: Dehusked, flour

Nutritional significance:
#3 IIT Madras Researchers develop effective
• Rich in protein and dietary fibre
Data Analytics approach to detect petroleum
• Possesses anti-diabetic potential owing to
in underground
gallic, caffeic and coumaric acids
• Good source of calcium, phosphorus and • Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT
zinc Madras) researchers have developed a THE GIST - APR 2023 48


statistical approach that can characterise • The study will help devise strategies for the
subsurface rock structure and detect disinfection of space stations to minimise any
petroleum and hydrocarbon reserves. potential impact of microbes on the health of
• The method proposed was successful in astronauts.
providing critical information on the rock type • Crews, during spaceflight, may have altered
distribution and hydrocarbon saturation zones immunity and limited access to terrestrial
in 'Tipam formation' located in the Upper medical facilities.
Assam basin. • Therefore, studying the microbes inhabiting
the space station becomes important to
understand the risks associated with
• The researchers used this approach to short-term and long-term space travel on the
analyse data obtained from seismic surveys health of astronauts.
and well logs from the North Assam region • The present study was motivated by the
known for its petroleum reserve. They were earlier observations of the dominance
able to get accurate information on the rock of Klebsiella pneumoniae on the surfaces of
type distribution and the hydrocarbon the ISS.
saturation zones at such depth zones of • This pathogen has been known to cause
2.3km. pneumonia and other nosocomial infections.
• Characterising underground rock structures is • The researchers were broadly interested in
a challenging task. Seismic survey methods understanding how this bacteria affects the
and well-log data are used to understand the growth of other microbes in the vicinity and
structure underneath the earth's surface. In a the possible implications it could have.
seismic survey, acoustic vibrations are sent • The researchers analysed the microbial
through the ground. sample data taken across three space flights
• As the waves hit various rock layers, they are at seven locations on the ISS.
reflected with different characteristics. The • The study found that Klebsiella pneumoniae, a
reflected waves are recorded and the major microbe that resides on the ISS, is
underground rock structure is imaged using beneficial to various other microbes also
the reflection data. The well logs contain present on the ISS, especially the bacteria
details of various layers of the earth seen from the Pantoeagenus.
when digging an oil well.
#5 Risk of Passing Multiple Climate Tipping
#4 IIT Madras and NASA Jet Propulsion Points Escalates above 1.5°C Global
Laboratory Researchers Study Microbial Warming
Interactions taking place in the International • Multiple climate tipping points could be
Space Station to make Space Travel Safer triggered if global temperature rises beyond
• Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, according to
Madras) and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory a major new analysis published in the
researchers have studied the interactions journal Science.
between microbes in the International Space • Even at current levels of global heating, the
Station (ISS). world is already at risk of passing five
dangerous climate tipping points, and risks
About: increase with each tenth of a degree of further
warming. THE GIST - APR 2023 49


Key highlights:
#6 MCQs on Millets
• An international research team synthesised
evidence for tipping points, their temperature 1. Millet crops are generally used for which
thresholds, timescales, and impacts from a purpose?
comprehensive review of over 200 papers a) Food for human being
published since 2008 when climate tipping b) Fuel production
points were first rigorously defined. They have c) Feed & Fodder for animals
increased the list of potential tipping points d) All of these
from nine to sixteen.
• The researcher concludes human emissions 2. How many countries supported the Indian
have already pushed Earth into the tipping proposal for celebrating year 2023 as
points danger zone. International Year of Millets in UNO?
• The Sixth Assessment Report of the a) >25
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change b) >70
(IPCC), stated that risks of triggering climate c) >110
tipping points become high by around 2°C d) >220
above preindustrial temperatures and very
high by 2.5-4°C. 3. What is the full name of NFSM?
• This new analysis indicates that Earth may
a) Nutritional Food Security Mission
have already left a ‘safe’ climate state when
b) National Food Supply Mission
temperatures exceeded approximately 1°C
c) National Food Security Mission
d) National Food Safety Mission
• A conclusion of the research is therefore that
even the United Nations’ Paris Agreement 4. Which crop is highly tolerant of drought and
goal to limit warming to well below 2°C and other extreme weather conditions?
preferably 1.5°C is not enough to fully avoid
dangerous climate change. a) Rice
• According to the assessment, tipping point b) Wheat
likelihood increases markedly in the ‘Paris c) Bajra
range’ of 1.5-2°C warming, with even higher d) Maize
risks beyond 2°C. 5. Which of the following grains has the lowest
• The study provides strong scientific support protein content?
for the Paris Agreement and associated
efforts to limit global warming to 1.5°C a) Rice
because it shows that the risk of tipping b) Wheat
points escalates beyond this level. c) Maize
• To have a 50% chance of achieving 1.5°C and d) Millet
thus limiting tipping point risks, global
6. Which millet crop has the highest calcium
greenhouse gas emissions must be cut by
half by 2030, reaching net zero by 2050.
a) Sorghum
b) Finger millet
c) Pearl millet
d) Kodo millet THE GIST - APR 2023 50


