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Td Na Pat LT /ObsidianSoft 1(0)] lobsidiansoftapps Qosisianson 'w and Rockies are mountain ranges. Mounia \ A mountain is a form of land that rises high above its surrounding area. It usually has steep slopes and a rounded or sharp peak. A group of mountains is called a range. Himalayas, Alps, Veicane l # volcano is a mountain with an opening on its top. There ' is molten rock called magma | below this mountain. When | pressure builds up, the ' volcano erupts and magma | comes out. The magma that | \ \ \ An island is an area of land that is surrounded by a : body of water such as a | lake, river or sea. A group | of islands is called an | archipelago. ' \ \ \ lobsidiansoftapps Hill l A hill is a form of land that is higher than the | surrounding area but | shorter than a mountain. It | doesn't have very steep : slopes. It does have a | summit which is its highest | \ \ ' \ \ h point. A desert is any large area of land that gets very little rain each year. Very few animals and plants can survive in a desert because it is very dry. Deserts can be sandy or rocky. Hills in a sandy desert are called sand dunes. Clif A cliff is a vertical or very steep natural wall of rock. | A cliff can form on coasts, | along rivers and on the | sides of mountains. Cliffs | that form on coasts are | i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 Desert called sea cliffs. Qovsisianson @ rovsidiansettapps ‘hy bats live in them. , Cave \ A cave is a natural hollow © space under the ground or on the side of a mountain, hill or cliff. The opening of a cave is large enough for a person to enter. Caves are dark places and animals like Forest A large area with many trees is called a forest. Forests are very important as the trees produce oxygen that all living things need. A jungle is a very thick forest with trees, A plain is a large area of land that is mostly flat. A prairie is a type of plain that is covered with grass. Tundras are plains where the ground is frozen. They are mostly found near the i North Pole (Arctic). Qovsisiansost @ rovsidiansottapns ' e Oasis | An oasis is a green, fertile place surrounded by a dry land such as a desert. There is usually = an underground water source that provides water to the plants in an oasis. People stop at an oasis for resting and drinking water while traveling through a desert. ~~ Peninsula A peninsula is a form of land that sticks out into the | water but is still connected | to the land. It is | surrounded on three sides ' by water so it is different | ' ' ' from an island. Valleys are deep areas that lie between hills — or mountains. Most valleys are created by streams or rivers flowing between the hills or mountains. — This | water source makes the valleys very fertile and green. A narrow valley is d a gorge. lobsidiansoftapps Qovsisiansor Special thanks to: and

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