Segment 3

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NT 3 QUESTION 2 Question 2 of 14 For points: [s3A202001 - Create the RA assembly [Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, ram, second) [Decimal places: 2 [Assembly origin: Arbitrary insert the part called Base into a new assembly and fx Ihe postion of the Base accepting the defutt position, |-Save the assembly with the name "RA" -Create a coordinate system atthe location and [orientation shown inthe firs image and rename it CS1 INote: THIS COORDINATE SYSTEM CS1 WILL BE USED ITHROUGHOUT THIS PROBLEM SET |-Measure the Center of Mass of the assembly relative to Ithe coordinate system CS1 v © X= 19904, ¥= 209787792 © X= 19904 Y= 4878, Z= 10792 QUESTION 3 Question 3 of 14 For 8 points: e [534203001 - Insert Actuatort into RA Main Assembly |Unit systern: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) [Decimal places: 2 Insert the part Actuator’ into the RA main assembly -Position and mate the Actuator! with respect to the Base las chown, Create all the necessary mates, |Note: The position of Actuatort should be fully [constrained after all the mates have been applied -Measure the Center of Mass of the assembly reativeto Ithe coordinate system CSI created earlier |What is the Center of Mass of the assembly (mm)? tose > QUESTION 4 Question 4 of 14 For8 points: (s3A204001- Insert assembly X1 into RA main assembly @ lunit system: MGS (milimeter, gram, second) [Decimal places:2 insert the X1 assembly tothe RA main assembly |-Mate and positon the XI sub-assembly as shown in to ensure that you have oriented the XI sub-assembly Jowecty INoted: 1's position shouldbe fully constrained afte all {the mates have been applied Measure the Center of Mass ofthe assembly relative to Ithe coordinate system C51 created earlier ee fetercoorintes % [—_] QUESTION 5 Question 5 of 14 For8 points: e [534205001 - Insert assembly X2 into RA main assembly lUnit systern: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) [Decimal places: 2 Lnsert the X2 assembly to the RA main assembly |-Mate and position the X2 sub-assembly as shown in the limages INote: X2's position should be fully constrained after all the Imates have been applied |-Measure the Center of Mass of the assembly relative to 1e coordinate system CSI created earlier |What is the Center of Mass of the main assembly (mm)? Outeaye maze 0 iste yeas 2-00 QUESTION 6 Question 6 of 14 Feperes ° [5A206001- Rotate sererbly 2 ad Collron Detection A Just system: MMS (miner, gram second) Joecnal paces: 2 Suppress the one mate that willow the assembly X2 ko vetate sshown inthe mages Ley Coston Detection tured ON, rotate asembly [une te toppedby the Base |vote: Only detect coliion bteen the X2asembly [and Base and ignore any otvercelisions thatmay our Measurethe angle Z (grees indicted nthe image [Note The angle wil be between 0 and 30 degrees bith meted engl dein § Enter Value: [] (use. (point) as decimal separator) QUESTION 7 Question 7 of 14 For 8 points: e [AD0TOOT- Create Caw asemby nit yters: MIMGS(miliete rom, second) [cima places: 2 Open the pre-created assembly "Claw star.sdasr Iti assembly lead has the rote pan inserted and pestioned Note: Do net mest the poston ofthe Arm plate [This pa wil serves he base pat of the assay L-sovethe stsembiy with the new name Cla! adem" Postion the aris so that they are aligned equally with leach other a shown inthe fret image ©. 7 Measure the Center of Maes ofthe assembly restive to the dfaulcrigin |whatiethe Centr of Mase ofthe Cla assembly (nm? ¥ QUESTION 8 Question 8 of 14 For8 points: e [sa20e001- Claw opening nit ystems MGS (ilineter, gram, second) [Decimal places: 2 -Usethe Claw ides arcembly you creted inthe previous question [Note The intial postion ofthe Cla assembly before Iotation ofthe Am, Geat pati the postion a defined in the previous question where the gtips ae aligned [equally to eachother -Create orremove any necessary mates to allow the lopening and mvernent ofthe Claw aezemély ae ihowa. De net mosity the potion of any ofthe Icomponents a defined in the previous question until instructed below [Note:The two Arm, Gear parts should move in# ratio of [32mm:S4mm with respect to each other as shown in image -Rotate the eft Arm_Gear tothe angle shown inthe image with respec tothe bottom of the Arm, Plate | Measure the angle X, indicated inthe image [NOTE:THE ANGLE X