Chem First Term

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1. Define matter
- Matter is everyrthng around us that has mass and volume (any substance that
has mass and vikume)
- Mass is defined by anything that has mass and volume
- Mass is defined by anything that has mass and olume
2. Describe the properties of a solid, liquid and gas in terms of shape, volume and
- A solid has a fixed shape, it has a fixed volume and is not compressible as its
particles are already very close together and there is no spavce for
3. State why gas is compressible
- Gas Is compressible because thr partices in gas are very far apart, therefore there
is space for the gas particles tobe compressed
- Gas is compressible because thr particles in s gaas are very far apart, this means
there is a large distance between the particles (buig intermolecular distance),
therefore gases can be compressed, which reduces their volume
4. State why liquids are not compressible
- The particles in a liquid are further apart than in solidsm however, they are still
he,d closely together and dom not have any space for further co pression
therefore they have a fixed volume
5. State why solids are not compressible
6. What does Kinetic Particle Theory state?
7. What are the 4 factors that differentiate the 3 states of matter in terms of kinetic
particle theory
8. Describe the arrangement of particles in a solid, gaseous and liquid state in terms of
kinetic particle theory
9. Describe the movement of particles in liquid solid and gaseous state
10. Describe the forces of attraction in each state
11. Describe the kinetic energy of particles in all 3 states
12. Draw a diagram showing the arrangement of particles in a solid gas and liquid
13. What is liquefication?
14. Describe the heating curve of ice to liquid in term of KPT
15. Describe the cooling curve of water to ice in terms of KPT
16. Define deposition and sublimation
17. Name 3 volatile liquids
18. Define evaporation. Why does it happen?
19. Why does sanitizer feel cold on your hands?
20. State 3 differences between boiling and evaporation
21. Define condensation
22. Define condensation in terms of KPT
23. How does sublimation occur?
24. Name 3 examples of substances that can sublimate
25. Why does sublimation occur?
26. Name the processes that are endothermic
27. Name the processes that are exothermic
28. Define diffusion
29. Diffusion occurs until the mixture becomes __________
30. State the 2 factors that affect diffusion in gas

1. Define element. What can it be classified into?
2. Define atom. Name the elements that only exist as atoms
3. Define molecule
4. Define compound
5. State where diatomic molecules can be found
6. State an triatomic molecule
7. State a polyatomic molecule
8. What can a compound be made of
9. Define mixture
10. State 4 differences between mixtures and compounds
11. What are the subatomic particles of an atom?
12. What are their relative masses
13. Define relative mass
14. Define isotope
15. Define ionic bond
16. Define an ion
17. Define radioisotope
18. State the uses of a radioisotope
19. What is the structure of an ionic compound
20. State 3 properties of an ionic compound
21. Define covalent bond
22. State the 2 types of covalent compounds and describe their structure
23. Molecules of the same elements are called________
24. Molecules of different elements are called __________
25. State 3 properties of simple covalent compounds
26. What are organic compounds (carbon based compounds)
27. State 3 properties of giant molecular compounds
28. Define allotrope
29. Diamond and graphite are ________ of carbon
30. Describe structure of a diamond
31. Draw structure of diamond
32. What is diamond used for?
33. Why does a diamond have a high melting point
34. Why does a diamond not conduct electricity?

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