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Searching for and Maintaining Peace: A Small Treatise on Peace of

By: Father Jacques Philippe
Study & following resources by Abiding Together 2019
“Peace, it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst
of those things and still be calm in your heart.” (On wall in holly rothenbush counseling office).
1. Battling for Peace (part 1, ch 1-3)
2. Fighting the Right Battle (part 1, ch 4-7)
3. How We Fight Our Battle (part 2, ch 1-6)
4. The Life I Wished I Had (part 2, ch 7-13)
5. Beauty in Our Mess (part 2, ch 14-18)
6. Keep Your Soul at Peace ( part 3)
Life is BUSY and always whirling-but God is pining for time
with you. You do as much or as little as you can carve
time for--some ideas listed below.
● Carve the time out on the calendar to meet together and build community in Christ.
● Do the readings
● Think about the group discussion questions
● Try journaling (prompts listed each week)
● Set a time for 10 minutes with God and do the
suggested Lectio Divina
● Write the quote for the week on a post-it and
put it somewhere you will see daily to ponder it
● Listen to the podcast (if you want a direct link
for particular episode to apple podcast - text
me 260-609-1105

Additional resources:
● Fr. Philippe “Christ Our Peace” retreat in
Cincinnati March 23-25
● Abiding Together’s podcast—lenten book study (will
be announced 1-20-20)
● One day at a time
● Jacques Philippe Interior Freedom -accompanying podcasts
● Retreat @st. Monica’s
○ A personal encounter with God in our prayer life
○ Prayer is Fruitful When it is an Attitude of Faith, Hope & Charity
○ Living in the Presence of God
● Lenten healing book
1. Battling for Peace S05 E09: Lent Book Study 1 - Battling for Peace


Today on the Abiding Together Podcast, Sister Miriam, Michelle, and Heather begin Lent with reflections on the book
Searching For and Maintaining Peace by Fr. Jacques Philippe. They chat about the truth that without God we can do
nothing and that searching for peace isn’t about doing more, but opening to the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
We are challenged by our calling to be peacemakers and we can’t do that if we don’t have the peace of God first
within us. We also ask, what is taking our attention away from the gaze of God this Lent?

Discussion Questions:
1. What area of life do you struggle with the most to maintain peace?
2. How can I let Jesus act in me? What are the stumbling blocks that hinder Him from acting in me?
3. God speaks in the quiet places. What are the places where you can get quiet enough to hear God?
4. Can you be a peacemaker without having peace within yourself first? Discuss.
5. What’s the one thing that keeps us from staying in the Father’s gaze?

Journal Questions Week 1-

1. Is life too much for you or too much for the Lord? Ponder and reflect on where a lie might be in this.
2. Where have you given the enemy ground to assault your heart and mind and steal your peace? How can you take
that ground back with the power of God?
3. What area do you need God to draw you close and minister to you this Lent?

Quote to Ponder:
“It would be more efficacious to remain peacefully before the gaze of God and to
allow Him to act and work in us with His wisdom and power” - Fr. Jacques Philippe

Scripture for Lectio Divina - John 15:4-5

“Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine,
neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I
in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.”

One Thing We Love This Week:

● Sister Miriam’s one thing - St. Faustina’s book Way of the Cross
● Michelle’s one thing - The book The Contemplative Rosary with St. John Paul II and St. Teresa of Avila by Dan Burke
● Heather’s one thing - The Blessed is She Shine Retreat and the reliquary at St. Tim’s parish in Phoenix, Arizona
2. Fighting the Right Battle S05 E10: Lent Book Study 2 - Fighting the Right Battle


Today on the Abiding Together Podcast, Sister Miriam, Michelle and Heather continue the conversation on Fr.
Jacques Philippe’s book Searching for and Maintaining Peace.

They discuss the importance of learning to fight the right battles and how often the enemy distracts us by enticing us
to live small stories and fight the wrong battles, which we often lose or exhaust us. We also talk about being
anchored in the identity as children of God, the power we gain from keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, and where our
true home is.

Discussion Questions:
1. Do you notice in your life that you are putting energy into small stories (battles) rather than the bigger
stories that are led by the Holy Spirit?
2. What does true healing and forgiveness look like?
3. Am I fighting my battles from a place of my identity being anchored in a beloved daughter/son of God or
do I try to fight battles on my own?
4. What are some practical ways you can you keep in the gaze of God in the busyness of life?

