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James Hutton

Father of modern geology

presented by Group 4
Background of
James Hutton
James Hutton Born in June 3, 1726,
Edinburgh, Scotland—died March 26, 1797,
Edinburgh), Scottish geologist, naturalist,
chemical manufacturer, and agriculturalist,
he is commonly referred to as the founder of
modern geology and originator of one of the
fundamental principles of geology—
uniformitarianism, which explains the
features of the Earth’s crust by means of
natural processes over geologic time. He was
a great observer of the world around him.
More importantly, he made carefully
reasoned geological arguments.
Definition of Evolution
of life
James Hutton eventually came to the conclusion
that the earth was constantly forming. For
instance, molten rock is pushed into mountains,
eroded, and then the eroded deposits are washed
away. He understood that by comprehending how
current processes like erosion and sedimentation
function, one may infer the history of the Earth.
Geology was recognized as a legitimate science
because of his theories and method of researching
the earth. That is how he defines the term
"evolution of theory."
How Hutton influence
Charles Lyell

Hutton's ideas inspired Charles Darwin and

influenced him to develop his famous theory of
natural selection. Similar to Hutton, he proposed
this process was changing species in the same way
since the beginning of life and the present time.
It was said that the evolution of life has different theories
and that every historical person has contributed ideas
about the evolution of life. James Hutton gives us ideas
and plays a big part in helping us know the history of life
here on earth. This knowledge enlightened us humans
and made us aware of how life existed. James Hutton
influenced Charles to come up with the idea of
uniformitarianism, as he was a great observer of the world.
Uniformitarianism states that geologic formations are
caused by the forces that we can see operating around us.
In other words, no supernatural causes are needed to
explain geology. In that sense, he prepared the ground for
evolutionary theory.
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