7. Which institute exclusively deals with the by the cells, thereby causing the death of
study of different kinds of millets? animals that eat the forage crops in wilting
a) ICRISAT, Hyderabad
b) IIMR, Hyderabad a) Bajra
c) CAZRI, Jodhpur b) Ragi
d) IARI, New Delhi c) Sorghum
d) None of these
8 . Which of the following cereals has a high fibre
content (8%)? 14. Millets do not contain which protein that has
been proved to trigger celiac disease?
a) Rice
b) Wheat a) Gluten
c) Pearl Millet b) Lactose
d) Kodo Millet c) Albumen
d) Keratin
9. Which country is the largest producer of
millets? 15. Which ancient scripture mentions about
different millets in its text?
a) India
b) China a) Rigveda
c) Nigeria b) Atharvaveda
d) Russia c) Yajurveda
d) Mundaka Upanishad
10. Most of the millets are grown as kharif crops
or autumn crops. True or False? 16. Millet consumption per capita is about 65%
a) True of total cereal food consumption in which
b) False country?

a) India
11. Okashana 1, developed by ICRISAT and the b) Nigeria
Namibian national program, is now one of the c) Niger
most d) North Korea
popular millet varieties of which crop?
17. Millets are C4 plants with good water-use
a) Great millet (Sorghum) efficiency and utilize high temperature. True/
b) Pearl millet (Bajra) False?
c) Finger millet (Ragi)
a) True
d) Proso millet (Common millet)
b) False
12. Millet crops are called miracle grains and c) Partly true
crop of the future, why? d) None of these

a) Drought tolerant crops 18. Millets are often referred as climate resilient
b) Require few external inputs crops, why?
c) Nutritionally comparable to rice & wheat
a) Can be grown in arid land with minimal inputs
d) All of these
and maintenance
13. Which millet crops contain prussic acid that b) Tolerant or resistance to many pests and
poisons animals by inhibiting oxygen utilisation diseases THE GIST - APR 2023 51


c) More resilient to climate shocks than other

d) All of these

19. Which character of millets makes it a good

option for people with blood sugar?

a) Low glycaemic index

b) High glycaemic index
c) Gluten-free
d) None of these

20. Regular eating of millet and millet-based

products decreases triglycerides and C-reactive
protein. It
results in decreasing the occurrence of which

a) Gastric ulcers
b) Kidney diseases
c) Cardiovascular disease
d) Liver diseases

21. Millets have which of the following

nutraceutical health benefits?

a) Increase in digestive system well-being

b) Lowering of cancer risks
c) Improvement of the muscular system
d) All of these New!
22. Presence of which form of phosphorus DAILY Current Affairs
makes it less available in monogastric animals?
For IAS Exams
a) Phytate phosphorus
b) Phenolic phosphorus
c) Ferulic acid
d) All of these THE GIST - APR 2023 52



GIST OF PIB (Press Information Bureau)

