Comparison of At-Panel Detector and Image-Intensi®er Detector For Cone-Beam CT

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Medical Imaging
and Graphics
PERGAMON Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 26 (2002) 153±158

Comparison of ¯at-panel detector and image-intensi®er detector

for cone-beam CT
Rika Baba a,*, Yasutaka Konno a, Ken Ueda b, Shigeyuki Ikeda b
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., 1-280 Higashi-koigakubo, Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo 185-8601, Japan
Research and Development Center, Hitachi Medical Corporation, 2-1, Shintoyofuta, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0804, Japan
Received 9 August 2001; revised 11 January 2002; accepted 11 January 2002

We evaluated a ¯at-panel detector (FPD) (scintillator screen and a-Si photo-sensor array) for use in a cone-beam computed tomography
(CT) detector and compared it with an image-intensi®er detector (IID). The FPD cone-beam CT system has a higher spatial resolution than
the IID system. At equal pixel sizes, the standard deviation of noise intensity of the FPD system is equal to that of the IID system. However,
the circuit noise of the FPD must be reduced, especially at low doses. Our evaluations show that the FPD system has a strong potential for use
as a cone-beam CT detector because of high-spatial resolution. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Cone-beam computed tomography; Flat-panel detector; Image intensi®er; Angiography; Three-dimensional imaging

1. Introduction view. Accordingly, we evaluated a FFD and compared it

with an IID for use in a cone-beam CT detector.
Cone-beam computed tomography (CT) uses a two-
dimensional X-ray detector, and a cone- or pyramid-shaped
X-ray beam. In addition to ¯uoroscopy and radiography 2. Methods
functions, it can acquire a full set of projection images
2.1. Detectors
during a single rotation scan, and reconstruct an isotropic
high-spatial resolution three-dimensional image.
The FPD (provided by Varian Medical Systems, Inc.)
A cone-beam CT system using several X-ray tubes and
consists of a scintillator screen and a-Si photo-sensor
detectors (DSR) was developed as an ultrafast CT, espe-
array (Fig. 1). An X-ray beam is converted to an optical
cially for heart, lungs, and circulation [1]. On the other
signal by the scintillator, and detected by a-Si sensor
hand, the system with an X-ray tube and a detector has
array. The FPD does not generate veiling glare or image
been developed especially for angiography [2±5]. We
distortion and has a smaller imaging pixel than that of the
have developed a new cone-beam CT system using an X-
ray image intensi®er and charge coupled device (CCD) tele-
The IID consists of a 16-inch X-ray image intensi®er,
vision camera as the detector. We have evaluated the system
optics, and a CCD camera. An X-ray beam is converted to
for two years; it has been shown to be very effective for
an optical signal by the input phosphor screen, and then
planning operations and con®rming their results, for ortho-
converted to electrons by the photocathode screen. Electrons
pedic imaging [6±10]. However, it is necessary to enlarge
are accelerated through the electric ®eld inside the image
its ®eld of view and improve its spatial resolution by future
intensi®er and converted to an optical signal at the output
phosphor screen. The optical signal is adjusted by the optical
A ¯at-panel detector (FPD) can form a higher spatial
iris and detected by the CCD. The read-out image contains
resolution image than an image-intensi®er detector (IID)
geometrical distortion and a blurring component of veiling
[11±15]. In addition, it can greatly enlarge the ®eld of
glare generated at the image intensi®er [16±18].

2.2. Experimental systems

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 181-42-323-1111; fax: 181-42-327-7681.
E-mail address: (R. Baba). We have developed a stationary type cone-beam CT
0895-6111/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0895-611 1(02)00008-3
154 R. Baba et al. / Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 26 (2002) 153±158

Fig. 1. IID and FPD.

Fig. 3. Experimental set ups.

experimental system, in which a detector and an X-ray tube The FPD system forms two-dimensional images with a
are stationary and a subject is rotated on a turntable. On the pixel size of 0.254 mm. These images are reconstructed into
other hand, we developed a cone-beam CT prototype a three-dimensional image with a 0.169-mm voxel and 162-
system, in which an IID and an X-ray tube were placed on mm diameter £ 130-mm height cylindrical ®eld of view. In
arms sticking out from a CT gantry disk; they were rotated order to avoid resolution depression in image reconstruction
during scanning and the subject was stationary, lying on a stage, the voxel size, the pitch of the reconstructed three-
bed (Fig. 2). The images obtained by the stationary type and dimensional image, was adjusted to the effective pixel size
gantry type are equivalent. Our FPD system evaluated in at the rotation center. The value was calculated by the pixel
this paper was the stationary type, whereas our reference size of detector divided by the magni®cation factor of the
system using the IID was the gantry type (Fig. 3). image at the rotation center. The IID system forms two-
The FPD acquires a 12-bit 960 £ 768 pixel projection dimensional images with a pixel size of 0.8 mm. Then,
image at 15 frames/s (Table 1). The pixel size of the FPD these images are reconstructed into a three-dimensional
is 0.254 mm. The IID acquires a 12-bit 512 £ 512 pixel image with a 0.533-mm voxel and a 273-mm diameter
projection image at 60 frames/s. After geometrical correc- sphere ®eld of view. Those with a pixel size of 0.307 mm
tion, the pixel size of the image from the IID is set to 0.8 or are reconstructed into a three-dimensional image with a
0.307 mm. The pixel size of 0.8 mm is the maximum which 0.205-mm voxel and a 105-mm diameter sphere ®eld of
®ts the maximum ®eld of view (16-inch mode), and view. The reconstruction process is performed by using
0.307 mm is the minimum which ®ts the minimum ®eld the Feldkamp algorithm with the standard Shepp & Logan
of view (6-inch mode). ®lter [19].
A 40-lines/cm anti-scatter grid can be set in front of the
detector to reduce scattered X-rays. In these experiments,
the grid was used for only the large pixel size (0.8 mm) 3. Experiments and results
because the S/N was decreased by the grid when the pixel
size was small. 3.1. Spatial resolution

