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This contract is made and entered into this _______ day of ___________, by and


juridical entity duly organized and existing under the laws of the Philippines, with
principal address at Lidong Sto. Domingo Albay, Philippines, herein represented
by its ________________, __________________, herein referred to as the


_________________________, with residence and postal address at

___________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYEE”.

Who shall be collectively known herein as the “PARTIES”


WHEREAS, the EMPLOYEE seeks employment, applied for and knowingly and
voluntarily agreed to work on fixed term with specific duration;

WHEREAS, on the basis of the foregoing, the Company offered the Employee a fixed
term employment subject to the terms and conditions of this Contract;

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby covenant the following:

A. Position. The Employee is hired as _________________________ of the

Company, and shall be responsible to perform the services outlined in
ANNEX “A” (Job Description) hereof as well as such other duties and
functions as may be assigned from time to time.

B. Work Place and Schedule. The Employee shall devote full time and effort to
the performance of his/her duties and functions for the Company. Thus, the
EMPLOYEE is required to report for work at the COMPANY’s above-stated
address for (_____) hours a day from __________ to ___________ every
Monday to Saturday, or as may be modified or determined by the Company.

C. Rest Periods. The Employee shall be entitled to a daily time-off for his/her
regular meals not exceeding sixty (60) minutes. He/she shall be entitled to
short coffee breaks of not exceeding fifteen (15) minutes in the morning and
in the afternoon.

D. Period of Employment. The employment of the Fixed Term Employee shall

be for a period of ______________; and shall start on _______________,
and shall end on _____________________.

E. Compensation and Deductions. The Employee shall be entitled to a basic

salary of _______________________ (PhP______________) per month
Contract for Fixed Term Employment
from which shall be deducted contributions for Social Security System (SSS),
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC), Pag-ibig, withheld taxes and
other government mandated or agreed deductions. Your salaries shall be
paid every 2nd and 17th days of the month.

F. Entitlement to Benefits. The EMPLOYEE understands that his/her fixed

term employment does not entitle him/her to benefits that are, or may
hereafter be, granted only to regular employees, except those benefits which
are mandated by law, and/or those benefits which as a matter of COMPANY
policy are extended to all employees regardless of status

It is understood that any bonus, premium, commission or other government

mandated minimum benefits or his/her basic salary as stated above, shall not
be considered as demandable part of his/her salary or an established
Company practice or precedent, but merely an act of gratuity on the part of
the Company which may be discontinued or revised at anytime at the
Company’s sole discretion.

G. Compliance with Company Policies. The Employee undertakes to abide by

the rules, regulations and policies issued by the Company (a copy of which is
hereto attached and made an integral part hereof as ANNEX “B”), as the
same may be amended from time to time, and he/she further agrees, that in
case of any violations thereof, disciplinary sanctions which includes
suspensions, reprimands and dismissal, as contained therein, shall be
imposed. In addition, the Employee agrees that he/she may be preventively
suspended by the Company should it find that his/her continued employment
poses a serious and imminent threat to the life and/or property of the
Company including the latter’s directors and officers, and/or the life and/or
property of his/her co-workers.

H. Transfer. As a management prerogative, the Company may transfer or

assign the Employee to its affiliate, subsidiary or sister company where
he/she can be most useful in pursuance of its legitimate business interest.
This transfer does not entail demotion or diminution of salary and/or benefits
neither loss of employment.

I. Reimbursement of Expenses. The Employee shall be entitled for

reimbursement from the Company for all reasonable and direct out-of-pocket
business expenses incurred in connection with his/her employment [including,
but not limited to, expenses for travel incurred in conducting or promoting
business of the Company] upon timely submission of receipts and other
documentation as required by the normal expense reimbursement policies of
the Company.

J. Work Stoppage. In case of unavailability of work or other causes that may

result to work stoppage, the Employee shall be considered on leave of
absence without pay pursuant to Labor Code Policy of “No Work, No Pay”.

K. Non-Disclosure Agreement. The Employee acknowledges that in the course

of his/her employment, he/she will be allowed to access to and/or be in
possession of Confidential Information of the Company, affiliates, subsidiaries
and/or its clients. The Employee agrees that such access or possession of
the Confidential Information is allowed exclusively for the limited purpose of
Contract for Fixed Term Employment
performing his/her duties and functions. Thus, the Employee agrees not to
divulge or use such Confidential Information, in any manner, outside of
his/her duties and functions. In case of violation or threatened violation of this
undertaking, the Employee agrees that the Company is entitled to secure an
injunction against the Employee, in addition to securing payment from him/her
of such actual damages as the Company may have suffered

