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This is a community maintained wiki. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it.

Government is the political representation of what is happening in the player's



 1Political power
o 1.1Passive generation
 1.1.1Leaders with modifiers
o 1.2National focus
o 1.3Ideas
o 1.4Commanders
o 1.5Diplomacy
o 1.6Decisions
 2Ideology
 3Elections
 4National spirit
 5Stability
 6War support
 7Nation leaders
 8Footnotes

Political power[edit | edit source]

This is a community maintained wiki. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it.

 Political power represents the amount of influence a country's leader has over
domestic affairs. The amount of political power that can be stored at the same time is
between -500 and 2000.[1]
Passive generation[edit | edit source]
Political power is generated at a base rate of +2 per day on Regular difficulty.[1] The
other difficulty levels add percentage bonuses and penalties, respectively.

Difficulty Modifier

Civilian +50%

Recruit +25%

Regular +0%
Veteran -10%

Elite -15%

The rate at which political power is generated is also influenced by a nation's stability.
At 0% stability, political power gain is subject to a -50% modifier, and is subject to a
+20% modifier at 100% stability. At 50% stability, there is no modifier to the political
power gain.
Leaders with modifiers[edit | edit source]
Certain leaders have a trait which gives their nation a bonus or malus to Political
Power. For example:

Leader Trait Country CollapseModifiers

Dictator German Reich +25% Political power

Leon Permanent −15% Political power, +15% Justify war

Soviet Union
Trotsky Revolutionary goal time, −30% Subversive activities cost

−30% Political
Edward Inexperienced Great Britain (Non-Aligned
power, +5% Stability, −25% Justify war
VIII Imperialist UK)
goal time

Jake Master
East Germany +15% Political power
Richter Maneuverer

Germany (neutral ideology,
via the "Request Restoration +0.1% Weekly
Kaiserin of the of British Titles" decision, stability, +5% Stability, +5% War
People support, +10% Division defence on core
requires   Waking the territory, +15% Political power

National focus[edit | edit source]

Main article: National focus
National focuses were designed as replacements for the decisions in Hearts
of Iron III. Only one national focus can be active at any given time, and each
takes a certain number of days, usually 70 days. Focuses consume 1 political
power a day. When completed, they provide benefits or initiate events. Major
nations (and DLC expanded countries) have their own unique focus tree,
while other countries share a generic one.
Ideas[edit | edit source]
Main article: Ideas
Political power is spent to manage the government via ideas. These
take the form of laws, ministers, and companies. Enacting or removing
an idea costs political power, with adding an idea usually costing 150.
Commanders[edit | edit source]
Main article: Commander
Political power may be used to produce new commanders for
use in commanding divisions. The cost scales with the amount
of commanders the player already has, starting at a cost of 5
and increasing by 5 for each additional commander. Naval
commanders are bought with the same system, and at the
same rate as the field commanders.
Diplomacy[edit | edit source]
Main article: Diplomacy
Political Power is needed for several diplomatic
interactions, including justifying war, guaranteeing
independence, or improving relations.
Justifying for a province using the Conquest casus belli
costs 50 political power, increasing by 5 if justifying on a
country with the Neutral Foreign Policy national spirit.
Each state added to the Conquest justification increases
the cost by 10 political power. Justifying using the
Retake core state casus belli costs 25 political power.
A guarantee of independence costs 25 political power
and increases by that much for each subsequent
guarantee (first justification is 25 political power, second
justification is 50 political power, etc.).
Improving relations is initiated at the cost of 10 political
power, and costs a base rate of .2 political power per
day for a country with a matching ideology. If the
improving relations action is taken with the target being
a separate ideology, the cost per day is 0.4 political
power. For example, if   Germany was improving
relations with fascist   Italy it would cost .2 political
power per day, but improving relations with the
democratic   United Kingdom would cost .4 political
power per day.
Decisions[edit | edit source]
Decisions act as a middle ground between national
focuses and events. The outcomes vary between
instantaneous or timed effects.
The decisions tab is accessible by clicking the gavel
icon   in the top bar, or by pressing Shift+Q.
Ideology[edit | edit source]
Main article: Ideology
The player's government type is defined by their
country leader and their ideology.

Elections[edit | edit source]
Elections occur in most  Democracies and
some  Non-Aligned countries, along with   
Paraguay( ),   El Salvador( ) and   
Peru( ) at the start of the game.
Communist   United States,
communist/fascist   Mexico, fascist   
Poland, and   Communist China can have
elections via their national focus. The length of
time between an election depends on the
country, ranging from one to eight years between
The player can see when the next election will be
under the politics or diplomacy tabs. Elections
enable the player to change power to other
ideologies without violence. If a party has above
50% popularity during an election, they will win it
and become the new ruling party. Elections can
also trigger some other Election events. The   
United States,   Spain, and   Greece have
unique election events due to their elections
creating a national affair.

National spirit[edit | edit source]

Main article: National spirit
National spirits are special ideas which
apply bonuses and/or maluses. These
ideas can be gained through the
nation's focus tree or via certain event
While many of these are nation specific
there are also some which are more
generic in nature and can apply to more
than one nation (such as those in the
generic focus tree).