A 165-mm diameter cylindrical water phantom contain-

ing a high-contrast bar pattern was used to evaluate the
contrast resolution on the plane perpendicular to the
rotation-axis (X±Y plane) and parallel to it (Y±Z plane).
During a scan, 576 projection images were obtained and
several reconstructed images were added in order to evalu-
ate spatial resolution without in¯uence of the streak artifact
and noise.
A 0.35-mm bar pattern can be resolved on both the X±Y
and Y±Z planes of the reconstructed image taken by the FPD
system when the voxel size is 0.169 mm (Fig. 4(a) and (b)).
A 0.65-mm bar pattern can be resolved on both the X±Y and
Y±Z planes of the reconstructed image taken by the IID
system when voxel size is 0.533 mm (Fig. 5(a) and (b)). A
Fig. 2. Cone-beam CT. 0.35-mm bar pattern can be resolved on the X±Y plane and a
R. Baba et al. / Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 26 (2002) 153±158 155

The measured standard deviations of the CT value of

image taken by the 0.169-mm voxel FPD system are plotted
as B in Fig. 6. Based on these data, equation of the variance,
which was square of the standard deviation, was derived. It
consists of a ®rst term inversely proportional to the incident
X-ray dose to the detector, and a second term independent of
it. The standard deviation calculated using the equation is
plotted as a solid line. The derived equation is considered
reliable because the solid line ®ts the measured data (B)
well. The standard deviation of the CT value of image
taken by the 0.533-mm voxel FPD system was calculated
using the equation and is plotted as a broken line.
The measured standard deviations corresponding to the
0.205-mm voxel IID system are plotted as W, and those
corresponding to the 0.533-mm voxel system are plotted
Fig. 4. Reconstructed images of high-contrast bar-pattern phantoms by FPD as K. The optical iris of the IID system was set so that X-
system (120 kV, 160 mA, 5 ms, 576 projections, 1.7-mm thick). (a) X±Y ray intensity passing through the air was not saturated at the
plane (0.169-mm pitch), (b) Y±Z plane (0.169-mm pitch).
standard dose in a clinical trial of the system (230 mAs). As
a result, the iris was not controlled. Thus, performance of
0.40-mm one on the Y±Z plane when voxel size is 0.205 mm IID system could be compared to that of FPD system with-
(Fig. 5(c) and (d)). The spatial resolution of the FPD system out iris control.
is thus higher than that of the IID system. The ®gure shows that the standard deviations correspond-
ing to the FPD system are nearly equal to those correspond-
3.2. Contrast resolution ing to the IID system with dose more than 144 mAs, but
they are signi®cantly different at 46.1 mAs. The contrast
The contrast resolution in relation to the total clinical-use
resolution of the FPD system is equal at high and medium
dose of the cone-beam CT (120 kV, 14.4±288 mAs) was
doses but higher at low dose.
investigated. A 200-mm diameter cylindrical water phan-
tom was used as the subject. During a scan, 288 projection 3.3. Noise reduction method
images were obtained, and the standard deviation of the
pixel intensity in the central water region on the mid- The noise of the reconstructed image, which consists of
plane image perpendicular to the rotation-axis was the ®rst term of X-ray quantum noise and the second term of
measured. circuit noise, was derived as in Eq. (1).
uXN   X N  2
t 1 s… 1 † 1
p 1
V{Y…x; y; z†} N iˆ1 noi exp{ 2 mLi …x; y; z†} iˆ1
c oi noi exp{ 2 mLi …x; y; z†}
ˆ " # …1†
Y…x; y; z† 1 X N X
0 0
m {L …k †w…k 2 k†}
N iˆ1 k 0 ˆ2 1 i