“Confidential Information” shall mean any and all information, data, material,
record, and/or report owned by, or otherwise pertaining to the COMPANY, its
affiliates, and their respective shareholders, directors, officers, employees,
and clients, including without limitation any documents, bills of quantity,
technical drawings, schematics, samples, working/testing instructions,
product and/or services details and documentation, sales reports,
performance evaluations, marketing, management and/or business plans and
strategies, customer records, financial and/or business records, manpower
and human resource records, business processes, management contracts,
project documentation, service contracts, software, hardware, technical data,
know-how, ideas and inventions (whether patentable or not), patents,
copyrights, designs and design rights, trademarks, service marks, trade
dresses, trade names, goodwill, geographical indications, trade information,
trade secrets, proprietary knowledge and/or information, and the like, and all
copies thereof, whether or not marked as “confidential,” “proprietary,” or its
equivalent, or otherwise identified as confidential or proprietary, or anything
which by its nature or from the circumstance surrounding its creation or
disclosure ought to be considered as confidential or proprietary

L. Termination of Employment. Upon the expiration of the period of

employment, the employer- employee relationship shall be automatically
severed without need of service of notice from the Company.

The EMPLOYEE acknowledges that aside from the just and authorized
causes under the law, the COMPANY may terminate employment in any of
the following cases:

1) Failure to meet the standards outlined in Annex B

2) EMPLOYEE’s breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract;

3) EMPLOYEE’s physical incapacity to perform duties and functions;

4) EMPLOYEE’s violation or breach of the COMPANY’s policies, rules and

regulations (whenever warranted under such policies, rules and

5) EMPLOYEE’s commission of any act or omission causing or tending to

cause any loss or damage to the COMPANY’s properties or business
reputation; or

6) EMPLOYEE’s violation of any provision of the laws of the Philippines.

Any of the foregoing cases shall be considered a just cause for dismissal
under the law.

Contract for Fixed Term Employment

On the other hand, it is understood that the Employee may terminate his/her
employment at any time for any reason whatsoever by giving the Company
written notice of at least thirty (30) days prior to his/her intended date of

M. Penal Clause. It is herein agreed that Employee’s violation of Clauses K and

J shall entitle the Company to recover liquidated damages in the amount of
______________________________ pesos (Php_____________).

N. Turnover of Company Property. Upon termination of employment for any

cause, the employee undertakes to turn over and/or return to the Company all
its property including equipment, correspondence, documents, records, data
software, disks and other information-storing medium, specifications, models
and all copies, summaries, notes and reproductions thereof, and any other
property belonging to or relating to the business of the Company which are in
his/her possession or control.

O. Non-Assignability by Employee. This contract is personal which must be

performed solely by the Employee and may not be assigned or subcontracted
without the express written consent of the Company.

P. Exhaustion of Remedies. The Parties herein agree that they cannot institute
any action for the enforcement of the provisions of this Contract or for
damages for breach thereof, unless all available administrative remedies
between the parties have been exhausted;

Q. Severability. In the event any provision of this Contract is deemed to be void,

invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be severed from the remainder
of this Contract so as not to cause the invalidity or unenforceability of the
remainder of this Contract.

R. Change of Agreement. This contract may be modified or amended through

an addendum or appendix which shall become an integral part of this
contract, provided the Parties have been aware of and agreed to the terms
therein. Said addendum or appendix shall not be binding unless signed and
dated by both Parties.

S. Translation. The Company caused the reading and translation of this

Contract in a language known to the Employee and the latter has understood
and expressed his unconditional acceptance over the same.

T. Other[s]. The Employee expressly agrees and authorizes the Company to

make necessary deductions from his/her final salary, bonuses, or other
benefits that may be due to him/her to effect settlement or payment of any
unpaid or pending obligations that he/she may have at the time of the
cessation of his/her employment. This is without prejudice to the Company’s
right to resort to any and all available legal remedies to secure payment or
remuneration for any of his/her outstanding obligations that are not covered
by his/her final salary, bonuses or other benefits and any damage incurred by
the Company by reason of his/her act or omission.

Contract for Fixed Term Employment

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have affixed our signature this _______ day of

______________________ ____________________
____________________ NAME OF EMPLOYEE
(Designation) Signature over printed name


______________________ _____________________


BEFORE ME, personally appeared

Known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing Agreement

consisting of _____ (__) pages including this Acknowledgement where it is written and
signed by the Parties and their witnesses and further acknowledged to me that the
same is their free and voluntary act and deed, including that of the corporation that
_____________ represents.

Witness my hand and seal


Doc. No. ____

Page No. ____
Book No. ____
Series of 20__

Contract for Fixed Term Employment


Please insert the Job Description

Contract for Fixed Term Employment


Please insert the Company Policies, Rules and Regulations

Contract for Fixed Term Employment


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