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Digital Breast Tomosynthesis in

the Diagnostic Setting: Indications
and Clinical Applications1
Heather R. Peppard, MD
Brandi E. Nicholson, MD Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is an emerging technology
Carrie M. Rochman, MD used in diagnostic breast imaging to evaluate potential abnormali-
Judith K. Merchant, MD ties. In DBT, the compressed breast tissue is imaged in a quasi–
Ray C. Mayo III, MD three-dimensional manner by performing a series of low-dose
Jennifer A. Harvey, MD radiographic exposures and using the resultant projection image
dataset to reconstruct cross-sectional in-plane images in standard
Abbreviations: BI-RADS = Breast Imaging mammographic views. Improved visualization of breast detail at di-
Reporting and Data System, DBT = digital agnostic DBT allows improved characterization of findings, includ-
breast tomosynthesis, FDA = Food and Drug
Administration, FFDM = full-field digital mam- ing normal structures and breast cancer. This technology reduces
mography, MLO = mediolateral oblique, 3D = the summation of overlapping breast tissue, which can mimic breast
three-dimensional, 2D = two-dimensional
cancer, and provides improved detail of noncalcified mammograph-
RadioGraphics 2015; 35:0000–0000 ic findings seen in breast cancer. It also assists in lesion localization
Published online 10.1148/rg.2015140204 and determining mammographic extent of disease in women with
Content Codes: known or suspected breast cancer. The authors review the potential
uses, benefits, and limitations of DBT in the diagnostic setting and
From the Department of Medical Imaging and
Radiology, University of Virginia Health System, discuss how radiologists can best use DBT to characterize lesions,
1 Hospital Dr, PO Box 800170, Charlottesville, localize potential abnormalities, and evaluate the extent of known
VA 22908 (H.R.P., B.E.N., C.M.R., R.C.M.,
J.A.H.); and Department of Breast Imaging, or suspected breast cancer. The authors’ experience shows that
Women’s Diagnostic Center, Louisville, Ky DBT can be implemented effectively in the diagnostic workflow to
(J.K.M.). Presented as an education exhibit at
the 2013 RSNA Annual Meeting. Received April
evaluate and localize potential lesions more efficiently. DBT may
30, 2014; revision requested August 21 and re- potentially replace conventional supplemental mammography at
ceived September 18; accepted September 23. diagnostic workup and obviate ultrasonography in select cases. On-
For this journal-based SA-CME activity, H.R.P.,
J.K.M., and J.A.H. have provided disclosures line supplemental material is available for this article.
(see p 0000); all other authors, the editor, and ©
the reviewers have disclosed no relevant relation- RSNA, 2015 •
ships. Address correspondence to H.R.P. (e-


After completing this journal-based SA-CME Diagnostic mammography is used to assess potential abnormali-
activity, participants will be able to: ties detected at screening mammography, evaluate patients who
■■Discuss the clinical advantages and have signs or symptoms of breast disease, and provide short-term
disadvantages of DBT in the diagnostic follow-up of patients with probably benign findings (1). Supplemen-
tal mammographic views are traditionally obtained, with targeted
■■Recognizesubtle differences in the
imaging appearances of breast cancer at
breast ultrasonography (US) performed if needed (2,3). Although
DBT compared with traditional diagnos- this traditional diagnostic algorithm has been useful in the workup
tic mammography. of patients with breast abnormalities, the reported positive predictive
■■Describe the use of DBT to localize value of an abnormal mammographic interpretation is 21%–36% (4–
lesions and determine extent of disease 6). The average sensitivity of all combined indications for diagnostic
in women with suspected or newly diag-
mammographic evaluation has been reported as approximately 85%
nosed breast cancer.
(7). Therefore, there is room for improvement in the diagnostic set-
ting, not only in identifying breast cancers but in avoiding unneces-
sary imaging and biopsies.
Conventional two-dimensional (2D) mammography is used for
most mammographic examinations. A major limitation of this tech-
nique is the potential overlap of tissue. This overlap occurs because
detection of the digital signal depends on the total attenuation of
the x-ray beam by the intervening tissue. Overlapping tissue can
consequently obscure an area of interest and lead to a false-negative
finding. In addition, the overlap of normal structures in the breast
2  July-August 2015

