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(Prof ED)

Frances Naomi A. Javier


Dear Santo Niño,

I’m studying for the exam and help me to understand thelessons

and retain the information’s. Oh Senior Santo Niño guide me as I
study this review materials give me courage, strength, strong
determination and will. Give me techniques on how to study in
order to recall all of the information from Gen Ed, Prof Ed and most
especially to my Major which is the TLE. I hope that through the
review center I can gain additional information and retain the
lessons what the lecturer had discussed. Senior Santo Niño
enlighten my mind, give me a healthy body, soul and spirit. Guide
me to the right direction towards success and throughout my
whole life. I’m sorry for all my sins that I’ve done in this world,
Señor Santo Nino please forgive. I know that I’m not worthy to take
this examination but I know that with my hard work, perseverance
and determination I know that I can make it! Senior Santo Niño I
humbly ask for your powerful prayers. Please help me on my
examination, give me the wisdom, courage to face all the
consequences of my life. Help me to become a successful passer in
the Licensure examination for professional teachers. Help me to
understand the questions so that I can answer properly and
correctly. May you guide me as a start to answer the question with
no doubt until the last day of the examination. Help me
Oh Senior Santo Niño! Guide me as I took the upcoming board
exam. Help me to pass the board exam for BLEPT with flying colors.
Show me and help me. Its only in you and through your help that I
can do this and will continue to be successful in this field. I need
your help for today, and everyday. I promise to visit you again
before and after the examination. May you grant my prayers and
petition. Guide me to achieve my desire goal in life.and protect me
from any wrong doings. We praise and

glorify you. In Jesus Name . Amen.

Viva Pit Señor

Date Session Facilitator Important My points to My Strategies in
Topic Takeaways Improve in the Improving
(Bullet Form) Topic Performance in the
February The Brenda B. Teaching is a I need to I must practice
11 , 2023 Teaching Bacani LPT, vocation. practice more being punctual and
Profession PhD. and act as a formal in front of
& the You must love teacher. my future-co-
Teacher what you are workers.
and the doing because I must lessen
School it can boost my fun side and Always follow the
curriculum your learning use it wisely. code of ethics.
much better. Being funny Since , the end
can make your doesn’t justify the
Teachers must students feel at means. I MUST
follow the code home and they FOLLOW THE
of ethics wouldn’t even CODE OF ETHICS
because it’s bother to STRICTLY.
like the bible respect you and
for teachers. your subject. I must execute my
profession dor the
betterment of the
school , parents and
the administration
because we’re
honing the future of
our country.


Date Session Facilitator Important My points to My Strategies in
Topic Takeaways Improve in the Improving
(Bullet Form) Topic Performance in the
February Facilitating Marie Vic F. It is impossible As a Teacher Hold participants
4,2023 Learning Suarez, PhD to exaggerate you must responsible for their
how important establish a learning and on task.
it is to facilitate setting that maximize the
learning. encourages chances for
Facilitating learning. Offer interaction and
learning is a training amongst
strategy that participants.
participants a
leaders and fun learning
instructors may experience.
use to create a Hold
skilled participants
workforce that responsible for
will be able to their learning
drive society and on task.
for years to maximize the
come. chances for
interaction and


Date Session Facilitator Important My points to My Strategies in
Topic Takeaways Improve in the Improving
(Bullet Form) Topic Performance in the
February Methods Mark Gleen The teacher's These courses Real advancements
18, 2023 and Cidro, choice of ways are ideal for in pedagogy won't
Strategies MAEd to clearly connecting with occur unless equity
of Teaching explain the other like- and the holistic
subject content minded development of the
is called the educators and students we produce
teaching exchanging are prioritized over
method. information and teaching as a matter
Teaching ideas that may of skill,
strategies are a be applied to performance,
collection of your teaching planning, or even
several practice, as design
teaching educational
techniques methods and
used by the legislation are
instructor to continuously
impart being updated.
and they might
change from
session to