Stability[edit | edit source]
This is a community maintained wiki. If you spot a
mistake then you are welcome to fix it.
Stability is expressed as a percentage
from 0% to 100%[2], and represents the
people's support for the current
government. Stability has various effects.
At high stability, the nation receives
production bonuses. At low stability,
various crises can ravage the nation.
Details below.
Stability above 50%[2] gives the following
bonuses, which scale linearly from none
at 50% to the full amount at 100%. At
100% stability, the bonuses are:

 +10% political power gain

 +20% factory output
 +20% dockyard output
 -5% consumer goods[3]
Stability below 50% gives the following
penalties, which scale linearly from none
at 50% to the full amount at 0%. At 0%
stability, the penalties are:

 -20% political power gain

 -50% factory output
 -50% dockyard output[3]
Further, stability affects resistance
targets in occupied territories from 0% at
100%  up to +20% at 0% .[4]
The effect of stability is rounded down to
the nearest integer. For example, 81.6%
stability results in the same bonus as
81.0% and both are displayed as 81% .
The game internally stores stability to a
higher precision.
If the player is at war, low stability may
cause a crisis up to a civil war.
Stability is calculated by adding
permanent stability modifiers on top of
base stability. Base stability ranges from
the same minimum and the maximum as
the regular stability and can be modified
by various events, national focuses, and
decisions (such as Improved Worker
Conditions): once it hits a floor or a
ceiling, it cannot be changed any further.
Permanent stability modifiers are then
applied additively to base stability. If the
total stability goes over the maximum or
below the minimum, it gets capped at the
nearest possible value. However, the
additional stability from permanent
modifiers will not be lost and can be
counted as a buffer against negative
stability modifiers.
The following are stability modifiers:

 -20%[5] being at war.
 -0-30% from war
support during war. Scales
from 0%  at maximum war
support to -30%  at minimum
war support.[6]
 +0-15% popularity of the ruling
party's ideology. Scales from
0%  at 0% popularity to
15% [7]
 at 100% popularity.
 +0-15% having Officer Corps -
Army Command - Spirit of the
Academy - Political Loyalty -
Party Popularity Stability
Modifier. Scales from 0%  at
0% popularity to 15%  at
100% popularity. (This spirit
doubles the effect from party
 +15% having "Popular
Figurehead" ruler trait or
political advisor (both can be
stacked together)
 +60% ruler-modifier for   
Japan only
This means that with sufficient permanent
modifiers to stability, the total stability of a
nation may never reach the maximum.
This is the case with most countries; by
having 100% base stability, 100% party
ideology popularity (gives +15% stability
modifier) and being at war (gives -20%
stability modifier), a country's total
stability will be sitting at 95% and cannot
be increased by increasing base stability
(because base stability already reaches
100%) and requires either further positive
stability modifiers or ending the ongoing
war (which removes the -20% stability
modifier) to reach 100% stability.

War support[edit | edit source]

This is a community maintained wiki. If you spot a
mistake then you are welcome to fix it.

War support is expressed as a

percentage from 0% to 100%, and
represents the willingness of the
population to endure the privations of
war. Various laws and national focuses
can only be enacted if war support is at a
sufficient level. The default value at which
war support grants no benefits is 50%,
with bonuses above that value and
drawbacks below it.[8]
War support will give up to the following
benefits at the maximum value:

 +30% mobilization speed
 10% army attack and defense
on core territory
 +50% command power gain[9]
War support give up to the following
penalties at the minimum value:

 -50% mobilization speed
 -95% command power gain
 -30% surrender limit[9]
 may cause a crisis while at war
War support can be changed through the
following actions:

 -20% by being in an offensive

 +10% by sending an attaché
 +5% by having a pride of fleet

Nation leaders[edit | edit source]

Main article: Political parties and leaders
Each nation has a leader. This
leader depends on which party is
in power and the leader of said
party. Most leaders are only flavor
and have no effect on the game
while some leaders have AI
modifiers and/or certain bonuses
and/or penalties.

Footnotes[edit | edit source]
1. ↑ Jump up
to:1.0 1.1

-500 ,  NDefines.NCo
2000 ,
and  NDefines.NPol
E = 2  in Defines
2. ↑ Jump up
to:2.0 2.1

TY =
0 ,  NDefines.NCount
= 1,
and  NDefines.NCou
0.5  in Defines
3. ↑ Jump up
to:3.0 3.1
od_modifier  and  s
fier  in Static
4. ↑  NDefines.NResist
= 0.2  in Defines
5. ↑  NDefines.NCountr
0.2  in Defines
6. ↑  war_support_duri
ng_war  in Static
7. ↑  NDefines.NCountr
0.15  in Defines
8. ↑  NDefines.NCountr
0 ,  NDefines.NCount
T = 1,
and  NDefines.NCou
0.5  in Defines
9. ↑ Jump up
to:9.0 9.1

good_modifier  and 
odifier  in Static

ational focus • Ideas • Government • Puppet • Diplomacy • World tension • Civil war • Occupation • Intelligence agency
onstruction • Equipment • Fuel
hnology • Support Companies technology • Armor technology • Artillery technology • Land doctrine • Naval technology • Naval doctrine • Air technology • Air doctrine • Eng
ence • Land units • Land warfare • Division designer • Tank design • Army planner • Command group • Commander • Battle plan • Combat tactics • Ship • Naval warfare • Air
Manpower • Nuclear bomb
in • Weather • State

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