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Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City




Arvin Casiple Evan Ver V. Deza

Avaron Ascura Hans Y. Peronce

Benedict Von Mikhail G. Oliveros Khiziah Mc Joshua C. Gindap

Ethan S. Quiel Louis Michael S. Borja

May 2023


Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

A Qualitative Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School Department of
John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University (Arevalo), Inc.
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Academic Track
Pre – Baccalaureate Maritime Specialization


Arvin Casiple Evan Ver V. Deza

Avaron Ascura Hans Y. Peronce

Benedict Von Mikhail G. Oliveros Khiziah Mc Joshua C. Gindap

Ethan S. Quiel Louis Michael S. Borja

May 2023

Approval Sheet
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Academic Track
Pre – Baccalaureate Maritime Specialization


Arvin Casiple Evan Ver V. Deza

Avaron Ascura Hans Y. Peronce

Benedict Von Mikhail G. Oliveros Khiziah Mc Joshua C. Gindap

Ethan S. Quiel Louis Michael S. Borja



Practical Research 1 Instructor

Panelist Panelist

Panelist Subject Area Head


Principal, SHS Department


The researchers would like to extend their profound and genuine gratitude to the following persons
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

who have shared their knowledge, assistance, time and resources for the completion of the study:  

The researcher’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Ascura, Mr. and Mrs. Borja, Mr. and Mrs. Casiple, Mr. and

Mrs. Deza Mr. and Mrs. Gindap, Mr. and Mrs. Oliveros, Mr. and Mrs. Peronce, Mr. and Mrs. Quiel; 

Mr. Stephen B. Bajande, for acting as our adviser and sharing his time, intelligent adviser,

suggestion,  recommendations, and keeping us on the right track until the study is completed. 
And above all, to the all-powerful God almighty, who gave us wisdom, strength and perseverance to  

complete the study.

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Table of Contents 
           Background of the Study        1
Theoretical Framework       2
           Statement of the Problem                                                                                                                            3
           Significance of the Study                                                                                                                            4
           Definition of Terms                                                                                                                                     5
           Delimitation of the Study                                                                                                                            6 
               Psychological well-being of Seafarers                                                                                                    7
               Maritime Pilot well-being and Job Satisfaction 8
               Physical Working and Living Condition                                                                                                9
3       METHODS 
               Purpose of the Study and Research Design                                                                                             10
Participants 11

               Instruments                                                                                                                                              12
               Date Collection                                                                                                                                        13
               Data Analysis    14

References 15
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City




Introduction to the Study

Chapter One is divided into five parts: Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Significance of the

Study, Definition of Terms, and Delimitation of the Study.

Part One, Background of the Study, gives the overview or rationale of the research problem. Part Two,

Statement of the Problem, mentions the general and specific problems.

Part Two, Theoretical Framework, Theoretical Framework, introduces and describes the theory that explains

why research problem under study exists.

Part Three, Significance of the Study, gives the importance of the results of the study to different persons,

organizations and institutions that directly or indirectly will benefit from it.

Part Four, Definition of Terms, discusses the terms used in the study, which are defined conceptually and


Part Five, Delimitation of the Study, site the coverage and limitations of the study.

Background of the study

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

The students are already prepared in case these scenarios arise, especially because this is also a part of

their training as future seafarers, to make sure that the seafarers can handle the future effects of being away from

Their families and to prevent mental health issues.

Those who aspire to be seafarers should already be prepared for the fact that they will be separated

From their families in the future, which will likely lead to problems with their mental health like loneliness,

Sadness, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD), especially for recently graduated students.

these issues are particularly common among recent graduates and freshly assigned mariners. Nonetheless, more

Recent strategies for helping mariners have been successful Seafaring is characterized by a unique set of

which sets it apart from other occupations.(BioMed Central, 2012-2021).

