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Illilitililtillll ililtIIiltill 401 0

ll Sennester 3 Years LL"B. Examination, March/April 2021


Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks:80

Instructions : '1. Answer allfive Units.

2. One essay type question and a short note/
problern is compulsory from each Unit.

I ffIlli Tffi ;''# ilffi$.JilXi"*,, either in

English or in Kannada.


Q. No. 1. (a) Explain the conditions restraining alienation and

enjoyment. ltlarks : 10
ddqDd d:d: erdrzf,nedd$ &uro6-a:d ddtddd)

Q. No. 1. (a) What is condition precedent and condition subsequent ?
Explain the rules relating to tl'rc pe#ormance of these
conditions. I\Iarke ' 1O

dBdrpa dd* dr* doddd dd* aodded: ? dl

dddJdd dddeodri dor^:ot'dg po$drddd: ado:,.
Q. No. 1 . (b) 'A' mortgages his propefiyto 'B' by a registered instrument,
but retains the property in his own possession. 'A' then
sells the property to 'C', who is not aware of the modgage.
Has 'C'constructive notice of the mortgage ? Marks: 6
'a'oJ:: d{ {gq dneod$ dgd C>oe-:d 'e}'ri erddDd
'D'otu evdodd t: {EA. sddndd uri 39o$d "ad:d
'*'d d:ad>aod. 'ti'od:: eddndd url aFqd doeuSeid:
dooOenodoS:e ?

4010 -z- IilllfiililIillll ilil!tilti|l!

Q. No. '1. (b) Write a note on Rule of Acceleration. lViarks : 6

deddfrrdo$ poi)$d ,{ usdsd udos:0.


Q. No.2. (a) Discuss the provisions of the Transfer of Property Act

which regulate improvements made on immovable
propefiy by bonafide holders under defective title.
Marks : 10
dJad*, dne)eddod ioaudan qrEddd
Ad{gd eQ{qosq
DoJ:ogiod 4* dsaoddd ere&odrc>d en:dz;odddq

Q. No. 2. (a) Explain the doctrine of part performance and discuss the
principle underlying this doctrine. Marks : 10
eprld: dddeod x,,oa"oddd: adox, dr* €i tuemodd
bqeJoir0J$# dddd uri a3zir:r.
Q. No. 2. (b) Writeanoteonapporlionmenibytirneandappoi'tionrnent
by Estate. Marks : 6
drsEpaod doasd d>Q *A se?od dor,SdoJ: u:ri [J{d
Q. No. 2. (b) Write a note on transfer by a Co-owner. Marks: 6
id-*a0CCIod ohoddd
uri r"3dsd udor:o.

uNrT - ilr

Q. No. 3. (a) What is mortgage ? Explain different kinds of mortgages. Marks : 10

erddnd aodded: ? ilad oego$ erddndrldd: adon.
Q. No, 3. (a) Explain the rights and liabilities of moftgagee. Marks: 10
erddnd dricbdradlddd d** ** dro#rrodddq
Iilfiilililililllilitlllifft -3- dt010

Q. No. 3. (b) Write a note on priority of securities. Marks. 6

qJdddd udrdos: u{ t^l{ee udos:o.
Q. No. 3. (b) 'A' mortgages his land to 'B' with possession for 5 years.
The rent and profits to be set-off against interest. The
mortgage deed further provided that if the mortgage was
not redeemed within a period of 20 years from the due
date, the mortgagee should treat the Iand as sold to him
absolutely. 'A' filed a suit for redemption after 20 years
from the due date. Will he succeed ? Marks: 6
'a' aou::dd: dq qJlotuo$q 'E' oorudCIri occl:
ddrd udpzi etdd>d d>a edori xnoeedd
alq dd dnd;qd. doaod d.d uDari ab* enr.J
,aJ dodoo#d,d:. uaHndddl CIdro:,d adaod
20 ddrdodrl adoe*xrdodoadd uddludd>d rooolr:
ddri -'a,aeroJnfl $oeO sfld aoru$aan doriediu*d)
aod: sdd>d dgd% udniond:. 'A'ol:: Adrond
adaod 2A ddrdd dodd aaioea3oa esad dnd:oqd.
edoS ao$oO srrbdde ?