Date Session Facilitator Important My points to My Strategies in
Topic Takeaways Improve in the Improving
(Bullet Form) Topic Performance in the
March The Child Algie This course To promote We may learn more
4,2023 and Juridico, examines the healthy growth about why children
Adolescent MAEd biological, and develop in certain
Learners linguistic, development, ways by researching
and cognitive, they have them, as well as the
Learning social, and demands that most efficient
Principle emotional must be strategies to support
elements of satisfied on a their development
child and physical, into responsible
adolescent psychological, adults who can
development and social level. contribute positively
with a Long-term to society.
particular effects on the
emphasis on kind of adults
the most recent they will
research and become depend
theory in these on how well
areas. parents,
and society are
able to address
Date Session Facilitator Important My points to My Strategies in
Topic Takeaways Improve in the Improving
(Bullet Form) Topic Performance in the

March Educational Ramon B. To enhance Gives teachers Demonstrate to your

11,2023 Technology Cristobal, teaching and more resources teachers the
for MAEd learning, the to help possibilities for
Teaching field of students. In collaboration that
and research addition to technology offers,
Learning known as materials like not just with
educational textbooks and colleagues but also
technology worksheets, with pupils. The
looks at the technology potential for
process of provides enhancing teaching
assessing, teachers with a and learning using
planning, variety of tools the collaborative
developing, to aid pupils in tools that come with
implementing, comprehending integrating
and evaluating the subject technology into the
the matter better. classroom is vast
instructional and varied.
students, and
the learning

Date Session Facilitator Important My points to My Strategies in
Topic Takeaways Improve in the Improving
(Bullet Form) Topic Performance in the
March 18, Assessment Prof. In order to Assessments By connecting
2023 of Learning Yonardo assess student should student performance
Gabuyo, learning, incorporate to particular
PhD instructors learning, learning objectives,
must form grading, and teachers may use
conclusions student student evaluation to
about student incentive. gauge the success of
learning and Effective their instruction. As
communicate evaluation a consequence,
those techniques give educators may
conclusions to important institutionalize
parents, other insights into successful
teachers, and student pedagogical
students learning. They decisions and
themselves in inform us of change unsuccessful
connection to what kids have ones.
the standards- learned, their
referenced level of
framework of understanding,
syllabuses. and their areas
of difficulty.
Date Session Facilitator Important My points to My Strategies in
Topic Takeaways Improve in the Improving
(Bullet Form) Topic Performance in the
March Curriculum Roselyn Vea The term The creation of is to assist students
25,2023 Development Damasco, "curriculum a successful in creating a
LPT development" curriculum meaningful
refers to all the guide is a connection with the
methods a multi-step, subject matter. The
training or continuous, and concentration and
teaching iterative retention of the
organization process. curriculum will
uses to Evaluation of enhance via active
organize and the current learning, creating a
direct learning. program is stimulating learning
Group or lone followed by the environment.
learners may creation of a
participate in better program,
this learning. It implementation
could occur of a new
inside or program, and
outside of a evaluation of
classroom. the updated

Date Session Facilitator Important My points to My Strategies in
Topic Takeaways Improve in the Improving
(Bullet Form) Topic Performance in the
April Field Ronilo P. Action Present the Look into the issue's
1,2023 Study/ Antonio research is study's findings potential causes.
Teaching centered on with a thorough Create an answer to
Internship finding a audit trail of the issue. Put the
and Action solution or supporting suggested fix into
Research advancing evidence. action. Be sure to
personal and Create a well- keep an eye out for
collective written report how the answer is
knowledge in a that explains put into practice.
way that the research Action research
influences process, produces
instruction, presents the information about
learning, and study's inquiry in realistic
other related findings, and educational
activities. discusses their environments. With
implications for the aim of
instructional advancing
practice. personally or
Join a professionally,
collaborative action research
learning group enables educators to
and show that learn through their
you understand activities. The
its worth by action research
participating in approach is
it. distinctive in
educational research
because it is


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