nant imaging features of breast lesions and has

TEACHING POINTS increased reader confidence in assigning a Breast
■■ Breast cancer tumor growth patterns can vary, and tumors Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS)
may not necessarily grow concentrically. Therefore, a cancer
may be seen more clearly on only one of the two standard
classification, as reported in other literature (8,9).
DBT views. For this reason, we currently use two DBT views This article describes current DBT technology
for diagnostic evaluation. and the advantages of using DBT in a diagnostic
■■ Breast cancers often do not appear to be as high in density mammography practice.
at DBT as at 2D FFDM because of the technique used. A
mass that appears to be equal density or high density on a DBT Technology
2D mammogram with overlapping tissue layers may appear
At DBT, the breast is compressed and held
lower in density on a 1-mm DBT section.
stationary between the compression paddle and
■■ Breast cancers can engulf surrounding adipose tissue as they
grow. This characteristic of tumor growth is better seen at
the detector, in a procedure similar to that used
DBT, given the thin sections used. Masses seen at DBT should at digital mammography. The x-ray tube moves
be evaluated according to their shape and margin rather than in an arc overhead, executing a series of low-dose
their fat content. The presence of fat should not deter biopsy exposures at preset intervals, each from a dif-
if the shape and margin are suspicious. ferent angle. The result is a series of projection
■■ DBT often is effective in localization of single-view abnor- images (Fig 1). The details of image acquisition
unique to each system have been previously
■■ After identification of a lesion that is a known or suspected described in the literature (16). A DBT system
breast cancer (BI-RADS 4C, 5, or 6), thorough examination of
the mammogram can help detect multifocal, multicentric, or
can acquire images in standard mammographic
contralateral disease. The 3D information acquired at DBT can orientations (ie, craniocaudal, mediolateral
also improve assessment of lesion size. oblique [MLO], and mediolateral). DBT can also
be performed with spot compression and used to
obtain implant-displaced views. DBT cannot be
performed with magnification views.
can create a pseudolesion, often termed a summa- After image acquisition, DBT images can be
tion artifact, which prompts a false-positive result. reconstructed into sections as thin as 1 mm in the
Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is a new plane that is parallel to the detector. This process
imaging technology that addresses the limitation allows three-dimensional (3D) estimation of tis-
caused by overlapping structures by acquiring a sue distribution to help determine the location
series of low-dose projection images. Computer of a lesion on the projection images in relation to
reconstruction allows the reader to examine the breast tissue and compute its vertical position.
1-mm single-section images from the volumet- Because of the limited angle of the projection
ric dataset on a workstation. This technique has acquisition, DBT is characterized by high spatial
shown improved sensitivity and specificity (8) resolution in the plane parallel to the detector
compared with digital mammography, especially and lower spatial resolution in the perpendicu-
in cases of noncalcified breast cancer, and im- lar direction. However, spatial resolution in the
proves cancer visibility (9). depth direction has generally been shown to be
Several studies have been published regarding high enough to substantially decrease the effects
reductions in breast cancer screening recall rates of tissue superimposition (17). Objects seen in
(10–12) and have reported improved sensitiv- the specific plane of each section in the stack of
ity and specificity with use of DBT (13–15). reconstructed images are in focus, while objects
Our initial DBT unit was obtained for research in planes above or below are out of focus. The
purposes and was placed in our diagnostic breast amount of blurring of a given object is propor-
care center. Most screening mammography is tional to its distance from the currently displayed
performed off site in our system. When the U.S. plane and the object’s size (16).
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved The total number of reconstructed images will
clinical use of DBT, we were able to gain experi- vary depending on the thickness of the com-
ence with DBT in the diagnostic setting, with pressed breast. Images are displayed on a pro-
traditional supplemental imaging available for prietary workstation as 2D image sections. This
problem solving. This provided the opportu- allows the radiologist to scroll through the images
nity to learn the appearances of breast cancer at individually and manipulate the section thickness
DBT in an environment where we could also use to as thin as 1-mm intervals. Images can also be
supplemental mammography and US. We quickly grouped as a slab to further evaluate anatomic or
adapted to use of DBT and found it helpful in pathologic findings. Of note, five additional sec-
lesion characterization and localization and as a tions are added to the nonreceptor side of the im-
staging tool for new cases of breast cancer. DBT age because the edge of the breast can be difficult
has helped us differentiate benign from malig- to define. For example, on the craniocaudal view,
RG  •  Volume 35  Number 4 Peppard et al  3

the diagnostic setting, use of DBT can improve

lesion visibility, especially in subtle breast cancer,
and can improve reader performance beyond that
achieved at traditional diagnostic mammography.