Q. No. 4. (a) Explain the rights and liabilities of Lessor and Lessee. Marks: 10
rlesd dDdddd $dl rie$oadd dq n$* zoddrlddl

Q. No. 4. (a) What are the essentials of Gift ? Explain when gifts are
revocable ? h/larks : 10
aadd oaidrddrf$ dDdd ? obmd eoddda: dei>
dndz^:d:* ?
Q. No. 4. (b) Distinguish sale.
sale from contract of Marks : 6
dncnulddl dnoao^l dnds: dnadood doao&od

4010 -4- ililillilililIlllffifiilfit

Q. No. 4. (b) Write a note on Universal Donee. Marks: 6

Sdrqd:, aad ddddd u{ r:dsd udos:o.


Q. No. 5. (a) Define Trust. Explain the duties and liabilities of Trustee. Marks: 10
sn ddq doqaai. oardqEoo$ ddrd, d:* drDdriEoddd$4

Q. No. 5. (a) Explain the rights and liabilities ol a beneficiary under
lndian Trust Act. Marks: '10

qnd.Beod: oarddd aaC.:o$O_ dod:z;naoJ: dd? d:*

zmddddd: adoxr.
Q. No. 5. (b) Write a note on appointrnent of Trustees. Marks :5
oariqaodd deC:o8ol: u{ e,:{rd udosro.
Q. No. 5. (b) Write a note on disabilities of Trustees. Marks: 6
oardqiDodd eoSoerr$ddd u{ ei{d e^:douo.
ll Semester 3 Years LL.BJVI Sernester 5 Years B.A.LL.B. (Mai.-Min. System/
B.B.A.LL.B./B.Com.LL.B. Examination, October/Novemb er 2A21
Duration : 3 Hours MIax. Marks: g0
lnstructions : 1. Answer any five Questions from group (a), each
question carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any five Questions from group (b), each
question carries 06 marks.
3. Answer should be written either in English or
Kannada completely.
Q. No. 1. a) Define transfer of property. what are the essentials of a
valid transfer ? Marks : 10
eJ& drrdrddo$dl atoa:n,&tu. uoej: enndrd dnqoddd
a 3

Q. No. 1. b) write a note on spes successionis. Marks : 6

eru$mqradC sdo$ ud e"od: r^3id udouo.
Q. No. 2. a) Discuss the rule against perpetuity and state the exceptions
to this rule. Marks : 10
ad"ddo$ ad:{d eo$aildd} zizsr:r rbe €r &oird)Ed
.aaS* etdooddBdl ee,rr. R
Q. No. 2. b) Write a note on vested and contingent interest. Marks : 6
ebd abd: erd$ond aadtdd uri z.ocb Ll{rd zodor:o.
Q. No. 3. a) who is an ostensible owner ? when is a transferee from
an ostensible owner protected against the real owner ? Marks : 10
doeod udo$oad: ? doeod z"dC:&od dnardd
ddcJE$ri oinmd &wamd udo$d eeqq$d"dargd?
Q. No. 3. b) Write a note on doctrine of election. Marks : 6
uob* Rroo"odd u{ rocb pi{rd udou:o.
Q. No. 4. a) "Every transfer of immovable property made with intent to
defeat or delay the creditors shall be voidable at the option of
creditors so defeated or delayed". Discuss. Marks : 10