Journal Questions week 2-

1. What are you doing in the area of growing in personal holiness?
2. Where are you coping out of fear rather than surrendering to the Father?
3. The psalm say, my home is by your altars. Where do you often make your home instead of by His altars?

Quote to Ponder:
“Spiritual combat consists precisely in this; defending one's peace of heart against
the enemy who attempts to steal it from us” -Fr. Jacques Philippe

Scripture for Lectio Divina - John 16:33

“I have told you these things so that you will have peace in Me. In the world you will have trouble, but
take courage! I have conquered the world”

One Thing We Love This Week:

● Sister Miriam’s one thing - Pope Francis’s Lenten letter
● Michelle’s one thing - Lauren Daigle - Love Like This
● Heather’s one thing - Documentary movie about Mr. Rogers “Won’t You Be My Neighbor”
3. How We Fight Our BattlesS05 E11: Lent Book Study 3 - How We Fight Our Battles
- 👾🍎 🍎👩🏼‍💻


Today on the Abiding Together Podcast, Sister Miriam, Michelle, and Heather continue the conversation in week
three of Lent on Fr. Jacques Philippe’s book Searching for and Maintaining Peace. We talk about how fear often
causes us to self protect or hustle to escape suffering instead of trusting God. We discuss the power of making
space for God and his providence in our lives and how we can trust him when we experience suffering.

Discussion Questions
1. What is the biggest thing you fear will be lacking or absent in your life?
2. Where do you think you need to make space for God to show his abundance and his providence?
3. St John of the Cross says that God gives in the measure that we expect. Discuss that quote and how you
can grow in expectation of God’s goodness.

Journal Questions
1. What area have you been acting as though you and your own power are the answer to the problem? How
can you begin to open your heart to God there?
2. Where in your life do you need to experience how capable and powerful God is?
3. Why don’t you have confidence in God?

Quote to Ponder
“The Lord can leave us wanting relative to certain things (sometimes judged
indispensable in the eyes of the world), but he never leaves us deprived of what is
essential: his presence, his peace and all that is necessary for the complete
fulfillment of our lives, according to his plans for us.” —Fr. Jacques Philippe

Scripture for Lectio Divina - Matthew 6:31-33

“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ For
it is the Gentiles who strive for all these things; and indeed your heavenly Father knows that you need all
these things. But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be
given to you as well.”

One Thing We Love This Week

● Sister Miriam’s one thing: The song "Open Space” by Housefires
● Michelle’s one thing: The song “Awakening” by Amanda Cook
● Heather’s one thing: Peace playlist
4. The Life I Wish I Had S05 E12: Lent Book Study 4 - The Life I Wish I Had
👾🍎 -


Today on the Abiding Together Podcast, Sister Miriam, Michelle and Heather continue the conversation in week 4 of
Lent with Fr. Jacques Philippe’s book Searching for and Maintaining Peace.

We talk about the frequent human experience of wishing that we had a different life or circumstance than the one we
really have. We discuss how the enemy can block us from understanding where God is in our suffering and that the
key is to allow the Holy Spirit to change our hearts and open our eyes to a new perspective.

“The life that God gives me is where saints are made.” -Sister Miriam James

Discussion Questions
1. Where is the enemy trying to make you believe that real life is elsewhere?
2. We are not called to do life on our own. Where do you need to invite the Holy Spirit into your life to be
your comforter and guide?
3. What is one situation where you need a new perspective, given by God, on your life circumstances?

Journal Questions Week 4:

1. Do I pay attention to see how God is providing for me? How can I pay attention to my life in a deeper way and
not just go through the motions?
2. Take some time to delight in God and his movement in your life. Journal about what comes to mind.
3. In the main circumstances in your life right now, what is your heart really longing for? Take time this week to
invite God into that longing.

Quote to Ponder
“We often live with this illusion, but it’s often an error. It’s not the exterior
circumstances that must change, it’s above all our hearts.” —Fr. Jacques Philippe

Scripture for Lectio Divina – John 10:10

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it

One Thing We Love This Week

● Sister Miriam’s one thing: The documentary “Free Solo”
● Michelle’s one thing: Prayer of Abandonment
● Michelle’s other one thing: Be Brave in the Sacred, Mary Lenaburg
● Heather’s one thing: The song “Confident” by Steffany Gretzinger and Bobby Strand
5. Beauty in Our Mess S05 E13: Lent Book Study 5 - Beauty In Our Mess


Today on the Abiding Together Podcast, Sister Miriam, Michelle, and Heather continue the conversation in week five
of Lent on Fr. Jacques Philippe’s book Searching for and Maintaining Peace.