Lesion Visibility
Several studies have shown improved visibility of
invasive breast cancers at DBT. Specifically, in a
study by Dang et al (26), 16% of invasive breast
cancers were occult at conventional mammogra-
phy, versus 3% at DBT. Therefore, DBT is useful
in depicting cancers that are subtle or occult at
conventional imaging.
Most breast cancers are visible on both
craniocaudal and MLO DBT images. However,
even at DBT, some cancers are visible on only a
single mammographic view. Breast cancer tumor
growth patterns can vary, and tumors may not
Figure 1.  Diagram of DBT image acquisition shows necessarily grow concentrically. Therefore, a
how the x-ray tube moves in a prescribed arc, execut-
ing a series of low-dose exposures of the compressed cancer may be seen more clearly on only one of
breast tissue during a 4-second sweep. the two standard DBT views. For this reason,
we currently use two DBT views for diagnostic
evaluation. Previous studies have reported that
five additional sections are added to the superior 5%–9% of cancers were seen on only the cra-
aspect. niocaudal view, and 1%–2% were seen on only
DBT images are most often obtained by us- the MLO view (27,28). Given this variability in
ing an FDA-approved combination acquisition tumor visualization and the goal of fully charac-
mode (18). Combination-mode imaging refers terizing an abnormality in the diagnostic setting,
to an acquisition mode in which 2D full-field we recommend using two-view diagnostic DBT.
digital mammography (FFDM) and DBT are Mammographic visualization varies among
performed in the same examination during the different types of cancers. For example, in cases
same breast compression. DBT projection im- of infiltrating invasive lobular carcinoma, the
ages are acquired first, followed by standard typical tumor growth pattern is single file, the tu-
mammographic images obtained in a neutral mor may not form a mass, and the tumor is often
perpendicular position, with no change in breast difficult to detect on a standard mammogram
compression. Because the images are acquired (29). Comparative studies of digital mammogra-
sequentially, the 2D and 3D datasets can be phy versus DBT for detection of invasive lobular
coregistered, and lesions should have the same carcinoma have shown increased sensitivity and
x- and y-axis locations on both sets of images. diagnostic accuracy with use of combination
An advantage of combination acquisition is cor- DBT versus FFDM alone (25,26).
relation of DBT and FFDM findings because
the reader can toggle between the 2D and 3D Reader Performance and Preferences
datasets. Use of combination acquisition also Reader performance has been examined in mul-
facilitates comparison with 2D images from prior tiple studies that compared use of supplemental
examinations, evaluation of left and right asym- mammography to DBT for evaluation of non-
metry, and assessment of microcalcifications. calcified lesions (22,30). In these studies, DBT
A synthesized 2D image reconstruction algo- has shown comparable or improved sensitivity,
rithm (C-View 2D; Hologic, Bedford, Mass) has specificity, and diagnostic accuracy compared with
recently been developed. This software is used conventional diagnostic mammography. Multiple
to create a synthesized 2D image from the DBT studies have shown subjective reader preference for
dataset, which results in a lower patient radiation DBT versus conventional mammography and tra-
dose (19). This technology has been shown to ditional supplemental mammography (22,23,31–
perform comparably to combination imaging in 33). In most of these studies, reader preference
routine clinical screening (20). for DBT was equivalent or superior to reader
preference for conventional mammography, with
Indications for DBT several studies concluding that DBT may have the
DBT can be used for diagnostic breast exami- potential to replace additional spot compression
nation in various clinical scenarios (21–25). In mammography. A potential decrease in use of US
4  July-August 2015