dnad $edlaocb Ad #d @odd{ afre.randoerfrm

Ddourto od uJ:rocndd d: dri' dn {dded ecJ:aa nbd d.,,

Q. No. 4. b) Write a note on doctrine of Lis pendens. Marks : 6
edrdranda&d oado1: Aroa"odd uri uod: ["3{ed udouo.
Q. No. 5. a) state the circumstances under which the conditions
imposed by the Mortgagee amounts to clog on the right of
redemption. Marks : 10
erdCnd idddpoC D6dqq &a:rofrddc olDd
iodgrdde- ed*nd Dcoedioai*i dr*d $eei erdoddqnrbdd
;loauddl Se:r.
Q. No. 5. charge.
b) Write a note on Marks : 6
drpod* uri uocb sid udolro.
Q. No. 6. a) Explain the doctrine of Marshalling and contribution In
fulortgages. Marks : 10
eddndde_ gd: Crarou:i",:ad d:d: do8ri d*ddq adot.
Q. No. 6. b) Distinguish Mortgage by conditionar sare and sale with a
condition to repurchase. Marks : 6
ddgd dncno,:ooercd efoed $* s&n Eodood ddgd
J_*(a _JJd6
c^!dUdeJ oJd9dnd.

Q. No" 7. a) Explain the rights and liabilities of seller and buyer before
completion of sale. Marks: 10
dnmt^1fl dpearrtedood d;odq: Cnoao:rod abd)
dnod:dndgddd ddo* d:Q zodddddl adotu.
Q. No. 7. b)A debenture is issued from a public company to ,A,. ,A,
sells and transfers the debenture to 'B'. ls the debenture
in the hands of 'B'valid ? Marks : 6
z"oc> xadraOd dodO z"o& aeiozdddl ,A, ri eed;$d.
'A'CD €r EziozSddf,'B' ri dnoauod abroed droror:ioqd.
'B' oi) z^:g .a&d €s AzJozSo tot';aaAdobe ?
Q. No. 8. a) Define Lease. Explain how a rease of immovable property is
determined. Marks : 10
"5araDr0e. AcnlC,aodd rierdoJ:: deri
ero8dJrtrod*9* f adol.
,A' has shares in 'X'company running in profit and
Q. No. 8. b)
,y' company running in loss. He makes a gift of all his shares i n
both the companies to 'B'. 'B', accepts the shares in 'X'
company, but refuses to accept shares in 'Y' company'
Can he do so ? Marks : 6
'A' e>t/d0- roe-:do$O-dJd 'X' dod0o3:O- dc+ d{d0a
zae.:dooqd:d 'Y' dodoo$o- dedlrlddl dooa{p. e#$
addo dodOdd oeD,.o ded:ridd1 oadamn 'B' ri OedryC
'B'cJ) 'X' dodpo$ Ae**0a1,.#Josbred' qrdd 'Y' dodood>
ded:rtdd1 xgedoie-r: ooadoioqd. e,d$ oari dndud:de ?

e. No. g. a) Discuss the various types of trusts as given in the lndian

Trusts Act. Marks: 10
qndoeos: oard eQ0o$d)dO- inzldend eed urlob
oaridddl adon.
Q. No. 9. b) Write a note on creation of trust' Marks : 6
N.rdd xio*ddoS: $qF udouro.
"{ Marks : 10
Q. No. 10. a) Explain the rights and liabilities of a trustee.
.% oaricDocl d$d d>* *Cdriddl adorr'
Q. No. 10. b) Write a note on extinction of trust' Marks : 6

Nn id eodrrtodorado$ u{ ${td udou:o'

Il|liltililrililrilfl iltll1 401 0

ll Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, April/May 2O22 (Dec. 2A21)

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

lnstructions : 1. Answer any five questions from group (a) each question
carries 10 marks.
2. Answers any five questions from group (b) each
question carries 6 marks.
3. Figures to right indicate marks.
4. Answer should be written completely either in English
or Kannada.
Q. No. 1. a) "Condition repugnant to interest created is void".
Explain with exception. Marks : 10
lra - J * #^J r!++{ <<.Q^^f J
lt-irirryJr-v a.;r -LJ JJrc- ;j:J. (J;-!vCvllYJ:U(JIl
1<r,9 .
l^l C^l \J