#1 Marketing and Logistics Development #2 Sangathan Se Samridhhi

Scheme ● The Ministry of Rural Development’s
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural
● The Ministry of Tribal Affairs has introduced a
Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) has
new scheme “Marketing and Logistics
launched “Sangathan Se Samridhhi– Leaving
Development for Promotion of Tribal Products
no Rural Woman Behind”, a national
from North -Eastern Region (PTP-NER)” for
campaign, aimed at mobilizing 10 crore
the benefit of Scheduled Tribes of
women from eligible rural households. 
Northeastern Region. 
● This special drive will go on till June
About: 30th 2023 and aspires to bring all the
vulnerable and marginalized rural households
● The scheme has the vision to strengthen under the Self-Help Group (SHG) fold to
livelihood opportunities for tribal enable them to draw benefits provided under
artisans through increased efficiency in the programme.
procurement, logistics and marketing of tribal
products from North Eastern States.  About Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National
● The scheme will apply to the states of Rural Livelihoods Mission 
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur,
● Aajeevika-National Rural Livelihoods Mission
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and
(NRLM) was launched by the Ministry of Rural
Development (MoRD) in 2011. 
● The scheme PTP-NER will facilitate tribal
● Aided in part through investment support by
artisans to avail opportunities of enhancing
the World Bank, the scheme aimed at helping
income through the provision of backward
the rural poor by enabling them to increase
and forward linkages through incubation
household income through sustainable
support, aggregation, skill and
livelihood enhancements and improved
entrepreneurship development, sourcing and
access to financial services. 
procurement, marketing, transportation and
● NRLM has the mandate of reaching out to 100
million rural poor in 6 lakh villages across the
country. THE GIST - APR 2023 54


● In 2015, the program was renamed Deendayal

Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods
Mission (DAY-NRLM).
● NRLM rests on three major pillars – universal
social mobilization, financial inclusion and #3 SATHI Portal
livelihood enhancement.  ● The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
Implementation Welfare has launched the SATHI (Seed
Traceability, Authentication and Holistic
● It works towards bringing at least one Inventory) Portal and Mobile App, a
member (preferably a woman) from all poor Centralized Online System for seed
families into the Self Help Group (SHG) traceability, authentication and
network.  inventory designed to deal with the challenges
● The SHGs and their federations offer their of seed production, quality seed identification
members microfinance services such as – and seed certification.
savings, credit, bank linkages, insurance,
remittances, equity etc. They also About:
offer collectivization and group activities. The ● It has been developed by the National
SHGs offer social security and social action in Informatics Centre (NIC) in collaboration with
various fronts including health, nutrition, food, the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
gender, convergence etc., directly or through Welfare.
their federations. ● SATHI portal will ensure quality assurance
● NRLM facilitates the SHGs to open and system, identify the source of seed in the seed
operate bank accounts and bank linkages. It production chain. 
also facilitates access to insurance to ● The system will consist of integrated 7
members. It encourages individual members verticals of the seed chain – Research
too to open bank accounts. Organisation, Seed Certification, Seed
● As the Institutions of the Poor (IoP) mature, Licensing, Seed Catalogue, Dealer to Farmer
they are facilitated to take up Sales, Farmer Registration and Seed DBT. 
livelihoods/income-generating activities. ● Seeds with valid certification can only be sold
Beneficiaries by valid licensed dealers to centrally
registered farmers who will receive subsidy
● NRLM’s priority is to reach out to the poorest, through DBT directly into their pre-validated
most vulnerable and marginalized. It begins bank accounts.
with targeting women and they are considered
as representatives of their households. 
● In case of extremely vulnerable persons like #4
Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), elders etc.,
NRLM mobilizes both men and women.  National Quantum Mission
● The NRLM Target Households (NTH) are
● The Union Cabinet has approved the National
identified through the Participatory
Quantum Mission (NQM) at a total cost of
Identification of Poor (PIP). The PIP is a
Rs.6003.65 crore from 2023-24 to 2030-31,
community-driven process where the
aiming to seed, nurture and scale up scientific
Community Based Organisations (CBOs)
and industrial R&D and create a vibrant &
themselves identify the poor in the village
innovative ecosystem in Quantum Technology
using participatory tools. The list of poor
identified by the CBO is vetted by the Gram
● This will accelerate QT led economic growth,
nurture the ecosystem in the country and THE GIST - APR 2023 55