has been reported with use of DBT (23). In one

study, radiologists indicated that the availability of
DBT would have eliminated use of US as part of
the diagnostic process in 12% of cases.
Overall, we have observed the same trends in our
practice. With increased reader experience, there
has been increased reader preference for DBT.
Because DBT allows the reader to see greater detail
and identify normal structures, we have observed
Figure 2.  Improved anatomic detail at DBT. Right craniocau-
decreased use of additional diagnostic views and dal DBT image shows detail of the fatty hilum in an intramam-
US in select cases. For example, the fatty hilum of mary lymph node (circle). No additional evaluation is needed.
an intramammary lymph node (Fig 2, Movie 1) can
become more evident at DBT, which then elimi-
nates the need for additional imaging. This finding makes sense because there must be
some degree of intrinsic tissue contrast in the
Replacement for breast for a cancer to be visualized at DBT.
Traditional Supplemental Imaging Finally, in the diagnostic setting, use of DBT
Workflow benefits and certain patient factors are may decrease the number of lesions classified as
important considerations in patient selection when BI-RADS category 3. In early studies, use of DBT
DBT is implemented as a substitute for traditional in the diagnostic setting decreased the number of
supplemental mammography. During our initial use lesions classified as BI-RADS category 3, particu-
of DBT, we obtained both FFDM spot compres- larly masses and asymmetries, with a concomitant
sion and DBT images for evaluation of noncalcified substantial increase in the number of lesions
findings seen at screening and single-view find- categorized as BI-RADS 1, 2, or 5 (37).
ings. However, we quickly noted that in most cases,
two-view DBT was sufficient for evaluation. Spot Contraindications for DBT
compression images often did not yield substantial The relative contraindication for DBT is similar
new information, and we decreased the number of to that for patients who cannot tolerate traditional
supplemental images obtained. mammography. DBT requires breast compres-
Philpotts et al (34) examined diagnostic work- sion similar to that used at standard 2D FFDM.
flow before and after the introduction of DBT In a combination-mode study, a slightly longer
at a dedicated breast care center and observed a compression time is required to obtain both sets
32% decrease in the number of additional images of images, and some patients may not tolerate the
obtained, with 72% of patients requiring no addi- additional imaging time.
tional images when compared to a similar diag-
nostic population 1 year before DBT implementa- Practical Use of
tion. They concluded that use of DBT in their DBT in Diagnostic Workup
facility led to faster diagnostic workups, greater Implementation of DBT in the standard diagnos-
throughput, and improved resource utilization. tic workflow can provide specific benefits, as de-
We have observed that as readers become more tailed previously. To achieve these results, readers
comfortable and familiar with DBT technol- must become familiar with the imaging features
ogy, there has been preferential use of DBT. of breast cancer at DBT.
This improves workflow in the diagnostic setting
because it results in acquisition of fewer mammo- Assessment of Noncalcified Cancers
graphic views and less moving of patients in and There are many different imaging presentations
out of mammography rooms. Radiologists and of breast cancer. At DBT, the imaging features
technologists at our facility often prefer DBT for and visibility of breast cancers will be slightly dif-
recalled patients because it streamlines assessment ferent from those at conventional mammography.
and allows global evaluation of multiple areas of In our practice, we use DBT to evaluate noncal-
concern simultaneously in the same breast. cified lesions.
Patient selection for DBT in terms of breast
density is an area of ongoing interest (35,36). Architectural Distortion.—Architectural distor-
DBT has shown improved accuracy across a vari- tion is a subtle imaging finding that often is better
ety of breast densities (13,35). In a large screening visualized at DBT than at conventional mammog-
study, DBT accuracy showed a relative bell curve, raphy. Identification of architectural distortion at
with the greatest gains in diagnostic accuracy seen diagnostic examination is important because it has
in women in BI-RADS categories 2 and 3 (scat- a high positive predictive value for cancer in ap-
tered and heterogeneous breast densities) (13). proximately 60% of cases (38).
RG  •  Volume 35  Number 4 Peppard et al  5

Figure 3. Improved visualization of

architectural distortion at DBT. Left cra-
niocaudal (a) and MLO (b) DBT images
show architectural distortion, with lines
radiating from a point in the middle third
of the breast at the 3-o’clock position (cir-
cle). This is a suspicious finding. Stereo-
tactic core needle biopsy demonstrated
invasive ductal carcinoma.

Detecting architectural distortion is often previously, which no longer are evident on conven-
difficult at conventional imaging, including di- tional mammograms, may be visible at DBT.
agnostic imaging, because it is a subtle sign. It
may be similar in density to surrounding tissue, Focal Asymmetry.—Focal asymmetry refers to a
is frequently visible on only one view, and may small amount of fibroglandular tissue in a small
have areas of associated fat. Within areas of ar- portion of the breast (less than one quadrant),
chitectural distortion, fat within a lesion is not a which is visible on and has a similar shape on differ-
characteristic benign finding (39). In addition, ar- ent mammographic projections (2). The current BI-
chitectural distortion is a frequent cause of false- RADS lexicon limits use of the term asymmetry to
negative findings and can be missed with use of a finding seen on only one view (2). Asymmetry is
computer-aided detection algorithms. unilateral, without a similar correlate of tissue in the
Architectural distortion is a common mani- same position in the contralateral breast. DBT is
festation of cancers noted at DBT. It was the often useful for evaluation of a focal asymmetry. It
primary finding in 12% of subtle breast cancers can be used to confirm and characterize a finding as
noted at DBT (26). Of cancers that manifested as a true asymmetry, dismiss it as a superimposition,
architectural distortion at DBT, 50% were occult or reclassify it as a mass. In a study by ElMaadawy
at conventional mammography, and 20% were et al (40) that used DBT for evaluation of focal
characterized as an asymmetry or focal asymme- mammographic asymmetry, DBT showed higher
try at conventional mammography (26). Cancers sensitivity (93.8%) for lesion visualization and dif-
that manifested as architectural distortion at ferentiation of true lesions from summation arti-
DBT included a higher percentage of invasive facts than did spot compression imaging (50.2%).
lobular carcinomas (20%) (26). There also was a higher perceived need to proceed
In clinical practice, we have noted that DBT is to US with use of spot compression views versus
useful for evaluation of potential architectural dis- DBT, and radiologists’ confidence levels for overall
tortion. DBT allows readers to visualize the radiat- assessment were significantly higher with DBT. We
ing lines that converge to a point (Fig 3; Movies 2, have seen similar results in our own practice, where
3). It is especially useful in evaluation of possible a focal asymmetry seen at FFDM is better defined
distortion along a fat-glandular interface (Fig 4, at DBT and is reclassified as a mass (Fig 7; Movies
Movie 4) and at the apex of the breast because 8, 9) or is confidently found to represent tissue
summation is common in this area. summation at DBT (Fig 8, Movie 10) (41).
Other imaging findings that may manifest as
architectural distortion include radial scars (Fig 5; Masses.—Masses are characterized by their
Movies 5, 6) and postsurgical scars (Fig 6, Movie shape, margin, and density. These features are
7). Scars from biopsies performed many years often better depicted at DBT, and the reader can
6  July-August 2015