This includes demanding physical working conditions, potentially hazardous tasks, long hours of work

and high levels of stress and fatigue. Seafaring is also described as a ‘lonely life’. Not only are seafarers away

from family and friends for very long periods of time, many seafarers live isolated lives while

onboard. (Gard,2018).

It is the will of the researchers, as maritime students, to perceive the mental health of ilonggo seafarers,
thus giving birth to the study.

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Theorical Framework

The Conservation of Resources Theory (COR) aims to make the best use of their time to maintain and

build resources such as time, energy, money, etc. If they somehow lose track of this or lack, this may lead to

resource depletion due to factors such as extended periods of time away from home and negative mental health.

In context of maritime mental health, this theory can be related to our study, as our study focuses on the

perceived effects of maritime contracts on the mental health of active onboard seafarers. Overall, the COR

theory can provide a useful framework for understanding and addressing the mental health challenges faced by

seafarers and promoting their well-being in the maritime industry.

To conclude, the COR (Conservation of Resources) theory emphasizes the importance of managing and

investing resources such as time, energy, and money to prevent depletion and maintain well-being. This theory

can be applied to the maritime industry, particularly in understanding the impact of extended periods of time

away from home and negative menta health on seafarers. The theory provides a framework for addressing the

mental health challenges faced by seafarers and promoting their well-being in the industry. By recognizing the

importance of resource conservation, maritime companies can take steps to improve the working conditions and

mental health of their employees, ultimately benefiting both the individuals and the industry as a whole. (Brooks

& Greenberg).

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this research aims to determine the experiences and perspective of Ilonggo seafarers in coping with

mental health issues while they are onboard.

Specifically, this aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are some coping mechanism that Ilonggo seafarers utilized to connect with their beloved ones?

2. What are the struggles in terms of mental health that Ilonggo seafarers onboard encounter while they are

active on duty?

3. What are the perceived effects of maritime contract towards the mental health of Ilonggo seafarers?

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Significance of the study

Generally, this research aims to determine the experiences and perspectives of Ilonggo seafarers in

coping with mental health issues while they are onboard.

The result of the study gives information that will help the aspiring Ilonggo maritime students to be

aware regarding the difficulties in terms of mental health of Ilonggo seafarers.

The result of the study will be beneficial to the aspiring Ilonggo maritime students for they will know how

to prepare themselves in terms of mental health, which will prompt students to eventually start building their

mental capacity.

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Definition of terms

Maritime contract--refers to the name given to a contract to do with business that is transacted on navigable

waters (Black’s Law Dictionary, 2013).

In this study, same definition is applied.

Mental health--refers to the condition of someone’s mind and whether or not they are suffering from any

mental illness (Cambridge Dictionary, 2023).

In this study, “Mental Health” refers to the wellbeing of the active seafarers.

Seafarers—seafarer as literally being someone who is employed to serve aboard any type of marine vessel

(The Mission to Seafarers, 2023).

In this study, same definition is applied.

Coping mechanism-- the thoughts and behaviors mobilized to manage internal and external stressful

situations. (Algorani & Gupta, 2022).

In this study, “Coping mechanism” refers to what Ilonggo seafarers undertake to cope up with missing

their loved ones.

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Delimitation of the study

This study aims to aims to determine the experiences and perspectives of Ilonggo seafarers in coping

with mental health issues while they are onboard. This study is limited to the level of awareness and extent of

observance of mental health of seafarers onboard due to distance from family and difficult work onboard.

Respondents were selected through interviews and experience and perceived effects on them onboard
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Chapter Two Present literatures relevant to the perceived effects of maritime contract on the mental health of
active onboard seafarers. It includes three parts: Psychological well-being of seafarers, maritime pilot well-
being and job satisfaction and physical working and living condition.