make India one of the leading nations in the Start-up India, Self-reliant India and
development of Quantum Technologies & Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Applications (QTA).
● The new mission targets developing
intermediate scale quantum computers with
50-1000 physical qubits in 8 years in various
platforms like superconducting and photonic #5
technology.  Parvatmala Pariyojana
● Satellite based secure quantum
communications between ground stations ● The government is planning to develop more
over a range of 2000 kilometres within India, than 250 projects with a ropeway length of
long distance secure quantum over 1,200 km in five years under Parvatmala
communications with other countries, Pariyojana.
inter-city quantum key distribution over 2000 ● The government is promoting the
km as well as multi-node Quantum network manufacturing of ropeway components under
with quantum memories are also some of the the ‘Make in India’ initiative.
deliverables of the Mission. ● The focus is on public-private
● The mission will help develop magnetometers partnership under the Hybrid Annuity Model
with high sensitivity in atomic systems and with 60 per cent contribution support by the
Atomic Clocks for precision timing, Government of India. 
communications and navigation. 
● It will also support design and synthesis of
quantum materials such as superconductors, #6
novel semiconductor structures and
Global Buddhist Summit
topological materials for fabrication of
quantum devices. Single photon ● Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the
sources/detectors, entangled photon sources inaugural session of the Global Buddhist
will also be developed for quantum Summit in New Delhi.
communications, sensing and metrological
● Four Thematic Hubs (T-Hubs) will be set up in ● The two-day Summit is being hosted by
top academic and National R&D institutes on the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with
the domains – Quantum Computing, Quantum International Buddhist Confederation. The
Communication, Quantum Sensing & theme of the Global Buddhist Summit
Metrology and Quantum Materials & Devices.  is “Responses to Contemporary Challenges:
● The hubs which will focus on generation of Philosophy to Praxis”. 
new knowledge through basic and applied ● The Summit is an effort towards engaging the
research as well as promote R&D in areas that global Buddhist Dhamma leadership and
are mandated to them. scholars on matters of Buddhist and universal
● NQM can take the technology development concerns, and to come up with policy inputs
eco-system in the country to a globally to address them collectively. 
competitive level. The mission would greatly ● The discussion at the Summit explored how
benefit communication, health, financial and the Buddha Dhamma’s  fundamental values
energy sectors as well as drug design, and can provide inspiration and guidance in
space applications. It will provide a huge contemporary settings.
boost to National priorities like digital India,
Make in India, Skill India and Stand-up India, THE GIST - APR 2023 56


