One Day in A Village in East Kalimantan

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One day in a village in East Kalimantan, a phenomenon that is familiar to some people occurs.

all started when Sari was going to buy something at the shop, on her way home she saw
something weird and scary like the shape of a flying head and human innards how scary it was
when she saw something like that, she then ran very fast. with a feeling that is very very afraid
of his home.When she arrived she told her mother what she saw but her mother had no idea
what sari saw.

The next day, the women gathered to gossip, yes we all know that by gossiping we can get
information very quickly and it is common in the village. Mak Sari told what Sari saw last night,
then one of them told her that she had met a new neighbor named mbak dila. then he
suspected why mbak Dila wears a headscarf in the middle of the day, who wants to wear a
headscarf because in East Kalimantan the weather is quite hot from there then they are
suspicious and make some conclusions,

then after that it happened the next night mbak Ana who was pregnant was left by her husband
to go on patrol and her husband told mbak Ana to keep the stick (broom) in the upper position.
believed to be able to protect women who are pregnant from demons, in this case the devil in
question is kuyang who likes to eat fetuses.

Kuyang is a mystical art that is studied to gain superpowers such as longevity and immunity, but
adherents must perform rituals such as hiding their bodies behind banana trees and then their
heads and organs will fly to hunt for the fetus. The fetus will increase in strength.

At night when mrs. Ana was going to sleep she saw blood and a strand of hair, she was scared
and screamed for Mak Sari, when Mak Sari and Sari came they saw nothing. His hair and blood
were gone, all this was due to the influence of the broom stick which was believed to be able to
drive Kuyang away, and sure enough the ghost/demon was mbak Dila, but the people had
started to get suspicious and knew that Kuyang's ghost was him so he would leave the village
and he will not give up and will be kuyang forever and the story has end.


1. Wearing black clothing which is synonymous with mourning and wearing a scarf during
the day is unusual because it is in a tropical and hot country
2. people still believe in myths, for example a broomstick to drive away ghosts
3. women often gather to gossip so that any information can spread more quickly
4. the fathers in the village take turns guarding the village, or are called night patrols
The purpose of writing is to describe how the local wisdom of Javanese culture is in the Tilik
film. This study uses a qualitative descriptive study using Charles Sanders Peirce's triadic
concept which is then applied to the concept of matter of expression in the film through
scenes, characters, language and dialogue that are displayed for 32 minutes. The results
found local wisdom of Javanese culture, especially rural communities through habits that
are often faced by people in their daily lives.

The Tilik culturecarried out by Javanese women is a form of tolerance and a sense of
togetherness among residents through the attitude of teposliro. The presentation of
Javanese symbols can be seen from the characters of the film actors, the setting of the
natural beauty of Dlingo District, Bantul, Yogyakarta, the atmosphere of the highway passed
by trucks, the beauty of the rice fields, and the Javanese Ngoko of the village community can
be felt through the dialogues used in the entire film, but there are cultural values.

which is constructed and produced so as to provide an assessment that the exposure of

Javanese women presented in the film is a bit exaggerated to be a process of marking, a
practice that makes something meaningful. The conclusion is that the local wisdom of
Javanese culture, especially rural communities, is through habits that are often faced by
people in their daily live.

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