Figure 4.  Improved visualization of architectural distor-

tion at DBT. (a) Right MLO DBT image shows an area of
distortion (circle) that represents contour change along
the anterior superior margin of the fibroglandular core
near the apex of the breast. (b) Close-up view of the
same DBT image section shows a focal retraction along
the margin of the tissue, at the interface of fat and pa-
renchymal tissue. (c) Targeted US image shows a hy-
poechoic mass with indistinct borders and associated dis-
tortion in the surrounding parenchyma. US-guided core
needle biopsy demonstrated invasive ductal carcinoma
with ductal carcinoma in situ.

Figure 5.  Radial scar at DBT. Left craniocaudal (a) and MLO (b) DBT images show
an area of architectural distortion (circle) in the middle third of the left breast at the
3-o’clock position. The finding was visible only at DBT. DBT-guided stereotactic biopsy
demonstrated a radial scar without atypia or malignancy.
RG  •  Volume 35  Number 4 Peppard et al  7

Figure 6.  Postsurgical scar. (a) Right

craniocaudal FFDM image shows a scar
marker (circle) that indicates an old surgi-
cal site. (b) Right craniocaudal DBT image
shows distortion in the central and lateral
middle third of the breast (circle) in the
area of the postsurgical scar. Postsurgi-
cal scar is a benign cause of architectural
distortion. We do not use skin markers at
DBT because they create imaging artifact.

Figure 7.  (a) Bilateral screening craniocaudal (left) and MLO (right) FFDM images show a focal asymmetry in the posterior superior
third of the left breast on the MLO image (arrow). (b) Left craniocaudal DBT image shows that the focal asymmetry (circle) is localized
to the lateral breast. The finding was reclassified as a mass. (c) Close-up view of the finding seen in b shows an equal-density irregular
mass with spiculated margins (circle). Biopsy demonstrated invasive ductal carcinoma.
8  July-August 2015

Figure 8.  Focal asymmetry at

FFDM. Right MLO FFDM screening
image shows a focal asymmetry
Figure 9.  Improved visualization of mass shape and margin at DBT. (a) Right
(arrow) in the posterior third of the
craniocaudal FFDM image shows an indistinct mass in the central breast. (b) Right
superior right breast. The finding
craniocaudal DBT image shows an irregular mass (circle) with spiculated margins.
was shown at DBT to represent tis-
Biopsy demonstrated invasive ductal carcinoma.
sue summation.

