Umair Amjad Umair Amjad 46462252 Mqbs Reflective Essay 7569800 905321964

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Prose Essay

Effective communication
I believe it is imperative to implement the concept of effective communication as it will create
better relationships with co workers. I volunteered for a charity organisation called Humanity first
and I did multiple tasks for humanity first and one of the tasks was to pack food hampers for
those that were financially unstable, I volunteered during the peak of the covid 19 lockdowns.

Here a photo of me packing the food hampers (Orange = me). The demands for the food
hampers started to rise exponentially during the peak of the lockdown. My communications and
active listening skills were weak as I didnt know how to work in a team initially and the stress of
demand for these food hampers got to me. As time progressed my communication and active
listening skills were improving and what I realised was that I was doing some form of good as
the food hampers I was packaging today will help a starving family cope with their struggles that
covid 19 had caused. What I had learned from volunteering in Humanity First was it is important
to have effective communication as it will allow me to help the team to achieve their goals, it
creates better relationships with co volunteers and finally effective communication skills benefit
productivity .

Socially and Environmentally Active and Responsible
There was. a unit called sustainability in international business mgmt2031 and I made friends
along the way when we did a group activity for this unit from the first tutorial.The groups were
then formed after that activity was carried out. There was a business plan the group had to
make and the assignment was to assume someone from the NSW government had approached
our group for a potential collaboration, the group had to write a solution towards environmental
issues that a potential business could face. The group overall had the purpose to write the
report so that the group members know how they can convince society to contribute toward

In the photo above I had mentioned the use of fogo bins and how Agripostia can target a
broader scale compared to what Fogo bins have to offer.This shows how I’m trying to make
society more environmentally friendly which will move them towards sustainability.

In this photo it shows that Person C was sick and they would try to get their part of the report
done before tomorrow. In reality the sickness impacted upon person C so that person couldn’t
write for their part of the report and I thought to write person C part.Then person C got a bit
better after 3 days and look over my work and edited the grammatical mistakes I had
made.Even though I faced these issues at the end, the group goal was to get a HD for this

This photo above shows through group work the team had gotten 70% and the team didnt get
the HD mark they were desiring.I had learned from this experience to plan ahead and get the
assignment done earlier rather than later due to how there could be external situations that can't
be controlled. These factors will help me become a better team leader in future endeavours.
This advice has work out as I applied it towards my report for the Art of Negotiation unit

The photo above show the mark I got for the art of negotiation report which was 80% this was a
distinction. The journey from a credit to a distinction was a massive stepup.What I had learned
from MGMT2031 was to have respect for others and to learn how to work with others as both a
leader and a team player and next time there will be HD for any report if I follow these steps.


Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking

There was a unit called the Art of Negotiation MGMT3000 and I was put into a group of 3 people
including me, person d and e our group would be put through negotiation scenarios. The
negotiation was carried out during a 3 week period between week 8-11 and by the time it was
week 11 the negotiation had to be settled. There was a union team and a management team we
form our groups by ourself but our tutor nominated which team goes to management or union
and the tutor also decided which team is battling who for the negotiation activity.Within the first
negotiation I felt underprepared as I didn't expect the opposition to say the factor that they were
worried about and I had to think independently on how to respond to their claims . I thought at
that moment to ask them the concern that the union team has over the management team. They
had good responses and that made me think and question upon my negotiation skills after the
negotiation activity was over.
In the photo above I took the initiative to organise a team meeting as I wanted to discuss one of
the main points the opposition brought up. They didn't want to pay the collective and individual
pay for the employees to be 60-40 as they believe they want to secure the financial stability of
the company.

This photo above is the research I had made through a range of sources and I believe that if the
collective pay was higher it will allow employees to be motivated to work as a team in order for
the company to achieve their goals which will then in turn make a positive work environment.
and I kept note of that within the google document. I had made it so that the group could
evaluate the problems the opposition team wanted to address. When it came to the second
negotiation I was well prepared as I learned from the first negotiation their motives and how to
respond to them. And if one of my class mates were struggling to make their points through I
would help them so that the union team can achieve their objectives. Eventually the team got
60% collective and 40 % individual pay and the opposition team agreed to the union team
terms.When it got to the third negotiation we just wanted to review what had happened in the
previous negotiations. What I had learned from this experience was to always have the
capability to reason, analyse and evaluate upon myself and research on a range of sources so
that I know what I’m talking about and I can convince others to believe in the argument I made.
This unit improved upon my negotiation skills so I will be able to use the skills I had learned from
this unit for the future.