We talk about how we often cover up our weakness and sin in attempts to make ourselves more presentable to God,
but that God wants to draw near to us in our weakness and receive every part of us. We also talk about some rules
of discernment and how to abandon our will to God in total trust.

“Love is able to profit from everything, the good as well as the bad that it finds in me,
and to transform it into itself.” –St. John of the Cross

Discussion Questions
1. Do you ever feel like you need to “cover up” before approaching God? Do you feel an unhealthy sense of
guilt that keeps you from coming to Jesus vulnerably?
2. Why do you think it’s hard for you to look at your own weakness and sin?
3. What struck you about Fr. Jacques rules of discernment? How can you apply this to your life?

Journal Questions
1. How can I grow in self awareness?
2. How can I remain faithful and trusting when I’m in the desert?
3. Do I really want to live the full life that Jesus is offering with raw vulnerability instead of fear and hiding?

Quote to Ponder
“Love is able to profit from everything, the good as well as the bad that It finds in
me, and to transform it into Itself.” —St. John of the Cross

Scripture for Lectio Divina – Romans 8:28

“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his

One Thing We Love This Week

● Sister Miriam’s one thing: The song “Build My Life” by Housefires
● Michelle’s one thing: Beautiful Easter plates designed by Erica Tighe
● Michelle’s other one thing: This new Alleluia cake topper
● Heather’s one thing: The Abiding Together small groups that are meeting together!
6. Keep Your Soul at Peace S05 E14: Lent Book Study 6 - Keep Your Soul At Peace


Today on the Abiding Together Podcast, Sister Miriam, Michelle, and Heather finish up their lenten series on Fr.
Jacques Philippe’s book Searching for and Maintaining Peace. They talk about how God wants to build a house
where he dwells within us and how we are invited to be receptive and open instead of self protective. They dig into
what causes us to lose peace and ask how are we letting the Prince of Peace take care of our difficult situations in

Discussion Questions
1. What makes me lose my peace?
2. What are the things that are keeping God from creating the house that he wants to build in us?
3. Is my interior house (in my heart) a place where other people can flourish in my presence?
4. Where am I not receptive? Where is there a block in my heart and why?

Journal Questions
1. Am I really allowing Christ to be the Prince of Peace over the difficult situations or busyness in my life or am I
trying to manage it all?
2. What are other people’s experience of being around me? Do they feel safe? Do they feel loved and at peace?
(Ask a close friend who loves you and then journal and pray about it.)
3. What are the ways that you self protect and why?

Quote to Ponder
“Keep your soul at peace” – St. François-Marie-Jacob Libermann

Scripture for Lectio Divina – John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

One Thing We Love This Week

Sister Miriam’s one thing – Bishop Barron Presents with Leah Libresco (Facebook link)
● Michelle’s one thing – Think Like a Tree – Live Oaks
● Heather’s one thing – Story behind the song “As You Find Me” by Hillsong United
Sister Miriam's Lent Prayer: Lord give us the grace to surrender that one part of our heart especially that's very
troubling to you. Please help us; we can't do it on our own. We desire to surrender our entire hearts, our lives to you,
our families to you, And I just pray right now Lord that you would give us that grace please. Give us the grace to
open our hearts to you. To surrender and to allow ourselves to be loved by your tender goodness, by your
providence, by your total care of us. You see everything; you know the number of hairs on our head. You care for us.
May our Lent be a Lent of surrendering ourselves to your precious, precious and kind care. I pray that you'll heal us
of the areas of sin where we grasp. Heal us of grasping so that we can turn to you and be filled with your goodness.
That is our prayer for Lent, Lord. Please fill us to overflowing.

Sr. Miriam shared transcribed prayer from the priests homily . Here is it is:

Jesus, I am Your beloved son, I am Your beloved daughter, and I ask You right now to speak to the tender place in
my heart that wants to be filled with whatever I’m grasping at. Come encounter me right now and I’m inviting You into
this space, and I’m asking You as Your beloved son, as Your beloved daughter, to speak to me right here.

Page 74, July 2019 podcast. Fr Jacques Philippe quote -prayer

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