develop a more accurate degree of suspicion be- tissue at diagnostic FFDM merit a higher level of
fore performing US. suspicion. Although mass margins and shape are
The shape of benign and malignant lesions is better defined at DBT, the density of a mass may
often better defined at DBT, which results in reclas- not be as apparent on an individual DBT section
sification of the shape category from the screening as on an FFDM image. Breast cancers often do
examination (30,42). In a study by Zuley et al (30), not appear to be as high in density at DBT as at
frequency of use of the shape descriptor “irregu- 2D FFDM because of the technique used. There-
lar” decreased significantly at DBT, with masses fore, a mass that appears to be equal density or
reclassified at DBT as lobulated or oval. This trend high density on a 2D mammogram with overlap-
was more common with benign lesions than with ping tissue layers may appear lower in density on a
cancers. Of the cancerous lesions classified as ir- 1-mm DBT section (Fig 11).
regular at diagnostic supplemental imaging, 70% Recently, use of DBT in analysis of fat-
were described as lobulated at DBT. For lesions containing masses has been evaluated (39). In
that had the same perceived shape at both modali- encapsulated fat-containing masses, the presence
ties, DBT images were more accurate for diagnosis of fat usually implies a benign cause. Fat is often
than were supplemental images. visualized within masses at DBT, which can lead
Mass margins, including those of malignan- to possible image misinterpretation. The major
cies, are shown in improved detail at DBT (Fig part of the breast is composed of adipose tissue,
9, Movie 11). DBT also is useful in characteriz- even in breasts that are extremely dense at mam-
ing masses with spiculated or indistinct margins mography. Breast cancers can engulf surrounding
that were previously obscured on spot com- adipose tissue as they grow. This characteristic
pression views (Fig 10). Detection of architec- of tumor growth is better seen at DBT, given the
tural distortion is often improved at DBT. The thin sections used. Masses seen at DBT should
improved detail leads to an increased degree of be evaluated according to their shape and margin
suspicion, which often increases the BI-RADS rather than the presence of fat. The presence of
category of the mass. The individual imaging fat should not deter biopsy if the mass shape and
feature of a circumscribed margin, however, margin are suspicious. In these cases, it is impor-
does not imply benignity. tant to scrutinize the overall appearance of the
Masses with a higher density than the expected mass and classify it according to its most suspi-
attenuation of an equal volume of fibroglandular cious features (Fig 12, Movie 12).
RG  •  Volume 35  Number 4 Peppard et al  9

Figure 10.  Improved detail of

mass margins at DBT. (a) Right
craniocaudal spot compression
FFDM image shows a high-density
irregular mass with indistinct mar-
gins (circle). (b) Right craniocau-
dal DBT image allows improved vi-
sualization of the spiculated border
of the mass (circle).

Figure 11.  Differences in mass

density at DBT and FFDM. (a) Left
craniocaudal FFDM image shows
a high-density irregular mass
with indistinct margins in the left
central breast. (b) Left craniocau-
dal DBT image shows an equal-
density irregular spiculated mass.
A mass can appear less dense on
an individual DBT section than on
an FFDM image because of the
removal of overlapping tissue at
DBT. Biopsy demonstrated inva-
sive lobular carcinoma.

Localization of Single-View Findings rior breast on an MLO view may not be included
A one-view asymmetry is considered suspicious in the field of view on a craniocaudal image.
if it is new or enlarging (2). At diagnostic evalu- After it is determined that the depth of the
ation, it is important to find the lesion on two single-view lesion should allow it to be included
views for complete assessment and to target US on the second projection, the radiologist must
to the correct location. The reader must first de- determine why the lesion is not seen. Common
termine the depth of the finding on the visualized reasons include tissue superimposition or obscu-
view and determine whether it would be included ration of the finding on the second projection. At
in the field of view on the other projection. For a traditional diagnostic mammographic workup,
example, a far-posterior lesion seen in the supe- readers use “best-guess” spot compression views,
10  July-August 2015

Figure 12.  Visualization of fat at

DBT. (a) Left craniocaudal DBT im-
age shows an irregular ill-defined
mass with associated distortion in
the medial breast (circle). (b) Close-
up view of the same finding shows
nonencapsulated fat in the mass
(circle). The presence of fat within a
mass should not deter biopsy if the
mass shape or margin is suspicious.
Biopsy demonstrated invasive lobu-
lar carcinoma.