WILL BE BETWEEN 0 ANO 90 lbecrees Whats the measured angle, X (degrees)? v © 5106 © 7105 QUESTION 9 Question 9 of 14 For point: ° [53A200007- insert Claw nto X2 aseembly [Unie systems: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) [Decimal places:2 |-Open the pre-created assembly "X3.startsidasm" INote: Do net modify the position, esting mates, or lproperties of the 3 stat assembly. -Savethe assembly withthe new name "X3 deem" insert the Cla assembly you crested inthe previous [question into the X3 assembly |-Mate and position the Claw sub-assembly as shown, lin the images Note: Claw''s position shouldbe fully constrained after y QUESTION 10 Question 10 of 14 For8 points: e [534210001 - insert assembly X3 into RA main assembly A Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) [Decimal places: 2 |-Retutn to the RA main assembly |-Reapply or unsuppress the mate that will make the X2 lassembly parallel to the top face of the Base part insert the X3 assembly to the RA main assembly |-Mate and position the X3 sub-assembly as shown in the images INote:X3's position should be fully constrained after all he mates have been applied © X= tase y=: © x= a5 y= snes z= 10401 QUESTION 11 Question 11 of 14 For8 points: @ [S3A27T001 - Mocify 3 Mass Properties Unit system: MIMGS (milimeter, ram, second) [Decimal places: 2 | Maintain the mates and positions of all ofthe Icomponents in the RA main assembly as directed in the Jprevious question Return to the x3 subassembly INote: Do net medify any mates er component [postions in the X3 subassembly |-Modity the assembly so that X3 has the following mass lpropertes: “Mass: 9500 grams Center of mass: X = 15mm, ¥= 15 mm,Z = 10mm Measure the Center of Mass of the RA main assembly (relative tothe coordinate system CSt crested eater hc 1 Rn eyo piste The opr with spectoth eto | QUESTION 12 Question 12 of 14 For 8 points ° [S3A212001- Mate Claw with sketch SI |Unie system: MMS (millimeter, gram, second) [Decimal places:2 -Maintan the modified mass properties defined for [subassembly X3 inthe previous question -In the Base par, show sketch I sothatit becomes psi Linthe RA main assembly, suppressor delete the thees lappropriate mates thot wil allow subsssembblies XI, X2, land X3 to rotate freely in the directions 2s shown inthe jmages INote: Do not mesity any other mates or component Jpostons in the RA main assembly “Inthe RA main azembly, mate the vertex of the X2 subassembly at shown inthe images #0 that i follows ‘the path ofthe sketch ST withthe following parameters Percentage of detancefrom the end: 68% ~Piteh/Yaw Control Free “Rell Control Free [Note f the mate of the X3 subassembly and the sketch Sls applied correctly, there willbe two solutions possible. Please ensure that you have the solution ‘where no interferences occur as shewn inthe fourth image “Measure the Center of Mess ofthe BA main assembly relativeto the coordinate system CSI crested eater Whats the Center of Mas ofthe main assembly (mm)? ¥ ‘a © X= 19818 ¥2 30311, 22 8097 O X=20ig y= 30811,2= 1057 QUESTION 13 Question 13 of 14 Fars pore e [58A213001 - Interference detection Unit system: MMGS (milimeter, gram, second) [Decimal places: 2 -In the RA main assembly, modify the mate of X3 and ithe sketch St as defined in the last question so that it has the following parameters: Percentage of distance from the end: 74% Pitch/Yaw Controt: Free -Rell Control: Free -Perform an interference detection analysis on all the |components of the RA main assembly INote: All coincident components should NOT be Itreated as interferences tnervone: [—] (use. (point) as decimal separator) QUESTION 14 Question 14 of 14 For 8 points [SSA2TA001 - Replace Base part \Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) [Decimal places: 2 |.in the RA main assembly, remove or suppress the mate [between X3 and the sketch S1 as defined in the last two Iquestions, |n the RA main assembly, replace part Base with the \new part BaseB while maintaining the same mates |-Mate and position the X2 and X3 assemblies as shown lin the images /-Recreate a new coordinate system CSI in the same ‘relative position and orientation as the previous C51 if Ineeded |-Meacurethe Center of Mass of the assembly relative to he coordinate system CS1 |What is the Center of Mass of the main assembly (mm)? ¥ Enter Coordinates: N

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