UDAN scheme
● Following the four successful rounds of
bidding, the Ministry of Civil Aviation has
launched the 5th round of the Regional
67 million children missed routine vaccines Connectivity Scheme (RCS) – Ude Desh Ka
Aam Nagrik (UDAN) to further enhance the
● UNICEF in its recent report said that connectivity to remote and regional areas of
around 67 million children partially or fully the country and achieve last mile connectivity.
missed routine vaccines globally between
2019 and 2021 because of lockdowns and About the scheme
healthcare disruptions caused by the Covid-19
● In 2017, the Ministry of Civil Aviation launched
the Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS)
About: “UDAN” (Ude Desh Ka Aam Naagrik) which
aims at providing connectivity to un-served
● The report noted that more than a decade of and under-served airports of the country
hard-earned gains in routine childhood through revival of existing air-strips and
immunization have been eroded, adding that airports to make flying affordable to the
getting back on track will be challenging.  common man who want to travel to and fro
● Of the 67 million children whose vaccinations the Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities of the country.
were severely disrupted, 48 million missed out ● UDAN has a unique market-based model.
on routine vaccines entirely, UNICEF said, Airline routes are allocated to operators
flagging concerns about potential polio and selected through a competitive bidding
measles outbreaks. mechanism. 
● Vaccine coverage among children declined in ● Under the scheme, nearly half of the seats in
112 countries and the percentage of children UDAN flights are offered at subsidised fares,
vaccinated worldwide slipped 5 points to 81 and the participating carriers are provided a
percent, a low not seen since 2008. Africa and certain amount of viability gap funding
South Asia were particularly hard hit. (VGF) – an amount shared between the
● Vaccines save 4.4 million lives each year, a Centre and the concerned states.
number the United Nations figures could jump ● The scheme also offers waiver of certain
to 5.8 million by 2030 if its ambitious targets statutory charges and taxes on jet fuel to
to leave “no one behind” are met. companies in order to offer affordable
● Before the introduction of a vaccine in 1963, connectivity.
measles killed approximately 2.6 million ● The airport that will be renovated under this
people each year, mostly children. By 2021, scheme will be chosen after referring to the
that number had fallen to 128,000.  respective State government. Together with
● The slide in vaccination rates could be the State government the Central government
compounded by other crises, from climate will revive the dysfunctional and unserved
change to food insecurity. airports of the country.
● UNICEF called on governments to double ● The Airports Authority of India (AAI) is
down on their commitment to increase designated as the Implementing Agency
financing for immunization with special under this Scheme.
attention on accelerating catch-up vaccination
efforts for those who missed their shots.

#8 #9 THE GIST - APR 2023 57


Food Safety and Compliance System #11

● In its endeavour of supporting ease of doing PSLV-C55
business in procuring licenses/ registration by
● Indian Space Research Organisations (ISRO)
Food Business Operators (FBOs), the Food
has successfully launched the Polar Satellite
Safety and Standards Authority of India
Launch Vehicle C55 (PSLV-C55) mission
(FSSAI) has undertaken to translate its
carrying two Singaporean satellites from
web-based application Food Safety and
Satish Dhawan Space Center at Sriharikota in
Compliance System (FOSCOS) in Hindi,
Andhra Pradesh.
followed by all the regional languages. 
● PSLV-C55 is a dedicated commercial PSLV
About: mission of NewSpace India Limited
(NSIL), which is the commercial arm of ISRO,
● The FOSCOS is a comprehensive system for
for an international satellite customer.
registration and licensing for FBOs. 
● It is the 57th flight of PSLV, and the 16th
● It is a one-point stop for FBOs for their
mission of the PSLV Core Alone configuration
interface with the food safety regulator for all
(PSLV-CA)variant. This is the lightest version
type of compliances.
of PSLV.
● The availability of the FOSCOS application in
Hindi and all regional languages will also help About NSIL
the FBOs in getting a better understanding of
● New Space India Limited, incorporated in
the Food Safety Compliance System. 
2019 (under the Companies Act, 2013) is
a wholly owned Government of India
company, under the administrative control of
Department of Space (DOS). 
#10 ● NSIL is the commercial arm of ISRO with the
primary responsibility of enabling Indian
Power Finance Corporation industries to take up high technology space
● Power Finance Corporation Ltd (PFC) has related activities.
sanctioned a loan of ₹633 crores to Gensol ● It is also responsible for promotion and
Engineering Ltd (GEL) for purchase of 5000 commercial exploitation of the products and
passenger Electric Vehicles (EVs) and 1000 services emanating from the Indian space
cargo EVs.  programme. 

About The major business areas of NSIL include:

● Power Finance Corporation Ltd (PFC) is ● Production of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
a Maharatna company and the leading (PSLV) and Small Satellite Launch Vehicle
NBFC in Indian power sector. (SSLV) through industry;
● PFC is under the administrative control of the ● Production and marketing of space-based
Ministry of Power.  services, including launch services and
● It is classified as an Infrastructure Finance space-based applications like transponder
Company by the RBI. leasing, remote sensing and mission support
● PFC plays a crucial role in the rise of India as services; 
a global player.  ● Building of Satellites (both Communication
and Earth Observation) as per user
● Transfer of technology developed by ISRO
centres/ units and constituent institutions of
Dept. of Space; THE GIST - APR 2023 58