rolled craniocaudal views for a craniocaudal-only Breast Cancer Staging

finding, or true lateral (mediolateral or laterome- After a lesion is identified as known or suspected
dial) views for an MLO-only finding (38). Even breast cancer (BI-RADS 4C, 5, or 6), thorough
with the use of multiple different views, it may examination of the mammogram will help detect
still be difficult to see the finding, especially if it multifocal, multicentric, or contralateral disease.
is a small or low-density mass (Fig 13). The 3D information acquired at DBT can also
With standard DBT views, it important to improve assessment of lesion size. Mammographic
keep in mind that the MLO view is not a direct evaluation of breast cancer should include lesion
orthogonal view. MLO views are typically ob- size, number of lesions, total span of disease, and
tained at a 30º–60º angle, versus a true lateral presence of contralateral disease. We often use
view, which is obtained at 90º. The radiologist DBT for breast cancer staging because contrast-
must mentally account for differences in posi- enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging
tion and expected changes in position between is used only selectively in patients with newly
the MLO and mediolateral views, depending on diagnosed breast cancer.
whether the finding is located in the medial or
lateral breast. Finally, it is important to ensure Tumor Size.—Determining the mammographic
that the breast is properly positioned, with the size of a cancer can be difficult. To measure tu-
nipple in profile, to determine lesion depth. Close mor size at DBT, the radiologist should measure
attention to these factors is critical because use of the core nucleus of the mass (43) and not include
DBT cannot overcome poor patient positioning spicules that may be seen on individual sections
or quality issues. (Fig 15). Several studies have shown that this
DBT often is effective in localizing single-view manner of DBT measurement correlates well
abnormalities. Because multiple low-dose images with pathologic analysis in masses measuring up
are obtained in an arc, they can provide posi- to 20 mm (43,44) and is more accurate than digi-
tional data. This process assigns a section number tal mammography alone (43,45), even in women
to each tomographic image in the station. The with dense breasts (44).
reader can assess where in the stack of images
the abnormality is best visualized in relation to Number of Tumor Lesions or Satellite Lesions.—
the image receptor, with lower numbers being The presence of multifocal or multicentric dis-
inferior on the craniocaudal view and lateral on ease can greatly affect surgical treatment and
the MLO view (Fig 14; Movies 13, 14). Finally, the choice of mastectomy or breast conservation
when localizing a lesion at DBT, the reader must surgery. DBT can depict additional satellite le-
remember that the image set will contain five sions, given the greater visualization of detail
additional sections on the nondetector side. This (Fig 16, Movie 15).
should be accounted for when localizing find-
ings in the stack of images in the dataset. For Evaluation of the Contralateral Breast.—Women
example, a lesion that is seen in the center of the with newly diagnosed breast cancer have a 2%–3%
stack may actually be in a slightly more superior prevalence of contralateral breast cancer detected at
location than at first glance. mammography. At contrast-enhanced MR imaging
RG  •  Volume 35  Number 4 Peppard et al  11

Figure 13.  Standard diagnostic

views used to localize a single-view
finding in a 50-year-old woman.
(a, b) Right craniocaudal FFDM
screening image (a) shows an
asymmetry in the central breast
(circle), with no definite correlate
seen on an MLO FFDM image (b).
(c, d) Right craniocaudal (c) and
MLO (d) spot compression images
obtained at recall show a local-
ized round equal-density mass at
the 12-o’clock position (arrow).
(e) Focused US image of the supe-
rior breast shows a simple cyst. Rou-
tine screening was recommended.

Figure 14.  DBT for localization of a single-view finding. (a) Craniocaudal DBT image in a selected section shows a mass (circle) that
was noted to be in the lower-numbered images at DBT, which indicates its position in the inferior breast and guides the search on
other views. (b) MLO DBT image shows that the mass (circle) is obscured but is likely localized to the 6-o’clock position. (c) Close-up
view of the finding in a shows an equal-density, round, circumscribed mass with associated architectural distortion. (d) Correspond-
ing US image shows a 5-mm hypoechoic suspicious mass with a microlobulated border at the 6-o’clock position. US-guided core
needle biopsy demonstrated invasive ductal carcinoma.
12  July-August 2015

Figure 15.  Tumor measurement

at DBT. (a) Right craniocaudal DBT
image shows correct measurement
of the core nucleus of a tumor
(solid line). This method of mea-
surement has been shown to cor-
relate to tumor size at pathologic
analysis in tumors up to 20 mm.
(b) Same DBT image shows incor-
rect measurement (dashed line)
that includes fine spicules extend-
ing from the core of the mass. This
measurement overestimates the
size of the tumor compared with
findings at pathologic analysis.

Figure 16.  Assessment of mammographic extent of disease at DBT in a woman with invasive ductal carcinoma. (a) Four-view
bilateral FFDM images show an irregular high-density mass in the posterior third of the upper outer quadrant of the right breast
at the 10-o’clock position (circles). CC = craniocaudal. (b) Right craniocaudal DBT image shows a dominant, spiculated, irregular
mass (black circle) and two additional posterior and medial masses (white circles) that were not visible at FFDM. (c, d) Targeted
US images obtained at different locations in the breast show the two satellite lesions.
RG  •  Volume 35  Number 4 Peppard et al  13

