C.R.E Four

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Republic of south Sudan

Mercy International school

Q1: Answer the following questions

1) What is the bible?


2) What does exodus mean?


3) What does gospel mean?

4) What does Evangelist mean?

5) Who was Matthew?


Q2: circle the correct answer

1) The Old Testament is written in --------------

a) Arabic b) Hebrew c) k-Swahili

2) Leviticus is called the book of

a) atonement b) sin c) peace
3) ---------------is the book of wilderness

a) Moses b) numbers c) old testament

4) ---------------is the book of remembrance

a) Deuteronomy b) exodus c) Genesis

5) the four writers of the New Testament bible are called ---------------
a) sailor b) believers c) evangelist
Q3: Write (true) or (false)
1) the old testament is made up of 39 books ( )
2) there are five offerings in Leviticus book ( )
3) Deuteronomy do not shows the blessing of obedience ( )
4)Evangelist means usher of killer ( )
5) the bible contains 40 books ( )
6)Matthew ,mark, Luke are called the synoptic gospel ( )
7)the synopsis portrays in meditation and communion ( )
8)there are twelve feast ( )
9)the word ‘’kingdom’’ occurs 55times in Matthew ( )
10)Exodus tells us of the redeeming work of a sovereign god ( )

Q4:Explain the following :-

a) the main purpose of the spirit ------------------------------------
b)what does sacrifice and feast spoke of

c)mention the names of important persons in numbers book


d)list the five offerings

a)in few words describe the books of old testament

b)draw the bible

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