● Marketing spin off technologies and (23,55,055) are in rural areas and only 2.9%
products/ services emanating out of ISRO (69,485) are in urban areas.
activities; ● Top 5 States in terms of number of water
● Consultancy services. bodies are West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh,
Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Assam which
constitute around 63% of the total water
bodies in the country.
● Top 5 States in terms of number of water
#12 bodies in urban areas are West Bengal, Tamil
First-ever census of water bodies Nadu, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh and
Tripura, whereas in rural areas, top 5 States
● For the first time in the history of the country, are West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra
the Ministry of Jal Shakti has conducted the Pradesh, Odisha and Assam.
first-ever census of water bodies across the ● 59.5% of water bodies are ponds, followed by
nation.  tanks (15.7%), reservoirs (12.1%), Water
About: conservation schemes/percolation
tanks/check dams (9.3%), lakes (0.9%) and
● The census provides a comprehensive others (2.5%).
inventory of India’s water resources, including ● 55.2% of water bodies are owned by private
natural and man-made water bodies like entities whereas 44.8% of water bodies are in
ponds, tanks, lakes, and more, and to collect the domain of public ownership.
data on the encroachment of water bodies.  ● Out of all ‘in use’ water bodies, major water
● The Census also highlighted disparities bodies are reported to be used
between rural and urban areas and varying in pisciculture followed by Irrigation.
levels of encroachment and revealed crucial ● 78% water bodies are man-made water bodies
insights into the country’s water resources. whereas 22% are natural water bodies. 1.6%
● The census was launched under the centrally (38,496) water bodies out of all the
sponsored scheme, “Irrigation Census” in enumerated water bodies are reported to be
convergence with the 6th Minor Irrigation encroached out of which 95.4% are in rural
Census in order to have a comprehensive areas and remaining 4.6% in urban areas.
national database of all water bodies. 
● The information on all important aspects of
the water bodies including their type,
condition, status of encroachments, use,
storage capacity, status of filling up of #13
storage, etc was collected. It covered all the Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP)
water bodies located in rural as well as urban
areas that are in-use or not in-use. The census ● Recently, the Secretary of, the Ministry of Coal
also took into account all type of uses of chaired a meeting on the integration of the
water bodies like irrigation, industry, Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP)
pisciculture, domestic/ drinking, recreation, with the digital systems of the Ministry of
religious, ground water recharge etc.  Coal.

The key features/findings of the Census are as About Unified Logistics Interface Platform:
● It was launched in 2022 as a part of
● 24,24,540 water bodies have been the ‘National Logistics Policy (NLP)’.
enumerated in the country, out of which 97.1% ● It is designed for enhancing efficiency and
reducing the cost of logistics in India by THE GIST - APR 2023 59


creating a transparent, single-window Missiles, BrahMos Surface-to-Surface

platform to provide real-time information to all Missiles etc.
● It was emphasized that the solution should
have visibility of multi-modal transport and all #15
the existing systems should be integrated
with the ULIP system to create a National National Manufacturing Innovation Survey
Single Window Logistics Portal. (NMIS)
● It will provide real-time monitoring of cargo ● Recently, the secretary of the Department of
movement and ensure the confidentiality of Science and Technology (Ministry of Science
data with end-to-end encryption. & Technology) released the “National
There are three key components of this platform Manufacturing Innovation Survey (NMIS)
namely 2021-22: Summary for Policymakers.