Ethical Practise

Engaged and Ethical Local and Global citizens

The term ethics refers to established norms of right and wrong that define what people should
do. These norms are typically expressed in terms of rights, duties, contributions to society,
fairness, or certain qualities. When I worked for Humanity First the common goal was to serve
humanity. I had learned to never question people based upon their race rather I helped
everyone regardless of their race and cultural belief. I learned to respect the Gadigal peoples of
the Eora Nations. Humanity first taught me to respect the elders both past and present.
Here's a photo of me delivering food to Afgani's refugees. After I had gave them their food I
decided to talk briefly with them as I genuinely wanted to hear their side of the story, they
couldn't speak english so I spoke in Urdu and they told me that the taliban gave them so much
trouble due to how they had given food supplies to the Australian,American and British soldiers
that were stationed in Afghanistan and this was why they migrated to Australia as they believe
Australia was free of the taliban influence. And I ask if they need additional items and they said
this is more than enough and thanked me.This is where I demonstrate to respect diversity and
be open to other cultures. The SDG goal that mostly relates to this experience would be zero
hunger as the hamper I had delivered to different people was to help those that couldn't afford to
buy groceries. There was a time where I reflected upon myself where I could have helped more
people that were impacted by the lockdown and I ask myself why couldn't I help everyone? And
I realised that the more people I helped the more I realised that I can't help everyone but what I
can do is help those that need my help now. I enjoyed the task that I had done for Humanity
First as I saw the amount of good I had done for this charity organisation which demonstrates
the Act as one under business agility as everyone within the charity organisation had one goal
which was to serve humanity.
Engagement Visual Essay Sustainability
Effective Communication Socially and environmentally Active and
I had worked for a charity
organisation called humanity 2.
first Australia and what I did In MGMT2031 I had the opportunity to work
was to package food hampers. with new team members and we had to
There was an increase in write a business plan for a potential
demand for the food hampers business that could partner with the NSW
at the height of the covid 19 government. I had learned it is important to
lockdowns and that stress work well with others as it will allow any
impacted upon the performance team to succeed in any environment. I have
I did for packing the food both leadership skills and I am a team
hampers and what I learn was player as there was a situation. I wrote
to control that stress by about how the product Agripostia can target
improving upon my Active wider range compared to the capabilities
listening and communication the Fogo bins have to offer. I had learned
skills as it will benefit me in any from this experience was to plan ahead and
team environment. And the get the assignment done sooner rather than
amount of good I had done later. I had learned to respect others and
helped me push forward. learn how to work with others both as a
team player and leader and if these steps
are followed then HD for any report is

Ethical Practise
Engaged and Ethical Local and Global
3. Critical, Analytical, and Integrative Thinking

In Humanity I was taught not to question 3.

anyone based on their culture and religious Within the unit called art of negotiation there was
belief I was taught to serve humanity. a negotiation activity that was carried out with
Humanity First taught me to respect the weeks 8-11. In the first negotiation I felt
aboriginal and every time I had to do underprepared as I didn't research on the
packaging duty I was reminded that we responses the opposition party could present and
need to acknowledge that we are in the at that moment I had to really think independently
lands of the Gadigal people of the Eora on how to respond to their claim the opposition
Nation and thank the traditional owner for had made. And I critique the assumption made by
allowing us to do some good in Australia. I the opposition party during the second
had delivered some food to some Afghan negotiation and every important factor of the
refugees that were forced by the taliban to negotiation was discussed within the second
leave, and I stayed back and ask them negotiation while the third negotiation was a
questions and I tried to understand their review of what was discussed within the previous
perspective of their story. This experience negotiation. I learn to have the capability to
relates to the SDP goal of zero hunger as I reason,analyse and evaluate myself and see if
as an individual am trying to make sure that there could be improvement that I could had
no one is hungry. made. Research upon numerous sources so that
I can make my argument sound more
academically professional which would mean
people would believe in what I’m trying to convey.
The negotiation skills were extremely useful and
will be used in the future.
The first door is my first year of university which was where I felt a bit lost, and I had no idea
where to go and I felt stress as this was the first time I experience something new compared
to high school where I would go everyday but in university I would go in less but have more
work to do.

The Second door represent the second year of university, I didn’t feel too much stress as I
knew how to study for units, and I knew where each room was located within the Macquarie
university campus. I knew that watching the lecture would extremely benefit me as it will
increase my knowledge for that unit I would be taking. In the second year I know how to
enrol into units and how to pick the slots for the university timetable.

The third door represent my third year within university, and I realise there were mistakes I
have made in the past such as not using my time wisely sometimes I would go on laptop
rather than study the week content material for a certain unit. I learn from those mistakes,
and it made me a better student for the third year of university. I believe I didn’t regret the
journey I went through the first and second door as those doors shaped me into the person I
am today.

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