Figure 17.  Contralateral cancer

detected at follow-up DBT in a
patient with BI-RADS category 3
subareolar calcifications in the left
breast. (a, b) Right and left cra-
niocaudal (CC) (a) and MLO (b)
FFDM images obtained at short-
term follow-up show a new find-
ing of a mass with associated cal-
cifications at the 2-o’clock position
in the upper outer quadrant of the
left breast. The patient requested
DBT in addition to standard diag-
nostic imaging. (c) Craniocaudal
DBT image shows an oval, circum-
scribed, equal-density mass with
associated grouped fine pleomor-
phic calcifications in the lateral
left breast. (d) Left craniocaudal
magnification image shows the
fine pleomorphic calcifications,
which were equally visible at DBT
and FFDM. Pathologic analysis
demonstrated ductal carcinoma in
situ associated with an intraductal
papilloma. (e) Right craniocaudal
DBT image shows an irregular,
spiculated, equal-density mass not
visible at FFDM. (f) Targeted US
image shows a highly suspicious
mass in the right breast. US-guided
core needle biopsy demonstrated
invasive ductal carcinoma.

to evaluate patients with new breast cancer, an ad- Potential

ditional 3%–5% of women have mammographically Limitations and Drawbacks
occult contralateral breast cancer (46). There are several potential limitations and practical
In patients with newly diagnosed breast can- drawbacks for implementing DBT in the diagnostic
cer, we routinely reexamine the patient’s images setting. The patient’s breast size may affect the abil-
as part of the staging process and scrutinize ity to perform DBT. A patient who undergoes DBT
images of the contralateral breast for subtle must have a compressed breast thickness of more
mammographic findings of cancer. Because we than 2 cm; therefore, some patients will not qualify.
do not routinely perform contrast-enhanced MR The breasts of larger patients may exceed the detec-
imaging to evaluate the contralateral breast in all tor size requirements for global diagnostic DBT.
new breast cancer cases, DBT has proven useful In these patients, we obtain a single DBT image in
in evaluation of the contralateral breast (Fig 17; each projection by positioning the area of interest
Movies 16, 17). and/or areas with dense parenchymal tissue within
14  July-August 2015

Figure 18.  Occult breast cancer in dense breast

tissue in a 45-year-old woman who presented
with a palpable left breast mass found at self-ex-
amination. (a, b) Spot compression craniocau-
dal (a) and MLO (b) DBT images obtained after
normal findings were seen at DBT show the pal-
pable area (marked by triangle) at the 12-o’clock
position. No mammographic abnormality was
noted. (c) Targeted US image of the palpable
area shows a suspicious complex mass with in-
distinct borders at the 12-o’clock position, 1 cm
from the nipple. US-guided core needle biopsy
demonstrated intracystic papillary carcinoma.

the field of view to gain maximum benefit from the

technique. Potential false-negative findings related
to technique can result from extremely dense tis-
sue that obscures the finding. For DBT to be used
effectively, there must be some interface between
parenchymal and adipose tissue in the breast. If the
finding is centered in extremely dense tissue that
continues to overlap on the individual sections, this
will result in a mammographically occult cancer,
despite the use of DBT (Fig 18; Movies 18, 19).
DBT provides variable visualization of microcal-
cifications (47–49), with current recommendations
that dedicated magnification views be obtained for
characterization. We have found it helpful in clinical
practice to adjust the slab thickness in the image
stack when evaluating calcifications. Viewing images We currently use two-view DBT as a global
as a slab can help in visualizing and determining the study. This is in contrast to most supplemental
distribution of calcification. This mode of viewing mammographic views, which are localized to an
helps overcome the thin-slice effect (48–50). This area of concern. On occasion, the initial finding
term describes a cluster of calcifications that are not of concern will not persist, but a second finding
as well visualized as they would have been if shown is detected at DBT that is subsequently found to
together on a conventional 2D image. On DBT sec- be malignant. Review of the entire image should
tions, only a limited number of calcifications may be performed.
be depicted, which leads to decreased visualization DBT can be used with spot compression to a
and potentially poor characterization. The slab specific area of the breast as needed. The choice
viewing technique may also be helpful for visual- of field of view should be made at the discretion
izing spatial distribution (eg, in cases of vascular of the reader. However, if DBT is routinely per-
calcification) and elucidating the linear and seg- formed in this manner, some potential benefits,
mental distribution of calcifications when determin- especially related to characterization for extent of
ing extent of disease. disease, may be lost. If global and spot compres-
As with conventional mammography, there sion DBT are performed, there is a substantial
will be errors in perception and characteriza- increase in the number of images obtained and
tion of lesions seen at DBT. Radiologists could the radiation dose.
mischaracterize a lesion as potentially benign be- There is concern for increased radiation dose
cause of individual features (eg, fat in the lesion to the patient with use of DBT. When DBT is
or a circumscribed margin), despite the presence used in combination mode with FFDM, the
of other suspicious features. patient’s radiation dose is increased by roughly a
RG  •  Volume 35  Number 4 Peppard et al  15

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