● Integration with existing data sources of About National Manufacturing Innovation Survey
ministries (NMIS):
● Data exchange with private players ● It is a joint study by the Department of
● Unified document reference in the supply Science and Technology (DST) and the United
chain Nations Industrial Development
Organization (UNIDO)
● Aim of the survey: To evaluate the
#14 innovation performance of manufacturing
firms in India.
INS Imphal
It had two specific components:
● Recently, the Indian Navy’s third indigenous
stealth destroyer of the Project 15B class ● Firm-level survey: It captured data related to
undertook her maiden sea sortie. types of innovations and innovative measures
taken by firms, including the process of
About INS Imphal:
innovation, access to finance, resources, and
● It is named after India’s Northeastern city of information for innovation etc.
Imphal. ● Sectorial System of Innovation (SSI)
● The Navy’s Warship Design Bureau survey: It mapped the manufacturing
designed the ship in-house, and Mazagon innovation system and its enabling role in
Dock Ltd. (MDL) was responsible for its achieving innovations in firms.
construction. ● The SSI study measured the convergence or
divergence of current policy instruments in
select five key manufacturing sectors
● The maximum speed is 30 knots; the length is important to the Indian economy – textiles;
163 metres, while their width is 17 metres. food & beverage; automotive; pharma; and
● It has a displacement capacity of 7400 tonnes ICT.
when fully loaded.
● Major parts of the ship are made in India.
● The arsenal consists of 76mm Super Rapid #16
Gun Mounts, Indigenous Torpedo Tube
Revamped CGTMSE Scheme
Launchers, Indigenous Anti-Submarine Rocket
Launchers, Medium Range Surface-to-Air ● The Union Ministry of MSME has launched the
revamped CGTMSE Scheme. THE GIST - APR 2023 60


About: ● There are six categories of AQI,

namely ‘Good’ (0-50), ‘Satisfactory’ (51-10
● CGTMSE has been provided with an additional
0), ‘Moderately
corpus support of ₹9,000 crore in the Union
polluted’ (101-200), ‘Poor’ (201-300), ‘Very
Budget for FY 2023-24 to revamp its Scheme
Poor’ (301-400), and ‘Severe’ (401-500).
to provide guarantee for additional ₹2 lakh
● The pollutants measured include PM 10,
crore to Micro & Small Enterprises. 
PM 2.5, Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone, Carbon,
● Accordingly, the major revamp measures were
launched and disseminated to the lending
institutions.  What is the impact of these pollutants?
● The modifications included reduction in
● Among the more harmful pollutants are those
guarantee fees for loans upto ₹1 crore by
of a smaller size, such as particulate matter
50% bringing the minimum guarantee fee to
(PM) 2.5, which is an atmospheric particulate
the level of 0.37% Per Annum only. 
matter of diameter smaller than 2.5
● Another major change announced was raising
the ceiling for guarantee from ₹2 crore to ₹ 5
● It causes respiratory problems and reduces
crore and enhancing the threshold limit for
visibility. The particles can only be detected
claim settlement without initiation of legal
with the help of an electron microscope
action to ₹10 lakh.
because they are so small.
  ● Due to their size, the PM 2.5 particles
can easily bypass the nose and throat and can
easily enter the circulatory system. The
particles can also lead to chronic
diseases such as asthma, heart attack,
#17 bronchitis and other respiratory problems.
Air Quality Index
● As per Air Quality Index (AQI) data of the #18
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Delhi
has witnessed maximum number of days with CPI-IW
‘Good to Moderate’ Air Quality during the first
● The Labour Bureau has been compiling the
four months’ period of 2023 (i.e. January to
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers
April), as compared to the corresponding
every month on the basis of retail prices
period of last 07 years since 2016 (barring the
collected from 317 markets spread over 88
periods of very low anthropogenic, industrial
industrially important centres in the country. 
and commercial activities during the Covid-19
lockdown year 2020).  ● The index is compiled for 88 centres and
All-India and is released on the last working
About Air Quality Index 
day of the succeeding month. The index for
● AQI is a number, which is a measure of air the month of March, 2023 is being released.
quality. The higher the AQI, the worse the ● The All-India CPI-IW for March 2023 increased
air.  by 0.6 points and stood at 133.3 (one hundred
● The colour-coded AQI index was launched thirty three point three). 
in India in 2014, and it helps the public and ● On a 1-month percentage change, it increased
the government understand the condition by 0.45 per cent with respect to the previous
of the air and what subsequent measures month compared to an increase of 0.80 per
are to be taken to combat the situation, cent recorded between corresponding months
based on its severity.  a year ago. THE GIST - APR 2023 61