Table 1
Parameters of experimental systems

IID system FPD system

Distance between source and 1200 1245

detector (mm)
Distance between source and 800 830
rotation center (mm)
Measured image matrix (pixel) 512 £ 512 (12 bit) 960 £ 768 (12 bit)
Pixel size of detector (mm) 0.800 or 0.307 0.254
Frame rate (frame/s) 60 15
Number of projections (images) 288 or 576 288 or 576
Reconstructed image matrix (voxel) 512 £ 512 £ 512 960 £ 960 £ 768
Reconstructed ®eld of view 273 or 105-mm diameter sphere 162-mm-diameter
£ 130-mm cylinder
Reconstructed pitch (mm) 0.533 or 0.205 0.169
156 R. Baba et al. / Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 26 (2002) 153±158

Fig. 5. Reconstructed images of high-contrast bar-pattern phantoms by IID

system (120 kV, 160 mA, 5 ms, 576 projections, 3-mm thick). (a) X±Y
plane (0.533-mm pitch), (b) Y±Z plane (0.533-mm pitch), (c) X±Y plane Fig. 7. Projection images of hand phantom. (a) IID measured image, (b) IID
(0.205-mm pitch), (d) Y±Z plane (0.205-mm pitch). corrected image, (c) FPD measured image, (d) FPD corrected image.

Here, Y…x; y; z† is the reconstructed data at a point of interest, will reduce the image noise by controlling the electrical
and V{Y} is the variance of Y. N is the number of projection circuit gain instead of the optical gain. The development
image, noi the X-ray dose applied from an X-ray source at is required to increase the electrical circuit gain and
ith angle, Li the X-ray beam path through the subject, m the decrease the electrical circuit noise of the detector in
X-ray absorption coef®cient, s (1 ) the offset noise of a order to reduce the image noise equal to that of the IID
detector, coi the optical gain, and w(k) is convolution ®lter. system using the iris control. And furthermore, it is neces-
If both X-ray dose (noi) and optical gain (coi) are controlled sary to increase the bit number of the analog-to-digital
at each projection angle, each term can be minimized converter. Generally, when the X-ray beam path through
individually. the subject is shorter or longer at each projection angle,
As optical gain (coi) increases, the second term becomes it is possible to reduce more image noise by controlling
smaller for the same X-ray dose. Our developed IID system the X-ray dose (noi) with circuit gain because the ®rst term
has a high-speed variable iris, and optical gain was can be minimized.
controlled at each projection angle so that there is no satura-
tion in the area of the subject. The standard deviations of 3.4. Phantom imaging
noise intensity corresponding to the 0.533-mm voxel IID
system were measured without and with optical-gain A right-hand phantom was imaged by the FPD system
control. Those without and with the control were 48.9 and (0.254-mm pixel) and the IID system (0.307-mm pixel) at
23.2 at 230 mAs, respectively. It is thus clear that this a low total X-ray dose of 46.1 mAs (Fig. 7). Pixel defect,
control method can effectively reduce noise. offset, and sensitivity of images taken by the FPD system
The FPD system cannot control the optical gain (coi). We were corrected, and offset, veiling glare, sensitivity, and
distortion of the those taken by the IID system were also
The same reconstruction process for both systems was
performed by using the Feldkamp algorithm with the stan-
dard Shepp & Logan ®lter. The reconstructed images with
0.169-mm voxel were obtained (Fig. 8). The slice image of
the FPD system has a higher spatial resolution but more
noise than that of the IID system. In spite of noise, the
image of the FPD system shows the small gaps between
the bones as clearly as that taken by the IID system. The
detailed structures are described more clearly in the
images by the FPD system than the IID system ( ! ).
Volume-rendering images taken by the FPD system are
Fig. 6. Standard deviation in transaxial images of 200-mm diameter cylind- obviously more accurate than those taken by the IID
rical-water phantom (120 kV). system are ( ! ).
R. Baba et al. / Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 26 (2002) 153±158 157

resolution than the IID system. At equal pixel sizes, the

standard deviation of noise intensity of the FPD system is
equal to that of the IID system. However, the circuit noise of
the FPD must be reduced so that the standard deviation of its
noise will become equal to that of the IID using the iris
control, especially at low doses. Moreover, the X-ray-dose
control method is effective to improve the S/N of three-
dimensional images.
Our evaluations show that the FPD system has a strong
potential for use as a cone-beam CT detector because of
high-spatial resolution. As the next stage of our research,
a FPD cone-beam CT system with a large ®eld of view and
high acquisition rate will be developed.

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106. University in 1972. He worked for Central Research Laboratory, Hita-
chi Ltd from 1972 to 1999. Since 1999, he has been working for
Rika Baba received her Master's degree of Agriculture from Kyoto Research and Development Center, Hitachi Medical Corporation. His
University in 1991. Since 1991, she has been working for Central current research interests include three-dimensional medical imaging
Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. Her current research interests and processing.
include three-dimensional medical imaging and processing.

Shigeyuki Ikeda received his Bachelor's degree of Science from The

Yasutaka Konno received his Master's degree of Science from Tokyo University of Electro-Communications in 1982. Since 1982, he has
University in 1998. Since 1998, he has been working for Central been working for Research and Development Center, Hitachi Medical
Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. His current research interests include Corporation. He has developed digital radiography system including
designing X-ray detector for medical imaging. ¯at panel detector system.

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