Part one, psychological well-being of seafarers

Part two, maritime pilot well-being and job satisfaction

Part three, physical working and living condition

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Psychological well-being of seafarers

It has long been said that working at sea is a "risky vocation" for both physical and mental health. Those who

engage in maritime occupations are subject to a variety of stresses at work, including as social isolation,

exposure to unfavourable physical conditions, and lengthy work hours. By compiling new research (published

between 2012 and 2021) on the variables influencing the mental health and welfare of seafaring people, this

systematic review intended to update earlier reviews. In April 2021, four internet databases were searched for

primary peer-reviewed research on aspects relating to seafarers' psychological and mental wellness or treatments

to promote such wellbeing, published in English in or after 2012. Standardized measurements of the variables

were combined with the data using thematic analysis . (University of East Anglia, 2016).

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Maritime pilot well-being and job satisfaction

Past assessments of the mental health of seafarers looked at elements that contribute to stress, the

happiness and work satisfaction of maritime pilots, as well as depression and suicide in seafarers. These have

identified anumber of risk factors for poor wellbeing, including loneliness and prolonged separation from family

and home; fatigue; a heavy workload; lengthy voyages; long working hours; rotating watch systems; brief ship

turnaround times; little notice of call to duty; environmental stressors on board, such as motion, noise, and

vibration; economic pressure; disturbed sleep; night shifts; unpredictable weather; and limited time for rest.

(Sampson, 2019).

Physical working and living conditions

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

In Sliskovic and Penezic's study, the living/working circumstances on board were the most often stated

source of job discontent (selected by participants), and the physical work environment was highlighted as a

cause of work-related ill health. Participants said that noise, vibration, ship motion, ambient temperature, bad

bedding, confined living space, ambient light, air pollution, berthing conditions, inadequate food supply,

quality, and nutrition, and poor cleanliness had a negative impact on them. More habitability-related concerns

were associated with poor sleep, poorer mood, higher levels of worry and despair, worse job-related emotional

health, and higher levels of exhaustion, according to seafarers. Nevertheless, other research revealed that the

physical work environment's disruption of emotional tiredness or drowsiness was not influenced by perception

of noise, vibration, or movements . (Research Gate, 2015).

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Chapter 3

Purpose of the study and Research Design

Generally, this research aims to determine the experiences and perspectives of Ilonggo seafarers in coping with
mental health issues while they are onboard.

1. What are the effects of maritime contract toward the mental health of active onboard seafarers?

2. What factors or events could have influenced their mental health while onboard?

3. What are some coping mechanisms does active onboard seafarers do to feel less lonely?

Phenomenology was set is this study because the researchers want to know the perceived effects of

maritime contract toward the mental health of active onboard seafarers. Phenomenology was used

through getting the life’s experiences of a certain person, their feelings and perception. This approach
could answer what the study is all about through getting insights, thoughts, and feelings of the


The participants on this study were five (5) onboard seafarers. They were selected by their jobs onboard.

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City


One set of interview guide questions was used in gathering the data. This data was then used in determining

the Coping Mechanism of Ilonggo Seafarers. The set of interview guide questions used was via zoom. It

consisted of question that is situational and can vary to the perception of the participants.

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Data collection

The interview guide questions was personally administered by the researchers. One set of interview and

guide questions was to the five (5) selected Ilonggo to know their experiences while they are onboard. The first

set is about the information about the participants and the second set is about the actual interview.

Upon the approval of the researcher instructor, preliminary activities such as validation. A letter was sent to the

legal authorities to allow the researchers to conduct an interview for the participants. With the approval, the

researchers and interviewers gave direction to the participants on how to answer at a certain question.

Participant are also assured about their secrecy and confidential identities for the given responses. Upon

receiving the accomplished answers from a set of questions participants were documented via screen recording

and their answers are comprehended, analyzed, interpreted, and examined.

Data Analysis

After gathering all the data from the participants that we interviewed via zoom, all questions were answered and

examined. We obtained useful data and information about being an active onboard seafarer, we examined and

study the data we have gathered from active onboard seafarers was analyzed and modeled using the useful

information we gathered.

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