 About CPI Minimum and Maximum Limit

● Consumer Price Index is an index which ● An individual may open an unlimited number
measures the weighted average of prices of a of accounts, subject to the maximum deposit
basket of consumer goods and services such limit, and a three-month period must elapse
as transportation, food and medical care.  between the one account and the opening of
● It is calculated by measuring price changes another.
for each item in the predetermined basket of
● A minimum of Rs 1000 and any sum in
goods and services and averaging them.
multiples of Rs 100 can be deposited in an
Who maintains the Consumer Price Index in account with maximum limit of Rs 2 lakh, with
India? no additional deposits permitted.
● In India, different types of consumer price Interest on MSSC
index numbers are released by the
● The interest rate on deposits made under
government which includes:
this Program is 7.5% per year. 
1. CPI for Industrial Workers (IW) ● Interest is calculated quarterly and
2. CPI for Agricultural Labourers (AL) credited to the account. 
3. CPI for Rural Labourers (RL) 
● The Ministry of Labour & Employment collects
the data for CPI (IW), CPI (AL) and CPI (RL)
and compiles it. #20
What is the base year of an Index? Index of Eight Core Industries for March
● The CPI is calculated with reference to a base ● The combined Index of Eight Core Industries
year, which is used as a benchmark. The price (ICI) increased by 3.6 per cent (provisional) in
change pertains to that year. March 2023 as compared to the Index of
● In India, the base year of the current series of March 2022.
CPI (IW) is 2016. The base year of CPI (AL) ● ICI is released by the Office of Economic
and CPI (RL) is 1986-87. Adviser, Department for Promotion of Industry
● For CPI Rural, Urban and Combined, the base and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and
year is 2011-12.  Industry. The base year of the ICI is 2011-12.
About ICI 
#19 ● The monthly Index of Eight Core Industries
(ICI) is a production volume index.
Mahila Samman Savings Certificate
● The objective of the ICI is to provide an
● The Prime Minister has urged women to enrol advance indication on production
for Mahila Samman Saving Certificate performance of industries of ‘core’ nature.
(MSSC).  These industries are likely to impact on
general economic activities as well as
About MSSC
industrial activities. 
● In February 2023, the Union Budget ● The Eight Core Industries- Electricity, steel,
announced the Mahila Samman Savings refinery products, crude oil, coal, cement,
Certificate (MSSC), a new small-savings natural gas and fertilizers- comprise 40.27 per
scheme for women and was launched for cent of the weight of items included in the
investments from April 1, 2023. Index of Industrial Production (IIP). THE GIST - APR 2023 62


Industry Weight (In percentage): which will further foster the bilateral relations
between the two nations.
● Petroleum & Refinery production – 28.04 
● Electricity generation – 19.85 
● Steel production – 17.92 
● Coal production – 10.33 
● Crude Oil production – 8.98 
● Natural Gas production – 6.88 
● Cement production – 5.37 
● Fertilizers production – 2.63

● The 7th edition of joint military exercise
“AJEYA WARRIOR-23” between India and the
United Kingdom is being conducted at
Salisbury Plains, United Kingdom from 27
April to 11 May 2023. 
● Exercise AJEYA WARRIOR is a biennial New!
training event with the United Kingdom which DAILY Current Affairs
is conducted alternatively in the United
Kingdom and India, the last edition was held For IAS Exams
at Chaubatia, Uttarakhand in October 2021.
● The aim of the exercise is to build positive
military relations, imbibe each other’s best
practices and promote the ability to operate
together while undertaking company-level
sub-conventional operations in urban and
semi-urban environments under UN mandate,
in addition to developing inter-operability,
bonhomie, camaraderie, and friendship
between the two armies.
● During the exercise, participants will engage in
a variety of missions testing their operational
acumen in various simulated situations;
showcasing and refining their tactical drills,
and learning from each other’s operational
● “Exercise AJEYA WARRIOR” is yet another
significant milestone in defence cooperation
between the Indian Army and British Army THE GIST - APR 2023 63

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