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 Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University   
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Tel/Fax (044) 791-0153

Beliefs on teaching and


(Pre and Post)

Beliefs on teaching and learning (Pre)
Learning, in my opinion, is a necessary, innate, continuing, and lifelong process. As a future
teacher, I hope that everyone can learn and that reasonable expectations that challenge all learners are
maintained. They must also be able to express their enthusiasm for learning and see all interactions as
chances to teach and learn. Because the fundamental goal of assessment is to increase learning, it gives all
students the opportunity to showcase what they know, value, and can accomplish. I also believe that
learning is a process of making sense of the world, thus we should be concerned with understanding
development and acknowledge that concepts are built and subject to question or revision. We must
identify and adapt to individual variances and learning styles since learners are unique and accountable
for their own learning. We, too, must show concern and understanding for each learner, as well as include
and optimize the participation of students of various skills and backgrounds. Learning also requires the
ability to link previous knowledge, perceptions, or patterns of experience with new experiences,
information, and settings. To do so, we must look for ways to draw on the diverse personal, social, and
cultural experience, knowledge, and abilities that learners bring to new learning. Learning is improved
when students are aware of how they think and learn (meta-cognition), which gives them more control
over their learning. As a result, we must clearly teach thinking and learning techniques as well as model

In learning and teaching I believe that we should high our standards. Yes, it is hard for our
students to meet our expectation but, for them to learn is to challenge them in different activities which
can be their experience for their daily lives. As a future teacher, I will do my part to transfer all the
knowledge I learn. It will be a help for the individual to achieve their goals in life and help them for their
future dreams. To do it, we should create an environment where every learner able to conquer even if they
have diversity in beliefs, cultures and learning abilities. As our saying at Bulacan State University
(BULSU) no student left behind. As a mentor we should encourage and gives confidence in are learners
for them to be appreciated that they are doing great. We can also create different style in learning where
we can observe or assess their strengthens and weaknesses. Strengthens for them to sharpens their skills
and talents that capable to be their tools on what tract or path they want to be and to recognize their
weaknesses and turn them to be their strengthens. We should not only focus on their academic
performance but also in their attitude towards to other. Emotional quotient (EQ) serves a huge part in our
students because we are creating learners that value their beliefs and culture of the country. Not only the
brain but also the heart which we should feed by teaching them. We should let them go outside, set them
beyond their limits and experience different things they should know like what Lin Pernille said “Never
stop learning because life never stop teaching.”.
Beliefs on teaching and learning (Post)
As a student and future teacher, I feel that keeping a high level of motivation in the classroom is
one of the most effective strategies to speed up the learning process. While students have their own
reasons for learning, we will play a critical part in assisting learners in maintaining and increasing their
motivation. Students' confidence can also be boosted through innovative instructional methods. Showing
learners how the class subject matter links to their own lives and the actual world is part of creative
teaching. This can assist them in gaining a stronger sense of purpose. I believe that getting to know our
potential students and knowing about their backgrounds will assist us in developing the most relevant
lesson plans. Tasks, in my opinion, should be tough but doable for pupils. Students believe they are not
developing in their language acquisition if an assignment is not demanding enough. As a result, kids may
get bored and disengaged from the instruction. Students, on the other hand, may grow frustrated if tasks
are too difficult. As a future teacher, we must also establish a favorable environment that allows kids to
learn more. Students' ability to learn will be hindered if they are afraid to participate in class discussions.
In the classroom, I believe it is necessary to create a helpful and comfortable environment. I strive to
accomplish this by encouraging students and giving them plenty of positive feedback. Instead of whole-
class discussions, I attempt to personalize every lesson topic and construct pair and group exercises.
Finally, continuous reflection and review can aid in the upkeep of good teaching standards. We should be
able to reflect on and analyze our own teaching techniques on a regular basis. We may feel "stuck" in our
routines and less motivated to educate after working for a long time. We should strive to attend different
training sessions or webinars organized by our university or the Commission on Higher Education in
order to keep on track and learn about some of the latest trends in education. We can also subscribe to a
number of fantastic blogs that offer a variety of inspiring lesson ideas.

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