Q. No. 1 . b) lmmovable propefi. Marks : 6

::rJ (J r,3J .
A ;rr
Q. No. 2. a) Explain the provisions governing the direction for
accumulation of lnconne. Marks : 10

I:s*Jil-f\ C.D&5 .a:;-5ftl- e-,rJJ";Jd G dJ
l:l:i;ilVir* iib:,.
Q. No. 2. b) 'A', grandson of 'B', is expecting iegacy under'B's will.
During the life time of 'B', 'A' transfers his expectancy to
'C'. ls it valid ? Marks : 5
'A':;JJ, 'B'i ie5:il,
'B' . rJ33Jt iFcJJg_ mCil
loedej:Ocad" 'B'S
a\ r tj
dei,g a;-*0 'A' ciJJ gd
ct leedoJ:d:
o"\ q.
r/\1 -i n<ai <\ a^ a{-:"-tr (,).Ja ij q.-?-._- 9 9.
\z ( I --
OJry:-9lJ:ru)v_iJ. ^eUJr J -dwf (,aidrvl Cw^Jlr'

Q. No. 3. a) Explain doctrine of election. Marks : 10

s:i.:dact;,mcUii: -fbi,.
Q. No. 3. b) Doctrine of apportionment. Marks : 6
-:!^e12 9-r:i
LlJvOUe ,!U.Js.rn.

401 0 Iiilllllilllflilltiltlflllll

Q. No. 4. a) Explain the provisions governing the transfers made by

unauthorised persons who subsequently acquire interest
in the property. Marks : 10
c:oJ:9_ f:gU ;sDi* St:;:;; u-,?6,9 SjqfiEc;ad
6FJlcgud u-c;iJ5 ic]:5:ilr-.i,;5b1,.

Q. No. 4. b) Ostensible owner. Marks : 6

it:Oz:r: ;i:J:.
Q. No. 5. a) Define Mortgage. Explain the various kinds of Moftgages. Marks . 10
=6C;istr; ffirarr",r,.
gi5;,i; ;we rrt.dilt'-J .rldDi,.
Q. No. 5. b) Right of redemption. Marks : 6
i*tedcn d6:_.

Q. No. 6. a) What are the liabilities of a Mortgage in possession ? Marks : 10

3zoa d,'rced esadtid iei-ri ae#naodilEdQ ?
Q. No. 6. b) Subrogation. Marks: 6
)_ J-
:L.,ic'- :.ia- ,

Q. No. 7. ,) Wf',at are the modes of determination of leases ? Marks : 10

n:fiC;-: ,"r--*6:,:JJnC;:i,:5 ^.,:^rF wQiinqJ 3J}Jdld :
Q. No. 7. b) Onerous gift. Marks : 6
lJ:d*)d Gi.
Q. No. 8. a) Define 'gift'. Explain the principles relating to revocation
of a gift. Marks : 10
6 _--- - _9_1
utraJJ^J:Jvo jJr-JJe-a_n, eJucJ(' ^J-i
.u-.r^JLCi.AJ_:.JOI I ^J-AJ;(.J.dCJ
-JJJ- -J4

.. (^l-
^ ^J\--J-JJ-
*.t-,) / ):l :J* .:". $ Od.

Q. No. 8. b) Exchange. Marks : 6

- * _J\^_\
iaJ(. iu).- v& ,

Q. No. 9. a) Explain the statutory powers of a trustee. Marks : 10

si.iDiO3f,l 5DI-?J; UQeOnqf,Q{
:?Ja \J . -6

Q. No. 9. b) Extinction of trust. Marks : 6

.D".id uo9. no'#.:&ii.
Q. No.10. a) Explain how a trust is created. Marks : 10
ien oa-.13Dru36 gEi,.
Q. No. 10. b) Appointment of Trustee. Marks : 6
:i- c ^Jr J-r-- o
!.J. ^J ewiJ _\,\J
- cJ r-:.UOd.9.

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